Hey everyone! I decided to make a new story where the viewers decide what happens because that was very popular in my last story, We're Friends Right? And to everyone who read that story, I uploaded the final chapter so PLEASE check that out. It is very sad. Anyway, enjoy.

Note: I've said this too many times, but please review the chapter as well as the vote. I don't mind 'Good chapter, and my vote is *Vote*' or I don't mind a really long review saying things about the chapter and then the vote (That is preferred :P) but please don't just say '*Vote*'. I'm not asking much. Thanks! :)


"Now...I'm...I'm gonna go...before one of us...before one of us changes our mind." Kenny said to Clementine, trying not to cry. They stood in front of the gates of Wellington, but unfortunately only the children were allowed. "...I'm sure glad I met you, Clementine."

Clementine watched with teary eyes as her old friend walked away from Wellington into the distance, and she hoped they would meet again. She turned, looked at Edith who was the gatekeeper at Wellington, and walked into the camp. Before she walked entirely inside she turned back around to see Kenny, who's back was turned. He had stopped walking. Clementine watched, but after around five seconds Kenny continued walking with a bag of supplies in his hands.

I'm gonna miss you, Kenny... Clementine thought as she rocked AJ gently.


"...HUH!?" Clementine shot up in her bed, finding herself in a warm sleeping bag. She looked around. It was dark, but she could still see after her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She was in the cabin. She looked at the bed to see her teenage friend, Sarah, sleeping soundly with her pillow on her face. "...What..."

Was the whole thing a dream? Is Kenny actually dead? Was I dreaming about him? What about Jane? And everyone who died? Was I sent back to the past? No...that can't be true...but...that dream was so long...

Sarah suddenly began to stir, her eyes slowly opening. She noticed Clementine was awake, looking confused. She rubbed her eyes and reached over to a desk lamp, switching it on. This broke Clementine out of her trance and she looked at Sarah as she put on her crimson-coloured glasses.

"Hey, Clementine." Sarah said happily, looking like she hadn't fallen asleep in the first place. Clementine looked up at Sarah but remained silent. Sarah frowned. "Is there something wrong?"

I feel so guilty seeing Sarah like this. After what happened to Carlos in my dream and how it affected Sarah...ugh, I need to forget about that! It was a dream, it never happened!

"Clem...your scaring me. Do you want a glass of water? I could get one for you downstairs." Sarah said, just as innocent as she always is. Clementine shook her head and smiled.

"No...I'm fine, thanks. I was just thinking, that's all..." Clementine replied and Sarah nodded, wanting to know more.

"What about?" Sarah asked.

"Just this weird dream I had...it had you, and Carlos, and everyone in the cabin...and these guys who were chasing you...and I was reunited with my old friend...and all of you di-uh, nothing, don't worry about it." Clementine said and Sarah looked worried.

"That's a really long dream, I've never had one that long. Although...I don't really remember any of them really." Sarah said, smiling. Then she yawned loudly, feeling tired. "I never realised how sleepy I was...we should probably get some sleep. Especially you."

"Hm? Why?" Clementine asked, and Sarah looked confused.

"Dad told you earlier. You're going fishing with Pete and Nick, for dinner tomorrow. I can't wait for it, I love it when we have fish for dinner." Sarah said, smiling. Clementine's eyes widened, and her memory shot back to the moment where Pete got bitten by the stream.

Oh my god...I have been sent back in time...but how...? I have a second chance! I have a second chance to fix all of this! I can save Pete! And Nick, and Sarah, and everyone! I just have to play my cards carefully...

"I don't think we should go down there...just in case something happens, you know? We have to be cautious these days..." Clementine said, hoping to persuade Sarah. The cabin group members would probably listen to her more than Clementine.

"Oh, there's no need to worry. Dad and Luke checked down there earlier and it's completely fine! Great, right?" Sarah said happily. She took off her glasses and leaned over to the desk lamp. "I can't wait, I'm hungry already! Goodnight, Clem!"

Sarah switched off the light and tucked into her sleeping bag quickly, not allowing Clementine to say anything else because the teenager was asleep in seconds. Clementine sighed and stared at the ceiling. How could she save Pete from his incoming fate?


Clementine woke up and felt the thin beams of light shining down on her face through the curtains. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, but didn't see Sarah in her bed. She turned towards the door to see it was half-open and the little girl stood up and opened it, walking out onto the landing. She noticed Alvin walking into the kitchen and she began walking down the creaky wooden staircase, hoping to try and persuade the group not to go and collect the fish traps.

She opened the kitchen door slowly and walked inside, seeing Luke, Pete and Rebecca sitting down at the kitchen table while Carlos stood behind Luke with his arms folded and Alvin stood behind Rebecca with his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, Clementine. How did you sleep?" Luke asked kindly, smiling at the little girl. Rebecca muttered something to herself and folded her arms, obviously irritated that the girl was still here. Clementine would feel mad, but then she remembered how friendly Rebecca actually was so she decided to ignore her.

"Fine...I just had a...strange dream." Clementine replied. "When are we going for the fish traps?"

"We were actually about to wake you up." Pete chuckled, picking up his gun that was resting against his chair leg. "Nick! We're heading out! Are you ready?"

"Yeah, uncle Pete!" Nick yelled, walking in quickly with his shotgun. He looked at Clementine for a moment before looking back at the door. "Let's go."

"Keep an eye on that girl. She's trouble." Rebecca said to Pete and Nick as the three left the cabin, walking towards the stream. Clementine had to think of a plan fast; Pete's life was in her hands.


Clementine had tried her hardest to persuade the two men that the stream was too dangerous on the way but they had ignored her, and Nick had even snapped at her at one point. Clementine wondered if it was even possible to save them. Maybe it was fate, and she had to suffer through it all again. But why? She didn't do anything wrong to deserve it...

"Clem? Clem?" Pete said, snapping the little girl out of her thoughts. "Can you check those bodies over there? I'll come with you."

Clementine nodded and hopped over the stream, walking towards the body she knew had her backpack. She listened to the sounds of Pete and Nick killing the walkers as she crept towards the body, finding her pink backpack near it. But when she crouched down to grab it the bandit didn't say anything, and instead he stayed silent. Clementine was confused as she picked it up and walked away. Then she heard the word she was hoping she wouldn't hear.

"WALKERS!" Nick yelled loudly as walkers began to creep out of the trees and bushes towards the three. "UNCLE PETE!"

"GODAMMIT!" Pete yelled as he whacked a zombie with his rifle. "I'M OUTTA AMMO!"




Clementine knew Pete was going to die, and she had to save him before he got bitten. She had to think quickly. She suddenly noticed a walker creeping up to Pete, and he hadn't noticed it. She gasped. She had to hurry.

[Warn Pete]

[Pull Him Away]


Good old voting! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please review if you want me to continue! One choice will save Pete, while the other will kill him...and you will have failed at saving your first group member.