Bingo Book pg. 247
Name: Itachi Uchiha
Monikers: That Red-Eyed Bastard; Kinslayer
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 127.9 lbs.
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: Black/Sharingan
Notable Characteristics: deep, exaggerated tear troughs down cheeks; wears a black cloak with red clouds
Status: Missing Nin (Konoha)
Rank: Jounin
Class: S
Affiliations: Akatsuki, Konoha (former)
Known Associates: Kisame Hoshigaki (pg. 355)
Kekkai Genkai: Sharingan.
The sharingan eye is a three-level eye-based bloodline that allows the user to copy techniques, read enemy movements and created elaborate genjutsus. Warning: Itachi Uchiha is rumored to be in possession of a fourth level sharingan, but this is unconfirmed. Manifests as red irises with up to three tomoes orbiting the pupil in each eye.
Of Note: Holds the contract for the Crow Summons Clan
Crimes: Wanted for fratricide of entire clan; desertion
Bounty: $30,000,000 (Konoha)
Orders: Flee on sight unless backed up by a full ANBU squad or several Jounin.
Bingo Book Pg. 355
Name: Kisame Hoshigaki
Monikers: Monster of the Hidden Mist; Tailed Beast without a Tail; That Blue Bastard
Age: 29
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 183.2 lbs.
Hair: Dark blue, short
Eyes: black
Notable Characteristics: Blue skin; sharp teeth; gill-like eye markings; looks like a humanoid shark; wielder of Samehada; wears a black cloak with red clouds
Status: Missing Nin (Kiri)
Rank: Jounin
Class: S
Affiliations: Akatsuki; Kiri (Former); Seven Swordsmen of the Mist (former)
Known Associates: Itachi Uchiha (pg 247)
Kekkai Genkai: Samehada
While not a Kekkai Genkai, Hoshigaki possesses the Samehada sharkskin horse-slayer sword. The Samehada is semi-sentient and can absorb chakra and subsequently pass it on to its wielder. As such, assume that Hoshigaki always has enough chakra to kill you.
Of Note: Holds the contract for the Shark Summons Clan; wields Samehada
Crimes: Attempted Murder of Land of Water Daimyo, theft of Samehada from Kiri; desertion
Bounty: $15,000,000 (Kiri), $20,000,000 (Land of Water); $25,000,000 (for return of Samehada to Kiri)
Orders: Flee on sight unless backed by full ANBU squad or several Jounin.
"Naruto Uzumaki? You will come with us."
Upon seeing the two men at his door, Naruto slammed it shut and whirled around as he went over what he knew of the two men's Bingo Book entries.
Well, that wasn't good. He'd need a plan.
Kisame Hoshigaki blinked at the door in front of him. "Itachi, did he just slam the door on us?"
The ever stoic Itachi Uchiha 'hn'ed. "I believe he did, Kisame."
Kisame pulled the bandaged horse-slayer sword Samehada off his back. "Can I cut off his legs?"
Itachi gave a long suffering sigh. "Fine. But you are carrying him."
Grinning, Kisame brought Samehada down on the door, reducing it to a cloud of sawdust and splinters. As the dust settled, they saw their target jump out the window.
As the door disintegrated, Naruto decided that discretion was the better part of valor and went out the window. Normally, being on the second story would be a deterrent, but 20 feet was not an issue for someone with even a modicum of shinobi training.
Fortunately, in his paranoia (which, while healthy, was actually stunted for a shinobi), Naruto had tied up Akanori at the water trough below their window. Quickly untying the Percheron, Naruto leapt onto Akanori's back and prodded him in the flank. Riding bareback as the chestnut horse sprung into a gallop, Naruto used chakra to keep from falling off.
Taking a quick look over his shoulder, Naruto saw two blurs burst from the hotel window, rapidly following after him. Turning back forward, Naruto went over his quickly laid plan in his head. It wasn't a very good plan, but against two S-class missing-nin and without backup from Pervy Sage, it was the best he could come up with.
Kisame and Itachi were somewhat flummoxed by the fact that their target was on horseback. What kind of shinobi rides a horse, anyways?
Regardless, the two soon began to chase down their prey. They followed him out of town and into the forest. Surprisingly, when they found their target, he was waiting for them in the middle of a clearing. Was he being brave, or just stupid? Either way, he was theirs.
