Chapter 6

Standard Disclaimer applied.

A/N: Total butt and liar about getting this chapter up soon. Finals sucked. Enjoy and review!

Ino didn't think much of the heavy knocking on her door, just that it was loud and too early in the morning for anyone to be asking for her.

Tugging the door open sluggishly, Ino schooled her expression. "What do you think you're doing this ear-, Forehead?!"

Ino caught a glimpse of her friend before she collapsed onto Ino in exhaustion, dead asleep. Looking up, Ino saw a handsome brunette with a withering expression waiting to be invited in. "Um, uh. Come on in."

Ino struggled with Sakura's leaden body as the stranger welcomed himself in and shut the door. Dragging Sakura's body across the floor, Ino finally managed to get her friend to the sitting room and onto a couch. Huffing angrily, Ino turned to the man and demanded answers. "What's wrong with Sakura and who are you?"

"I'm surprised you recognized her."

"She's my childhood friend. Of course I would recognize her but you haven't answered my questions."

"She's exhausted."

Ino opened her mouth to inquire more before she caught Sasori's half-lidded threatening stare. He emanated an aura of dangerous intent and the words died on Ino's tongue. Looking down silently, Ino twisted her hands. "I'll go make some tea. Would you like any?"


Ino went to her cupboard and pulled out some earl grey. Despite what the stranger had said, Ino pulled out enough for two people. The water was still warming up when the she heard Sakura come to. Rushing back, Ino gasped when Sakura's hair tumbled free from her cap. "What happened to your hair?"

"You can ask him," Sakura retorted curtly, shooting Sasori a scornful look. Ino turned but the man offered no explanation.

"What's going on Sakura? Why is your hair brown and why are you dressed like a man? It's unbecoming, even for you."

There was a pregnant pause and tension hung in the air heavily. Ino shifted listlessly from foot to foot. "Would you rather not… talk about it?"

Sakura's response was soft. "I don't think I can. Not yet." There was a stifling pause. "Do you think you could let us…stay for a few hours? I can't really be outdoors and I might have to quit."

"Quit? Quit what?"

"My position as waitress at Asuma's."

"Sakura, look. I don't know what has happened since the last time I've seen you but it must have been serious. Of course I'll let you stay, you're my best friend. Just take care of yourself."

Sakura gave Ino a watery smile and the two friends hugged. "I'll be out of your hair in a few hours. I just need somewhere to sleep for a little."

"Don't thank me yet Forehead. Come back once everything is settled and tell me everything ok?" The kettle suddenly started whistling and Ino hustled to fix the tea. Sakura slumped over in her chair and felt her eyelids drooping again. Before long, the girl had succumbed to sleep.

Ino quickly returned with a tray of little sandwiches and the piping hot tea when she found the man watching Sakura intently. Sighing, she set down the tray on a little table. "I don't know what's happened but look out for her ok?" Standing back up, Ino left to run a few errands but not before she threw a frosty look over her shoulder. "I won't ask for much. All I request is that you watch over her. That's it."

When Sakura awoke again, she found stale sunlight filtering through the dirty window. Yawning, Sakura stretched her cramped muscles and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Looking over, she saw her companion napping lightly with his head rested on his curled hand. Sakura reached to grab a sandwich when Sasori's eyes opened lazily.

"You're awake."

Sakura didn't acknowledge him and just bit into her snack. The silence stretched between the two. She swallowed the dry bread before gazing at Sasori.

"I can't go to the station."

Sakura despised the quiet.

"And why not?" Sasori finally bit out, impatience evident in his tone.

Sakura laughed bitterly. "I don't know what little haven you came from but wherever it is, your police force must have been little angels. It's different here and you've already altered my identity. They'll never believe me."

Grabbing her cup of tea, Sakura swiftly finished it before picking up the platter it was situated on. Striding into the adjoined kitchen she turned on the faucet to rinse out the cups. Quiet footsteps joined her in the kitchen. His silent stare unnerved her.

"What do you want?"

"What do you intend to do then? I don't plan on being a criminal for the rest of my life. "

"Those letters. I need to read them."

Dropping the clean cup, she hustled back into the living room. Rustling through the chair, Sakura felt her heart drop when her fingers found nothing. She frantically ran her hands though her pockets and felt horror flood her veins when she found only lint. Turning her ashen face towards Sasori, she could barely look at him without guilt. "I can't find it," she choked out in a hoarse whisper.

