The Hangover

A/N [show-me-your-tardis]

Plot – When Sirius, James and Peter wake up after a Stag Do, they think their headaches are the only consequence. Until they realise they're one man down. With no recollection of what happened last night, the three of them must use the few brain cells they have left to find their friend.

Chapter One


Sirius stood on the sofa, champagne threatening to spill out of his tilted glass. He steadied himself using the wall, and cleared his throat. When no one turned to look at him, he tapped his wand on the glass, sending a tinkling sound through the room. Three people turned to look at him, and promptly rolled their eyes.

"Gentlemen and... uh... ladies." Sirius added, with a lopsided grin at Peter, "I'd like to make a toast."

Ignoring the bunched up napkin launched his way, Sirius continued loudly, "Everyone raise your glass to the man of the hour, the stag of the Stag Do, James "Prongs" Potter! A man so bigheaded, it's truly amazing he can find t-shirts that fit."

A seat cushion was launched across the room, knocking Sirius's champagne glass from his hand and effectively cutting off his speech. He wiped his wet hand across his t-shirt and sat back down on the sofa, flashing a smile at James.

"Stop being a dick." James laughed. His glasses were pushed into his hair, making it stick out way more than it already did. He kicked off his shoes and stretched his legs across the sofa, scratching his nose with his wand.

Nearby on the floor, a slice of pizza in each hand, sat Peter – looking more rat-like than ever as he nibbled on the end of his pizza. His eyes were slightly bleary and he seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he was topless.

Sirius lay down on the couch. He stretched his hand over the edge and ran his fingers through Remus's light brown hair. Remus turned his head slightly to smile at Sirius. He leant forward, snatching the only remaining pizza box away from Peter. As Remus bit into the last slice of pizza, Sirius leaned over the edge of his sofa and stole his champagne glass.

He downed the bubbly liquid in one mouthful, just as Remus turned around. Sirius smiled and Remus's face darkened into a glare, his eyes narrowing on the glass, "Is that my drink?"

"I don't know about is, but it probably was." Sirius shrugged.

Remus turned away from Sirius with a sigh and announced, "We're out of alcohol."

James picked up the champagne glass next to him and held it over his mouth. When no liquid dropped out he chucked it away, the no shattering charm on the bottle was the only thing that saved Peter from being showered in glass. Sirius jumped up, the room gave a sickening lurch.

He steadied himself, and placed his hands on his hips, "Have no fear, the best man is here."

Remus groaned at the rhyme and dragged himself up onto the couch Sirius had just vacated. Sirius ignored him and ran off into the kitchen. After a few minutes of drunkenly rummaging through the Potters's fridge, he found what he'd hidden there.

Throwing the lounge door open with a bang, he held up the bottle triumphantly. When the cheers and shouts he'd expected never came, he explained, "Firewhiskey. Russian imported. I will take your thanks in the form of galleons."

"Russian Firewhiskey?" James asked, his interest piqued.

"Since you're losing your freedom tomorrow, you can have the first glass." Sirius promised, grabbing James's empty champagne glass and pouring a liberal amount of honey coloured liquid into it. He ignored the glare James threw at him, and offered the glass to him. "Come on, Prongs, you know you want to." He sang.

James took the glass and downed it in one. Laughter filled the room when he grimaced and retched. He choked and gripped Sirius's shoulder, his fingernails digging in, "That is... Merlin's sweaty balls, that's awful."

"Ready for round two?" Sirius asked, shaking the bottle. James eyed the sloshing liquid wearily, but held out his glass anyway. With barely concealed glee, Sirius ran around the room filling Peter and Remus's glasses and then his own. He held his glass up high, "To Prongs."

"To Prongs." Peter and Remus echoed, before all four of The Marauders downed their new firewhiskey.

It burned it's way down Sirius's throat. It was worse, so much worse, than the firewhiskey they got from Hogsmeade. It was actual fire inside Sirius and his throat was in shreds. It threatened to steal his voice and burn his body from the inside out. Still, he managed to maintain his cool demeaner, even as his eyes watered excessively. Eventually the fire settled and a glow of warmth spread right to his toes.

He glanced over at Remus, who was coughing and spluttering.

"Come on, Moony, that's not the worst thing you've ever swallowed." Sirius said lasciviously. Three groans of disgust followed, and he laughed, ducking his head to dodge the glass thrown at him.