I know I haven't been around. It's just life happens and unfortunately things just don't go your way. I'm doing a complete overhaul on the Witch Club series as a whole since I lost the original story, but it will be better than before, that's a guarantee.

Disclaimer: I don't own Winx Club or Power Rangers, just the Witch Club and other OCs. Also, there are certain aspects from Charmed.

Edit: This is an edited, revised version. Apologies if anyone found most of this page hard to understand.

Witch Club

Chapter 1: The Magical Adventure Begins

In the state of Arkansas, in a small town known as Magnolia, the streets are buzzing with the wonders of summer. Clear weather, bird singing, people going on with their daily lives, which included five boys here in Magnolia, special boys whose lives are about to change...forever.

In the band hall, a small, 12-year-old African-American boy with black-blond dreadlocks and big brown eyes sat and played the piano in the Secondary Band Room, playing a piece from his favorite band as it echoes through the building and through the entire town.

At the soccer field, brunette hair, blue-eyes 15-year-old boy was on the field playing with his soccer ball. After scoring a goal, he took off his cleats and socks and replaced them with black soccer slides as he walked over to the band hall.

At the gym, a blonde haired, brown eyes 14-year-old boy was swimming across the pool and back, as soon as he completed the final lap, he put on his shirt and left for the band hall.

At the baseball field, two brown-haired boys - a 15-year-old with blue eyes and a 16-year-old with brown eyes - were playing baseball. The blue-eyed boy pitched the ball as the brown-eyed boy swung the bat and hit a home run with the pitcher catching the ball. The two did their handshake and replaced their cleats and socks with soccer slides as they headed to the band hall.

Back at the band hall, while the young boy continues to play a piece on the piano another brown haired and brown eyed 13-year-old boy wearing basketball attire entered the room where the piano was located, observing the boy who was obviously a friend of his. He approached the little boy as he finishes the piece and tapped his shoulder which somewhat startles him until he sees who it is.

"Oh, Chase," the boy said, "It's just you. I thought you were headed for the Mulerider Activity Center."

"Sorry, buddy," said Chase as he pulled the boy into a hug, "I just wanted to surprise you."

"Well, that definitely was a surprise."

"So, where's everybody else?"

"Matt and Phillip are at the baseball field, Taylor's at the pool, and Joshua's playing soccer. As soon as they get done, we're going down to the duck pond to have a little picnic. Wanna come?"

"Sorry, Lee, but I can't," said Chase as slipped off his slides and replaced them with Nike socks and sneakers, "Me and Dusty have a match tomorrow and I still need to practice for it."

"It's okay," sigh Lee, "I understand." But truth be told, he was a little disappointed. Chase had already been made aware of Lee's cries for comfort over the last few years when he lost some of his family members and some people that they all considered friends. Just then, Taylor walked into the band hall and went to the secondary band room to get Lee.

"Yo, Lee," said Taylor, "Come on, we're waiting for you."

"Coming, Taylor," Lee said as Chase pulled him into another hug, then pushed him away so he can join the others, "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, sure," said Chase, as he saw Lee leave. He headed out to the MAC (1) with a smile on his face.

At the duck pond near the band hall, the five boys were enjoying their picnic, though Matt, Phillip, Joshua, and Taylor were having a good time. However, Lee was sitting by himself on the swing with a sad look on his face. Noticing this, Matt walked up to the boy and sat beside him.

"Somethin' on your mind, little buddy?" he asked.

"Am I that obvious?" Lee asked back.

"When it comes to your feelings, you're like an open book. Is it about...ya know...?" All Lee did was nod. Matt got up onto his bare feet and pulled Lee out of the seat and into a hug. After the embrace, Matt had let him go and they walked back to sit down with the others, he sat back in his original spot and Lee sat beside Joshua. Then, they all noticed that Lee was twitching and looking up at the sky in the opposite direction.

"What's up, bud?" asked Phillip.

"Somebody's coming," replied Lee. (2) The others just got a confused look as he's had that same feeling before, then, suddenly, Taylor saw something in the sky.

