Hey guys! I'm here with another chapter! Hope you enjoy!

The sound of flipping paper surrounded the room. A distressed man and girl were sitting at the table, lights off, while they turned multiple pages in two red large books, their faces illuminated from the bar of purple light they held over the journals.

"Any luck with 2, Mabel?" the man grumbled, completely focused on his book. He heard his great niece sigh and took his eyes off of the journal he was working on for a second. Stan looked at the girl, eyes puffy and red. She yawned and shook her head. "Kid, you should get some sleep. We've been working on this for a while."

"But I can't stop! I have to save Dipper-!" The girl was interrupted when she felt a heavy arm fall on her shoulder. She looked in the eyes of her grunkle, demanding but sympathetic at the same time.

"Mabel, get some sleep. I'll continue working on this. I'll get you if I find anything important. Promise." Mabel sighed in defeat and got up from the chair, leaving Journal 2 and her blacklight behind.

"Anything at all. I don't care how large or important it is, but if it will help, tell me. Immediately." The girl didn't leave until she saw her grunkle nod. Stan sighed and continued to work on the journals. He then flipped to the page with a third of the portal in Journal 1 and flicked on the blacklight. He was about to flip to the next page when he noticed some invisible words.

The con man read the passage, holding the bar in the air. "How to build the portal-" The man immediately grabbed for Journal 2 and the copies of paper. Stan flipped to the portal page on 2 and searched for the paper in the pile of 3. He raised the blacklight over 2 first. "How to activate the portal-" The grunkle then excitedly moved the light over the copies to find, "Nothing?! No no no! The copies didn't take the invisible ink! And the boy has the journal! It had the deactivation on it!" The grunkle continued to flash the blacklight on the paper with no luck. Now what?! The only piece that we need is gone! Now what... I don't have another thirty years to wait, to continue to try. My time's coming to a close... I need to save them quick or it will be too late.. But there's nothing we can do.. Stanley, if you're out there with Dipper, keep him safe for me.. please.. please...

Dipper grumbled, feeling himself get shaken awake. He rubbed his eyes and opened them to see Stanley standing above him.

"Come on, I gotta show you something," the man beckoned. He helped the boy up and opened the shed door. He walked outside to a darker world, Dipper following close behind.

"So this is what the 'night' looks like," Dipper mumbled to himself, looking into the sky to see if there were any stars. The boy then felt his arm get pulled and looked up to see an impatient Stanley staring down at him.

"We don't have all night. Now, come on. Let's go." The man started to run, leaving Dipper scrambling after him.

"What's the rush?" Dipper continued to sprint after Stanley, whose bigger strides gave him an advantage towards the twelve year old. The boy waited in unsettling silence as they continued to run. "Stanley?"

"I'll tell you when we get there. If we take too long now, we won't be able to visit the town. Now, no more questions 'til we get there!" The two continued to run through the almost black forest. They then broke out onto a street filled with a lighter grey from the multiple of street lamps.

"Gravity Falls.." Dipper muttered. He stared in the town's replica in shock. Everything was down to point, from the broken clock near the crazy biker joint Manly Dan hung out at, to the malfunctioning fire hydrant the manotaurs loved to use as their water supply. The boy felt tears stream down his face as memories of his adventures that he would never have again flooded him.

"Come on kid, we're almost there." Stanley and Dipper walked briskly in the streets, avoiding the sidewalks and buildings as much as possible.

"Am I allowed to ask questions again?"

"Well you just asked one, so yes," the man replied, "Although make it quick. We need to focus, so we can make it out of here as soon as possible."

"Okay. First of all, why are you in such a rush to get out of here? Is this place evil or something? And where is everyone? There should at least be some people in the real world roaming about," Dipper asked, curiosity evident.

"Kid, the 'people' here, if you can even call them that, are something you never want to come in contact with. When I came here, their version of Stanley left, making them hellbent for another. And, as you can guess, when they saw me, they wanted to make me one of them, lifeless and left to a repeated world for all of eternity. Now, since you replaced the Dipper in this world, they'll also go after you. Thankfully however, since this world is rebuilding itself at night, they freeze. But when the 'dawn' breaks, they're mobile again and able to turn you into one of them. Just one touch will do the trick," Stanley answered. The pair continued to walk in silence. They finally came to a stop on a familiar dirt road. "We're here."

Dipper, remembering what the path led to, ran ahead. "Hey! Kid! Wait!" Stanley ran after him, growing tense at the sight of growing light. I need to get him out of there! He entered the Shack to drag Dipper out to see him staring at the dining room table. "Kid, we gotta go! Sun's coming up! It'll be any second now when the greys are up and running again!" The boy kept on staring at the table. "Kid?!"

"Stanley, you said that the real world interprets, us, its parallel, right? If we're both parallels, shouldn't we able to interfere with the worlds as well?" Stanley froze at the words. Would that actually work?

"I don't know kid. Never tried it before. Why?"

"They need the Journal," Dipper replied, pulling out Journal 3 from his vest and pointing at the table, littered with the other Journals and blacklights,"If I'm able to have this turn grey, it should be able to flip itself into the real world, right?"

"From what I know, yes. It should work."

"Great!" The boy put the Journal on the table and watched as it slowly melt into the color of its surroundings.

"Now come on! We have to go! Sun's rising, they'll be up soon!" Stanley warned. The pair ran out the door just as the sun peaked over the trees of the forest. They continued to sprint away in the forest until they were long gone from the lifeless civilization. The two walked slowly back to the shed, away from the dangers of the grey town.

"Hey, uh, Stanley? How do you know all this stuff? Surely, you would have to have gone through it yourself or seen it happen to another person. But you're the only person to come here other than me, right?" Dipper watched his grandfather carefully.

"There was actually another, Dipper. His name was Beau Gleeful."

And another chapter completed! I really hope you guys enjoyed this newest addition! Please R & R! Til' next chapter! Onwards Aoshima!