A/N: Okay, folks, here's the last chapter. Think a lot of you are waiting for this one. There's quite a bit of M rated material in this but it's an extra long chapter for those who blush easily and want to skip it.

Chapter 17 – Consummation

Jane released his lips on Lisbon's. 'You didn't really think it would matter, did you?'

Lisbon shook her head. 'Not really. I mean no, of course I didn't when I was thinking straight.'

Jane smiled at her. 'You know I was married with a child myself once, Teresa. It's not the first time I've seen them.'

Lisbon nodded. 'I know and I told myself that too. That you wouldn't care. But that was your child, I don't know. Somewhere in my head I thought that would make a difference.'

Jane nodded. 'Can I say something to you that you've told me numerous times over the years?'

Lisbon looked at him suspiciously. Since when did he ask permission to ask a question? 'Um...okay.'

Jane cleared his throat before pronouncing grandly, 'You, Teresa Lisbon, are an idiot.' He lay back on the bed afterwards, a wide smile on his face. 'You have no idea how good it feels to say that to you for a change.'

Lisbon rolled her eyes but smiled back, relief flooding her body.

She lay back with her head on his chest. 'I knew I was being foolish but I kept on getting the picture of you and Melanie in my head, the two of you looked like two GQ models together.'

Jane chortled against her. 'You think I have another career I could get into if Abbott finally loses his patience with me?'

'Yeah, you can laugh but you know damn well how good looking you are. Practically every woman you meet flirts with you.'

Jane blushed and shrugged. 'I might be aesthetically pleasing to some people at first glance but I carry around a truckload of baggage, I think one more than counteracts the other. And you're the only person who knows who I really am. The only person I can be myself with. And I'd like to think you're interested in more than my looks at this stage.'

'Well of course I am.'

'Exactly my point.'

'Can I see them?' Jane asked quietly after a moment, his arm around her shoulder.

He felt her body stiffen immediately so he added, 'Okay, how about you see my scar first? You can see I'm not quite the perfect specimen you think I am. Although, as I lie on a couch for a living I'm surprised you would think that in the first place.'

She looked up at him. 'You have a scar? Where?'

Jane removed his arm from her shoulder and took off his T shirt. At the sight of his bronzed skin Lisbon's eyes weren't immediately attracted to the long scar on his right side, just below his chest. Her mind immediately thought of kissing every patch of it instead. She peered at the scar, touching it gently.

'How did you get it?' Lisbon asked.

'Knife fight when I was five' Jane replied seriously.

Lisbon gasped and looked up at him to see him grinning. She swatted him on the arm. 'Jesus, I believed you there for a second.'

Jane chortled. 'Surgery when I was a baby. It's called pyloric stenosis. It's from an operation to remove a stomach blockage. Lucky my mother was still around at the time. My father would have probably just let me die.'

Lisbon stared at him. 'I had no idea.'

'Why would you? You know I often wonder if that's why I hate hospitals. I don't remember it obviously but maybe my subconscious does. So, you want to finish with me now that you know I'm not perfect?'

Lisbon raised her eyebrows. 'One thing I never thought about you was that you were perfect.'

Jane shrugged. 'So, as they say, I've showed you mine...'

Lisbon sighed and nodded. She lay down on the bed and went to pull her nightshirt up. Jane stilled her hand. 'Can I do it?'

Lisbon shrugged. 'Okay.'

As he put his hand on the material he said, 'You sure?'

Lisbon nodded.

He moved the nightshirt up slowly, the marks visible on her stomach. He smiled down at them, his fingers gracefully moving across them. 'Do you have them anywhere else?' he asked softly.

Lisbon shook her head, even his gentle touch beginning to arouse her. 'No, just there.'

Jane nodded. 'Angela had them on her breasts and thighs too.'

Lisbon lay there as he moved his fingers over them. He bent over and kissed them lightly, his tongue licking the ridges on her skin. Lisbon closed her eyes as his lips trailed them. He stopped and pulled his mouth up to hers. 'You're beautiful, inside and out.' His words came out like a statement and not a way of seducing her or charming her.

Tears welled in her eyes at the sincerity of his tone. He smiled softly at her, kissing her gently, his hand cupping her face.

Lisbon immediately put her hand through his hair, pulling him closer. They kissed languidly, Jane's hand tracing its way back down to the marks and touching them as they deepened the kiss.

M rated territory from now on for a while, I'll let you know when it's over.

He moved his hand back up slowly under her jersey, his fingers caressing the underside of her breast before cupping it gently. He rubbed his thumb over the nipple in soft strokes. Lisbon's breath hitched and she kissed him deeper, her tongue easing its way into his mouth. Jane moaned as she traced her fingers over his back, her nails grazing it delicately. Jane moved his leg across hers, his erection brushing her thigh as they continued kissing as each touch of their lips made them forget everything else apart from being in this moment. Jane moved his lips to her neck, kissing her pulse point as she rifled through his hair, her fingertips brushing over the soft curls.

