Hello everyone, sorry for the long delay but here is another update to the Deadpool Arkham series. This may take some time before I get to the next update, but I promise you all that we are getting close to the end to this story. I'm not saying the next chapter will be the last, only that I'm trying to update more as soon as possible with whatever free time I get. So enjoy now!

DDK does not own Deadpool or Batman.

"Deadpool's inner voice!" idiot side

"Deadpool's inner voice." smart side

Chapter 17

Outside the Steelmill and flying in the sky was Garfield Lynn's, also known as the pyromaniac villain Firefly, and he was shooting his flamethrower on the side of the building to set it on fire. His original plane was to set the place into flames to burn down Deadpool's HQ/Home to either kill everyone inside or to force them out to the outside so that he could pick them off one by one.

"Ha! This is way better than burning the bridge last time, no cops around in Arkham City, no freaking Bat to stop me, and a cash reward that would set me up for life over some idiot's head. Best. Christmas. Ever!" Firefly would say while taking some deep breaths through the gasmask he wore. That is until…

"Oh Garfield!" upon hearing his name being called Firefly would turn around in time to see his target, Deadpool was currently on the roof top in a position like a baseball pitcher, "Think fast you fat lazy cat!" once he said that Wade would throw the object straight at the pyromaniac so fast all he had time for was to raise his flamethrower up and the object hit and exploded…into a pink goo that covered him head to toe.

"What the hell is this shit?!" Firefly yelled, having déjà vu of something similar happen from Batman's glue grenade in the past, as he attempted to free himself and yet failing while still in mid air, "Yuck! Its so sticky and…cotton candy fresh?" Garfield questioned when he was able to smell, before he suddenly started jerking abit when his jetpack malfunction when the thick gum got into the engines causing black smoke to come out and then suddenly took off out of control that made the villain scream as he fly away farther and farther away in the night sky until he disappeared with a twinkle in his wake.

"Well then, that's one way for him to…Buzz Off."

"Boo! Get off the stage, where's a crate of rotten tomatoes when ya need one?"

"Alright, so now that's out of the way lets…what the hell is going on over there?" Wade asked when he stop and spotted something in the distance, taking out binoculars from his pouch and placing it over his white eye lens Wade could see several distance away on another rooftop of a fight going on. More specifically the one where he left Wolverine and Batman fighting against each other, up to the point where good old Logan's face was getting hammered by the dark knight's fist of justice before the mutant had duck down and tackled him off the ledge of the roof an fallen down through a sky window of another roof that both heroes disappeared from sight.

"Those two are still fighting? How long has it been since that last chapter, when they first met each other after we ditched them?"

"I kinda forgot, I lost track of time it took for the Author to post us another chapter."

"Well if those two keep on beating the crap out of each other, then that means more time for us to plan without either interfering!" Wade told them before putting the binoculars away, "Just hope Bats survive long enough to the end of this story, can't let what happen last time where he fought Black Panther." he added.

"I thought that was on that Death Battle show, wasn't it? Wait! Did that really happen? How'd Bat's get back to life then?!"

"Don't you remember? We paid a visit to Death, DC version, if we could have him back with his memory wipe of the whole event."

"Ohhh, but wait what would've happen if Logan kills him?"

"I don't think the Author would let that happen…would he?"

"He better not, unless he wants us to sent him that same gift we gave to Peter and High Moon Studios to make us into a video game." Wade would said as he was dusting off the snow off of his suit that he collected, or else he be a snow man once again, then off in the distance he heard the sounds of a clocktower bell ringing and check the time to see it was already midnight, "Wait hang on, seriously? You mean the whole time we been progressing this story, killing bad guys, beating bounty hunters, infiltrating police stations, then sneaking into closed banks and NOW its midnight?!" he yells out.

"Well on the bright side, at least its Christmas time in this story!"

"And not to mention by this story ends it will be morning, especially giving Harley our present."

"That's right, and speaking of which lets go see how she is doing. Hopefully that Wanda doesn't get any funny idea's of sharing embarrassing childhood stories….I should find them quick, just to be sure!" Wade spoke after realizing what he just said and quickly hit his teleporting belt to find his girlfriend and twin sister.

Meanwhile: Steam Room Area

"So, let me get this straight. Your having hallucinations of being visited by the ghost of your asshole ex-boyfriend, who is a freaky looking clown?" Wanda asked as she and Harley were just having abit of 'girl' talk between them.

Mostly it was about what type of weapons they like to use, hobbies they like, or what shenanigans they get into of their own adventures in the past in which case Harley talking about her Suicide Squad days and Wanda when she was in X-Force or the time she and Wade team up with the other Deadpool's. All while they talk Ricky 'Loose Lips' LeBlanc was hanging by his tied up arms over a pit of boiling hot water that he tried to keep his legs up so the hot steam doesn't cook him, the henchmen and Killer Frost were currently not present at the time with the latter joining the other girls in Deadpools office enjoying some warm coco. Just now Harley was telling the blonde twin of her boyfriend about her 'Ghost' problem.