"Itachi!" Screaming his hated brother's name, Sasuke, a black eyed boy with black hair that resembled a duck's bottom, burst through the broken door of the hotel room. The lightning crackling around his fist died as the 'Last Uchiha' looked around the empty room in confusion. Screaming in anger, his vengeance denied, Sasuke began to throw a tantrum.
"Have no fear; the great Jiraiya is here…!" Jumping through the broken door, the Toad Sage Jiraiya started to go through his grandiose introduction when he noticed that the only other occupant of the room was currently trashing the furniture in a rage.
"D-Y-N-A-M-I-C ENTRY!" Hearing someone shouting behind him, Jiraiya turned around to receive a flying foot to the face.
As soon as Kisame and Itachi landed in the clearing, the red-eyed Uchiha took a step forward. "Naruto Uzumaki, you will be coming with us, or I will let Kisame cut off your legs and we will carry you."
Ignoring Itachi's announcement, Naruto pointed at the Monster of the Mist and boomed out with a confident voice. "Kisame Hoshigaki! I challenge you to a swordsman's duel!" Internally, however, was a slightly different story. Oh dear Kami, please let this work! He had hoped that Jiraiya would have shown up by now. Unfortunately, the sage had yet to arrive, so Naruto was forced to go with 'Plan B.'
Kisame held out an arm, stopping Itachi in his tracks. "What are your conditions?"
Swallowing, Naruto responded. "Five minutes, sword techniques only. If I can survive for that long, you go away and leave me alone. If you land a hit on my body or head with the sword, you win, and I go with you without struggle."
Itachi started to speak, only for Kisame to interrupt. "I accept."
"Kisame, what are you doing?" Itachi demanded of his partner.
"Itachi," began the shark-like man. "I may be an honorless shinobi, but I still have my pride and honor as a swordsman. One cannot refuse a challenge from another swordsman without losing face." He smiled, which was somewhat disturbing to look at, what with the sharp, pointy teeth. "Besides, this should be fun."
Stepping forward, Kisame took Samehada from his back and brandished the bandaged sword before him. "I, Kisame Hoshigaki, student of Fuguki Suikazan of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, former member of the same and current member of Akatsuki, do accept your challenge."
Recognizing the traditional response to a challenge, Naruto drew Falchion and held it in a swordsman's salute. "I, Naruto Uzumaki, student of Hayate Gekkou of the Crescent Moon, genin of Konohagakure, do recognize your acceptance."
For seemingly an eternity, the two swordsmen stood opposite of each other, watching and waiting as Itachi moved to stand off to the side of the two. After another seeming eternity, Itachi slowly began to raise his hand.
Nursing the bruise on his cheek as taijutsu master Might Guy left with a still fuming Sasuke, Jiraiya looked worriedly out the broken window. Where was his student? Where was Naruto?
A sudden flaring of chakra outside the town caught the Toad Sage's attention. There!
Launching himself out the window, Jiraiya could only hope and pray that he wouldn't be too late.
Dust and leaves flew from the two combatants as Samehada and Falchion clashed. Grimacing, Naruto heeded Hayate's instructions on fighting a stronger opponent and let the larger swordsman push him back.
Disengaging from the sword lock, Naruto leapt back. Charging chakra into Falchion, Naruto swung, unleashing a small tornado of wind at Kisame. Smirking, the shark-like man swung Samehada at the vortex, the bandaged sword absorbing the chakra holding it together. Kisame grinned. The kid was smart; channeling chakra through his blade technically made it a sword technique. It was a pity that Samehada absorbed all chakra it came in contact with; otherwise he'd be doing the same.
Kisame blocked the blonde's overhead slash, locking the swords together. Pushing his face closer to the boy's, Kisame got a closer look at the sword. "Well well well. The divine Falchion, eh? You're just full of surprises, ain't ya?"
Naruto grit his teeth as he tried to disengage. Unfortunately, the much more experienced Kisame took the opportunity to slash at Naruto's exposed side. Seeing the bandaged sword coming at him, Naruto had no choice but to catch it on the leather gauntlet on his left forearm. To his shock, the leather armor and several layers of skin were torn away by blue scales that suddenly jutted out of the bandages.
Clutching at his torn up arm with his sword hand, Naruto stared incredulously at Samehada. "The heck kind of sword is that?"
Chuckling, Kisame hoisted Samehada on his shoulder. "Samehada doesn't cut. Samehada shaves."