"Hey, what's that," he asked as the other boys turned and saw an orange comet racing towards the swing. As soon as it hit, they saw that it was a boy with strawberry blond hair that went down to his neck, fair skin, and blue eyes. He wore a blue beret that had a red dragon scale on the side, navy blue t-shirt, midnight blue gauntlets, navy blue shorts, and navy-blue ankle boots. He also had periwinkle wings with turquoise tips on his back. He was a fairy.

Before any of them had time to process, a portal opened revealing a green scaled snake-like woman with long white hair and violet snake eyes. The fairy got up to his feet and charged for an attack.

"Get to safety, I'll handle this," the fairy said as he flew up to deal with the snake-lady, while the boys packed their picnic and went straight back into the band hall. The boy was firing attacks left and right, but it was complete fruitless as the snake woman kept dodging her attacks. Inside the band hall, the boys were watching the battle helplessly. Then, behind them, a strange book appeared in a flash of light. The boys turned around as it happened and the book started floating towards them. Lee was the one who caught the book.

"What kind of book is that?" asked Phillip. Lee opened the book to its title page.

"The Book of Shadows," he read. It shocked them because according to Lee, who had some knowledge of magic from TV, that book was only for witches.

Lee then turned the book to the first page that had an incantation and read, "Here now the words of the fairies, the secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of spells are invoked here, the great gift of magic is sought. In this time and in this hour, I call upon the ancient power. Bring your power to we dragons five. We want the power. Give us the power." (3) As he read the spell, he and his older friends became surrounded by a strong rainbow light colored red, blue, pink, yellow, and green.

"Give me the crystal, fairy!" snarled the snake woman.

"Never!" said the boy.

The she-snake then cast a spell to conjure a golem of snakes that went and attacked the boy. The five boys watched in horror as the boy got tackled by snakes as they sucked away his energy and he fell to the ground with snakes encasing his body. They immediately stopped glowing afterwards. The five didn't want to stay idly by and do nothing. So, they left the safety of the band hall, leaving the book behind as it disappeared.

"You're trapped, fairy," said the she-serpent, "Now give me the Heart!"

"Leave him alone!" shouted a young voice and the serpent and the boy turned around to see the five boys standing on the right side of them.

"Seriously?" the snake asked unimpressed before shouting out, "Serpents attack!"

The serpents, then charged at the boys prepared to attack, but then, something incredible happened.

"Stay back," said Lee as he did, he started glowing a bright pink color, and suddenly blue-white electricity shot out of his hands at two of the serpents, electrocuting them until they exploded.

"Woah," said Lee in a surprised voice, "Did I just..."

"Shoot lightning? Yes," said Joshua. Then, more serpent golems came and charged at the boys preparing to pounce, but the boys jumped out of the way and were on the defensive. While Lee was firing lightning bolts left and right, Phillip was dodging the serpent golem's attacks until he was caught between a rock and a hard place.

When the serpent started to attack, green energy creeped from Phillip's toes to the ground and suddenly a vine emerged from the ground and tangled the serpent up and crushed it.

"Nice," said Phillip, amazed at what he just did. Meanwhile, Taylor, too, was dodging until he got near the duck pond. As soon as the serpent got closer, the blond put an open hand near the water and saw his hand glow as the water reacted. Acting on instinct, Taylor raised his hand into the air and water began emerging from the pond. He pointed his hand at the creature, the water obeyed and blasted the creature back.

"Woah, cool," said Taylor in awe. Meanwhile, Matt was next to a tree when the serpent walked closer to him. He threw a punch at the golem and suddenly fire shot out of his fist, burning the golem to ashes.

"Awesome," exclaimed Matt. While with Joshua, who was the pacifist of the group, was caught between a rock and a hard place. Suddenly, he felt a sneeze coming on and when he sneezed, a big gust of wind blew out his mouth, pushing the creature back.

