A/N: Hi all. Thanks for reading and/or leaving a review for me. It's been a while since I've updated this, but once again this is mainly unadulterated smut for your enjoyment!

The first rays of sunlight came through the lace curtain of the bedroom Michonne was now sharing with Rick. Her eyes fluttered open as she glanced around the room, quietly becoming accustomed to the sight of the room, the softness of the bed and the heat radiating from Rick's body as it was pressed ever so closely to her own.

Still wearing only his shirt, she smiled and looked over at him sleeping peacefully in the dull morning light; his face looked so different when she was asleep. He seemed at ease and without worry; no frown lines travelled across his handsome features and he appeared not to be suffering from any bad dreams. She admired his good looks that were now quite noticeable since he had taken to his unruly beard with a razor and his face was on display. Michonne watched him for a moment longer before she closed her eyes again, shifted closer to Rick and listened to his gentle breathing. She placed a protective arm over his chest and let herself drift back off into sleep.


Michonne woke suddenly and realized that the sun had crept higher in the sky as it was later in the day. Rick appeared to be still asleep under her arm and she thought about waking him before she finally got out of bed to start the day. She remembered their activities from the previous night and wondered how she would even be able to move, given the urgency, frequency and at times roughness of their coupling. Her legs were slightly cramped and she shook her head as she thought about how surprized both she and Rick were to find they could bend back as far as they did. Her sex was still tender and moist from Rick's relentless pounding.

Michonne desperately needed a shower as her body was covered in a good amount of Rick's sweat, saliva and semen. She tried to discretely creep out of the bed, but her movements roused Rick; he shifted his arm and then possessively he pulled her back down, nearer to him, and placed his arm under her head. His eyes remained closed the whole time.

"Rick," she whispered and rubbed at his firm chest, causing him to smile wickedly. "It's starting to get late. We should be getting up now."

Rick placed his hand over hers that absently stroked his chest; his thumb danced over her supple skin.

"I'm already up."

He offered as he directed Michonne's hand down under the sheet that was covering the lower half of their bodies.

"Yeah, it seems you are," she replied as Rick placed her hand over his erection and guided it up and down.

"That's what you do to me," he said hoarsely, his voice deep with desire.

She followed his lead and began stroking him on her own; Rick moaned as Michonne worked her hand up and down his shaft. She threw her leg over his and tugged harder and faster; committing to memory the way his face looked in the throes of passion.

"You're insatiable," she whispered in his ear.

"Only when I'm with you," he replied gruffly.

Rick opened his eyes, turned towards Michonne and then lifted his arm to draw her closer to him. He caught her mouth in a deep kiss while she continued to pleasure him with her hand; he breathed into her mouth as her pace quickened: ah, ah, aaahh.

To his annoyance, there was a knock at the door; Michonne stopped her ministrations.

"What?" Rick called out in answer as he sat up slightly.

"There's some woman here looking for you, Rick," called out Carol.

"Tell her to come back later," he snapped.

"But she said…"

"Later!" Rick yelled out.

"Fine," Carol replied and walked away.

"Fuckin' hell. Still no privacy," Rick said in a frustrated way as he fell back to the pillow.

Michonne began her strokes again.

"Fuck…I should go and…ahhh, Michonne. How are you so good at that?" He asked as his eyes rolled shut.

"They can just wait ten more minutes," Michonne offered as she hastened her movements.

She found that she quite liked to watch Rick's face as it was overcome with pleasure; she realized she could watch him all day and never tire of the way his brow wrinkled and he bit his bottom lip. With a few more deft strokes, Rick's hot seed spilled forth and ran down onto Michonne's hand.

He caught his breath after a moment and then sought to find Michonne's sweetness between her legs with his own hand.

"You don't have to, Rick," she said. "Go see what they want."

"I want to," he replied while rubbing his hand over her swollen lips. "Besides, they can just fuckin' wait."


Downstairs, the group packed away their sleeping bags, blankets, mattresses and cushions. They were surprized that the 'welcome wagon', which was an inquisitive blonde lady, actually showed up at the door with a basket full of 'necessities', a bright smile and asking to see their leader, stating that she needed to explain the pantry situation to the leader. Carol, in the nicest way possible, informed the woman that Rick was indisposed and would see her later if the matter was of urgency. The look on her face indicated that she was taken aback by his unneighbourly choice not to take visitors, but she made no complaint. Instead, she left before Carol and Tara heard the subtle sound of furniture tapping against the wall and moving against the hardwood floors above.

