Hey guys, so this is the actual first chapter for the story that I was writing, I also have changed a few thing plus added more stuff onto what I previewed before.

Disclaimer I don't own either Percy Jackson or Ben 10 those rights belong to Rick Riordan and Man of Action/ Cartoon Network respectively.

Chapter 1


Within America there was a town named Bellwood, which was a normal town by standards, nothing out of the ordinary really happened there. Now with Bellwood there was an elementary school called Madison Elementary School, which was currently running its last day before the summer holidays. Inside is where we find two young boys excitedly waiting for the end of school to get onto their camping trip together.

The first boy had shaggy brown hair with green eyes, pale skin and was also quite skinny though with some muscle definition. He wore a black-striped white shirt with short sleeves, green pants and black and white shoes with black stripes; his name is Benjamin "Ben" Kirby Tennyson.

The boy sitting next to him had wind-swept jet black hair with startling sea-green eyes which seemed to look like the sea, he had sun-kissed skin and had a swimmers build. He wore a black shirt with short sleeves, dark grey cargo shorts and light grey and black shoes with black strip; his name is Perseus "Percy" Achilles Jackson.

These two boys both have different personalities but also are similar in a way, one difference was that Percy would try his hardest in school with his ADHD and Dyslexia, Ben would do little studies and wing his way through the year.

But even though they had a few differences they were the best friends you'd ever see, they both were able to work together and usually come out on top. While both of them could be considered "The Muscle" in a way, Percy would usually think up the plans for them before going in, though that's usually after they both run in at first.

At the moment both of them were excited about the fact they were going on a camping trip with Ben's Grandpa Max. Max in their opinion was pretty cool for his age and though he wasn't at his best like when he was younger he was still able to do a lot of cool stuff. He wore a red and orange Hawaiian with a white shirt underneath, with blue pants and brown shoes.

Third Person

"Come on, come on" Ben mumbled while taking a quick glance at the clock up on the wall, impatiently waiting for the last bell.

"Dude chill out, we'll get out when we do" Percy mumbled to Ben, "You saying 'come on' won't make it speed up."

Ben was about to say something before their teacher spoke up about it still wasn't too late to attend summer school with her, which caused both Percy and Ben the snort at the thought.

"Yeah right" Both of the boys said as Ben quickly stole a glance towards the clock, a second later the bell rung signalling the end of school. As they were walking out the teacher wished them a good summer vacation.

"Benjamin and Perseus" the teacher said looking at the two before pulling out two different pulling out two different paper planes which generated a groan from both boys.

As Percy and Ben finally got out of school they both saw Cash and JT the school bullies picking on Jamie, a chubby kid that was in there grade.

"Dude we have got to help him out" Ben said putting his bag on the ground.

"You go have fun with that Ben, I think I'll just wait back and look after our bags" Percy replies, with an innocent smile on his face. Even though he normally would help he was excited for the trip and knew trying to fight the bullies would be pointless.

His point was proven probably within five minutes as both Ben and Jamie were hung up on the tree by their underwear as Percy lay on the ground laughing at Ben's misfortune. As Percy started to calm down an old looking RV rolled up in front of them.

Turning around Percy grinned at the drive of the vehicle; it was none other than his best friends Grandpa who would be the one to take them on this camping trip.

"Come on you two we're burning daylight, I want to make it to the campsite by night fall." Grandpa Max shouted from the driver's seat.

Nodding his head Percy made his way inside the RV, or the Rust Bucket as Max called it.

"Uhh Grandpa a little help here?" Ben called out waving his arms around to show he was stuck.

When Percy made it to the door he let Max out first being respectful towards him, which earned him a nod of thanks from Max before he went to get Ben and Jamie out of the tree.

Walking into the Rust Bucket, Percy saw somebody with red hair already sitting in the one of the two couches at the table. Smirking he knew exactly who this was just by the fact that they were in the Rust Bucket, but just to check his theory he snuck up behind the mysterious person before covering their eyes.

"Guess who?" Percy asked not bothering to change his voice seeing as they hadn't seen each other since they moved here after Gabe had tried to kill them.

