A/N: This is going to be the last chapter of Colette's secret, It has been amazing writing this, especially with help from BlazeTheWolfie couldn't of made it without her input. I will still be writing but I am going to stick to 'Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot.' Thank you so much for the kind and caring reviews, even the ones who have told me if I have missed spelt or got something wrong, You guys are the best! I am sorry about the last chapter if It dragged or didn't make sense. Oh god... sorry I am dragging here... lest carry on!

It had been 3 weeks since Colette had given birth to Teigan and she couldn't believe how well Teigan was getting on. Fletch had been really supportive of Colette going through these hard time, Fletch had also finally given Colette the puppy who was named Elvis.

Everything else had gone according to plan, Colette and Fletch finally got married in a little ceremony in the hospital chapel, But Colette decided to keep her maiden name so that other doctors and nurses wouldn't get confused by calling 'Nurse Fletcher' and having both of them turn around to look at them.

Colette's POV

I stepped onto NICU after a rough night of worrying about Teigan, It was the first time I had slept at home in weeks, I didn't feel right knowing that my baby was 30 minutes away from me. As I stepped onto NICU I was approached by the nurse who had been looking after Teigan "Hello Colette, lovely to see you this morning, did you sleep alright?" then Cheryl the nurse began to speak in her northern Welsh accent, I smiled "Hello Cheryl, It is isn't it, No I didn't sleep well I wanted to be near Teigan" I replied as another yawn came across me.

"We have some wonderful news for you" Cheryl said as she walked me other to Teigan's bay, "What would that be?" I questioned, "Teigan is well enough for you to hold now" she began. I smiled to myself, It was the best feeling in the world.

So once the other neonatal nurse gave Teigan the once over, they sat me down in the chair just beside her, I gave the neonatal nurse a little nod to say I was ready, but before they placed Teigan down on me they told me to remove my blouse, "Why?" I questioned while undoing some of my buttons on my top "Because It is part of the bonding process we go though" Cheryl spoke up who was standing quietly in the corner of the room.

Once I had removed my blouse, I sat myself down again, feeling the cool leather of the chair touch my warm back, sending goose bumps down my back, "I am ready now" I spoke up as I saw them lift Teigan out of the cot, "Here we go" the other neonatal nurse spoke up.

They placed Teigan ever so carefully on my chest and told me to support her with my one hand on her back and the over under her nappy near her feet. I froze for a second before a single tear slipped down my face and I whispered "Hello little lady" I planted one little kiss on her head and smiled to myself again.

I looked down at Teigan and realised how precious life can be, I never felt this way with Zosia maybe because I never got the chance, but maybe just maybe one day I will look back at this day that is full of hope and think how the hell did I manage to do that.

"Knock, Knock?" I heard a familiar or should I say Irish voice come from the door "Mary-Claire!" I said "Come on in." Mary-Claire came over to me and placed a box of chocolates down on the table "OMG she is adorable" Mary-Claire squeaked, "I now" I replied as Mary-Claire kissed me on the cheek.

She pulled a chair up next to me and closely admired Teigan, "So what is her name?" she questioned, "Thought Fletch would of told you by now she is a month old" I began to wonder is Mary-Claire had amnesia or maybe she was going off her rocker. "Yesterday was my first day back, I went back over to Ireland for my sister's wedding" Mary-Claire answered, "Oh so, that is why!" It all began to make sense now, "Her name is Teigan" I replied as I planted another kiss on Teigan's head.

Mary-Claire cooed over Teigan for ages until Zosia walked in with Arthur, closely followed by Eva who was holding onto Zosia's hand, "Hi Mum" Zosia said as she came over and kissed me on the cheek, but Arthur stood standing at the back, he had no idea where to put himself, maybe it was the fact that I was sitting in my bra and jeans which made him a little awkward.

Once Mary-Claire had left, the nurse came in and told me some more great news that I wasn't expecting, even Zosia looked a little shocked. So I placed Teigan down in the cot and the nurse handed me some forms, "What are these for ?" I questioned, "Mum they are letting you take Teigan home!" Zosia squealed, "Shh" the nurse told Zosia off, which I found a little funny. "That's great" I read through the papers and came to the page with the discharge dates, which said 'Friday 17th June' My mouth dropped open "You are kidding me, Friday 17th? that's tomorrow" I all of a sudden went a little giddy but luckily Zosia was behind me and placed her hand on my back to stop me from falling, "You alright Mum?" Zosia questioned as she walked me back over to the chair, "Yeah just a little shocked" I replied.

Later on that day Zosia finally was allowed to hold her little sister, as Arthur had taken Eva down to AAU, so she could terrorise Mary-Claire, "She is perfect Mum" Zosia said as she slowly rocked Teigan backwards and forwards.

Zosia started to get cramp in her arms and passed Teigan back to me, I had now put my blouse back on so it would save poor Arthur from seeing the tops of my breasts. "I am going to put her back in her cot now, she is sleeping" I whispered to Zosia, Just as I placed Teigan back in the bed Arthur came back with Eva, I always loved how Eva's little face lighted up when she saw her Mum, I just had to smiled and watch.

