Right, I'm back. From where, you say? Well, I don't know, where do you want to be back from? So anyway, Chapter 9 up. Oh, and thanks for those who reviewed. Now back to the story. (I'm rambling, I know. Or am I? See, here I go again. Fine fine, I'll stop. Jeez) Take 5, scene 9 (chapter 9) and...START!

Chapter 9: Blake, the annoying pest


"I'm bored. Bored with a capital B." Stella whined for the umpteenth time.

"Shut up, blondie. I'm trying to sleep here." Riven was laying on the couch desperately trying to fall asleep after the lecture last night from the girls. But now, it seems like he isn't going to get any sleep anyway, seeing as Stella just won't shut up for 60 whole seconds. Riven grunted and sit up on the couch.

"What do you want to do then?" Musa asked, though it's obvious she knew the answer.

"No wait, don't answer. We'll get ready, just please don't say the word." Layla held out a hand just as Stella's face brightened and she was about to answer Musa's question.

The girls groaned and headed to their rooms to get ready. After the whole Specialists follow Winx to Earth fiasco, Ms. Faragonda surprised the girls saying that she had already rented a 6-bedrooms house just round the corner of Bloom's adopted parents house. They were to move to the house after school that day as not to disturb Mike and Vanessa any further than needed to. Turned out not only the Winx were going to be staying there, but the Specialists too. Faragonda arranged it so that the Specialists will be more able to protect the Winx from any danger.

Now the Winx took three bedrooms while the Specialists took the other three. Since they have always shared bedrooms at Alfea and Red Fountain, this doesn't really bothered the Fairies and Heroes. The girls decided to mix it up a little and room with other people. At Alfea, Stella roomed with Layla, Musa with Tecna and Flora with Bloom. But on Earth, Stella roomed with Bloom, Musa with Layla and Flora with Tecna.

After 10 minutes, the Winx and Specialists were standing outside the Gardenia Plaza.

"Come on, let's go in." Stella clapped her hands excitedly.

"Ugh, this is the last time I'm shopping with you, Stella."

"That's just your mouth talking, darling. Don't worry, I know you love shopping with me." Stella told Bloom and went into the plaza.

The others groaned and followed her in. After two hours of non-stop shopping, well actually complaining, the group decided to head to a cafe to eat. Just as they where heading in, they heard a voice calling for Musa.

"Musa! Hey, Musa!" they turned around to see a boy their age waving at them at the other side of the mall.

"Go go go, we need to find a table, immediately." Musa pushed the group into the cafe and hissed in a panic tone.

"What's the mat-" Bloom started to say.

"Just shut up and help me find a table." Musa commanded, and sighed.

"There!" the others turned to where Brandon was pointing. He found a booth for twelve in the corner.

"Good. Now come on." Musa didn't wait for the others she just dived into the booth and pulled Riven in with her.

"Oh, so just now you order me around and now you pull me?! What the hell, pixie!" Riven exclaimed, clearly pissed with the musical princess.

"Shh, act normal."

The others picked up their menu and did as Musa said, though they're confused as why she's acting this way. Five minutes after the waitress finished taking their order and headed back into the kitchen, the Winx and Specialists heard the voice that made Musa hurried them into the cafe just fifteen minutes ago. A boy their age, dressed in a simple plain white shirt with a hoodie, casual ripped-knee jeans with a chain loop at the right side of it, and dark blue Nike shoes.

"There you are. I thought I saw you from afar. So, how's it going?" the boy asked.

"Nice to meet you too, Blake." Musa replied in a tone that said exactly the opposite. But Blake, being a guy with a handsome face but no brain didn't take the hint. That's obvious as he kept on talking as if she hasn't spoken, which made Musa groan.

"Where did you went to? One minute, you were there, and the next, poof, somebody tells me you were gone. And I was like, 'Where did she go? I mean, she haven't bean expelled yet, and it's not like she could suddenly just pack up and leave in the middle of the school year.' and I've been wondering this until I saw someone that looks like you just now. I wasn't sure if it was you so I took the risk and called your name. When you turned around, the face is unmistakably yours. But why did you hurry away?" Blake finished without taking a break.

There was a silence at the booth as everyone stared at the boy, Blake

"Wow." Timmy broke the awkward silence. "I've never seen anyone talked so fast except Stella."

"Is that suppose to be a compliment or insult? Because I don't think it's a compliment." Stella pried her eyes off Blake and turned towards Timmy who just shrugged.

"Um, I'm just gonna go. I think my mum is calling me." Blake rushed off without waiting for an answer, as he was quite uncomfortable that no one acknowledge him.

Musa stood up, waved and yelled, "Bye! See you... idiot." she muttered the last part under her breath but loud enough for her friends to hear.

The Winx and Specialists cracked up just as the waitress came back with their food. After they finished and have paid the bill, they walked out of the cafe.

"So, who was that?" Nabu and Layla ask in unison.

"Wow, aren't you two the perfect couple." Stella and Brandon joked.

"Says the one who's talking." Layla shot back.

"That, was Blake." Musa spoke up. Layla and Stella stopped their joking around and paid attention to what Musa was talking about.

"That part was obvious. Seeing as you just greeted him with his name." Riven crossed his arms and retorted.

"What happened? Why did you run when he saw you?" Flora pushed.

"He went to Gardenia High, and last year I went with him to the Spring Fling. One dance, it's just one dance and then suddenly I'm like his wife or something." Musa exclaimed. "He was always following me. Even after I told him to but off, he just took it as a compliment. I don't even like him, he's just a popular guy with a face but no brain."

"And?" Tecna asked.

"And what?"

"What happened next, duh"

"Well, he was like an annoying fly, kept on following and pestering me. Did you know, one day he was all like, 'Darling dear, you should be lucky that I even pay the slightest bit attention to you, don't you know that almost all of the girls in this school want to be with me and almost all the guys in this school want to be be.'" Musa did a perfect imitation of Blake.

The others laughed.

"But I didn't see him when I was on Earth." Bloom commented.

"Well, yeah. He transferred here from..what? I forgot the school name. All I know is, his from the opposite side of the world, he transferred here, he became popular and suddenly I'm supposed to be grateful he paid attention to me. I mean, how messed up is that?"

"You got that right, pixie. Your mess, you clean." Riven smirked and walked away, probably to the arcade.

And...CUT! There you go, chapter 9 done and ready to read. It's pretty long, to make up for the past...I dunno, days weeks? months? years? decades? centuries? Right, I'll stop now. Dunno what's wrong with me.