"Unfortunately yes. I'm starting to think this could be a side effect from when I had spent that time with his poison blood, before Wade gave me his blood to cure me, and that it was from having an overdose of the Titan Venom he took back in Arkham." Harley explained to her, all while said Clown Prince of Crime was sitting on top one of the steam pipes above right next to Ricky.

"Overdose or not, at least I was unstoppable at the time! I felt like the whole world was in the palm of my hands with that kind of power…until a certain other mask person ruin it all." Joker complained after thinking over the past.

"Wanda, I hate to ask but can I borrow…" Harley left her question hanging, but thankfully the mask woman knew what she needed.

"Sure, knock ya self out. I got spares here and there." she told her as Wanda would handed over one of her pistols to Harley, who used it to aim up and fired a round at the ghost clown who yelled in surprise and fell into the boiling water. Even though he was a ghost in her mind Harley could still hear his screaming that brought a smile to her face. By then Wade shows up when he teleported in the room….and right over the boiling pit.

"WAAHHH!" he cried out with a loud splash, not even ten seconds later that he would quickly climb out with parts of his red an black suit melted off to show abit of skeleton bones before his skin and suit started regenerating, "God damnit Author, you and your fucking sense of humor sucks." Wade mutter in complained once he was out.

"I don't know Wade, maybe he thought that you could use a quick hot bath. Who knows when was the last time you took one." Wanda commented as she made a show of pinching her mask nose with one hand and wave the other in waving the air.

"Don't encourage him Wanda, it'll probably be something worst he could come up with that thinks its funny. Also, you better not be telling Harley any embarrassing stories!" Wade told her with a accused finger pointing at his 'twin' sister.

"Who, me? Nah never, I'd would never do something like that." Wanda told him, right before she lean a little closer to the reader's view with her hand cup over her mouth, "I totally would, I got loads of embarrassing childhood pictures of him in diapers." she whispered to the readers.

"I fucking heard that, you whispering bitch!" Wade yelled at her, all in which Wanda would look away and made a innocent whistling tone, in which made Deadpool glare at her way before he notice that Ricky was still there…hanging dangerously above the hot waters, "Oh, right I nearly forgotten bout Mr. Loose Lips here. He looks uncomfortable and cold, how about we get him down so he's comfy in a nicely warm 'jacuzzi'." he suggested when Wade went over to the controls an press the button that started lowering the man down.

"No! Wait, please boss I didn't mean to betray you or Ms. Quinn!" Ricky pleaded while trying to pull himself up to distance himself from being drop as much as possible.

"Oh so NOW your calling me 'boss' all a sudden, I mean you were willing to KO my girlfriend with a cheap shot from behind for a literally bone head guy. And what did that get you, hmm?" Wade asked him after stopping the crane and then lean over the railing to look at him.

"I…It was Sionis idea! He made a offer to me, said that I could have anything I want. Sure I was suspicious, that there be a catch or any loop holes I didn't see that he would later screw me over." the man started talking, and tried to hold on despite his body protesting form pain that he ignore, "But then he starts going on, about some 'World Changing' bullshit and that's when the other guy…the Red Skull guy that came into the picture." Ricky explain to Wade that he, Harley, and Wanda would listen to him.

"Oh yeah, that guy…man he just give me the creeps even if I didn't see him much back in my world." Wanda said as she shiver abit in goosebumps at the image popping into her head.

"Well don't leave us hanging Ricky, even if that's you in this case given where you are now, tell us first what they offer you to betray us? Before I decide to use you as a piñata till ya crack open, starting with your balls first." Harley questioned, in which Ricky would shut his thighs tightly close and whimper at the thought.

"He…he offered gold, showed me enough gold bar's that would set me up for life that I accepted…a few months back." he admitted to the three before continuing, "So in my free time during working for you, I've been making deals in the Black Market to ship in supplies for them. Guns, building materials…even that Titan Venom shit." he added

"Titan Venom!? Why those no good son's of bitches, they won't get away with this crap!" Wanda suddenly yelled after gasping in shock…until she leans over to Harley where she would whisper to her, "Uh…that is the same Titan Venom you mention, right?" she questioned.

" Yeah, and it is some really really bad shit too." was Harley response with a frown on her lips.

"So, you've been a undercover rat this whole time. Working behind our backs, without anyone knowing, and when it was time to come to collect my head for whatever use for that shit involve…you tried to sabotage us making easy picking for the bounty hunters." Wade would explained in a low calm…deadly tone in his voice.

"Oh please tell me we're not letting this asshole live…right?"

"Before we do that, maybe he knows the location of where Hydra base is."

"Good point, so then…Ricky. If you've been working for Roman and his partner as a associate, then you wouldn't happen to know where their base of operation is?" Wade questioned him and Ricky would look nervous ,as he tried to keep his legs up away from the hot steam during the same time.

"I...I don't really know, I may of work for them but I've never been trusted enough to be invited in. But! But I did listen, even when I shouldn't have however I did over heard that it involve Black Gate." was his answer.

"Black Gate prison….Yes that's it! This make sense!"

"Huh? I don't get it, why would it make sense?"

