It's been probably 84 years since I've written anything so please forgive me for any errors :). I'm going for something short to warm me up, so I decided to write something for one of my favorite books which needs a bigger fandom.

On the old, rickety wooden chair of the library sits an average looking boy with average looking brown hair, average height, and so on. The boy reclines in silence, periodically the pages of the moderately thick book he's been reading for the past hour. His brows tensed, the boy vowed he'd memorize the whole book before his test tomorrow because there is no way he's letting a certain spectacled friend of his beat him again.

Adjacent to the boy is a chubby blonde five year old who is busily scrawling aimlessly on a piece of paper using her brand new crayons. The girl's name is Constance Contraire, a girl with a unique talent to read minds, among other things. Unfortunately, for those around the girl, the child has not yet managed to completely control her powers, which has led and still leads to several cases of "seeing things that cannot be unseen", as the girl once said.

Like all those times when Constance picks up signals from others' minds that she'd rather not, she pauses and scowls bitterly. She presses down too hard and her bright red crayon breaks.

"Is there something on your mind?" Reynie Muldoon asks, upon hearing the snap.

"Reynard Muldoon," Constance turns slowly towards him. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"

Reynie visibly tenses and his face noticeably pales. After a pause, he replies with a "Why do you ask?"

"Your underwear closet is not a good place to hide condoms." Constance blushes as she crosses her arms. "Miss Perumal is cleaning your room in five minutes. As much as I'd like to see you squirm when she reprimands you for not telling her who you're meeting with tonight, I won't let that happen because I'm a decent person. Now go before she finds it."

Reynie blushes, plops his book down on the dusty table, and runs towards the door. He mutters a "thank you" before he sprints towards his room.

Constance huffs. Teenagers are so stupid.