His silence terrified her more than if he would've lashed out. Tentatively, she looked up to gauge his reaction.


Sakura flinched at his tone before speaking uncertainly. "I'll go looking for it. It's still early in the evening so we'll be fine." Without a second thought, she went to the door and was flying down the steps. It had happened so quickly that Sasori's brain didn't register her departure.

"That petulant brat," he snarled. Grabbing his possessions, Sasori raced out the door to follow her. It didn't take long for Sasori to find Sakura's trademark cap weaving through the crowd. Running after her, Sasori didn't miss the side looks he was getting and how nervous the people looked around him. Fleeting whispers and glances were thrown in his direction. Whenever he threw someone a look, they looked away uneasily, twisting their hands anxiously. The discomfort rolled off Sasori's back like waves and he ignored it. He was used to worse. Craning his neck, Sasori found Sakura standing in front of a wall gaping at a poster. Picking up his pace, he soon found himself standing next to her.

"Do you know what you're doing?" he hissed quietly.

"We're done for."

"What are you? Delusional?"

"Tell me," Sakura bit out, "if I'm still delusional." Ripping off the offending paper, she shoved it into Sasori's face. "You're the delusional one if you think you'll ever walk free again. Not even my word will redeem you now."

Sasori already had an idea of what she was going to show him. If the looks thrown at him hadn't been enough, her words would have been a dead giveaway. Plastered on the paper was a crude sketch of his face along with a large bolded number. Although the sketch was rough, it was clear enough to tell who it was. Pein's words flooded back into his memory. If you are charged with or accused of anything, even I have no power of helping you.

Sasori was instantly on his toes, taut as a string. "We need to move."

"Then what? You have no idea what you're doing do you?" questioned Sakura angrily.

"The first thing we need is that package you so graciously lost," intoned Sasori.

Sakura bit the inside of her cheek to suppress a retort. "The sun's setting soon. Isn't it dangerous for us to be here past dark?"

"We have no other choice. We'll find an inn or a whorehouse to sleep in."

Sakura blanched at Sasori's crude suggestion. "I will not lower myself to that standard just to stay alive."

"You're in no position to be setting parameters girl. This city has no love for murderers, only intrigue."

"I'm no murderer!"

"But you're accompanying one and you're on the run."

"You and I are not the same."

"The city doesn't know and doesn't care. Stop arguing girl, start walking."

Blending into the everyday life, Sakura and Sasori both kept their heads low. Before long, thin trickles of people soon became waves of bodies. There was excited chitter as the crowd started to pick up. What's going on? thought Sakura.

"It's the Orients, they're back!"

"The circus performers?"

"More like vagabonds. No one wants them in the city unless they're here to entertain. They're cursed."

Sakura shrank back into herself when heard the scathing comments but kept walking when Sasori's hand clamped on her shoulder.

"You're sorely mistaken if you think I'll let you walk away from our only cover," he hissed ominously.

Sakura let herself get swept away wordlessly before there were too many people to even move, much less walk. Sasori stood stoically next to her. Looking up, Sakura gasped. Looming in the distance seemed to be what looked like a tightrope line that had been set up. There was excited murmuring as people pushed to get a better look.

Cheers erupted when a shock of blonde hair appeared on the platform. He's so young thought Sakura, around my age. The boy waved enthusiastically and with a hop of his foot, swung and jumped around the thin wire. There appeared to be something going on the ground too, if the loud yelling was an indication of anything. Sakura was enraptured.

Sasori threw a side glance at the girl next to him in annoyance before scanning the group of people he was caught in between. The last rays of sunlight were already bursting through the clouds, showering the show in gold. Sudden movement caught his keen eye. Shouts of agitation flooded above the crowd and there was pushing to accommodate for something. It seemed a brawl had broken out between two unruly viewers and fists were flying. But when a familiar face came into view, Sasori sucked in a quick breath. Is this whole damn city populated by vermin? Inaudibly cursing, Sasori turned to Sakura.

"Move girl. They've already found us."

Sakura turned to Sasori in shock before craning her neck to verify Sasori's claim. "That's impossible. This crowd is too dense for them to move."

