heyz!this is muh first FFVIII fic but definitely not muh first!the characters may be a little ooc, but please bear with meeh.this is an alternate universe fic,kz?squall and seifer are the two strongest and coldest vampires on earth. this fic will include squall/rinoa,seifer/quistis,and irvine/selphie.wellz,enjoy and remember to REVIEW! flames will be used to burn muh brother's homework! ~Tenshi

DISCLAIMER:of course i dont own FFVIII!!!wish i owned squall though....

***Blood and Love***

**A Visit to the Past**

My well-muscled body, tousled brown hair and deep-blue eyes makes me the

object of affection in every hormone-raging teenager girls' hearts. The words I speak

and the way I dress engraves me in their hearts. But only one did I truly care about.

A girl with midnite-black hair, mirthful brown eyes, and owned the only smile in the

world that's so contagious, that it can make even one with a dark past smile. She

was an angel. I sighed as I crept into my bed and close my eyes to remember the life

I once had. Before my innocence was ruthlessly taken away. A time when I thought I

was in love with a girl named Rinoa.


Everytime I saw her, my heart beats faster. The way she smelled always

enticed me. She was always cheerful and upbeat that no one could stay mad or sad

around her for long. One day,I finally got the nerves to ask her to walk with me(I am

VERY OLD, but I still have my youthful looks; one of the advantages of being a

vampire) and she accepted. As we walked down the cobblestones, I couldn't help but

feel as if we were being watch. The moon that night was bright and was the moon

witnessed our first kiss. That kiss is engraved in my mind and no other girl could

kiss me like that kiss.

But all good things must come to an end. Seifer appeared suddenly, his eyes

glowed crimson. I heard Rinoa gasp beside me and her grip on my arm tightened.

As Seifer came up to Rinoa, he glared at me and I suddenly froze. He turned his

attention back to Rinoa, staring into her eyes. Suddenly she was standing up and

Seifer took her into his arms. I saw his fangs appear and I watched as he pierced her

throat and drank her of all her life blood. I knew she was dead when she became

limp and Seifer dropped her to the ground. He turned to me, grinned so that I could

see Rinoa's blood on his fangs. His vampiric spell on me broke and I charged at him.

An unseen force pushed me against a wall. After that, everything becomes blurry,

and all I remember is waking up with a thirst for blood.


so?so?so?so?so?watcha think?!tell meeh!!!SUBMIT A REVIEW!!!!i noe it kinda sucks rite now,but it's just a prologue!!! ~Tenshi