Note: My apologies for all of the POV changes, but they're required. Just struggle through, I promise it's worth it.

Dovahkiin POV:

Alva yanks me into her home, slamming the door behind her. I quickly take in all of the room in case I get a chance to escape. To my left is a barrel beside a long wooden table. The table holds two bottles of wine, a bottle of whiskey, two bottles of mead, a sprig of snowberries, two bird's eggs, a cabbage, and several loaves of bread. Above the table, hanging from the ceiling are two braids of garlic, three bunches of elves ears, and a bundle of frost mirriam. To the right of the table is a basket, and above the basket three rabbits hang from a rack. In the northern corner of the room are two barrels, but I doubt I can reach them.

The southeast wall has a tall wardrobe no doubt containing clothes, with a lute leaning against it on the right. Opposite the door is a fireplace with a cooking pot in front, and a collection of books is on the mantlepiece. To the left of the fireplace is a flight of stairs down to what I would guess is a cellar. If it is, then it's the only house I know of to have a cellar in it. To the right of the fire are several barrels and sacks that probably contain food. Against the southwest wall is a square wooden table and two chairs. On the table there are some loose coins, an iron dagger, and a large coin purse. In the western corner and along the southeastern wall is a single bed with a chest at the foot of the bed. However, the bed is stripped bare and holds nothing. However, that's not that case with the large double bed against the northeast wall.

A naked Breton is sitting on the bed and playing idly with her thick dark hair, her pale skin shining from the flames in the fireplace. The woman's red eyes snap up to see who's entered, and I instantly know what she is. The Breton smirks and brings her hand down between her legs, yanking on an ebony fake cock. Alva chuckles and yanks me by my mane over to the woman, happily saying, "Slut, meet Laelette. Laelette, meet the slut we're going to fuck.". Alva forcibly bends me over and turns me around, dragging me to the bed so she can sit down.

The woman spreads her legs and forces my face between her thighs, telling her companion, "Her cunt's probably as loose as a whore's, you might want to use her ass.". I'm not sure how Laelette responds, but I can feel Alva wind her hands in my mane as she tells me, "I'd suggest putting that tongue of yours to good work, or else I might just start to share you with the dragur.". I've never licked a woman's cunt, but I quickly get to work at the thought of what the dragur's cunts and cocks might look like. As I desperately try to pleasure Alva I feel something nudge against my cunt, and I know exactly what it is. Two thin hands wrap around my waist as the tip of the ebony tries to work its way into my cunt. I hiss in pain as the woman behind me roughly tries to get it in, my cunt unwilling to allow the fake cock in.

Laelette curses and tries to push the device into me, but Alva stops her by snarling, "You damned idiot! Get some oil and spread it on her, then she'll be ready to fuck.". I've paused in licking the woman, but I rough smack to the head makes me resume my lapping. I feel a cold liquid squirt on my cunt, and a second later the fake cock is back. A disgusting squishing noise occurs when the ebony slides into me, but the vampire behind me couldn't care less. She instantly pounds into me, and I feel her partially lying down on my back. I hear the sound of kissing and realize what Alva and Lalette are doing above me.

My tongue begins to ache, but I'm too terrified to stop. The device pounding into me is hard to ignore, but I somehow manage to push it to the back of my mind. I close my eyes and recede into my mind, my tongue working without thought. I manage to slowly block out what's happening, but soon Alva's cunt is clenching and groaning. She pulls back and pushes me away, yanking Laelette towards her and whispering in her ear. The shorter vampire nods and walks over to me, forcing me onto my knees. Her slick cock bobs in front of my face, the woman rubbing the tip against my lips. I instantly tighten my jaws and shake my head, but a strong hand grabs my skull. Alva grabs my jaw and forces it open, her companion easily slipping the ebony into my mouth.

Her hips begin jackhammering as quickly as the woman can manage, causing me to gag and threaten to vomit. But my stomach has already voided itself, so there's nothing else to throw up. I hear a moan of approval and look over to see Alva playing with her own cunt. The woman sees me watching, smirks, and happily exclaims, "It's like having my own personal sex show!". Laelette suddenly forces my back to the ground, the woman clawing the wooden floor as she begins fucking my mouth. My gagging and flailing mean nothing to her as Alva happily urges her on, "Fuck that's sexy. Harder. Faster. Don't let her breathe, make her your bitch!".