"Woah," Joshua said in mid-confusion. This enraged Ciena enough to grab Lee with her tail and try to strangle the life out of him, but instead, he started to glow a very strong deep pink color.

"Let go," he shouted as the glow suddenly turned into a pink flash and a dragon-like creature flew out of his body and attacked Ciena pushing her off of the boy and her tail off of Lee. The dragon then suddenly flew up into the sky and exploded in electricity. While Lee landed safely in Matt's arms, the boy flew up to the sky and attacked the serpent as soon as she got up. He shot firebolts left and right until he finally felt exhausted. Ciena, also feeling exhausted, created a green portal and retreated.

"We'll meet again, fairy," said the snake as the portal disappeared. Suddenly, the boy fell to the ground and transformed in front of the five. The boy lost his wings and his outfit changed. The shirt he wore was replaced with a royal blue waistcoat with a cerise trim and gold buttons and his shorts were replaced with white pants with a navy-blue trim going down the sides of the legs. His boots were gone and he now wore black sandals with royal blue straps with toe loops. His hat was replaced with a gold crown. The boys walked over to him to see if he was okay. Matt checked for a pulse.

"He's alive," he said, "But he's a little exhausted. We should get him inside." He then slipped his arms under his as Phillip grabbed his legs and they started to carry him, when suddenly...

"Ahhhhhh," screamed Matt as his head was in sudden pain. He used one hand to grab his head while the other still held the boy by the arm. Taylor walked over to his older best friend.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm fine," said Matt, "I guess. I think I read his mind."

The younger boys were in shock, he sighed and later explained the boy's situation, "His name is Brenton and he's the prince of Eraklyon."

"Wait, Eraklyon?" asked Lee confused, "That's King Sky's home world."

"I know, he's Sky and Bloom's son, their second born child. That snake woman's name was Ciena, she was after this magical pendant called the Heart of Magix. It's in his jacket pocket." Lee searched in the first pocket and pulled out a cerise star shaped jewel hanging by a silver chain.

"We better get back inside before someone sees," said Lee as Joshua and Taylor helped with Brenton and all five of the boys walked inside.

While inside the band hall, Brenton was asleep on the couch in the lobby while the boys went to go get changed. It was then, that Michael Britt, David Torres, J.P. Wilson, and Sarah Mickey entered with bewildered looks on their faces. The boys walked back to the lobby after the older four changed clothes.

"Who is this boy?" asked Mrs. Mickey. This caused the boys to retell what happened, as Brenton finally woke up.

"Where am I," asked the boy.

"You're in the band hall at Southern Arkansas University," said Lee, "You passed out after the battle with that giant snake."

"You mean Ciena?"

"Yes, she retreated."

"Typical," commented Brenton, rolling her eyes. The boys then introduced themselves to Brenton along with the Band Directors.

"It's really nice to meet you all," said Brenton, "And thanks for helping me."

"No problem," said Joshua, "My mom said you could stay with us for a while until you have to go back to Magix."

"Thanks, you don't have to do that."

"It's okay, my mom's cool with it. Besides, they're staying over for the night."

"Oh, I see. Thanks," said Brenton gratefully as Chase walked in with a different outfit, and looked amazed as soon as he saw him.

"Who's that?" he asked as he stood next to Lee.

"Bloom and Sky's son," he replied as he introduced Chase to Brenton. Lee hugged Chase after the two walked out and said their goodbyes. The group, then, piled into Matt's car and drove to Waldo.

Later, in a dark dimension, the snake woman was encountered by a person in a black cloak. The person removed the hood and was revealed to be a young woman with dark brown hair that reached all the way to her knees, pale skin, and dark green eyes. She obviously looked angered at the Ciena, who in a green glow reverted back into her human form. Her human form had long blonde hair that reached her waist and was tied in a braid, pale skin, and blue eyes. She wore a snake colored robe that reached all the way down to her toes as she kneeled towards the woman.

"What happened?!" asked the woman in an angry sort of voice.