He moved to look at her, her eyes dark with pleasure and passion, surely a reflection of his own. 'The jersey?' he asked. Lisbon moved up on the bed and removed it immediately. Jane's eyes fastened on her breasts and his eyes blinked for a few seconds.

His gaze was only broken by the sound of Lisbon clearing her throat. 'If all you're going to do is look at them, no wonder this is going to take all night.' He looked back to her face, a smirk on it and her eyebrows raised.

He grinned back, kissing her smile. 'Sorry, lie back down' he said softly but with a slight laugh still in his voice.

She was still smiling too as she laid her head back on the pillow. For a few moments passion had been replaced by humour. This is how it should be, Jane thought. Lovemaking shouldn't always be about bringing someone to the heights of ecstasy through a long process of seduction. Or a quick hard bout of ferocious sex. Those things had their place, yes and he intended on Lisbon having both sensations before the night was over. But this is what he had been missing for so long. The humour that only accompanied making love with someone you fully trusted and who knew you inside out.

He traced his fingers across her face, tears welling in his eyes.

'What's the matter?' she asked quietly. 'Are you okay?'

He nodded, 'Never better. Sorry, it's just a little emotional that we're finally here.'

She nodded, cupping his cheek and moving up to kiss him gently. 'I know. I feel the same. Now...let's get a move on, shall we?'

That made Jane smile again. 'You really have no patience, do you, woman?'

Lisbon looked like she was pondering the question for a second and then said, 'Nope.' She moved off her pillow to push Jane onto his, her kisses raining down on his chest that took his breath away. He laughed after a few moments as she continued this assault. 'You really like being the boss, don't you?'

Her eyes darted back to him, full of mischief and desire. 'You always said you liked it when I got authoritarian with you.'

He laughed again, only stopping when her mouth came closer to the top of his boxers. He centred himself, his biofeedback only just working. She moved back up to kiss him, her tongue rapidly entering his mouth and her hand moving to the inside of his boxers, fondling him. He let out a gasp against her mouth, his body immediately reacting to her. She continued to work him with her hand whilst kissing him passionately. Jane didn't know how long he could control himself at the pace she was going.

'Teresa, slow down, please' he said, panting. 'I...I won't last much longer.'

She giggled into his shoulder as she nuzzled it, her hand moving even faster. She was evidently enjoying the normally in control Patrick Jane rapidly approaching his breaking point. With every ounce of what little strength he had left he moved one of his hands down her body, moving her up slightly with his other so he could access her panties. He put his fingertips inside them and felt her hand still on him.

She looked up at him, 'You son of a bitch' she said, half angry and half aroused.

He grinned back, moving one finger inside her slowly, making her take a sharp intake of breath. 'You know I don't play fair, Teresa.'

Suddenly she was flipped back over to her side of the bed, her hand still around him but he had enough room to pull her panties down a little before inserting his finger again. She was gloriously wet and he almost lost it at that point himself. He began to work her, knowing it wouldn't take much for her to lose all restraint. But she hadn't given up herself and the two of them vied for control as they fondled each other for a few moments. It was Lisbon who came first, her hand grabbing on to him tighter and making the eyes in his head roll back. He panted, breathing deeply as she clung on to him, her body writhing in pleasure. She released her hold on him at last, puffing out small breaths.

After a few minutes with a renewed energy she pulled his boxers off him quickly along with her own panties that had only made it to the top of her thighs.

She looked at him and shook her head. 'What am I going to do with you?' She said it like she had said it to him a thousand times when he had followed through on some cockamamie plan, no seductiveness in her tone.

Jane grinned back at her. 'At this point, whatever you like.'

She smiled back and bit her lip. 'You might regret saying that, Patrick.'

