After their last talking, Alicia and Skye start to opening more to each other, their new friendship help both girls, making them spend the free time together, talking about their past and their childhood. Eating all the junk food in the house, thing who makes the Director, bite his tongue and conffirmed his small trip to the base, to restock the food cupboards.

Once they send away the annoying twins, the girls talk and talk with each other.

"Which one was your worst foster home?" Alicia asks her, throwing her a watermelon piece

"Let me see... probably the Dummgar's, yes they! All of them are like a cult where no one was able to do anything if Jack Rob doesn't aprove it, and let me tell you, we're like a dozen of kids and they want to adopt more and more"

"God! That sounds... creepy"

"Beyond creepy, they make me pray like seven hours per day! Poor God over there, he has to be tired of hearing them and their babbling all the day, and the worst thing, all the kids names had to start with a "J"... they named me Jilly Jane for god's sake!" she said rolling her eyes "Yours?"

"For me has to be the... Cameron's, Roger the father, loves drink and beat us for no reason, I was like five or six years old" Ali says with a soft voice.

"How do you remember all of this in so young age?"

"Photographic memory... and that sucks!"

"Poor of you"

"I get used to it, and helps a lot" Ali says remembering all the tests she hasn't to do " So, who's your first kiss?"

"Hey girls" May says entering into the room "Oh, where did you found the Twinkies?"

"That's classified Agent May" Skye answers with a smirk

"Yeah, right, give me one"

"So sorry Agent, we're in session here" Alicia says.

"And then what?"

"You need to share something with us, or we don't share our food" Skye answers showing her the tip of her tonge.

"Damn" Melinda mutters, and that Twinkie looks so yummie " Alright, who's turn was?"

"Mine" Skye answers back " And, it was with a boy from Saint Agnes, I had nine, we're playing "spin bottle", his name was Matt and he was my first real kiss" from the corner of her eye she can see the older woman trying to sneak the cake under the table " If you want to eat that agent May, answer the question" she said taking back the plate with the cakes.

"Fine... my first real kiss was in the rooftop on my academy days, he was " and still is, she thinks " my best friend, we kissed before in an undercover mission, he avoided me for days and we had a nasty fight after that... when the school year changes he founds his worst enemy, just some stupid cadet and we use the training like a excuse and... it was raining that night he... he simply kissed me and I like it" she answers blushing when the hacker gives her the cake.

"You Ali?"

"I was in the academy too,it was my first undercover mission... he wasn't my partner, but for some reason we ended in the same place at the wong time, we're rounded, and the bullets start to flow, one enemy team cames to us and this stupid just kissed me, the team was distracted for that, and yes we can be extracted after that but... he just kissed me without reason! and yes stupid agent Carson ends walking funny for the entire week"

"Poor one..." May and Skye says at the same time.

"Yeah, not great memory for a first kiss right?"

"Which one was the worst prank you do?" May asks eating her third Twinkie

"I have one great!" Alicia answers " I put itching powder in every locker in the Academy"

"You do what?" May asks surprised

"Our Bio-Tech teacher was an asshole, he puts all the alumni against my group and we didn't do anything... Karma has to kick his butt..."

"And you help Karma pretty well kid!" Skye answers giggling " Alright, mine was a few spiders over Sisters Madeline and Charlotte's heads, and yes, they're horrible, one night they put me on time out in the backyard and I didn't broke the window that time!"

"That time?" May asks and the girl just nods smiling " Mine... I have two one time I took all the catsup stash of the entire academy and put it into the shampoo bottles..."

"What they do to you?"

"Nothing, just the usual prank war. The most remarkable prank I put was..."

"The orange colored water on the Helicarrier's sprinklers" Coulson says entering into the room taking few chips on his mouth "Did you remember Fury's face when you do that?" He asks pushing her with his shoulder side and smiling at her.

"Oh yeah!" She answers laughing " And he still blame you for that one"

"Yeah... one day he will know the truth"

"Yeah, right... you wish!"

"Hey Ali! Here you are" Fitz says taking a soda from the table " C'mon little girl, we have work to do"

"Oh no! Mr. We don't!"

"Yes, we do. Get up lady!" He says extending his hand to her, and when she take it, he pull her very close to his body, making her blush.

The close exchange doesn't go unnoticed for the older agents, they just look each other and choose not asking them anything. Seconds later their attention was on Skye, who was running fastly behind Matilda and the squirrel she was chasing.

Minutes later, Coulson was sitting next to Skye in the grass, she was alone.

"What he told you?"

"Ward?" He nods "He was translating for me the fight from those two" she said pointing Alicia and Fitz half hidding beside a tree

"Why they're fighting this time?"

" Who knows! This time Ali is threathing him to use him like a human piƱata" Coulson chuckles and smiles " Maybe it was because he's trying to make her a 'human transformer' and don't look at me like that, thise are Ali's words not mine!"

"What's going on between them?"

"I doubt they know by themselves, so walk out! Where's May?"

"In the bathroom again, why you let her eat all my Twinkies?"

" She wants them... did you ever try to stop her when she wants something?"

"Yeah... and I learn that lesson pretty well, thank you!" Both of them laugh, but him more with the memory "Did you know we're going back to The Library base tomorrow?"

"Yeah, May told me... just come back to us, all of you guys, ok?"

"Yes, we'll"

"And behave, the last thing I need right now is another fight between you and May"

"I'll... don't worry kiddo, we'll find a way to be civilian ok?"

"I don want you civilian... I want you two good... you're the close thing I had like parent figure... just..."

"I know Skye, for me you're exactly why I want my daughter will be... " if I had one... he thinks sadly "You take care too, ok?"