"Hmmm I'd have to say my dweeb of a cousin's best friend" the person, now identified as a girl from her voice, said. "Who just so happens to also be one of my best friends which I hardly get to see because of school"

Removing his hands from over the girls eyes, said girl turned around and stood up and was slightly shorter than Percy who stood at around 4'5". When Percy looked at the girl to take in what had changed in the two years they hadn't seen each other.

He saw that she was wearing a blue shirt with a cat logo on the chest and also wore white capris. Her red hair had a blue hair clip which held her bangs and had green eyes almost similar to Ben's.

"What no hugs for your bestest friend Gwen?" Percy asks with mock hurt to the now dubbed Gwen.

Gwen just rolled her eyes but her smile gave away that she was glad to see her friend again. Quickly she pulled him into a bone crushing hug which Percy returned with equal enthusiasm.

Pulling back they both had red tainting their cheeks from the intensity of the hug, and also the fact that they both had a crush on each other which the other didn't know about, though it was funny for everyone else since they knew about it.

Quickly Gwen pushed Percy into the seat that she was just in before sitting down in his lap leaning up against his chest. Even though they both were oblivious of the others feelings somehow, they still do stuff like lean on one another, or for Gwen sitting in Percy's lap and leaning into him.

Percy blushed at how they were currently sitting opening his mouth say something he then shut it and shrugged before wrapping his arms around Gwen's waist. Grandpa Max soon walked in and was followed by Ben as he stuffed the last of his underwear into his pants, which cause a quiet snicker from the two.

"I've been waiting all year for this trip it's going to be the best" Ben said while walking in not seeming to notice Gwen, until Grandpa Max kept moving forward towards the driving seat.

Realizing it wasn't just him, Grandpa Max and Percy in the Rust Bucket turned to look at Gwen wide eyed, which was a mixture from the shock of how their sitting and that she was even here with them.

"What is She- What is She doing here? And why are you two sitting like that?" Ben asked looking annoyed that Gwen was here and confused as to why the two were sitting like that.

"I thought your cousin would like to come with us this summer, is, that uh, that a problem for you Ben?" Grandpa Max asked as he raised an eyebrow at him.

Ben huffed before turning to the two us before raising an eyebrow at us as if re-asking about why they sitting like that.

"What I like sitting in his lap, its comfy here" Gwen said innocently as she made herself more comfy in Percy's lap who just blushed deeper red and just shrugged, hiding his face in her hair, making her blush as well.

"Also do not look at me dweeb I didn't exactly want to be here either" Gwen said glaring at Ben who was now sitting opposite the two, "Somebody suggested to my parents that it'd be a good experience for me to see the great outdoors. Thought now that I know Percy will be on the trip maybe it'll be better than I originally thought."

With that the rest of the trip the three made small conversation every so often, at one stage Gwen fell asleep resting her head against Percy's chest and if he found it uncomfortable he didn't say anything.

By the four reached the camp site the sun had gone down and the moon was just rising up into the night sky. The three kids were sitting at the picnic table outside the Rust Bucket at where they were currently, waiting for Grandpa Max to bring out the food. While on the ride there Max insisted in calling him Grandpa or Grandpa Max as he saw him as a one of his Grandkids in everything but blood.

When Max finally opened the RV door he was holding a bowl but they couldn't see what was in it.

When he placed the bowl down the four looked at the bowl in different emotions, Gwen and Ben had a look of confusion and slight disgust, while Percy looked confused before shrugging and picking one up and eating it, much to the horror of the two cousins.

Percy and Grandpa Max both smirked at the two at their looks of horror of their best friend eating a living bug.

"Ahh that was good you guys should try one before you pass them off" Percy said before popping another into his mouth and handing one to both of them.

"Ahh no thanks I think I'm good, do you even know what you're eating?" Gwen asked looking at her best friend and secret crush weirdly.

"These are marinated meal worms, their hard to come by fresh in the state, their considered a delicacy in some countries" Grandpa Max said while popping a few into his mouth, earning a shiver from the two cousins, "And completely gross in others" Gwen added.

"Can't we just have a burger or something?" Ben asked hopefully and Gwen nodded showing that she was agreeing with her cousin on this one.

