I didn't know who I was, what my purpose was, where I was. All I knew was it was raining. I stumbled endlessly through the dark streets, hungry, alone, scared. I was exhausted, on the brink of collapsing. The scenery began to blur. Then I heard a soft whisper, a voice, a man's voice. I wasn't alone. The man whispered once more, what was he doing? Then I heard it. The whisper flooded through the rainwater, across the sky. Then it stopped. The rain stopped. Was this man different too? Was he like me?

I started to drift between consciousnesses. I was ready to pass out but the man broke my fall. His arms felt warm, dry, safe against my own damp, cold body. He started to whisper once more. But this time just for me.

"I guess not everyone has my way with the water", he chuckled, "are you okay?"

I opened my eyes and looked up at my rescuer for the first time; he seemed young, about the same age as me? His eyes were green as deep waters and his hair which was perfectly dry despite the rain was shaped into a blonde mullet.

"I think so" I replied. "Do you know where I am?"

"The World that Never Was, it's a dangerous place to be on your own."

"Yet you're down here alone?"

He laughed "I live here, besides I can look after myself."

I climbed uneasily to my feet. Still dizzy my legs trembled but the man caught my arm and supported me.

"My name's Demyx" he told me, lazily conjuring a stream of water in mid-air, spelling out his name.

"I'm ..." I hesitated, I didn't know my name.

"A Nobody" the man finishes my sentence. These two words hurt. I wrenched myself from his grip. How dare he insult me, He didn't know me, we'd only just met.

Infuriated I replied "You insensitive..."

He cut me off mid-sentence "relax, I also happen to be a nobody"

"You, you are?" My anger melted away, suddenly I was curious.

"Yes." I begin to relax a little at this. "This is all normal you know, it happened to me too. When you first become a nobody you are lost, confused, weak. But I promise you it'll get better." I look into his eyes once more. Somehow I trust him. "First thing's first, you need a name. Is there anything on your person that could tell us who you were." I reached into the pocket of my soggy jacket and pulled out a single piece of paper. It looked like some sort of letter. I handed it nervously to Demyx. He read it then said "I think this is it." He paused then said "What if I could find you somewhere safe to stay? Where I come from they're always looking out for lost nobodies, I could take care of you until you

feel better." I hesitated, could I really survive here like this, on my own? Going with him seemed like the safer option.

Eventually I whispered "Okay." Demyx smiled reassuringly at me, then glanced at the letter once more. "What are you doing?" I asked anxiously.

"Creating a name for you, we nobodies alter our original names so they show power, give us an identity of our own." He frowns at the paper in concentration before announcing "That should do it" he weaved the water in mid-air once more. I finally had my Identity. "Right Xeleste, shall we go home" he whispered with a smile.