Sasori swiftly surveyed the crowd again before ducking and glaring at Sakura. "They're closing in. Either you come with me or I'll leave you behind. I have no reason to drag around this extra baggage," he threatened.

"You wouldn't da-," started Sakura angrily. Before she could finish her sentence, Sakura stumbled backwards when the man next to her stepped roughly into her. Righting herself, Sakura was about to give the offender a piece of her mind when she saw the fight. Sakura paled and felt the ground open up from under her.


"Start moving."

The duo started pushing and shoving, earning dirty looks while they hurriedly moved away from their pursuers currently occupied in a skirmish. The performers forgotten, Sakura was frantically looking over her shoulder when she caught sight of Tom.

"He's still-"

"Forget that boy. He's no longer your friend and any attachment will get you killed. Let go of any sentiment you have. Stop feeling," Sasori all but snarled.

Sasori and Sakura finally managed to find their way out of the audience when Sakura tensed visibly. "They're on every corner," she whispered in trepidation.

"I'm not blind girl. Is this town infested with them?"

"London has issues with the… less unfortunate."

Unimpressed, Sasori cautiously crept away from the watching eyes with Sakura but to no avail.

"Damn beggars. Move."

Picking up her pace, Sakura started speed walking as whoops from the crowd soared above the darkening sky, drowning out all sounds of the chase. This chaos, thought Sakura, I'm sick of it. I don't want to run anymore. Sakura watched Sasori's back slip farther and farther from her, frustration chipping at her. Turning around, she nearly screamed at how close they were. I don't want to, I can't. Whirling around a corner that Sasori had disappeared around just seconds before, Sakura collided with another body. Startled, she looked up. A puzzled young boy looked down at her, his face adorned with whisker like scars. He was none other than the boy whose performance had enthralled her earlier. About to say something, Sakura's pursuers turned the corner before she had her chance.

"Ah hello, performer! We were just looking for that girl. Our father's worried about her and requested that we bring her home. Would you kindly send her our way?"

The boy looked down at Sakura's ashen face and how she had curled into herself, tense and ready to take off. Brows pinching, his cerulean eyes didn't miss her pleading gaze.

"I'm sorry guys. I think you've mistaken her for someone else. She's part of the troupe. A new recruit actually. I think I saw your sister run down that way," the boy replied cheerily while pointing down the empty boulevard.

"Oh? We were quite certain it was her."

"I'm sorry. I'm sure this is the girl we've hired. She's actually here for her assignment: clean up duty. So if you excuse us, she has someplace to be right now."

Grasping Sakura's shoulders, the boy grinned and left the beggars with no room to argue. Steering her away, the boy dragged Sakura into a nearby caravan she had completely missed earlier.

"You looked like you were in trouble back there. You ok?"

Sakura winced at the boy's loud voice but gave him a grateful smile. "Yes. Thank you."

Glancing out the small window, the performer frowned. "They're still out there prowling. I think it's best if you say in here for now. We're almost done with everything so just wait a little ok?"

Sakura nodded quietly and with a nod, the golden boy disappeared out the door with a finger to his lips. Slowly inching her way towards the window, Sakura chanced a look out and bit back a shriek. Sasori was peering through the dirty panes right as she had glanced out. Recognition bloomed on his face and Sakura yanked open the door to drag him inside.

"Why did you leave me behind?"

"You think of yourself so highly girl."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You said so yourself earlier." Not even my word will redeem you now. "I don't need you anymore."

Sakura's mouth snapped shut at Sasori's harsh tone and she clenched her jaw in anger. "Fine but you're stuck with me right now regardless. You're on the run from the same people and I know you need that packet too."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Don't you think I've noticed how agitated you've been? You're alone in this city with no one to turn to. You're a gentlemen turned criminal and I'm the only one who will believe you and has the means to prove it. How coincidental."

Sasori could only pin Sakura with a dark glare. He knew she was right and if he had any hope of escaping this vacation turned hell, it would be to accompany her wherever she went. Sakura had moved over to the grimy window once again to peek out. "Leave for all I care but I need to stay on this caravan."

Sasori moved to say something when the caravan shuddered and jolted forward. Both Sakura and Sasori's fingers scrambled to find purchase against the messy inside when the door inched open and the boy Sakura met earlier stepped in.