"Non-sense this summer will be an adventure for you taste buds" Grandpa Max said, "Now I'll go get the sheep's tongue from the fridge"

Walking back into the Rust Bucket Ben quickly turned to Gwen and Percy.

"I have a half-eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar, what do you guys have?" Ben asked trying to find anything else to eat other than insects.

"I have some rice cakes and hard candy" Gwen said looking down a bit, before turning to Percy who was still eating the meal worms and chuckling at the two for trying to miss out on eating the worms.

"I have a sandwich and part of a carrot leftover" Percy said chuckling "why don't you guys try it they're good and tasty"

The two looked down at the bowl of wiggling worms before turning to each other, "think we can make our food last for the whole summer?" Ben asked before they both slumped down in their seats which cause Percy to laugh at the two, which got him a glare in return.

Outer Space

While the three kids were finishing up dinner up in outer space there was a fight happening between two ships.

One was small and was coloured blue and green; it was currently being chased by a much bigger ship which was a mix between brown and orange in colour.

The bigger one was firing upon the small one before they were blew up the back of the ship, as the bigger ship's captain, an alien with a humanoid shape and a squid face, the smaller ship suddenly sent out a green beam directly into the bridge of the ship causing an explosion.

The bigger ship seemed to as a reaction sent a bigger beam straight back exploding the ship into pieces. The bridge seemed to be the only thing that stayed intact from the whole ship.

As the bridge slowly floated through space a pod suddenly shot out of it, before splitting open releasing two spheres down to Earth in the direction of America.

With Percy & Ben

After finally eating something the three children split up to do their own separate things, Ben went to play on his gaming device, Gwen went and did something on her laptop while Percy decided to just lay looking up at the stars next to her.

While there were all doing this they sat in silence though Ben and Gwen were just ignoring each other, Percy was silent because he enjoyed the calming effect that the moon and forest currently had on him.

As he was looking at the night sky he started to try name the constellation he could see, he didn't get far before his thoughts were interrupted by Ben getting up saying he was going for a walk.

Sighing he got up from where he had gotten comfortable and started to stretch before heading in the direction Ben had left.

"Where are you going Percy?" Gwen asked looking at her friend walking off the same way his cousin had gone.

"Just going to go on a walk with Ben I'll try keep him out of trouble as well" Percy replied not stopping and waved a hand over his shoulder and continued down the path that Ben went down.

After a minute or walking in the forest he found Ben walking grumping stuff which seemed to be about how the trip will be boring.

"Hey Ben wait up" Percy called up as he sped up to a jog to make the rest of the distance while Ben stopped and looked at him.

When he caught up they continued walking through the forest making small talk about random stuff. Once they reached a clearing they both stopped talking and looked up at the sky, just as two shooting stars passed.

"Hey look a shooting star!" The boys said with excitement as they watched the shooting stars fall through the sky, before the stars suddenly changed directions and shot towards Percy and Ben.

Wide eyed the two stood there frozen for a second before turning around and running away from it, they were able to avoid being hit but still the shock for the impact sent them flying a small distance.

Slowly the two got back to their feet before looking at each other then turning away and heading to one of the two newly formed craters.

When Percy got to the edge of his crater as the smoke started to clear he got a clear view of the thing that crashed, he was surprised to see that it seemed to be a black and grey sphere object. Shrugging his shoulders Percy jumped down into the crater, he heard Ben yelp followed by something falling down.

Snickering he guessed that Ben fell down the hole compared to him just jumping down.

Looking at the object that had fallen he was surprised when it suddenly opened up with a green light and in the middle was a weird looking watch that a grey and black in colour with a green hourglass face and buttons.

Slowly he walked forward with his left arm out front of him in case something happened and he had to grab the watch quickly. When he got within a grabbing distance of the watch it suddenly latched onto him to his wrist, which with the sudden movement caused him to jump back and give a quick yell from the surprise.

He quickly climbed out of the hole and tried to pull the watch off his wrist, after a while he gave up and decided to see what happened with Ben. Simply turning to his left he saw that Ben also seemed to have something that looked almost identical to the weird alien watch on his wrist.

