Chapter 1. New girl

'No Jana toilet paper is not a recent invention, despite how wonderful you find it'. Shannon told the read headed girl again.

'You know what Jana I'll buy you some for Christmas' chimed in Tom cheerfully as always.

'What's Christmas?' Tom and Shannon sighed collectively. They could tell it was going to be one of those days when Jana wanted to know about everything in the human world.

'Oh hey Rhydian what's up with you?' The tall blonde boy had a sour look on his face.

'Mr. Jefferies has given me detention already and-'

'Already! It's only half nine!'

'I know! And it's running until after six because he has so much work he needs to do.'

'What did you do this time mate?' Tom asked apologetically.

'Didn't hand in my maths homework.' Tom just gave him the "I told you he would give you detention if you didn't hand it in look." It was a well-used look.

'Anyway I've got history now, I'll see you guys later.' Rhydian slouched of not really caring whether he made it to class on time or not.

'He's going to get in major trouble one day' Shannon stipulated to Tom and Jana.

'Quit worrying Shan, we've got biology now, we'll see him tomorrow, he'll be fine wont her Tom?'

'Totally.' He didn't sound sure.

History was one of the few subjects Rhydian felt he was somewhat good at, and he liked their teacher the young and pretty Miss Posey. As he entered the classroom she collected his essay from him with a smile. 'This looks promising Rhydian. Very good' He flashed her a smile and took his seat at the back of the room. Miss Posey continued 'Today we will be covering the Scottish wars of independence and the power struggle between King Edward and John Balliol'.

'King John' a voice interrupted

'Excuse me' Miss Posey asked politely her strawberry blonde curls bobbing as she turned to look at the person who had spoken. Rhydian turned as well. Two desks along from him a hunched thin figure sat, with nothing on their desk, no paper no pen, just a pair of bony clasped hands.

'I mean, in Scotland he was regarded as a king, Edward may have chosen him but the people of Scotland would have been far more likely to listen to him than to an English man, even if England held power over his reign he still held a great amount of authority over the people and lords of Scotland in general.'

'That is a very good point miss-'


'Well Miss McAlpin, from your voice I think you may be from the North and with such a name you could even be descended from the first monarch of the Scots, Kenneth McAlpin, himself.'

The girl held the steady gaze of the woman in front of her and said nothing. Rhydian watched her curiously as the lesson continued. There was something very familiar about her. Sharp icy blue eyes stared back at Rhydian. He looked away embarrassed at being caught out.

The lesson ended and Rhydian watched the girl go. No bag or jacket, just herself get up and walk quickly out. He followed behind her and was almost out of the front door when Mr. Jefferies collared him. 'Rhydian Morris, I believe I have the pleasure of your company tonight.' His heart sank as he followed the stout man into what was sure to be an eventful two hours.