"OBITO I AM GOING TO KILL YOU." The yell of the young soon to be genin yelled as came running out of his room covered in water chasing the orange masked Akatsuki member. "Whoa whoa calm down what happened." Konan asked as the blond threw a couple of kunais narrowly missing one of the last Uchiha's. "I paid him back for the wakeup call last week." Obito replied. "Anyways today is a big day Naruto are you ready." Konan asked the young boy. "Yeah I'm ready to do this how else am I going to be come Hokage." The young blonde replied with a tinge of sadness as Kisame would not be able to see him graduate. "You miss him don't you?" Obito asked. "Yeah but his death gave me the Mangekyo Sharingan." Naruto replied with another sad smile. "So are you going to drop the mask today Naruto?" Obito asked as looked at the Naruto. "Yeah because I have had enough of that god damn kill me orange jumpsuit and people underestimating me." The young boy said as he went to go put on his outfit that Konan brought him a new outfit for this special time. His new outfit consisted of a black muscle shirt that showed off his muscles. He was large but not the size of the Hulk but he was in great shape for thirteen. He also wore a pair of black shinobi pants with weapon holsters, and a pack on the back to keep scrolls and various supplies. His shoes were traditional shinobi sandals. He also wore a jacket similar to the Yondaime Hokage but his was orange with black flames similar to the Amaterasu which covered his new summoning tattoos for the Kyuubi and foxes, the Toads, Dragons and Phoenixes. His new outfit was completed with a set of fingerless black gloves with a metal plate on them and a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes whenever he used his Doujutsu. He had a major growth spurt now standing at five foot eight as Naruto had mastered his Bijuu mode and was full control of the nine tails even being able to summon her. (A/N: don't worry I will explain in a flashback what happened either later this chapter or in the next. Also Kisame's death will be explained within the next couple of chapters. ). "Konan-Nee-Chan will you tell me who my dad is if I graduate." The young blond asked as he finished getting ready. "Yes I made a promise didn't I." Konan reach down to the young Shinobi and ruffled his hair. "Now don't be late make us proud." She said as he shushined away towards the Academy.

Five minutes later.

Today is the day I drop the mask time to show them the true Naruto Uzumaki. As he made his way into Iruka's classroom jaws dropped as his peers saw the 'orange clad dobe' wearing normal clothes. This didn't stop the insults. "Well look here the dead last is trying to make a statement to bad he won't pass." Kiba said as he got laughs from the class especially Sauske's fan girls, the only ones who didn't laugh were Shikamaru, Shino, Hinata and Sasuke. This didn't faze Naruto as he made his way to a seat next to the brooding, emo "last" Uchiha. The classroom enjoyed several minutes of silence until a platinum blonde named Ino and the screaming pink banshee named Sakura came running in. "Ha Ino-Pig I win." The banshee said, who knew she had an indoor voice. "Whatever Forehead-girl I will still marry Sauske-Kun." The blonde proclaimed as this caused an uproar in the classroom as fan girls started screaming how they would be the one to marry Sauske-kun. Naruto had fallen asleep but was woken up a high pitched shrill. "YOU BAKA MOVE SO I CAN SIT NEXT TO SASUKE-KUN." What happened next no one saw coming. "You know what why was I even attracted to you Sakura, all you do is bash me, berate me and beat me. The same goes for all you girls in here." With this said Naruto sat down leaving Sakura to sit next to Ino and the classroom quiet. As soon as his outburst ended Mizuki and Iruka entered the room with the written portion of the exam. Both instructors noticed nothing out of the ordinary until their eyes both came to Naruto. Is that you Naruto? Iruka thought with pride in his heart, he along with the Hokage knew about Naruto's mask. However Mizuki was pissed off but he didn't show it. "Now students this is the written portion of the Genin Exam, you will have an hour you can start when you receive your test. The hour flew by as Naruto completed the test in fifteen minutes. Soon the hour passed everyone followed Iruka and Mizuki to the training area for the Kunai and Shuriken accuracy test. The order was by last name Shino was up first with eight kunais and seven shurikens hitting the target. Choji managed to hit the target with five kunais and five shurikens. The Pink Banshee managed to somehow hit the target with four kunais and six shurikens. Hinata hit the target with six kunais and four shurikens. Kiba hit the target with two kunais and three shurikens. (A/N I had to make some people sucky.) Shikamaru and Ino got the same score with seven kunais and shurikens. Now it was time for the all mighty Uchiha to show off he got the highest score so far with nine kunais and shurikens, this caused fan girls collectively to scream as their Sauske-kun just proved why he is better. "Good luck dobe you'll need it." Sasuke says as he passes by Naruto with a look of arrogance. As Naruto got up to the area where the other students have been tested, he could see Mizuki placing the kunais and shurikens for him to use. "Iruka-Sensei can I use my own set." Naruto asked as he could tell the one Mizuki placed were heavier. "Yes Naruto but you will have to retrieve them." Iruka replied as he could hear people asking how he has his own equipment as he had barely any money, and the money he had was spent on ramen. As Naruto threw his kunais all ten stuck to the practice dummy in more or less the same location, the same was for the shuriken. After this performance everyone was shocked especially the last Uchiha and his fan girls. Next was the taijutsu sparing session all the students have gone, well all but two Uchiha and Uzumaki.