"Don't you understand? Hydra needs someplace where no one would think to look, to have a place hidden from the public view AND having access to making more soldiers for them. What better place than a prison, especially one that crime lords like Black Mask can gain control to have easy access to whenever he get's sent to prison!"

"Oohhhh! So in this way, being as Gotham has a high crime rate, its like a big recruitment center to having more bad guys that get sent there."

"Yeah, and especially since it got re-decorated after that fire the Joker set off back in Arkham Asylum. They could've moved in during the repair time, and if I'm willing to bet no one notice there be a secret lab right under their noses where they are using expendable useless prisoners that gets sentence for life as lab rats. Especially for Batman and his Justice League pals. It's a perfect set up!" Wade yelled out when he realized all the pieces are coming into his head, in which during his excitement he would slam his fist down onto the button on the control he was standing infront of.

In which with the button pressed, on accident, the hook of the crane that was holding Ricky up would release and the man screamed as he fell down that followed by a big splash. There was bubbly muffle screaming underwater, as well as the stench of burning flesh and fabric from the clothing he wore, until it slowly died down to silent and Wade, Harley, and Wanda would lean over to look down to see the boiling water would turn red from the amount of blood that was spilled out. At this point the two blonde woman would turn their heads, and stare at the Merc with the Mouth who was rubbing the back of his head.

"Uh, despite that the Author is writing that down….this time it really was an accident. Whoopsie." Wade said with a small laugh.

"Oh well, not like anyone would miss someone like Ricky 'Loose Lips' anymore."

"But wouldn't that be, I don't know, a big hole if that upcoming Batman Arkham game? Even if it is a rumored?"

"Arkham Insurgency? Maybe, but even if it did come out I'm certain we're not gonna be in it. I think that the next part of this series would be the last, which as sad as that maybe. But! We did have a good time, didn't we Harley?" Wade asked as he started leading his girlfriend and sister back to the loading bay they were in before.

"Sure did Puddin, it has been the best moments in my life!" said woman say as she had a big happy smile on her face, until Ghost Joker had pop in front of her. All scared up and ugly like the day he died, likely due to his quick 'dip' in the water.

"Pfft, more like 'I' was the best thing in your life. Right before that mask idiot showed up, ruins my fun, and steals my girl!" the clown prince said until he was able to be 'punched' by a red glove fist all a sudden and the Joker seemly fly back screaming an crashing into somewhere.

"Thanks Wanda!" Harley said when she notice that the red mask woman was next to her and had her fist struck out to where Joker was standing.

"No problem, you were getting that annoyed look again and I figure it was the asshole clown ghost." Wanda answered back, even when she saw nothing the blonde merc woman felt the need to punch even when there was nothing, "So then brother dear, now that we know where Hydra's base is possibly located. What do you plan on doing?" she asked her twin as they stopped in the center of the room.

"Well first of all, what we are gonna do is…huh?" Wade paused when he notice something odd, one of the containers on the floor was open wide. In which Wade would go to investigate by going to the opening, standing there and looking to see it was empty, and then scratch the back of his head before turning to the girls, "Does anyone know why we have a empty container?" he asked them.

Just before either Harley or Wanda responded to his question they notice someone was on top, before they know it that person had jump down in front of Deadpool then spun around to kick his chest, in which he would suddenly flew backwards inside the container, and finally the person had closed it shut and locked it up with Deadpool inside.

"What in the fuck!?/What in the hell!?"

"Puddin!/Brother!" both Harley and Wanda shouted at the same time, just as the person turn around…and that it was revealed to be Copperhead with a smirk like smile on her face.

"Don't worry, you'll get him back…what's left of him anyways. Now then I'll be taking my prize now, it would be unwise to try to stop me." The blonde snake like woman advise to the other two blonde women.

"Like hell that I'm just gonna let you take away MY man, ya snake skank!" Harley told her with gritting teeth in anger, with her eyes flash bright green for a moment before turning normal in which Copperhead only raised a eyebrow upon notice but made no comment.

"Yeah, so I'd be smart if I were you and let Deadpool out. Because there are two of us, against only one of you." Wanda added with her hand itching towards one of her katana's, in which Copperhead had turn her attention to the mask woman…and suddenly her smirk before had grown abit bigger.

That was when both Harley and Wanda notice that, one by one, coming out from either behind the containers in the loading by and down from the rafters above there were about eight women that were dress similar to Copperhead's outfit, with same type of gauntlet claws she wore on their arms, though they may had the same dress code none of the women had the same tattoo's the blonde woman had on their skin and all wore ninja like mask that covered their heads. And lastly, what they all had in common, were the snake like yellow eyes like the blonde whom would continue smirking at the two before speaking.

"I believe you meant to say was, two of you and only nine of us. Me…and eight disciples of mine."



Well then folks, looks like Deadpool is in trouble and it is up to the lovely blonde duo to rescue his ass from a group of deadly snake women. You'll find out how the future 'sister in-laws' would deal with them and save Wade's ass in the next chapter as soon as I get to writing on it.

Until then take care everybody, DDK out!