Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters. All rights go to Stephanie Meyer

By the way this story has cursing. So if that ain't your stuff…ignore it I guess *shrugs*


It was cold, and we'd gone further than we ever had before. I squinted, trying to make out where we were. He stopped and turned to me. "Bella, we're leaving." I smiled, but it slowly fell.

"Wait, now? Can't we wait a few months? I mean, Charlie…" He shook his head.

"People are starting to notice how much we aren't changing. Carlisle barely looks twenty-five and he's going for thirty-four. It's time to move on." I frowned.

"I don't understand. When you say 'we'…" He finally met my eyes, and I was taken aback by how cold they were.

"I mean my family and me." The world spun, and I was dizzy. I stumbled, and he did nothing to help me.

"W…what? I don't…you can't do this to me, Edward. You can't leave me you promised!" I was shouting now, and my heart was pounding. He couldn't do this. Not after everything we'd been through, he won't leave me now.

"I…it's for the best, Bella." I shook my head vigorously. I couldn't- wouldn't believe this.

"Best for who, Edward?" He was silent. "If this is about my soul then…take it! I don't want it without you!" His brows drew together as irritation skittered across his face.

"No, Bella. You just don't get it. You were never supposed to be with me. I don't even love you. You were a toy, a plaything for my family and me to pass the time. I'm moving on and so should you. Your fickle human mind is like a sieve; it'll be like I never existed." He took a step back. Tears tailed down my face.

"No! No, Edward, please! I love you. I love you so much." My voice cracked as I held onto his jacket. He wrapped his deliciously cold hands around mine, and tugged. They released the fabric reluctantly, before hanging limply at my sides. I was incapable of moving them as I breathed in his sweet peppermint scent.

There was nothing to prepare me of the crushing pain that engulfed me. The only way to make it better was to go after him. And so I crashed through bushes and brushes, tripping over tree roots and cutting myself on branches. My hair snagged countless times, but I continued on. At some point it started to rain. I didn't take notice of it.

It wasn't until my legs burned, my lungs working tirelessly to expand and fill with much needed air that I stopped. But what my body didn't realise was that he was my air.

And I would never breathe again.

Chapter 1: Embracing Me

Bella's POV

I lay looking out of the window. Snowflakes floated to the ground. I watched them on their melancholy descent. I was surprised when a tear landed on my hand. I heard it splash on my hand. I didn't move to wipe it off. I just left it. I didn't wipe my face either. What difference did it make? It would just get wet with tears again, so there was no point. It was the last day of winter break, but to me it was like any other. The past four months have all been a blur. I don't remember them, I don't remember anything. Apart from him. He's all I can think about and I can't help it. He was wrong. The only thing he was wrong about was my memory. Though sometimes I wish he was right, that it would all just fall away and be behind me. But then what? I continue to live my life as if they had never been there, as if I hadn't narrowly escaped death by a vampire, that they weren't even real?

"Hey Bella," sneered a voice. I looked up, dazed. I was at school, in the cafeteria. When did I get here? When did the day begin? When did yesterday end? "How are you holding up with the loss of Edward? Found another guy to fill your hole?" She laughed, and Jessica tittered alongside her. I frowned puzzled. At the mention of his name, I winced.

But why? Why was he allowed to have this hold over me? Why did I obsess over someone I would never again have? When did I become this person? I sat up and looked at her. Angela looked over at me in pity, Mike grimacing. Then I realised that they all pitied me. They didn't think I was a match for this fake lipped, bottle blonde. I scowled.

"So tell me, Lauren," I started, cocking my head. She looked at me and raised a brow. Everyone watched with wide eyes. I smirked, and it felt foreign on my face. "Just how much semen do you have to swallow for you to become that stupid?" Her mouth, and everyone else's, hung open. Without waiting for a response, I gathered my things and left.

As I sat in my truck, revelling from the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I realised just how good that felt. Standing up for myself left me with an unimaginable high. I'll embrace me. No more Bella. I am Isabella Marie Swan, and I am worth it.