The two warriors entered the sparing circle, fan girls started screaming for Sasuke-kun to kick his ass, and prove why he is the best. The two fighters met in the center and began to exchange words before backing up to their respected halves. "Are the fighters ready?" Iruka asked as both fighters shook their heads. "Begin!" Iruka yelled as the two entered a stance Sasuke a traditional Uchiha stance and Naruto a modified fox kata stance. Sasuke was the first one to make a move as he ran to Naruto with his fist cocked back ready to deliver a blow. Naruto simply just moved his head to the right and brought his knee up to Sasuke's gut sending him back to the center of the sparing circle. This shocked everyone as the dead last had just landed a blow on the untouchable Rookie of the Year. Girls were screaming bloody murder, the guys were cheering, while Uchiha was pissed. "Is this all the Uchiha clan is made up of, this is pathetic Sasuke." Naruto said so he could get the Avenger riled up. The Avenger had manage to keep calm for this until he heard that name. "You know Itachi would have put up a better fight blindfolded." This was a proven fact as Naruto almost managed to beat Itachi during one of their training session. Sasuke got up and ran to Naruto to hit him with all he had. Throwing punches, uppercuts, kicks and knee shots nothing seemed to hit Naruto as never even moved from his original position. Then it came the perfect opportunity Naruto brought up his right leg up for a roundhouse kick and caught Sasuke square on the jaw knocking him out.

"WINNER BY KO: NARUTO." Iruka proclaimed as all hell broke loose. Fan girls screaming he cheated to win, while he got high fives from the guys for beating Sasuke. After an hour Iruka managed to calm the class down in order to complete the final test the ninjutsu and genjutsu test. All of the class had managed to pass, it came down to Naruto him being nervous was understatement. "Naruto can you come in?" Iruka asked. "Yes Iruka-Sensei." This was it he will become a ninja was the only thought in Naruto's mind. "Alright we are going to cast a genjutsu, and you will need to break it under a minute think you can do that?" Iruka asked as began to make hand signs. I took Naruto five seconds to dispel the genjutsu. Impressive, how much have you grown. "Well we need to see a henge, substitution and clone jutsu for you to pass." Iruka said. Naruto had managed to henge perfectly into his father and hero and then substituted himself with a chair. "Iruka-Sensei does it specifically have to be the standard clone jutsu." Naruto asked. "Well just as long as you make three clones." Iruka said all Mizuki could do was smirk as his plan was coming together or so he thought. Naruto began to make the necessary hand sign he then yelled out a jutsu that shocked Iruka and Mizuki. SHADOW CLONE JUTSU. As Naruto completed the jutsu three perfect and solid clones appeared. "Congratulations Naruto now just wait in the classroom and we will announce the teams." Iruka said while Mizuki was trying to hide his anger as his plan was failing. One hour later Iruka and Mizuki came back with a piece of paper. "Alright we will now announce the teams." Iruka said as he began to read off the names. "Team Seven will be Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno-." Before Iruka could finish Sakura stood up. "HA TAKE THAT INO-PIG TRUE LOVES CONQURES ALL." "And Naruto Uzumaki." As Iruka said that name she lowered her head in defeat. I wonder why I feel like this I only faked feelings for her or do I really like her. Naruto thought. Iruka read off the teams Team Eight was Shino, Kiba and Hinata, Team nine was still active, Team Ten was Shikamaru, Choji and Ino. "Alright now you will meet your senseis tomorrow but I will give you their names Team Seven sensei is Kakashi Hatake, Team Eight sensei is Kurenai Yuhi and Team Ten Sensei is Asuma Sarutobi. Class dismissed." Iruka said.

