A/N: This whole chapter is just going to be an author's note, because well, the story is done. Well, in the last sentence (I think) I did mean cloak, not clock.stupid Word not knowing which word I mean. Well, I want to thank everyone who reviewed! You are my heroes!

mushroom1302- You are my new best friend (

Fiora-da-Insane- Sorry, it wasn't a clock.but look I corrected it ^.^

StarShine- I'm glad that you thought it was funny

Casey J- One thing, if you are going to call me Bagel, please spell it right!

Alda- Daning? What kind of dance? Is it a special Fred and George dance?

- Yup.it was a very Fred and George thing, and next time put down at least a nickname

Anne Waterfeild- Whoa! You used a big word in your review.please don't take that as a bad thing.you a vocabulary queen! Good job reviewing

Flower_Chic- they used the cloak.I just kinda spelled it wrong.

Sirhc- Was it really good? Well, that is all for now.but if you can suggest anything, I will be more than happy to update.

PheonixFireBlack- I'm so happy that you liked it. And it was a cloak.

Well, if anyone has any ideas for this story to be updated, please review and tell me.