"Apologizessss, your highnessssss," said Ciena, "I almossssst had the Heart, but then five boyssss sssshowed up and interfered...with their elemental magic..."

"Elemental magic you say?" asked the lady.

"Yes, my princesssss," hissed Ciena.

"Where are they now?"

"They are tending to the prince. Princessssss, you don't really think that..."

"I don't think, Ciena, I know that they are the chosen ones, which is why I am giving you some assistance." The princess extended her left arm suddenly and snapped her fingers and then, a cloud of black smoke appeared and out of it came a Hunter Troll.

"Return to Earth and find the boys," commanded the Princess, "He will be your assistant."

"Of courssssse, my princessssss," said Ciena as the Princess created a black portal of darkness that Ciena and the Troll stepped in.

Back on Earth, in Waldo, Arkansas this time, the neighboring town of Magnolia. Lee was looking out the window of the Calloway residence with tears in his eyes as he cried, Brenton approached him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm really sorry about your losses," said Brenton stroking his hair, "Joshua just told me." Brenton, then, let go of the boy as he continued to wipe tears from his face.

"It's okay," replied Lee, "Justin, my dad, my grandfather, my aunt, my godmother, Brittney, Lukas, my great-grandmother, my uncle… they're all happy now...They're with God." The older boys walked in as Lee pulled out the Heart of Magix from his pocket and gave it back to Brenton, who decided to tell the boys a story using magic. He used magical fire to create a visual of a planet covered with Light.

"Once upon a time," Brenton began, "There was a planet called Orion that was ruled by good and protected by the Dragon of Light, but evil began to take root in the form of the Dragon of Darkness and Princess Alchemy. She used the power of the Dark Dragon to kill the Light Dragon and rule Orion with an iron fist."

"That's awful," said Lee with sheer terror in his voice.

"I know, but there's more, you see there were five special dragons that protected the entire universe," said the boy as five differently colored dragons appeared from the visual, "The eldest of the five had the power of fire, the second oldest had the power of earth, the third oldest had the power of water, the fourth oldest had the power of air, while the youngest bound them with the power of æther."

The five boys were in awe as the red, green, blue, yellow, and pink dragons demonstrated their respective powers.

"The elemental dragons were so angered by their friend's death that they went to Orion and attacked the Dark Dragon, defeating him, and banishing him permanently in oblivion, but they knew that his power still lived inside of Alchemy, so to prevent her from attacking any other world, the five created a barrier to isolate it from all the worlds, including this one."

"Woah," said Joshua, "That's intense."

"It is, but she isn't the legitimate leader."

"She isn't?" asked Lee.

"Nope," said Brenton, "The Fairy of Light could rule Orion. Some believe that the true heir is somewhere here on Earth."


"Unfortunately, Alchemy found a way around the barrier," said Brenton, "She created some kind of special magical amulet called the Seal of Alchemy, which has the power to open portals, doorways that evil can cross through. There are warriors, whose job is to close these holes using the power of the Dragons. Their powers are channeled through that crystal."

The boys were surprised as they looked at the star shaped crystal, becoming slightly fearful of it.

"That snake lady, Ciena," said Lee, "Does she work for Alchemy?"

"Yep," said Brenton, "She's her right-hand woman. Some say that the crystal held very strong, tremendous power. But, it's only a myth." The boys were relieved to hear that, but Lee held onto the crystal for a while.

"I just want to know how we all did all of that stuff in the park," said Taylor.

"A fairy doesn't need to know how, it just happens," said Brenton.

"You mean we're fairies?" asked Lee.

"You betcha," giggled Brenton as the boys went upstairs to practice their powers.

Meanwhile, at what used to be the Waldo School District, Ciena, the Troll, and the Golems appeared in the debris.

"Alright, Troll, sniff them out," ordered Ciena. The troll did as he was told and followed the scent.

"This way," he said with Ciena, now transforming into her snake form, following behind.

Back at Casa de Calloway, the boys were each practicing their powers...in Joshua's room with Brenton with watching. Brenton was shocked when he found out that Matt possessed some telepathic abilities, but he seemed to only be able to read people's minds if he touched them.

