Clara whipped her head around and stared at the blank wall; she could have sworn there had been a door there just a second ago. She cocked an eyebrow and carried on with her exploration of the TARDIS. The Doctor had asked her to fetch something for him from one of the many rooms of the little blue box. Trouble was, he could not recall what room he had left the object in, so it was up to Clara to figure it out. She checked around the pool, in the library, in the jungle room (Yes, apparently there was a use for that room), and multiple other rooms she had never been in before.

There was a glowing light coming from a few doors down and as she approached, the door flung open. She popped her head in first, scanning to make sure it looked safe before entering. Deciding that it looked safe she cautiously stepped over the threshold. It looked very much like the other bedrooms on the TARDIS but unlike the others that she had seen so far, this one looked as though someone had lived in it for a long period of time and just up and left it behind. The bed was unmade, there were some clothes hanging in the closet and some pictures framed on a desk.

Clara gently lifted one of the framed photos from the desk. In it was a woman, who appeared to be in her thirties, with fiery red hair and warm smile. With her was an older gentleman, who was obviously laughing at something while the picture was being taken. The last member of the group was someone she recognized, an earlier version of the Doctor. He was in a brown trench coat and blue suit, hair wild as ever. He had his arms draped around the old man and red haired woman. She couldn't help but smile at the picture because they all looked so utterly and completely happy.

Setting the picture back down she made her way to leave the room. Before leaving however, she catches sight of the object she had been looking for. She sat down on the edge of the bed, picked up the invisibility watch and slid it in her pocket. As she moved to get up, her hand brushed something solid. Pushing the remains of the messy bed aside she discovered a book. It was gold and deep red, she admired the pattern very much. Stroking the spine, she flipped it open to see written in neat cursive, "The Diary of Donna Noble".

"Donna," she whispered to herself. She knew that name. She thought back to a weird moment with the Doctor just a few weeks earlier.


He had just picked her up after being absent for a while. He flipped the switches and stared at her intensely, "Where do you want to go?" he asked her. She pondered, thinking over all the possible times and locations she could experience, the people she could meet. She suddenly remembered the last book she had read. It would be amazing to meet the author of that book.

"Well, there is someone I've always wanted to meet…" she began.

"And who would that be?" he questioned.

"Agatha Christie. I love her books. I bet she is amazing!" she had gushed. She knew something wasn't right when his eyes turned from focused to sad, his face dropped. "What's with the big sad eyes, Doctor?"

"I've met her before. Loads of fun she is…was. We solved a mystery together! There was a giant wasp and a jewel thief and I was poisoned! It was great fun. We always had great fun, Donna Noble and I."

"Donna? Who is Donna?"

Realization struck him, "Where do you want to go?" he asked again.

"Actually," she began, "How about you pick this time?"

He smiled and flipped a switch, "Christopher Columbus it is!"


She had been afraid to push him further on the subject, talking about Donna obviously caused him a lot of pain. She had left it alone, but the thoughts about past companions never left her mind. If she had to leave him one day, how would it affect him? She pushed the worry to the back of her mind as she scurried out of the room, and against her better judgment, took Donna's diary with her.

The Doctor was busying himself with the TARDIS controls when she walked back into the console room. She spotted her jacket nearby and quickly folded it over her arm in an attempt to hide the diary she had just confiscated from her journey. She knew she shouldn't take it, but curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"So did you find it, Clara?" he asked, immersed in his workings on the TARDIS.

Panic stricken, "Find what?"

He turned around to face her and quirked an eyebrow, "The watch. You were gone an awfully long time."

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, right. Yes, I found it," she reached into her pocket and placed it in his hands, "Wouldn't have taken me so long if you could just remember where you put your things."

"You alright?" he questioned, "You look a bit….off. Your eyes are bigger than your face again."

"Nope, fine. Perfectly fine," she answered all too quickly for her liking.

"Okay, if you're sure," he stated walking towards the TARDIS doors and flinging them open, "Home sweet, home again."

She smiled and walked past him, turning around at the entrance, "So, when am I going to see you again?"

"Any time you want to see me again, boss," he said a bit cheekily and closed the doors. The moans and groans of the TARDIS followed his exit and within no time, the blue box disappeared from her bedroom.

She didn't want to seem too eager to look at the diary. She wanted to play it cool. She went into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine and followed up with putting on her jim-jams. She sit in the center of her bed and stared at the book. Morally, she knew it was wrong to read someone else's diary, but she just found herself so curious to know about the woman named Donna Noble. Huffing in frustration, she opened it up to the first page and began to read.

Dear Diary,

It feels odd to talk to a book as though it is a person, but you were a gift from Gramps and he is staring at me right now and I need to look like I'm putting you to good use. My name is Donna Noble. I'm a temp from Chiswick…well, I was a temp, I'm between jobs right and I don't even know why I'm writing all of this down, you are a diary, you could care less about my employment status. Anyways, the first thing you should know is that this past year has been the weirdest and most disappointing year of my life. First of all, I was engaged to a man named Lance. Long story short he was dosing me with chemicals, conspiring against me with a giant spider queen, and I was kidnapped halfway down the aisle by a man called The Doctor and his little blue spaceship that's bigger on the inside. Well, he's not a man really, he's an alien. He inspired me to travel the world and all of that lasted about five minutes. I went to Egypt but it was over before I knew it. He had asked me to come with him in that ridiculous magic box of his and I now realize that turning him down was the biggest mistake of my life. He was dazzling and brilliant and I have never met anyone like him before. Because of him I believe in so much more now. Aliens, lives outside of our planet exist, and I want more than ever now to be a part of the wonder in the universe. My mum keeps insisting I decide my next move in life but I just can't, not while I'm trying to find that outer space man and that box. There is a weight loss company called Adipose Industries and something doesn't feel quite right about that place. I'm hoping if I poke around a bit, I'll find trouble and the Doctor seems to follow trouble….or trouble follows him, I can't really decide. But one thing is for sure, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for that little blue box and the brilliant man who lives inside.