"Mama!" Eva shouted as she began to run over to Zosia, "Hey you" Zosia replied, I always loved how Zosia would always put Eva first but underneath she was still struggling with her Bipolar.


Colette stood to one side and watched Zosia cuddle Eva, she was happy for Zosia that she was finally getting to grips with being a mother, especially with the graveyard (Late nights) shifts she was doing at the moment. "Hi Eva" Colette said as she kissed her cheek, Eva was looking at Colette and then looked over at Teigan and pointed, "That is your Auntie Teigan" Zosia spoke up taking the words straight out of Colette mouth, Eva leaned over Zosia's shoulder trying to get a better look.

Friday 17th June.

It had been some hours since Colette had brought Teigan home for the first time, Colette couldn't get over how small Teigan looked in her Moses basket compared to what Zosia and Eva looked like.

Fletch had the week off to help Colette settle Teigan, which was going smoothly as possible, they had also invited Zosia, Arthur and Eva over for a Friday lunch. Fletch decided to he would cook and let Colette put her feet up and relax with the cat and Teigan who was fast asleep in her Moses basket, They cat on the other hand was bothering Colette for a fuss as he hadn't seen Colette in weeks.

"Aren't you such a cute boy" Colette said as she cooed over her cat, "Well yes I am" Fletch replied, "I wasn't speaking to you" Colette jokes around for a while before carrying on talking to Bruno (the cat) like a baby. "You do realise talking to yourself if the first sign on madness?" Zosia speaks up as she entered the room holding Eva's hand. "Oh Zosh, I thought the cat was actually responding then" Colette placed her hand on her heart and exhaled.

Some time into the meal Zosia had brought up the subject about how clingy Eva had become all of a sudden, "... Yeah so I was about to leave Harry's one Thursday night and Eva come running over to me, in her bed clothes and holds onto my leg and starts to cry" Zosia continued to show she worries for Eva when Arthur speaks up "She might have a spot of seperation anxiety most toddlers get it, come on Zosh you should know this." Zosia blushed before giving Eva another spoon full of food, "I might be, I remember the one when your Father brought you into work when Anya had to work late's you was like that" Colette adds to the conversation.

Later on that day Colette, Zosia, Arthur, Fletch, Eva and Teigan all sit together on the sofa and begin to watch Frozen... Colette's favourite Disney movie, But Zosia is confused by it and keeps trying to ask questions but keeps getting shushed by Colette "But I won't get it what is it based on?" Zosia questions again, "It's based on the book the snow queen, Come on Zosh you have got to have read that?" Colette replies, Zosia shakes her head again, Colette on the other hand is trying to contain the scream that is building up inside of her.

"I love you Mum" Zosia whispered as she placed her head on Colette's shoulder, "I love you too Zosia" Colette whispered back, "I love you too" Fletch joked "Alright Fletch we get the idea" Zosia whispered as Eva drifted to sleep on Zosia's lap, Colette looked around the room and smiled to herself, she had realised what she always needed and that was what she was blessed with.

(You have to imagine some sort of montage for this bit, of all the things Colette has came through)

Finally Colette has a proper family, with her two daughter and granddaughter, something she never thought she'd ever have, Colette had finally got something to live for, she couldn't believe that she had found her long lost daughter and within 11 weeks of knowing her Zosia found out Zosia was pregnant with Eva, She struggled so much when Zosia was diagnosed with Bipolar but soon came over it, Colette even looked after Eva for a few months with help from Mary-Claire. Also begin stabbed in the toilets by a psycho patient, being hit by a car in front of her friends and being in a coma, finding out she was pregnant herself and then giving birth at 29 weeks, Marrying the love of her life Fletch, and some of the things she would love to forget such as finding out her EX husband was in the hospital one day, Making out with Guy in his office.

Colette had made some amazing friends down on AAU and a few not so friendly people, She couldn't believe she had been at Holby City Hospital nearly 3 years, and the amazing friends she had made along the way; Gemma, Serena, Adele not forgetting Mary-Claire. Colette remember the time that Her, Gemma, Serena, Adele and Mary-Claire got arrested in Holby City centre, her disastrous camping trip where Serena scared the life out of Gemma, Colette and Mary-Claire, also saving Mary-Claire's life when she nearly drowned, and the amount of times she had fallen out with them over stupid little things but forgave the within minutes of arguing, Because Colette had finally realised, that friendship means understanding, Not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting, It means the memories last, even if the contact if lost.

Colette had finally realised something bigger and more important, Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the one who accepts you for who you are. The one who would do anything to see you smile & who love you no matter what.

"Because I see things clearer now, we do things to protect the ones we love and care for..."


Colette x

Thank you ever so much for your wonderful reviews, and a massive thank you to BlazeTheWolfie who helped me so much, even through such hard times she has had, she has been a babe x. Please read and view would love to get these reviews to 100 only 5 more to my target !

Thank you so much for reading you Guys have been amazing !

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