While Lee, Joshua, Taylor, and Matt were successful in controlling their elemental magic, Phillip was getting more and more frustrated with his earth magic. He was trying to use his power through his hands, but every attempt failed. He was trying to use his power on a potted plant, but he just couldn't do it.

"Dang it," he screamed in anger and suddenly the potted plant suddenly rose up and flew in Lee and Joshua's direction. Lee put his hands up in defense, bracing for impact, however the impact never came and he saw why. Lee had frozen the plant in midair.

"Oh my god," Phillip said, shocked at the fact that he almost hurt his friend, "Lee, I am so sorry...I... I don't know what happened."

"I think I do," said Brenton, approaching the plant, "That was Telekinesis, it's triggered by anger and frustration. And you, Lee, have Molecular Immobilization. It's triggered by fear."

"Woah," the two boys said in unison, until Lee realized something.

"Wait," he said, "Where's Joshua?"

"I'm behind you," said a voice from behind, Lee turned and backed away from the voice.


"Yeah, I think I'm invisible."

"Also triggered by fear," said Brenton. Before any of them could process it, the plant suddenly unfrozen and hit Josh in the chest, knocking him back and forcing him out of invisibility.

"Are you okay?" asked Phillip, feeling guilty.

"Yeah, I think so," said Joshua rubbing his head as the plant slid off his chest and on the ground with the pot now broken.

Taylor went to help Joshua when suddenly after touching Lee, he gasped and closed his eyes and saw something. It was a vision.

It showed Joshua grabbing Lee's arm with the both of them howling in pain with Joshua falling into a coma after Lee pulled away and then showed Lee uncontrollably using Joshua's wind powers. He had absorbed it from him.

The vision ended and everyone looking at Taylor.

"Taylor, are you okay?" asked Joshua as he was about to grab Lee's arm.

"Joshua, don't," said Taylor but it was too late, his vision had played out exactly like it did and Lee sneezed out a gust of wind that propelled him into the air, causing him to hit the ceiling. Phillip, then, used his telekinetic powers to save Lee as Josh woke up and Taylor helped him to his feet.

"Are you two okay?" asked Taylor, putting a hand on both their shoulders.

"I think so," said Joshua as Lee hid his hands in his pockets. Josh looked up at Taylor and asked, "Did you know that would happen?"

"Yeah, I saw it."

"Taylor," said Brenton, putting a hand on Lee's other shoulder and conjuring up a pair of gloves for him, "I think you had a premonition."

"Dude," said Taylor, "So, I can see the future?" Brenton nodded. The group then saw Phillip approaching the plant again, trying again to use his powers.

"Phillip," Matt spoke up, "How did you use your power the first time?" Phillip, then, thought back to the plant and realized that magic had come from his feet. He then took off his flip flops and tried again. He, then, put one foot near the soil and held out his hand. Magic once again seeped out through his toes and flowed into the plant, causing it to grow.

"Cool," said Phillip, but then he realized, "So, I have to be near the soil or anything earth-based?"

"Yep," said Brenton, "But your powers will grow overtime."

"Grow to what?" said Matt in a joking manner, earning a laugh from the others.

"Right now, you five are going to need some training and the best place to get it is the Alfea College for Fairies."

"Your mom's a teacher there right, right?" asked Lee.

Brenton chuckled, "Actually she is now Headmistress of the school. Ms. Faragonda found another calling."

"But, isn't Alfea an all-girls school," asked Taylor.

"Used to be, but recently they've accepted male fairies there as well," said Brenton, "Not to mention Red Fountain started accepting female warriors and Cloud Tower started accepting male witches." The boys were excited until they heard a girl screaming.

"That sounded like Jordan," said Joshua, as he rushed downstairs to see what was going on, the others boys followed in pursuit. When they got there, they saw a sight they weren't expecting to see.

"Ciena," they all said unison.