"Really? They're at it again? Lucky everyone's gone for a stroll. I had to tell like seven bedtime stories because I thought Carl was gonna hear 'em last night," Tara offered.

"God, I'll be so pleased to move into the house next door. Don't think I can take another night of listening to those two screwing and thinking they're being quiet," said Carol.

Tara nodded in agreement.


Michonne's head rested on a pillow while her rear end was facing upwards; Rick kneeled behind her, holding her hips as he thrust his cock into her over and over again. Her breasts bounced forwards and their skin made a distinct slapping sound as Rick slammed into her. The bed head banged against the wall as Rick quickened his pace.

"Shit, Rick. Rick?" Michonne called. "We're makin' too much noise."

Rick slowed his movement and cursed under his breath.

"Here, let's shift," he offered as he withdrew his hardness and slid from the bed; he drew Michonne backwards by her hips, causing her to giggle and ensuring she was on all fours on the bed as he got into position behind her. He pressed a soft kiss to the small of her back, smacked her ass and then slid his hardened length inside of her once again


Some twenty minutes later, after Michonne had been able to pry herself from Rick's grasp and appetite. She had managed to make her way to the shower, although the water had turned lukewarm by the time she had gotten to it and Rick joined her soon after.

He stripped off his jeans and stepped in behind her as neither of them said anything; she turned her head and offered him a smile, though she secretly hoped he was not looking for round three or four. She could barely stand as it was and did not want to have to turn him down. Instead of offering his dick once more, Rick reached for the shower gel, poured a decent amount into his hand and started to massage it into Michonne's shoulders. He brushed her hair to the side and placed a gentle and loving kiss to her nape before lathering the gel all over her back.


After finishing her shower without so much as being fingered by Rick, Michonne made her way down stairs to greet the rest of the survivors and bid them good morning. Most of the family had ventured outside to walk around the community while Maggie, Tara and Glenn took Carl, Noah and Judith to the second house to look around. The survivors found it odd that the residents in the Safe-Zone were happy to have complete strangers traipsing around their home where their families were; either way, most of the group thought that they might like to look around and get a feel for the place.

Carol, it seemed was the only one left in the house.

"Hey," Michonne greeted as she walked over to the coffee pot. "What time is it? Where are the kids?"

"Morning," replied Carol. "I think it's almost nine-thirty and they're next door with Maggie."

"Shit. That late, uh? Haven't slept in like that for ages," Michonne said as she cupped the hot beverage in her hand.

Carol raised an eyebrow in her direction.

"What?" Michonne asked.

"Please. You know damn well you weren't sleeping," the older woman laughed. "We could hear you from down here."

Michonne's face dropped and grew hot as she became mortified.

"Oh my god! Carl, he didn't…"

"No, they were already fed and gone this morning, and you weren't that loud last night,"

"Shit! I'm sorry. I'm so embarrassed. Rick's pretty persuasive, it's all his fault" she said half-jokingly as she took a seat, placed the mug down and covered her face.

"Hey. You don't owe any of us an explanation. I'm happy for the both of you."

Michonne looked up and offered her a smile; just then, Rick entered the kitchen barefooted and wearing only his jeans.

"Morning sunshine. Welcome wagon came by while you two were, uh, sleeping. Here, catch," Carol said to Rick as she tossed him a box of condoms and laughed.

Suddenly, there was a tapping on the door. Rick looked questioningly at the two women and then went to see who it could have been. When he drew the door open, the blonde woman from before was there. She smiled widely and then introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Jessie," she offered and then looked to Rick's hand where the condoms were.

Thinking they were alone, she spoke loudly and freely.

"Oh, I see you got the little extra I put in your basket. Not everyone gets them as they're not a necessity, but when I saw you I thought well damn, he looks like a manly, mannish, virile sorta man," she said way too excitedly.

She licked her lips and then with her mouth agape her eyes roamed over Rick's toned body as her gaze fell on his crotch region; she stared shamelessly at the bulge that was quite visible in his tight jeans.

Rick looked at her totally confused, uncomfortable and speechless until an annoyed voice that he recognized as belonging to Michonne came from behind him asked:

"Can we help you? Or are you just gonna stand there all day with your mouth open and your eyes on my man's dick?"

A/N: *sings move bitch get out the way!*

More to come!