"Yes dad" she said with a smirk.

By night after dinner, Skye hides herself in her room, she sits in the window looking at the horizon thinking on Ward, driving far from her. Two hours later, she goes to bed, but the safe dreams avoided her this night. She was there again, inside the brown cave, with the same soft light of the candles inlighting the walls, with the same sensation of love and security. But suddenly everything changes, the darkness eat her with no mercy, screams in a strange language fills the silence and the wrenching fear eats her alive like every night, this time was different, in her dreams the face of a woman with brown hair appares in front of her, she was telling her 'It's going to be OK' but Skye knows it wasn't she tries to get close to the woman, stretching her arms to her but, they're so small, like a child's ones, the unconditionally love in that woman's eyes was beautyful, and there's when Skye knows... that woman was looking at her like a mother does. And next thing she knows one man with grey clothes take her away, letting Skye alone in the middle of the room. One hurtful scream borns in her heart and slowly walks up through her trought, it was the sound of her own scream the thing who wakes her up she just stay there in the bed curling into a ball letting the panic attack claim her.

Inside of the Coulson's room the sudden feeling of fear, sadness and pain wakes up Melinda, she just jump out the bed and walks for the hallway searching for Skye, she opens the door founding the girl in the middle of the bed crying like it wasn't tomorrow, the older agent knows the girl has a panic attack, she has a lot after Bahrain, it was for that she start to talking softly to Skye, she was glad when the girl moves closer to the agent and crying hardly she just mumbles 'Mommy'.

Melinda can feel how the girls heart was breaking into pieces and she was the same little girl who every foster family drops out from their lifes, she coudn't help to cry with her, Skye keeps saying the same word over and over again. May just pull the girl up and hug her against her chest, craddling her like a baby, the girl clungs to her clothes burying her face in the agent's body.

"I got you baby girl"

"No, you'll go like every body else"

"No, I'm here"

"You throw me out, you didn't speak to me... did I do something wrong?"

"No!" Oh God, all this time she was blaming herself for May's doubts and troubles. " Skye, lisent to me, you didn't do anything wrong and I swear to you, I'll never let you go" Melinda says to her over and over making her cry again, and keep telling her the same until she feels the exact moment when the girl calms down.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" Skye said softly

"Why? Skye, why are you sorry?"

"I wake you up... and I make a mess here, it's all my fault...I'm so sorry"

"The nuns make you think that?" She nods hiding her face inside her hands "Skye, It wasn't your fault, you had a nightmare, it's OK"

"No, it's not" she said trying to move away fom May, but the woman just tighten her embrace

"No, you're just a little girl that time, and you're my little girl now" she said kissing Skye's head, letting her move just a little. The girl moves and look at her shyly, resting her head in May's stomach.

"You're softening a lot Agent May!"

"You think?" She asks patting the girl's head, she nods " Why you said that?"

" You smile more, you talk to us, and put pranks... and you kiss AC"

"Stop it!"

"Awww... and you're blushing right now... and you eat junk food!"

"And ?"

"Agent May are you pregnant?"

"What!?" She asks frozing in the point

"You're getting softie..."

"And what? I don't need to be pregnant to be softie..."

"I know... I'm just... joking, but..."

"What if I am? Then what?"May asks, saying that oud loud for the first time.

"Then... what?" Skye asks looking at the agent " Wait, are you pregnant?"

"Not really, but what if I'm? Then what?"

"Well... that kid will be a rockstar!"


"Having you and AC like parents? That's awesome..."

"So, you think you're a rockstar too agent smart ass?"

"Yeah, but, you two just know me from years ago... but if you are... that's bonus points, raising that kid from scratch will make him awesome! You're so NOT sleeping with dad! right?"


"Oh please! Who are you trying to cheat? All those goofy eyes? The holding hands? And you in his bunk? C'mon mom... I'm not that innocent!"

"Did I look like a kiss and tell person?"

"Yeah, yeah... but it's my evidence against your words"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Spoiler sport!... so, are you?"

"I don't know" she lies " I don't know if I have the mom type Skye"

"Why not? You take care from all of us, you put yourself in danger for us, you teach me, you took me under your wing, you worry for me, you're here with me..."

"Yeah but... I don't know anything about being a mom"

"Nobody knows it... I spend my entire childhood searching for a mom who loves me... or at least want me... I sleep in the streets when I stop looking for it... and then, I stop searching for it"

"You find your mom?"

"Yes... please don't get angry with me... but... I know I'm the last thing you want like a daughter, but... you're exactly the only mother I want in my life"

May was speechless looking at that beautiful woman, the most smart person she knows, the reckless girl who choose her like a role model, Skye choose her like her mother... just like this little baby inside of her, the baby choose her and Phillip like his parents, and now, with her both kids close to her, for the first time in her entire life, Melinda May feels in peace.

"So... you have a Coulson's bun in the oven?"

"Go to sleep"

"But May... just tell me... I'm going to have a little sister?"

"A sister?" She asks, trying to escape from her past.

"Yes! I want a sister, we don't need more testosterone here" she answers wiggling her eye brows making her smile.


"Oh, please! If you aren't, please hurry up... we're not young anymore... and you,'ll need a babysitter" she said smiling

"Sleep now!"


" Don't make me call your father Skye, go to sleep, now"

"Yes mom!" Skye growls with fake angry, but her face can't cheat the older woman, she can feel all the joy bursting in the young hacker's heart, and that feeling, feels so damn good.

"Good girl" she said, resting her head against the headboard, looking at the sleeping girl next to her. Smiling for the first time, she start to think in her future, but, what if Phillip wants something different?