She moved herself on top of him, his penis at the entrance to her vagina. He put his hand around it to steer it as she placed hers on it and they looked at each other. All humour had left them, only a shared intensity of a long unfilled yearning for each other occupying their minds. They didn't discuss condoms or if she was on the pill (although Jane knew she was). They both knew that there would be no barriers between them when this happened. In fact, they didn't speak at all. He blinked rapidly and licked his lips as he watched her move herself gently on top of him. He was rock hard and she took him into her slowly. Both their heads fell back and they closed their eyes before looking back at each other once he was fully inside her. He put his hands on her hips and swallowed, nodding to let her know he was in control of himself for her to begin to move. She started slowly as they continued to gaze at each other. He saw her face express what he was feeling. This was really happening between them, it wasn't a dream or a fantasy. That they wouldn't wake up from this. Her lips curled into a smile that he reciprocated. She moved faster and faster and he gripped her hips, moving himself up to kiss her breasts and hold her around the waist. They continued, a steady rhythm established between them, her arms now draped over his shoulders as they kissed deeply, their tongues replaying the thrusting that was taking place between them. Jane tried to remain in control but with each thrust he was getting closer to the edge. He had wanted this to be slow and steady, to take all night to get to know each part of her body from head to toe but his body was betraying him. It wanted her right at this moment; it didn't want to wait any longer. His mind and body continued this fight between them when he heard her speak. 'Just let go. I love you, Patrick.' The same words he had said to her made him look at her. He panted, 'No. It's too soon. I can hold on for another while.'

She smiled sweetly at him, the sight of her dimples making his legs go weak. 'I don't want you to. Show me how much you want me.'

He stopped moving for a second, trying to read her expression. Then he realised, this is what she wanted to see. She wanted to see him without any facade or pretence, a truly honest moment. He brushed a hair from her face and kissed her lips gently. Then he quickly turned them around in the bed so she was on her back. He thrusted fully, moving himself inside her so he knew she would reach orgasm as well. As she began to pant louder and he could feel the beginnings of her contractions around him he released himself into her with a loud moan, followed by a soft moan from her. He opened his eyes, his breaths still coming in small bursts to find her watching him, a soft smile on her lips.

He smiled back, still inside her as he brought her into his arms.

'So much for my grand seduction' Jane said, his arms around her and nuzzling her hair.

Lisbon moved up to kiss him softly. 'I'm not complaining, are you?'

'Nope' he replied, smiling.

'Besides, let's sleep for a while, we still have plenty of time.'

Jane kissed her, 'Good idea, we do. And when we do this again, don't rush me.'

After a couple of hours sleep Lisbon woke up to light kisses being placed on her toes. She opened her eyes to see Jane kneeling at the foot of the bed, the fire behind him still blazing. She realised he must have topped it up with wood when she was asleep. It gave his bronzed skin an orange glow. 'You don't have a foot fetish, do you?' she smiled.

He grinned back. 'Awake I see, about time too. And no, Lisbon, I don't. I'm just making sure I kiss every part of you before this night is over. I have a room in my memory palace already mapped out for just such a purpose. It's been gathering dust over the years. Now, kindly be quiet and let me concentrate.'

She widened her eyes to him but laughed, eliciting a laugh back. So she let him continue, closing her eyes to the sensations on her skin as he moved his mouth up her body. It was hardly a hardship to have an extraordinarily handsome and intelligent man decide to kiss every patch of her. After ten minutes he had barely made it to her knees, so dense was his concentration in ensuring no part of her was missed. She sighed happily as he continued. When his lips made it to her vagina he put his hands on her ass and lifted her slightly off the bed, his tongue darting inside and teasing her into another orgasm. But he didn't let her recuperate for long, his lips on her stomach again, kissing her stretch marks and sticking his tongue into her belly button. He was gauging her body's reaction to each kiss, memorising the parts of her body where he felt her become more aroused. He would have an entire map of her erogenous zones before the night was out. This was his research, a way of getting to know exactly how to turn her on. With Emma and their work they wouldn't have much time for long nights to spend making love very often so he wanted to find the ways to ensure she orgasmed every time they did, no matter how short on time they might be in the future. After an hour and another orgasm, Jesus that was four now she said to herself, she was barely able to respond never mind speak when he asked her to turn over. She did so, her mind and body a blur of overstimulation. He began again, kissing her shoulders, her back, grinning as she let out a sigh of passion as he kissed the spot in the bottom of her back where he always placed his hand when he walked with her. He knew that sigh was for him and for him alone. His erection was hurting him now, he shook his head in thinking he could have done this the first time. He would have barely made it to her thighs. 'Teresa?' he said, kissing her ass.

'Mmm?' she replied, sounding like she was in a trance.

'Can you lift yourself onto your elbows? That is, if you want me to...I mean I'd like to...' He shook his head again, this foreplay had turned him into a gibbering idiot.

He heard her giggle at his loss for words but she propped herself up and grinned over her shoulder at him. 'Thank god, I thought it was going to be sunrise before you got around to it again.'

He smiled back, pushing himself inside of her again, both of them moaning in pleasure. They lasted a little longer this time but not much. Jane would have to train his biofeedback to become more immune to the reaction she instilled in him but at this moment in time he couldn't care less. They collapsed together. 'I haven't done the backs of your legs' he sighed.

She laughed at him. 'Leave something for another day, I'm pretty sure you've found plenty of ways to turn me on by now to keep you going for a while.'