Naruto was about to retort when Falchion glowed blue. To his and Kisame's surprise, Naruto's exposed and torn up arm was soon replaced with unscarred, pink skin. "Well that's convenient."
The two began to exchange blows once more. Kisame would swing his massive blade like a club, and Naruto would dodge. Naruto would thrust, and Samehada would be there to intercept the blow. Eventually, Kisame feinted, pulling a swing and punching Naruto in the face.
Clutching at his broken nose, Naruto was caught off guard when Kisame drew Samehada across his shins, sending the blonde to the ground face first. Rolling over, Naruto barely managed to avoid the scaled sword's downward swing.
Spitting out the dirt from the sudden crater formed next to him, Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the sharkskin sword coming down on him once more. In desperation, Naruto held Falchion above him, bracing the sword with one hand on the blade. His arms nearly breaking from the impact and Kisame's brute strength, Naruto screamed in agony and defiance as Samehada pushed Falchion down. Closer and closer came the sword, until it was only a hairsbreadth from tearing up his face.
The pressure eased up and Naruto let his arms fall to the sides in relief. As he panted for air, he could vaguely hear Kisame talking. "Well, I'll admit, I didn't expect you to be that good. I underestimated you. Next time, I won't hold anything back."
As the two black cloaked members of Akatsuki departed, Naruto was left lying on the torn up ground of the clearing. Finally, Naruto began to chuckle before he began to laugh deliriously. Over from where he was grazing, Akanori looked up, snorted, then went back to eating. Naruto was still laughing hysterically when Jiraiya finally arrived.
Naruto groaned as his heavily bandaged legs once again brushed up against Akanori's flank. After Jiraiya had arrived, they'd tried to have the Falchion do what it had done earlier to his arm, but neither could figure out how to do it. So, they were forced to bandage the legs and for some reason, whatever the Kyuubi usually did to speed up Naruto's healing wasn't happening. Jiraiya postulated that it had something to do with Samehada's legendary ability to absorb chakra.
At any rate, the pair was heading to the tourist town of Tanzaku Gai, which was famous for its castle and many casinos. As they went, Jiraiya hopped down from the trees and started walking next to Akanori.
"Here you go squirt!" Jiraiya tossed Naruto a storage scroll.
Naruto looked at the scroll questioningly, and then raised an eyebrow at Jiraiya. "Um, what's this?"
Jiraiya gave a devious smile. "Why, I'm going to teach you the Fourth's signature technique."
"You mean…?" Naruto looked down at the storage scroll.
"Yep, I'm teaching you the rasengan!"
Naruto looked down at the storage scroll and pushed a sliver of chakra into the seal. To his bafflement, he was left holding a water balloon once the smoke cleared. "Huh? Hey, how is a water balloon going to help me learn the rasengan?"
"Like this." Jiraiya took the water balloon from Naruto and held it up. "Watch closely, I'll only do this once." Naruto leaned in close. As he watched, the surface of the water balloon began to bulge and undulate before it popped, causing Akanori to shy slightly.
Upon getting the near-crimson Percheron calm again, Naruto unsealed another water balloon from the scroll. "Alright, Pervy Sage, what do I do?"
Jiraiya grinned. "Just spin your chakra inside the balloon. Once you get it to pop, we'll go on to stage two." Naruto nodded and proceeded to do just that. Unfortunately, the balloon just bulged out in the middle and flattened into somewhat of a disk, instead of the writhing and bubbling that Jiraiya produced.
Frowning, Naruto turned to the Toad Sage. "Neh, Pervy Sage, what am I doing wrong?"
The Sannin gave a knowing smile. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that"
Naruto looked up from his balloon, perplexed. "What? Why not?"
"Because," the white haired man stated. "If I were to tell you how to do it, you'd never be able to. Everybody learns how to create the rasengan differently. What works for me, won't necessarily work for you." He smiled up at Naruto. "Don't worry if you don't get it right away, it took yo—Minato three years to make it, and me three months to learn. I will give you a hint though: go with the flow, not against it."
Naruto looked at the balloon pensively. "Go with the flow…hmm." Trying something differently, Naruto tried spinning his chakra in the other direction, and found that it was much easier to do. Unfortunately, the balloon still flattened rather than pop.
Naruto scowled at the water balloon in his hand. He'd been trying to pop it for the last few hours, trying different things. He'd tried spinning faster and slower, he tried narrowing the chakra and widening it. Yet, nothing had worked. He still only had a flattened balloon.