"Hello, fairiesssssss," said Ciena as she held Joshua's younger sister hostage with her tail, the girl wore a red t-shirt, black jeans, and red converse.

"Jordan!" Joshua called the girl, he then turned to Ciena and yelled, "Put her down!"

"Don't worry, Joshua," said Brenton, holding the boy back, "I've got this. Magic Winx!"

In a flash of fiery light, Brenton transformed back into his fairy form and took to the ceiling.

"Fire Bolt," shouted Brenton as he shot a blast of fire energy, injuring Ciena's tail and which caused her to release Jordan, who was caught by Phillip through telekinesis.

"Jordan, are you okay?" asked Joshua.

"Yeah, I think so," replied Jordan. Then, the serpents started slithering towards the group. Matt, then shot a stream of fire at them, incinerating them.

Brenton was amazed but was also blind sighted when Ciena attacked her and knocked him into a wall, where multiple serpents managed to restrain him.

"Brenton!" shouted Jordan and the boys. Lee, enraged, held out his hands and shot lightning bolts at the creatures, destroying them on impact.

Just then, a portal opened up and a blast of powerful fire energy shot out from it, critically injuring Ciena's tail. Another fairy emerged from it. It was a young woman with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair tied in a braid. She wore a gold tiara, an azure halter top with a magenta jewel, celeste gloves, an azure skirt, and azure knee boots. Her wings were sky blue with teal tips.

"Sis," said Brenton as he flew up to and hugged her, but later pulled away, "It's a great thing you showed up, we could use some help."

"Don't worry, baby brother," said the young woman, "I brought some back up." Just then, more fairies emerged from the portal.

The first one was a boy with tan skin, short brown hair, and brown eyes. He wore an orange cap, an orange tank top, green bracelets, orange shorts, and orange ankle boots. His wings were sky blue with yellow tips.

The second one was a girl who looked similar to the boy in skin tone, hair color, eye color, except her hair was shoulder length tied up in pigtail braids. She wore a green headband with green ponytail hair ties, a green tank top, orange bracelets, green skirt, and green ankle boots. Her wings were midnight blue with white tips.

The third one had tan skin, shoulder length brown-black hair with blond bangs, and teal eyes. He wore a green sleeveless shirt, orange gauntlet, green shorts, and green ankle boots. His wings were pink leaves.

The fourth one was a girl with a medium skin tone, red hair with brown tips on a pixie cut, and hazel eyes. She wore a yellow midriff tunic top, violet arm warmers, yellow mini skirt, and yellow ankle boots. Her wings were blue bars.

The fifth one was a boy with fair skin, short blackish-blue bowl cut hair, and violet eyes. He wore a maroon headphones, red tank top, magenta biker gloves, red shorts, and red ankle boots. His wings were blue.

And the last two were dark-skinned fairies with curly black-brown hair and hazel eyes. The older one, the boy had a pale brown complexion and his hair was short. He wore a turquoise sleeveless shirt, silver bracelets, turquoise shorts, and turquoise ankle boots. His wings were cerulean fins. The younger one, the girl, had a medium brown complexion and her hair went to her lower back. She wore a silver headband, a sea green midriff top, silver bracelets, a sea green skirt, and sea green knee boots. Her wings were azure fins. (A/N: The appearance of these two were based off older versions of Tamera Mowry-Housley's children, Aden and Ariah)

"All together!" The fairies, then charged at the Hunter Troll that was starting to threaten Jordan as the boys attacked Ciena left and right. Lee was firing lightning bolts everywhere, Taylor was using water from the pipes to drench her, Joshua blew out a gust of wind to push her back, and Matt shot a stream of fire at her. Phillip finally got near one of the plants, took his flop flops, and held his hand out. He concentrated until finally magic finally came out of his hands. He gained control of the plants and used them to trap Ciena. Meanwhile, Brenton, his sister, and the other fairies got ready for a final attack.

"Digital Blast!" shouted the redhead fairy in yellow as she fired green beams of electric energy.