He bit his lip. 'You guessed that was what I was doing?'

'Of course. You're the nosiest person I know. You wouldn't be happy with doing what normal people do and just rely on the usual spots, you want to know everything that flicks my switch, as you put it once. You realise though that now I'll have to carry out my own research. If we don't have time before then I take charge on Valentine's night, I'll get Annie to babysit again, agreed?'

Jane grinned. 'It's a date.'

Phew, okay, M rated section over.

The smell of coffee woke Lisbon the next time. The fire in the bedroom had gone out and she put her hand on the pillow beside her, finding it warm but empty. Glimmers of sunlight were coming through the window. She used the bathroom and threw on a long woollen jumper she had brought with her. As she walked into the kitchen Jane was making eggs and humming merrily, dressed in a pair of jeans and a black jumper, his hair still tousled from sleep.

'Good morning, did you sleep at all?' she asked, leaning on the doorframe.

He turned around and gave her a dazzling smile. 'It certainly is' he replied, ignoring her question and handing her a cup of coffee then kissing her quickly on the lips.

She closed her eyes and took a long sip. When she opened them Jane's eyesbrows were raised in a question.

'What?' she smiled.

'I'm beginning to wonder what you love more, me or coffee.'

She shook her head. 'Don't make that an ultimatum. You would only lose, my dear.'

He grinned at the use of his phrase, dishing out breakfast.

As they finished Jane took her hand. 'Come on let's go outside.'

'it's freezing out there, are you kidding?'

'I thought you were from Chicago, are you telling me you're not tough enough, Lisbon? Come on, sun's almost up. Let's watch it together.'

She rolled her eyes but put on her boots, her legs still bare. He looked at her appreciatively, thoughts of making love to her in that jumper and those boots coming instantly to mind.

'If we're going, come on' she said, a smirk on her lips knowing exactly where his mind was just at.

They walked out to watch the sunrise, Jane's arms wrapped around her waist and his head on her shoulder.

She spoke quietly as they watched the sun rise. 'I'm sorry' she said.

Jane peered at her. 'What on earth for?'

She leaned back against him. 'When you came back from South America I did keep you at a distance. I guess I resented you for leaving the way you did. I was afraid of you hurting me again so it was a way of keeping you away. Then I wanted you to tell me how you felt about me but I did nothing to encourage you that I still felt the way I did at CBI. It was easier to put it all on you. For it to be your fault that you didn't come clean. I should have been more honest with you too.'

Jane kissed her neck. 'None of it matters, Teresa. Not anymore. I shouldn't have been such a coward. But...in a way I'm glad I was.'

She turned to look at him. 'You are? Why?'

He shrugged, holding her close. 'Emma wouldn't be here if you hadn't gone to D.C. She makes it all worthwhile.'

'She may have been yours if I hadn't.'

Jane bit his lip. 'I've thought about that. If we had got together instead of you and Marcus.' He looked into the distance. 'I don't know if I'd have wanted you to have a child with me, Teresa. I don't know if I'd been able to give you that at that time. And...knowing you, you would most likely have accepted that decision and decided I was enough.'

She nodded against him. She could certainly understand his reluctance to have another child. 'I don't know. I may have put up a fight with you about it.'

He looked at her again. 'Perhaps and perhaps I would have given in. And if I could have had a glance into the future to see what I could have had then I daresay it would have been different...but at that stage I don't know if I was ready for that step.'

'You do love Emma, though.'

'Of course I do. She's part of you, how could I not? And even better she doesn't have any of those troublesome Jane genes inside her.' He smiled softly at her. 'I hope to be a great stepfather to her, though, when you're ready. When you both are to take me on full time.'

Lisbon smiled at him. 'You sure about that? Us Lisbon women are hard work too.'

Jane pulled her against him, kissing the top of her head. 'You know I love nothing more than a challenge, Lisbon.'


A/N: I believe the scar on Simon Baker's body is from the condition I've mentioned here (at least that's what I've read).

Anyway, a huge thank you to all of you who saw this through to the end despite the auspicious start that had people leaving in droves. I massively appreciate all the lovely comments for me to continue writing this and hope I have left you with a satisfactory ending. Thanks to Elc41 who inspired me to write in an apology from Lisbon at the end of this, it was something that hadn't crossed my mind until I read the comment against an earlier chapter.

I'm hoping to start my next multichapter at the beginning of next week, the premise is that Jane's father comes back into his life and asks for his help (Jane is with Lisbon in this story, it's set around six months post Blue Bird). Hope you'll read, review and enjoy it!

P.S. I've been asked by a guest reviewer what a jumper is, it's called a sweater in the US I believe!