Beta'ed by: van0koko

A Short Break

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

A/N: The story takes place between the Punk Hazard and Dressrosa Arcs.

I apologize in advance if there's anyone you might find out of character; it's my first One Piece fic.


They were at it again.

Nami sighed as she gently put down the basket with freshly picked tangerines. She walked over to the happy group, where she was once again exposed to the sunlight that couldn't reach her through the shades of her most beloved fruit trees.

"Oi, Nami! Look at this! I think I'm going to win today." She heard Luffy chuckle the moment she approached him.

"Eh?" She bent over behind him to sneak a glimpse at his cards, only to sigh afterwards. 'He's far from it.'

"As if that's ever going to happen. You have too many cards, Luffy." Usopp comically waved his hand, and then placed a card on the table, waiting for Chopper's turn.

"Shishishi, exactly!"

Nami could just feel the excitement running through his laughter. She found herself smiling, wondering how long one could endure their captain's stupidity.

Franky grinned. "Luffy, the point is to get rid of your cards."

The four pirates started bickering around the wooden table. Nami just shrugged it off and looked around the deck.

She spotted Robin, who was sitting quietly at another table, not too far away, reading a book. Nami inwardly smiled when she glanced at the other side of the deck and found Zoro taking a nap, holding his swords close to his chest. A few steps away from the swordsman, she could hear Brook talking with Kin'emon and his son. They kept mentioning Caesar's name, the latter constantly yelling at them to untie him and let him go.

Nami stretched and found herself walking towards the kitchen where Sanji was preparing their afternoon tea.

Her actions, however, were stopped when a hand grabbed her forearm, causing her to flinch.

"Nami-ya, could we talk for a bit?"

The touch faded away when she spun around and made eye contact with the captain of the Heart Pirates.

"Ah, Torao-kun. What is it?" She blinked, having forgotten about his presence on The Thousand Sunny. Ever since Luffy agreed to their alliance back on Punk Hazard, Trafalgar Law has been sailing together with them in order to achieve their common goal—taking down one of the Four Emperors.

"It seems that a new island came into sight." He pointed to her Log Pose.

"W-what?" She swiftly raised her hand. Her eyes widened when she looked over at the third needle. He was right. The needle stopped its previous direction, the one that lead them to Dressrosa, and changed drastically. 'Does that mean a new island appeared out of nowhere? The needle isn't moving a lot though, meaning the island's magnetic waves aren't strong.' She thought for a second, then sighed in relief. The place couldn't be dangerous.

Nami turned her gaze towards Law. All of a sudden, embarrassment covered her features. 'Has he been staring at it while I wasn't paying attention?'

As if reading her mind, he answered. "It caught my attention while you were talking to Straw Hat-ya."

She slowly nodded and glanced at her captain, who was still playing with the others.

"W-well," she stuttered, changing the subject. "As strange as this island seems to be, we don't have to worry about it. We can just pass it and wait for—"

Realization dawned on Law about her next words and he tried stopping her, only to have Luffy interrupt her instead.

It was too late.

"Huh? There is an island around here?" Luffy stretched his head, his grin spreading when he reached them.

"E-eh, yes, Luffy. But don't worry, it's not the one—"

She broke off as Luffy moved his gaze from the Log Pose to her face, inches away from her frown. "Let's go there, Nami!"

Law butted in. "The island's magnetic waves aren't strong. Chances are that's it's a regular island," he said, and after a short pause added. "So there's no reason for us to stop there, Straw Hat-ya."

They could hear Usopp and Chopper storming off and heading in their direction. "Eh?! Did you mention a safe island?" Usopp looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"Did you?!" Chopper repeated enthusiastically.

The sniper grinned, rubbing his chin. "I think it would be a wise choice to visit this island, Luffy."

'I'd also love a break.' Nami nodded to herself.

"So, you're saying that this island isn't dangerous?" Luffy muttered. He tilted his head and thought about the matter.

The Heart Pirate captain sighed. He had hoped it wouldn't have come to this. They needed to go to Dressrosa. Another island would just waste their time. He also regretted not talking to their navigator about the problem farther away from that idiot of a captain.

"Yosh! I decided." Luffy smiled and brought his head back to their playing table. "We're heading to this island, shishishi."

Law could only stare at the young captain. "Why?"

Luffy stared right back and his grin soon reappeared. "What do you mean why? Because it's closer to us and I wanna see a new island already!"

Franky got up and struck his famous pose in front of the others. "Super! I'm off to change the ship's course then. Nami, be sure to come and let me know about the new direction." She nodded in response.

Chopper and Usopp started dancing and singing happily around the deck. Knowing that they won't have to meet strong opponents for a while seemed to satisfy them. Luffy joined them as well, unaware of their reason.

"Huh? What's with all the noise?" Zoro's steps stopped when he reached and noticed the change of atmosphere.

"We're about to visit a new island." Robin chuckled, approaching them in time.

Soon, the rest arrived and started talking about their new destination. 'Great.' Law looked away. 'Just great.'

"Yes!" Nami chirped. 'We are going to take a small break after all.' Without realizing it, her gaze fixed on Law. He didn't seem too fond of the idea. Nami gave him a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her head. 'Sorry.'

Law eyed her, noticing her discomforting features. He was about to open his mouth when the musician of the Straw Hats broke the short silence.

"I'm so excited about our next adventure that I can feel my heart beating faster." Brook stated seriously as he raised both of his hands. "Although I have no heart, yohohoho!"

His joke made Momonosuke laugh. The kid realized that and rapidly changed his expression to a stony one, thinking about his father's opinion.

"Luffy-dono, I suppose it is okay as long as we won't lose too much time on this unknown island." Kin'emon admitted and looked over at him. "We still have to go to Dressrosa so I can save my friend!"

"Shishishi, of course."

"Nami-swan, Robin-chwan! Please allow me this time to accompany you the moment we leave Sunny." Sanji started spinning around the deck after handing the two girls their tea.

Once the talking stopped, the Straw Hat Pirates went ahead to get ready for their new location. Whether it was a short break or a nuisance for them, they respected their captain's choice and went along with his orders.

Trafalgar Law stared at the crew in awe. He could not understand their behavior. Why were they getting so fired up for a useless isle? He kept asking himself if it was a mistake to form this alliance.

He covered his forehead with the tips of his right fingers and closed his eyes. A deep sigh escaped his lips.

Good or bad, he knew he had to bear with it.


A/N: There you go. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it!

Your reactions, opinions or criticisms through reviews are always welcome.

As you can see, it's quite slow-paced and short. It's only the first chapter.

Oh and in case anyone was wondering, the game that Luffy, Chopper, Franky and Usopp were playing is called Macau. It's pretty cool.

Update: I was supposed to mention this in case anyone wondered about the cover for this story. I drew it a long time ago and posted it on my dA account. If you're interested to check it out, type the following link (replace the dot word with an actual dot and remove the spaces) nami-ya dot deviantart dot com / art / Law-x-Nami-380891438