"Let's get this show on the road! Is everything al-,"

The blonde boy's words fell away when he saw Sasori, confusion enveloping his bright features. Sakura nervously held up her hands. "He's… an acquaintance. Sasori this is-," Sakura fumbled, realizing she had never learned the boy's name.


Sakura shot Naruto a grateful smile to which he returned one ten times brighter. "The show's just wrapped up and people are heading home. What about you?" Sasori and Sakura shared a heavy look with each other. They could leave the caravan and risk getting caught or accompany the troupe and let the package's trail run cold. It was a decision Sakura couldn't make that Sasori ended up making for her.

"How much will it cost for us to board with you for one night?"

Naruto's smile faltered a little when he realized that his companions might become permanent residents. "Uh um. We'll be out of London and well into the Fringe by the witching hour."

"The Fringe?"

"The desolate land outside of London. We'll be too far out for you guys to make it back to London if you plan to stay for the night and we rarely travel back to London unless it's for special occasions."

Sasori felt an impending headache at the thought of leaving London, his one connection to the outside world he sorely needed to return to. Rubbing tired fingers against his temple, Sasori felt frustration take hold.

"Can we not find others to take us back?" Sakura chimed in quietly.

An uncharacteristically bitter laugh erupted from Naruto. "Few people choose to leave London, much less venture into the Fringe voluntarily. People don't call it accursed for nothing. Either way you're stuck with us for some time if you don't get off now."

"Will it be too much to ask for you to watch over us?" Sakura asked, barely audible now. She was asking for a favor that she might be unable to repay. Naruto glanced at her pitifully and caved at her worn expression.

"Stay. I don't know who was chasing you around London earlier but it looks like you guys might need some help. Feel free to stay as long as you want," Naruto explained when he looked grimly out the window, "but I don't know if I can speak for the rest of the troupe." A stony silence settled among the trio, blanketing them in unease. With a sigh, Naruto returned to his once cheery demeanor. "I don't mean to be this way but some of them are hard to reason with. There are a few of them with me right now, manning the horses. You can try talking to them if you want but if you need me, just tap on the window."

Hopping out the caravan Naruto sped out to help his company, disappearing in a flash to keep up with the rapid pace, leaving Sasori and Sakura alone once more.

"What do we do about the package?" asked Sakura

"We'll have to leave it behind for now. This mess needs to calm down before we can return."

"God forgive me."

"Tom, what is with all this running and you bossing us around huh?"

Tom kicked a pebble angrily, seething at how he had lost Sasori. "Shut your trap you beggar. The Phantom isn't paying us to lose our targets every damn time we find them," he snarled while grabbing the man's shredded collar.

"Now Tom, I believe I raised you to be more cultured no?"

The young beggar felt his blood run cold. A gloved hand rested on his wrist that was still clutching the collar, silently threatening him to let go. Even the owner of the collar had a terrified gleam in his eyes, struggling to escape Tom's grasp. Tom's fingers went slack and the man scrambled away. The Phantom tsked, the sound deep and disapproving.

"They're headed for the Fringe with the circus troupe," phrased the Phantom. "They won't be stopping in London anytime soon Tom. I despise prolonged waits."

Tom couldn't swallow the lump that festered in his throat out of fear.

"But I will enjoy the reward on this one. It will make chase all the sweeter. Don't disappoint me again Tom. That package of yours was valuable but it isn't precious enough to salvage your life twice. Consider yourself warned." Mutely nodding, Tom scrambled away nervously as the Phantom dismissed him. Rubbing his fingers together, the Phantom took off his glove and examined his hands. "The 500th platform will have a celebration of a lifetime. The outside, I hope, will fancy it."

Sakura felt her head knock against the hard wood behind her, jolting her awake. Blearily opening her eyes, Sakura saw Sasori gently inclined on the floor, hands fiddling with a wooden doll he had found. It struck Sakura as strange for someone like him to be working with toys.

"You're up."

Sakura only hummed in acknowledgement, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. The door flew open, showering the caravan in gilded rays of sunlight. Sakura thought she smelled fresh grass and morning dew.

"Good morning! Welcome to the Fringe."

