Title: The Present

Author: BertaS

Pairing: Severus and Harry

Rating: PG

Word Count: 498

Warnings: Hurt/Comfort

Summary: Severus surprises Harry for Christmas.

A/N: I do not own any of the characters, or anything else you may recognize except the poem at the end which those of you who received Christmas cards will have seen before.

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The Present

Severus Snape coughed gagging slightly on the taste of his own blood as he watched the Dark Lord walk away. He had always known that he would die at the man's orders. But he had not anticipated being left to die alone. He shivered feeling the blood pooling under his shoulder as his arm went numb.

Then Potter appeared and he was no longer alone. He wanted to reach out and touch the boy. He wanted to be held, but he knew that could never be.

Severus began to panic when Potter moved away and he couldn't say anything, couldn't release his memories, and couldn't make any difference. He closed his eyes whimpering in despair.

He was confused to suddenly feel himself being shaken gently while warm arms closed comfortingly around him. Words that at first made no sense were whispered in his ear.

Taking a shuddering breath Severus carefully opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying on a thick sheep skin rug almost under a Christmas tree. A young man was holding him tenderly and whispering nonsense in his ear.

"Harry?" he whispered in confusion.

"Yes Love, it's okay. It was just a dream. Everything is fine now." Harry said softly as he gently brushed the silky soft hair away from Severus' face.

Severus sagged in relief, just a dream. Glancing down at himself, he realized why he was still so chilly despite the warm arms holding him. He reached up and touched the only thing he was wearing, a bright green ribbon that was tied around his neck. The bow had come undone and one end trailed down his chest to pool in his lap, the other was wrapped tightly around his upper arm.

Cheeks tinged with pink, Severus whispered, "I had not intended to fall asleep." He looked up at Harry with a shy half smile. "Happy Christmas?"

Harry chuckled and said, "Very happy." His hand slid down over Severus' jaw, brushed against the ribbon and on to the bare shoulder. The fingers trailed lower, down his back to his hip as Harry pulled the man closer.

Harry kissed Severus softly before asking, "May I open my present now?"

Severus groaned, "Oh gods yes." as he lie back offering the most perfect present under the tree.


Under the tree the present lay

Innocent and sweet, a beautiful sight

The perfect gift for the perfect day

Wrapped in a bow, green and bright

I wrote this to say

I'm wishing you might

On this special day

Find a present as right



Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all received the present that was perfect for you.