Scrutinizing the balloon, Naruto absently scratched at the leather half-breastplate over his chest, running his fingers across the engraving in the leather. Feeling the shape of the tooled design, the cloaked blonde froze, then looked down at the Uzumaki spiral proudly on display. 'Hmm'ing in thought, Naruto traced the multispoked spiral. It reminded him of a whirlpool. Hmm.
Contemplating the water balloon, Naruto thought. The technique he was trying to learn was called the spiraling sphere. Perhaps, like a whirlpool, he needed to have multiple spirals instead of just one circle. No, that wouldn't make the bulges I saw Pervy Sage make. Perhaps if I…
Slowly, Naruto began spiraling his chakra inside the water balloon. First, it was just one spiral, then another at a different angle, then another, and another and another. Soon, the rubber, water-laden sphere was frothing and writhing much like Jiraiya's had. In no time at all, the balloon popped, spilling water onto Akanori's back; much to the Percheron's vocalized displeasure.
"Hey, Pervy Sage, I did it!"
Jiraiya looked over. "We'll see about that. Show me." Naruto unsealed another water balloon and popped it. The perverted sage smiled. "Well done." He tossed Naruto a rubber ball. "Here. Stage two is all about power. To complete this step, you need to burst the ball, not just puncture it."
As Naruto fussed with the dense rubber ball, Jiraiya kept talking. "I'm impressed that you managed to complete the first stage so quickly, but I doub…" A loud bang interrupted the Toad sage, making him spin around to see Naruto triumphantly hold out the shredded remains of the rubber ball as Akanori whickered nervously. The blonde smirked at the perverted toad's gob smacked expression.
"Hey, don't be surprised Pervy Sage. If it's anything I have in spades, it's power out the wazoo."
Still somewhat stunned, Jiraiya pulled out a regular balloon. "O-okay, the next step is containment. Do steps one and two at the same time, without popping the balloon."
Naruto inflated the balloon and proceeded to enact phases one and two with a confident smirk.
Jiraiya chuckled. Naruto had been trying to complete stage three for the last few days, letting loose a different curse every time he popped a balloon. Ah, his favorite part about teaching; listening to the student curse up a storm. Interestingly, the kid had quite the repertoire of curses, as he had yet to repeat a single one. Still, best to have the kid take a break, they were almost at their destination. He turned around. "Hey Squirt, give it a rest, we're almost there!"
Sighing as he let the half-inflated balloon in his hand deflate, Naruto put the balloon away. He looked at Jiraiya. "Hey Pervy Sage, where're we going again?"
Jiraiya grinned as he went into "tour-guide mode," arms spread wide for dramatic effect. "Why, Tanzaku Gai, of course! The Land of Fire's gambling central and home of world-famous Tanzaku Castle!"
Naruto looked at where Jiraiya was pointing in confusion. "Uh, Pervy Sage, what castle?"
Cocking an eyebrow, Jiraiya turned around to gape at the smoking ruins that were all that remained of the famous Tanzaku Castle.
AN: To anyone who cries 'BS!' towards Naruto's duel with Kisame, I have one thing to say. In the Naruto world, one does not put their all into any first encounter. To do so is to give your opponent the advantage and opportunity to counter you in your next encounter. As such, Kisame held a lot back, not really seeing Naruto as a threat. Naruto however could put his all into the fight, because his sword style is still settling and evolving as he gains experience fighting against other ninja. When Naruto survived the five minutes, mostly unscathed, Kisame gained a little respect for him as a swordsman. Long story short, Naruto won because Kisame toyed with him too long.
As for the BINGO book entry, let me know what y'all think of it.
Pain17ification: Oh My God! I love your stories! Thanks!
Guest(ch5, Nov 5): Eh, he's old, his leg was messed up too much to keep fighting. Not much he could do, really. He could have dodged, but with a lame leg, poison, and at his age, it was really just delaying the inevitable.
Mecaldar: yes, I know that's how it is in canon, but this isn't canon.
Nero Angelo Sparda: Nope, sorry man, no FEA characters (except maybe the Manakete). They've been dead for millennia. But don't worry about Grima. I have plans for him…(Dark, pants-browning evil laughter)
Skyfishin; Ddragon21: Don't worry, I have a plan. Can't tell though. Spoilers!
Jose19: Good thing I didn't have him fight Itachi then, huh?