Laelette does what she's told tenfold. The wet noise coming from me disgust me, and I'm gagging occasionally as the ebony cock is constantly removed and forced back into my throat. I hear Alva let out a sound of approval before she says, "Let her up, but hold her still.". When I'm forced up I look over to see Alva pulling another fake cock and some oil from her drawer. She puts it on and struts over to me, slapping me on the ass and telling her companion, "Lift her up. You take the cunt and I'll take the ass.". Laelette lifts me up and Alva prepares both of my entrances, both of the women lining their fake cocks up with my entrances. The two women begin kissing over my shoulder, then when they pull back Alva practically sings, "On the count of three rip her apart.".

The woman clears her throat and screams, "Three!". I'm completely unprepared for the two cocks being roughly shoved inside me. A scream rips from my throat, but a hand roughly shoves itself inside my mouth to silence me. I cry out and try to get away, the two vampires beginning to move. They sort of pass me back and fort as they press against me, both of them happily thrusting their hips. I can't ignore what they're doing due to the pain, and it only gets worse when Laelette sinks her fangs into my shoulder. Alva quickly does the same, both of the women becoming rougher and faster in their movements.

Tears roll down my face as Alva roughly rips her fangs out of my shoulder, whispering in my ear, "You're such a little slut.". A sudden knocking at the door interrupts us and I hear Potema scream, "Alva, are you in there? There's a situation.". Alva never stops as she screams, "Come in.". The door opens and my creator walks in, freezing and slowly smiling as she takes in the sight before her. Alva notices the smirk and offers, "I think I have a fake cock downstairs, if you feel like fucking her throat.". Potema shakes her head and says, "Maybe another time, we have bigger things to do. We've spotted raiders to the south.". Suddenly, the low sound of war reaches our ears. The three women frown in anger, but I smile. The sound is the sound the legion uses before rushing into battle. It's the sound of safety.

Elisif POV:

My troops thunder down to the city, but the dragur are ready to meet them. However, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. Potema's exiting a building with a naked Dovahkiin in tow. Perfect. I turn my horse, yell at a few of my men to follow me, and charge down towards the false queen.

Dovahkiin POV:

It's as if some unseen puppeteer is pulling at my strings, forcing me to fight my friends. I cry and scream as I cut down my fellow Legionaries, each one falling to my claws. Their swords cut through my skin, bone, and muscles, but I don't stop. My mind seems to twist and bend the longer I fight. How dare they fight me! I am superior! I should be their ruler! I throw myself back into the fight with all of my vigor.

Potema POV:

I'm slashing left and right, killing anyone foolish enough to come near me. My mind seems to twist and bend the longer I fight. Why am I doing this?! Why am I killing innocent people?! I freeze, and that's when I see her. Elisif. She sees me, screams, and charges. I raise my weapon, but can't bring it down to fight her. That's when a dark shape leaps in between us, roaring as loud as it can.

Dovahkiin POV:

The entire battlefield is silent as they watch us. Elisif, Potema, and myself. Elisif stands to one side and Potema to the other, and I'm smack dab in the middle of them. I begin twitching and going in a circle, looking at both of them as I crawl on my hands and knees. Elisif is the first to speak, "Kill her and I shall spare you.". Potema snarls, "Kill her and I shall free you.". An animalistic roar is my only answer. Elisif nudges her horse forward and promises, "Kill her and I shall shower you in riches.". My creator steps forward and says, "Kill her and I will bury you in a tomb fit for a god.". Both of them freeze and wait for me. I turn to Elisif, but freeze. I don't want to kill her. I'm a damned hero! I SAVE people! Potema twisted me, but that doesn't mean I have to stay that way. I take one step towards Elisif, and feel Potema's leg rub against my side. Her hand lowers and she grasps my shoulder as she whispers, "Do it.". I do.

Elisif POV:

Potema's bitch flips around, ripping the woman's throat out. The false queen's eyes flash as she falls, the dragur around her crumpling. The vampires are already running, but one person remains. The Dovahkiin. I walk up to her, pat her on the shoulder, and assure her, "You're spared. Now come, we need to celebrate before taking Solitude tomorrow morning.". The woman nods and I go to work.