Both Sakura and Sasori grimaced at Naruto's booming voice. Picking themselves off the ground of the caravan, they stepped out hesitantly, ready to flee. Strange faces stared back, all unique and varying. A sizzled out campfire radiated the last vestiges of smoke, surrounding the camp in a hazy embrace. Naruto's companions were putting the horses to rest, setting them free to roam in the vast grassland with no end. London was the beast of a machine while the Fringe was a sweet coo of a dove that rendered her speechless and in awe.

"Naruto, what is this?" asked a new voice.

"They're some friends that we picked up. They needed our help."

"You mean you picked up," interjected another troupe member that had just tended to the horses. "We had no knowledge of stowaways."

"Ah, don't be like that Haku," Naruto uttered, "I know you would've agreed with me in a heartbeat. You're a bleeding heart. This is… uh, um,"

"Great, he doesn't even know her name," another voice murmured.

"Sakura. I beg, please let us stay for a little bit," Sakura pleaded quickly, bowing deeply at the waist. Sasori grunted and just looked away in repulsion. He had never been fond of introductions.

"Well at least we know which one is the pleasant one," a well-endowed woman said, stoking the dying embers with a snapped twig.

"Anko, you're so quick to judge," Naruto scolded lightly.

"Says the boy who thinks everyone is a saint. You'll get yourself killed before you can buy yourself a pint child."

Ignoring Anko's comment and motioning to a fallen log, Naruto turned to Sakura and Sasori. "This is our family, the Aberration. Let me introduce everybody that's here."

Slowly Sakura settled on the log, tentatively looking at Sasori and silently begging him to play along for now. Naruto promptly began his introductions when Sakura and Sasori sat themselves by the dying fire.

"You've already met Haku and Anko. Haku works the horses and Anko… Anko does her own thing."

"Watch your trap kid," warned Anko, "I'm older than you for a reason."

Dismissing Anko once again, Naruto gestured to a boy playing with a large mutt, its muzzle and floppy ears covered with dirt. "Kiba here works with our animals too. Crowds love it and call him the dog whisperer. He's sitting next to Shino." Sakura shuddered at Shino when she saw his hands buried in the ground with dark insects carving trails along his fingers. They swarmed and the faint buzz in the air was a constant reminder of the little critters.

"Yeah he creeps us all out. Shizune is off doing something I think, you'll see her later. I think Fu and C might be with her too." Scratching his head, Naruto surveyed the Aberration once again. "I feel like I'm forgetting some people."

A tall dark skinned woman with eyes of gold overshadowed Naruto before landing a punch on his head. "You forgot me and Omoi you knucklehead." Sakura admired the tall duo, both radiating confidence and pride. Their olive brown skin glistened and their ruffled hair blew softly in the wind. They had dragged along a large deer, recently dead.

"Karui and I sacked this thing not too far from here," puffed Omoi, "Good hunting grounds." The two walked away without so much a glance at Sakura and Sasori. Naruto laughed.

"They're always like that. Don't worry about them. I think Zabuza is finishing up with his horses from last night and that's Yugito coming out with Hana from that other caravan right now," pointed Naruto before focusing on the chestnut haired woman, "She's Kiba's sister. A hard ass."

"Naruto just because you 'whisper' doesn't mean I can't hear you," shouted Hana over her shoulder. Naruto paled before grinning sheepishly.

"Told you so. I think we're just missing Yamato, Neji, and Hanabi. They're down in London doing some business. Should be back soon."

Sakura nodded politely, her head spinning at the multitude of names. Everyone had regarded them warily, jaded faces of living in isolation and being shunned from the city. The city only loved them when they laid down their dignity to entertain. "I'm Sakura. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Don't get ahead of yourself child. Not everyone's agreed to your presence yet," Anko replied. "There's a reason we're out here and it's not pretty. We don't take to newcomers easily."

"I understand."

Anko nodded silently. "That'll do you some good. Be prepared to be let down girl because that's all that has happened to us and we don't know better. Let your pretty boyfriend know that too."

Sakura flushed and glanced quickly at Sasori but only found him observing their caretakers with half lidded eyes. "Ah… we're not courting. This is Sasori. I apologize for his behavior."

"The Aberration. Are you the ones departed from the ordinary? The unwanted?" Sasori questioned, distaste evident in his tone.

Anko opened her mouth to say something when Kiba's dog barked loudly, taking off into the wooded area while dragging his owner with him. Naruto perked at the sound of snapping twigs. "Shizune must be back."

