IM NOT RICK! I don't own PJO

(Blood of Olympus was AMAZIN!)

Jason is a born leader. Strong, intelligent, and a helluva swordsman but, Jason was not this 'leader' around Piper. When he is around Piper, he's calmer and sweet, other than uptight and stressed.

Everyone noticed this. Whenever Piper walked by, Jason followed her like a puppy. Of course, the girls swooned over his actions. Jason knew he looked like a love sick puppy, he didn't care, Piper was his rock. Inside, stress was killing him, eating at him.

Jason laid awake in his bed. Nightmares kept him up most the night. Finally giving in, he got up and walked to Piper's room, clutching his pillow.

"Pipes?" He whispered.

Piper, who was asleep, bolted up reaching for Kaptoris.


Jason crossed the room and sat on the bed, putting his head in his hands.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"No..It's fine…...Jase c'mere."

He scooted towards Piper. Lowering his head onto her stomach, using it like a pillow.

"You ok, Sparky?"

He smiled at his nickname. "Yea…..Just..(YAWN)..tired."

Piper tapped his shoulder, signalling him to sit up. When they sat up he laid his head on her shoulder, sighing.

"I love you, Pipes."

"Love you too, Sparky."

Piper turned them so that they were face to face.

"You want to talk about it?"

Jason shook his head, laying back on her shoulder.

"C-can I stay in here with you?"

Piper, surprised by his request, thought about the consequences.

"S-sure. You'll have to sleep in the floor though."

Jason understood why he had to sleep on the floor. The last thing he wanted to do was get her in trouble with Hedge.

Once his pallet was finished. He laid down and cuddled into his blanket.

Piper laid on her bed, turned off the lights and looked over the side of her bed to Jason. She reached down and stroked his lip, above his scar.



They both drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

'Thank you, Piper'