Dovahkiin POV:

The feast before me is wonderful, but I can't partake. Why am I alive? HOW am I alive? I ignore it and shove some turkey into my mouth, but the bird is dry and dull. I've been filled in on how Elisif has been acting, so I make sure to act well. But a servant girl isn't as lucky. I'm not sure what she did, but Elisif begins screaming and beating the girl. A leader shouldn't be doing that. I need to do something about it. I have to do something about it. Even if everyone remembers me as a horrible person, I have to do it. I nervously push myself to feet and walk over to the woman. The queen looks up and spots me standing in front of her. Her drunken eyes gleam.

Elisif POV:

The Khajiit stumbles towards me and mumbles, "Stop.". I chuckle and snarl, "NO!". The bitch raises her head, and I freeze. Her cinnamon colored pelt is turning grey right before my eyes, her own eyes becoming cloudy like she's ancient. Her fangs become yellow and her weight seems to melt off of her. The woman manages to whisper, "A queen should act better. You aren't worthy of the title.". The woman takes a step forward, her fur beginning to fall away to reveal wrinkled and old skin beneath. All I can do is look on in horror as the ever thinning woman reaches out, her long claws reaching my throat.

Sybille POV:

I feel joy rise in me when Elisif falls. She freed Falk, Jarl Balgruuf, and I to have us executed in Solitude. It doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon. However, I still watch the Khajiit. Her fur has fallen away to reveal a disgusting pink creature, and I'm able to count every single one of her bones. Nobody moves as the woman falls to her knees, her hands bursting into piles of ash. The Khajiit moans and falls over on her side, her entire body bursting apart in ash and dust. All that remains is her skull, a rather ironic twist as I realize what's happened. I grab Falk and whisper, "A thrall.". Falk blinks, realizes what I mean, and whispers, "Impossible.". I shake my head and say louder, "She was a thrall!". The word is picked up, passed around, and chewed over. Eventually Balgruuf makes his way over to the ashes, picks up the skull, and announces, "She was a damned thrall, and she killed two queens.". Suddenly, we all realize our queen is dead. That's when chaos erupts.

Three Weeks Later

Falk and I ride up to the city of Solitude, signs of the recent battles still showing on the walls. As we ride I ask him, "What do you think Maven will do when she realizes we're late?". He shrugs and says, "Probably nothing, she doesn't seem to care much what we do as long as we don't get in her way.". I nod in agreement, allowing conversation to drop. It's still hard to believe Maven is the new queen, but it's not too surprising if I think about it. The woman was just waiting to grab power (she sucked up to Elisif no matter what), and her soldiers were the main reason we got back Solitude.

We pass Elisif's grave and I throw a rose from my pocket on it, the only flower on it. I might miss the woman, but nobody else does. However, the Dovahkiin (or 'queen killer' as the citizens have taken to calling her) has a decent amount of flowers on her resting place. She'll be missed. For now. As we ride I ask Falk, "What do we do now?". He shrugs and offers, "Survive.". I counter, "What if we can't?". We stop at the gates and as we look up at them he answers, "If we can't, then maybe Potema deserved to have this place after all.". I nod in agreement, entering my own personal oblivion.

The End

Note: Thank you all so much for reading this, your reviews kept me going when I didn't know where to go. Now, I have a little problem. My next work was suppose to be 'A Trophy Wolf' followed by 'The Path of Those Before Us'. I've decided to push 'A Trophy Wolf' to the bottom of my large list of stories to do. It will be behind a currently unnamed story after 'The Path of Those Before Us'. After all of this is taken care of, then I'll finally have a free list to start with. Now, here's a description of 'The Path of Those Before Us'. I know it might be a little odd to work of two sequels at once, but I trust I can make it enjoyable.

The Path of Those Before Us. A sequel to A New Order. The Dragonborn finally goes to find her destiny with Serana by her side, but more than one thing stands in their way. Serana's mother is trying to pull them apart, The Dawnguard are behind every corner, and dragons have returned to Skyrim.

I'm not sure if I will make this a separate work entirely, or a work within 'A New Order'. Tell me what your guys think, I'll make a decision within a few days and post what I'm going to do fully in 'Revolting'.