Ben was still trying to get the watch of his wrist; after realising that using his hands wasn't going to work he grabbed a branch that was lying of the ground near him.

Deciding to try see what this new device did he pressed the button that might of done something, suddenly the hourglass seemed to pop up which made Percy jump back a bit. When Percy looked at it again he saw that the hourglass had shifted into a diamond shape with a strange blacked out figure in the centre of it.

"Hey Ben come here for a second!" Percy called out not looking back as he was watching the watch as if trying to figure out what would happen.

"Did the thing in your crater have a watch or something in it?" Ben asked as he walks over to Percy his watch had also done what Percy's had except that he was close to pressing his before Percy called out to him.

"Yeah it did" Percy answered as he turned around to face Ben both showing off a weird alien watch that had a green and grey colour scheme to it, both middle bits were popped up and showing the same figure.

"Should we press it down?" Ben asked while looking at the middle button really wanting to press it down.

"We go on the three?" Percy asked he got a nod from Ben signalling a yes. They put a finger on top of the button, before looking at each other.

"One" Said Percy

"Two" said Ben

"Three" they both said as pressed the button down and the two both exploded into a green light and they both felt their bodies start to change.

When the light died down they both looked at each other and saw different things standing where the other stood. Both of them looked as if they were made out of rock and lava while their heads were on fire.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH! We're on fire!" they both screamed as they looked at each other, pointing at each other unable to make complete sentences.

Finally after they calmed down they started to look at each other to see what the other looked like.

"Whoa. We look awesome!" Ben said after looking at Percy, "let's see what we can do, must be something cool"

Concentrating they both were able to shoot a fire bolt out of their finger and have it crash into two different trees, both looking at each other they passed a silent message between each other, 'this is awesome'.

"Liking it" They said before they clapped their hands together before opening them up forming a larger fire ball, when they figured that it was big enough they threw the fire within their hands towards the tree line.

The fire balls started to smash through more trees than the previous two, the two boys started laughing at the amount of fun that they were having. Their laughter quickly died when they not that the forest around them had caught fire, looking at each other they both knew that they were in trouble.

"Aww man, we got to put this fire out before it gets worse" Percy said before running of to try stamp out some of the fire that was on the ground, which only caused it to start back up again as soon as he put it out.

Quickly they found out that their efforts only seemed to make the fire worse than better, at each other they knew they were screwed. "Oh man we are going to get so busted for this" Ben said freaking out before going back to trying to put the fire out.

With Gwen & Max

While Percy & Ben went on their walk Max decided to have a talk with Gwen that he had intended to have once he had seen how both Percy and her were sitting on the Rust Bucket.

"So Gwen would you like to explain to me why you were sitting Percy's lap for the entire trip up here? Or more what are your feelings for him?" Max asked, crossing his arms and looking at Gwen expectantly.

Gwen blushed bright red as she recalled the memory from earlier that day, to be honest she wasn't so sure herself but she found herself to comfy to be bothered to get back up. She knew she had a huge crush on him since they were eight, they had practically grown up together and he'd always help and protect her from people that would pick on her.

Sighing she answered, "To answer your second question I've had a crush on him since we were eight, he was always protecting me and I just found that I couldn't help not liking him, he was always there to help me and made me have fun when I had to go to Ben's. To answer why I was sitting on his lap was because- Hey what's that?" Gwen asked confused at the smoke that was coming out of the tree line.

Getting up Grandpa Max looked at where Gwen was looking, "looks like the start of a forest fire, better let the ranger know, probably some darn fool camper out there messing around with something he shouldn't" Max said before a look of realization struck them both.

"Ben/ Percy" Max and Gwen said before Max went opened on of the containers and pulled out two fire extinguishers and handing one to Gwen.

"Better take this" Grandpa Max said before they both ran into the forest to try and find Ben and Percy.

With Ben & Percy

Back with the two boys they were still trying to put out the fire but were only helping in making it worse.

"This would be so cool, if it weren't so, not cool" Ben said aloud while Percy continued to try to put the fire out.