Scene Change to Obito and Konan (During Genin Exams.)

"Why do I have to carry all the heavy stuff?" Obito asked while trying not to be crushed under the weight of the boxes. "Because this is your punishment for pranking Naruto." Konan answered in a sweet voice. "But he pranked me first and he gets no punishment." Obito asked as they reached the Namikaze Clan compound with the Hokage waiting. "Well then don't do anything to my nephew." Konan said as Obito placed the boxes on the ground. "Now let's get this stuff set up so we can surprise Naruto." She said as she began to unpack a box marked fragile.


"Hello anyone home." Naruto called out. After no one responded he found a note written from Konan.

Dear Naruto,

If you are wondering where we are, we are meeting with the Hokage about a new home for you. Here is the address of your new home. Then we will reveal who your parents are. Also Itachi and Nagato should be back in time before dinner.



"Alright I'll be there in a flash Konan." Naruto said as he shushined from the house.


As Naruto came up to the address he saw the entrance to the estate the court yard was made up of several beautiful flowers all over the area, with a fountain of twin spiraling dragons with water coming out of their mouths. He made his way around to see what seemed to go on forever as he could see several training areas, what looked like a bathhouse a hot springs, a swimming pool and a full length basketball court from what he could see. "Is everything set up and ready?" Konan asked Obito. "Yes ma'am." He said as he went to attention and gave a salute. Well he should be here in 3...2...1. On cue in came Naruto scaring the crap out of the Hokage and Obito who were reading there little orange book. "Geez for being two strong ninjas you guys scare easily." Naruto said as he deadpanned glaring at the two ninjas on the floor. "Well Nagato and Itachi should be here soon." Konan said as she was finishing the food. Thirty minutes later Itachi and Nagato came in looking like they went through hell. They sat as they ate dinner and shared stories about their day it then came to the time for the revelation of the lineage of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. "Naruto do you want to know who your parents are." Hiruzen asked while Naruto was both nervous and giddy. After a few moments of silence the elder began to tell him the story of Kyuubi attack once he finishes he looks at Naruto. "Naruto, Kushina and the Yondaime were your parents please don't hate them." Hiruzen couldn't help but feel guilty. "I don't hold it against you and I don't hate them I am just happy I had parents that loved me." Naruto said as he could feel tears coming down his cheeks. "So I am assuming this was my father's estate." Naruto asked breaking the silence. "Yes and he has left many scrolls he left on his techniques the Rasengan and the Hiraishin. Guard them with your life he didn't want anyone to copy them." Hiruzen said as they walked towards the study. "Now Naruto there are two levels the upper ground and the underground levels. Only you can access them you will place blood on this seal under the rug. Underneath are several area such as an indoor pool, indoor basketball court, indoor training area, a sauna, a library and a safe that has all of your father's clan money and scrolls." Hiruzen said. All Naruto could do is be wide mouthed to what he was hearing he came back to reality when Obito smacked him upside the head. "Oi have you heard anything we said." The masked man asked. "Umm no I didn't sorry." Was all Naruto could say. "Well we leave you to explore the house, and get some sleep you have an important day tomorrow." Hiruzen said as the group left Naruto in the study.

A/N: There will be a harem I will give you guy the choice of how many people should be in it. The choices are either four, five or six. Also I am working a Naruto and WWE Crossover. I want to see which superstar you would select to represent the characters of Naruto. Please leave choices in the reviews thank you and have a Happy Thanksgiving (I Know its early but I don't know when I will update again.)