Three people came stumbling out of the trees, holding containers of fresh water. The man's face was streaked with dirt and some of his blonde locks were dripping, a scowl on his face. Dropping their load on the ground, the trio brushed the mud from their hands. The black haired woman dusted the grime from her closely cropped hair and smiled at Naruto.

"Good morning Naruto. Who do we hav-,"

The words died on Shizune's lips when she caught sight of Sakura glaring at Sasori for his insolence.


Deidara felt his pencil skid roughly against the newest design for a new building in London. His hands were shaking and the desk lamp seared trails of heat into his flaxen hair. Reaching deep into his desk, Deidara withdrew a block of clay. The damp material calmed his frayed nerves. The man let his fingers mold the familiar medium into his trademark bird, its beak and feathers shaped to perfection. Crushing his creation as soon as it was finished, Deidara repeated the process until his hands stopped trembling. Sighing, he returned the clay into its bag when his fingers brushed against a dry parchment. Paling, Deidara felt his heart start quivering, palpitating with anxiety once again.


The architect jerked in his chair at Pein's voice. "What is it yeah?"

"We need to address your new design."

Deidara inaudibly let out a breath of relief. His secret was still safe. Perhaps Pein wasn't as perceptive as Deidara originally thought. Turning around pleasantly the blonde man waved. "Give me a second hm. Let me grab a few papers."

"The rest of the team will be waiting in the meeting room. Don't be late." And as quickly he was there, Pein was gone. Deidara waited a few seconds to make sure his boss didn't return. Frantically grasping the old parchment in his desk, Deidara shredded it with his dexterous fingers. Blueprints in one hand and the parchment's fragments in the other, Deidara made sure to stop by the incinerator on his way to the conference.

"That was how dishonesty and betrayal started, not in big lies but in small secrets."

-Amy Tan

The Phantom hummed noisily into his palm where his chin rested. His dark hat sat on the rich desk where letters were scattered wildly in no particular order. His eyes glanced down at Tsunade's loopy handwriting before darting up to look at the man in front of him.

"I trust that you can handle this?"

"You have a problem with trust?"

"No. I have a problem with incompetency."

"Then you'll be fine. I'm the finest pick out here."

"You're confident."

"Pretty damn confident."

"I don't like self-assured men. It speaks volumes of what they lack."

There was a heavy silence after the Phantom's insult.

"Listen here you fu-,"

"Watch yourself. I have plenty of others to pick from. You're just the one I chanced across."

The man who sat across from the Phantom gritted his teeth. "What do you want?"

"Your services."

"I'm sorry I don't swing that way."

There was a deep chuckle. "Good. Find this woman and bring her to me." The Phantom slid a photograph across the desk while the other man studied it.

"Which one?"

"The one with the ponytail and fringe."

"Dead or alive?"

"If she's not breathing I'll leave you in the same state."

"Fifteen talents."



The Phantom raised an eyebrow. "Bold aren't you."

"She's well known. You want a clean job or not?"



The Phantom smiled menacingly. "Eleven."

There was a slight hesitation. "Deal. When do you want her?"

"Well before the king and queen's 500th celebration for London."

There was a grunt. "That's coming soon."

"You're dismissed. Thank you for curbing your language. It was much appreciated."

"Hold on for a damn second. What about my payment?"

"You'll receive it after the job is done."

"You don't even know my name you fucker."

"You don't think your mouth has earned you a reputation Hidan? You're the adopted son of a disgraced priest gone mad. It's expected."

Hidan made to lash out when the Phantom tsked. "Your payment Hidan." The man clenched his fist before lowering it to his sides.

"You better keep your shit together if you want my help," snarled Hidan before he left the room with a deafening slam of the door. Dusting off his gloved fingers, the Phantom stood up and rearranged his papers. Gathering his things, the Phantom left without a sound. Finally stepping into the night, he looked up at the murky stars before disappearing into the dark.

"How will you respond Sa-kur-a?"

The river sighed.

A/N: Some new characters and developments! Wonder how the story is going to proceed now that we have a new cast both good and bad. I know the Aberration seems kind of random but I wanted to incorporate some characters that aren't very common and explore their dynamic.

Sakura and Sasori seem a little OOC but I'm trying! I'm hoping Sasori will get some more love in the next chapter and some parts of his story get explained. Please R+R, they drive the story forward!