Suddenly Percy had a crazy idea that he knew that only with his ADHD mind he was able to think of, quickly he stopped putting out the fire and stood there with his arms raised aimed at a burning tree.

"Dude we're trying to stop the fire not make it worse" Ben yelled when he saw how Percy was standing.

Ignoring Ben's comment Percy concentrated on trying to pull the fire towards himself and absorb it, after a few seconds of nothing happening he was about to give up until he noticed that the fire from the tree was spiralling towards his hands.

He was about to inform Ben when something behind him came shooting at the back of his head putting the fire out that surrounded his head, turning around he looked down to see Gwen standing there with a shocked expression on his face, and a moment later three things happened.

His head lit back on fire to the way it should be, Gwen screamed loudly which also happened to alert Ben that there was someone else in the area with them.

"Look I know we look weird, but there is now reason to be scared-" Percy said before Gwen pulled back her fire extinguisher and smacked him over the head with it, making fall back a bit.

As Percy was getting up Gwen sent another stream of foam from the extinguisher putting out his head again and making him cough some of the foam back up and relighting his head.

"I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you" Gwen said aiming the fire extinguisher at Percy.

Ben, who was standing behind Percy, decided to have a little fun at their expense since they were in this form. Concentrating he set a small for alit on top of Gwen's shoes making her yelp and start jumping around before putting it out with the extinguisher.

"I warned you two" Gwen said bringing the extinguisher above her head as Ben came up besides Percy, who was now standing up.

"Don't even think about it freak" Ben said looking down at Gwen who looked like she was about to attack before a look of realization crossed her face and she lowered her arms down.

"Ben? Percy? Is that you guys? What happened?" Gwen asked looking extremely confused at how her cousin and crush look like big fire guys.

"Well when we were walking these meteors fell from the sky and almost munched us. Expect they weren't meteors or satellites, but these cool watch things that jumped up onto our wrists and when we tried to get it off we were suddenly on fire, only it didn't hurt and we accidently start this mega forest fire" Ben summed up everything in breath.

"Gwen are you alri- what in blazes?" Grandpa Max said as he ran up to check on Gwen until he saw what she was looking at.

"Hey Grandpa, guess who?" Gwen said gesturing her head towards Percy and Ben.

"Hey Grandpa is us" Ben said waving his hand at Grandpa Max, while Percy just nodded his head and did a two finger salute.

"Ben? Percy? What happened to you two?" Grandpa said as he got a better look at the two.

"Well when we were walking these meteors-" Ben started to explain before getting cut off by Gwen.

"Umm excuse me, major forest fire burning out of control, remember?" Gwen reminded them.

"What do we do?" Ben asked looking into the fire.

"Well before Gwen interrupted us I figured out a way to put the fires out, we just have to concentrate on trying to 'absorb' the fire around us." Percy said, finally saying something since Max arrived, before turning his back on them and holding his arms out. Moments later the fire from in front of him started to spiral towards his out stretched arms.

Seeing that this was working, Ben quickly went behind Gwen and Max on the opposite side of Percy and tried doing the same. As Ben stretched his arms out he started to try concentrate on the flames in front of him and trying to pull them towards him.

After a minute the flames started to spiral towards him like they had Percy but they were going at a much slower rate, before starting to speed up to the rate Percy was going.

Percy was able to absorb the side that he was working on quicker than Ben so he started to help him put it out quicker.

After a few minutes the fire was completely gone and both Percy and Ben were panting from the effort it took to absorb all the fire.

"How about we head back to the campsite?" Grandpa Max suggested before getting nods in response and they started to walk back to the campsite.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter and just to let you all know, yes I am having Percy still as a demigod but I'm changing it the slightest bit, but that will be revealed in later chapters.

Also sorry in advanced if my grammar and spelling aren't the best, this is the first real story that I've made so there will be a few mistakes, and also if some of the characters are to OOC it's just how I made them to fit the story line.

I also wanted to ask about how I'm currently producing the chapters because when I write them I make one chapter equal that of one episode of Ben 10, meaning the next three chapters are the first episode. I wanted to know if I should release them separate, shorter and slightly quicker or release one chapter as one episode so they're longer but will take longer to make, this will be up to you.