"Percussive Blast!" shouted the Asian fairy as violet sound waves emitted from his hands.

"Nature Blast!" shouted the long-haired boy as he fired pink flowers out of his hands.

"Morphix Blast!" shouted the two dark skinned fairies as they fired pink liquid from their hands.

"Power of the Sun!" cried the boy in orange as he fired a yellow beam of sun energy.

"Force of the Moon!" cried the girl in green as she fired a white beam of moon energy.

"Power of the Dragon!" called out Brenton and his older sister as a big orange dragon flew out of their bodies.

The energy blasts, then, blasted the Troll and teleported him somewhere far away while in the meantime the boys were having a blast taking down Ciena, finally defeating her. Seeing that she was outnumbered, she retreated through a portal.

"Finally," said Brenton landing near the boys, "She was giving me a headache."

The fairies landed right in front of the boys.

"Guys, this is my big sister, Azar," said Brenton as he introduced his sister.

"Hello," said Azar as Brenton went to the two twin fairies.

"This is Prince Zoran and Princess Candra of Solaria, they're Stella and Brandon's twins."

"Hey," Zoran greeted. Candra simply waved.

"This is Fester of Linphea, he is Helia and Flora's son."

"Hey there," said Fester in a quiet voice.

"This is Electra of Zenith, Tecna and Timmy's daughter."

"Greetings," said Electra.

"This is Liron of Melody, Musa and Riven's son."

"Yo," said Liron.

"And this is Prince Nerio and Princess Hydra of Andros."

"Let me guess, Aisha and Nex's kids," guessed Lee.

"That's right," said Nerio.

"Nice to meet you," said Hydra.

"Guys," Brenton continued, "This is Matthew Underwood, Phillip Allman, Taylor Sprayberry, Joshua Calloway, and Lee Jones."

"Hi," said the boys in unison. Sometime later, after cleaning things up and saying goodbye to his sister and friends, Brenton was approached by the boys.

"Brenton, we have some news for you," said Matt, "Me and the others had a long talk about it and we've decided...that we want to attend the Alfea College for Fairies."

"That's great," said Brenton, "I'm sure you guys would make excellent fairies. I'll let my mom know."

The next morning, the kids packed their bags and hugged their families goodbye and meet back at Joshua's house of a big surprise. It was Bloom, now the Queen of Eraklyon. She wore her long red hair in a bun and blue thick-rimmed glasses. She wore a blue power suit with a pink shirt, pink stockings, and blue pumps. She was standing next to Brenton, who was now wearing a blue cap, a yellow button up t-shirt, blue pants, and black Chaco sandals with yellow straps.

"You must be my son's new friends," said Bloom, "I'm thrilled to have you five at Alfea College."

"We're happy to be attending," said Matt.

"So, what goes on at Alfea?" asks Joshua.

"At Alfea, you'll be able to learn how to cast spells, create enchanted auras, make magical potions, metamorphosis, metamorpho symbiosis, magiphilosophy, biotransformation, magi physics, cognitive analysis, applied convergence, magic invocation, magic self-defense, history of magic, among other things, and me and the other Winx teach a special course together called Winxology, where we teach you about the different fairy forms, starting with the basic fairy form."

"Cool," said Lee. The boys, then, gathered their stuff as Bloom opened a portal to Alfea. She, Brenton, and the boys stepped through the portal ready for a new adventure. Unbeknownst to them, however, a strange creature was watching from the shadows.

Looks like the boys are going to have an amazing adventure at Alfea. But what was the creature that was hiding in the shadows? I guess we'll find out soon. Until then, I'm yellowwinx8 and have a wonderful time.

(1) MAC actually stands for Mulerider Activity Center which is part of the campus of the college I went to.

(2) I got that idea from Sophie Cromwell-Piper from the Halloweentown Series.

(3) Lee chanting the incantation to unbind their powers is similar to the incantation Phoebe Halliwell chanted to unbind the power of the Charmed Ones in Season 1 of the original Charmed.