Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor do I own anything featured in this story (although I wish I did). Unlike most of the fan fictions I have read I will be providing years for example Naruto's birth is October 10 1996. This story will feature Naruto being able to switch between the Rinnegan and the Sharingan at will (Don't worry this will be explained later.). Pairing I don't if I am doing a harem so that will be decided later. Now onto the story. Good Kyuubi/Kurama, Some good Akatsuki, bashing here and there.

Key: "Normal Talking."


"Demon talking."

Demon thinking.

Bolded text means name of the jutsu

Flashback twelve years ago.

"Where is she?" ask a man in a black trench coat with red clouds on them. "She is in the middle of child birth why do you care." The nurse says as she sees the two men maternity ward of the Konoha Hospital. "What the plan Nagato?" ask a man similarly dressed but he has an orange mask on. "We have to stop Madara from reaching Kushina and extracting the Kyuubi." Nagato says while blazing through the halls knocking over visitors and nurses. "Hey wait up I can't keep up if you keep throwing people in my way." Obito says while tripping over people Nagato is throwing. They continue to run until Nagato spots a familiar person his oldest sister on the floor breathing heavily. "Kushina!" he says while running to her. Once he reaches her side he drags her and props her up against the wall. "They… (pants)…extracted… (pants)…the damn fox." She says while trying to recover even though she is dying. "Fuck we are too late." As soon as Nagato says this he is met with a slap from Kushina. "HEY! Didn't I teach you better than to cuss in front of a lady?" As she is saying this Tobi couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Sorry sister which way did he go?" Nagato asked with deep concern for his sister. "He is setting up outside the Village; Minato is going after him." She says as her breathing continues to hitch. "You heard her let's go NOW!" Nagato and Tobi are about to leave until someone stops them. "Please take me and Naruto with you." She ask as tears begin to fall from her cheeks. "Are you crazy you and your baby will die if we take you anywhere near the Kyuubi." Tobi iterates as he sees Kushina trying to get up. "Fine lets go and hopefully the Kyuubi hasn't killed Minato; also Tobi carry the baby and please don't drop him you klutz."

Minato vs Kyuubi

Damn it to hell how do I beat something I can't kill, Minato thought as he was dodging claw swipe attempts from the Kyuubi. "Foolish Mortal you think you can defeat the Kyuubi no Kitsune." The fox bellowed as he was trying to kill the Yondaime Hokage also known as the Yellow flash of the leaf. There is only one way I can think of ending this and it is sealing it. This is risky though as it will kill me. I need to hold him off. Minato begins to make hand signs and planted his hand on the ground.

Summoning Jutsu.

As he finished saying this two toad appeared Gamabunta the boss frog and the scroll toad Gerotora as he would need both to help with his plan. "Gamabunta I need you to hold the fox back and stall for as long as you can, Gerotora come with me I need you to be close to me at all times." Minato barked at the two toads. "Hai" Both toads responded and began to follow his orders. "You think you can hold me back you over fucking sized tadpole." The fox yelled as Gamabunta began to throw jabs and kicks towards the fox. "Oh ho ho I will show you who is over sized you stupid over grown house cat." Gamabunta replied. "Oh now I will take my sweet time with you now." The fox said as he began to swipe at Gamabunta, before Gamabunta could bring up his arms completely his left eye was grazed leaving a scar on his eye. Hurry Minato with whatever the hell you are doing Gamabunta thought while grappling the Kyuubi down to the ground after a series of missed strikes from the fox.

Kushina with Nagato and Tobi (Obito)

While the Kyuubi and Minato were fighting the two Loyal Akatsuki members began jumping rooftop to rooftop with Kushina and Naruto in their arms. "There he is stop Nagato." Kushina said weakly as they stop. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing with my wife and child." Minato asked very pissed off. "We are not enemies we are members of the Akatsuki we protect Bijuu's from those who seek to steal them." Nagato replies as cool as he can. "Well in case you haven't noticed I have been battling the Kyuubi who also has now destroyed half the village, now I need my son." Minato replies coldly. "Tell me you are not thinking of what I think you are thinking." Kushina says as she is about to break down. "Tobi is confused." Was all Obito could manage to speak out to his former sensei would not recognize him. "We will seal half of the Kyuubi's chakra in me and the other half in Naruto." Minato replies as warm tears come down his face, Kushina is starting to break down and as for Naruto he is somehow asleep through all of this mayhem, panic and destruction. The two Akatsuki members and the Yondaime Hokage began to race to where Gamabunta and the Kyuubi were fighting to see Gamabunta on top of the Kyuubi. I knew you could do it Gamabunta. As he finished this statement the Kyuubi managed to bring one of its hind legs up and kick Gamabunta in his stomach. "Like I said you overgrown tadpole you can't beat me the mighty Kyuubi no Kitsune." The foxed yelled into the air just like he has already won the battle. As soon as they see this Minato begins to set up an altar to begin the sealing of the Nine Tail Demon Fox. "Kushina how much chakra do you have left?" Minato asked as he finished setting up the altar and placed Naruto on the small table. "Enough to chain him down so you can do the hand signs for that jutsu." She said as she saw her son's blanket being undone by Minato so he could place the Kyuubi in his stomach. As soon as he was done he looked into his wife tearful eyes and gave her the nod to create chakra chains to tie down the beast. Minato began to do the hands signs and clapped his hands together.

Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal.

The events that happen next are horrific. The Shinigami appeared and stuck his hand through Minato's stomach and extended to the Kyuubi who could only look on in horror. The God of Death ripped out the Yin chakra of the fox and placed it into the Yondaime Hokage. As soon as the God went to rip the Yang chakra out until the fox broke free as he saw where his chakra was going he made one last attempt for freedom to kill the baby before he could be sealed. That wasn't the case as both Minato and Kushina stepped in front of the claw forcing the claw to stop before it could reach the baby. With this they were able to stop the claw from killing Naruto and effectively sealed the Yang chakra into Naruto. "KUSHINA, MINATO!" Nagato yelled and he began to run to their corpses little did they now the Sandaime Hokage was watching. "DON'T TOUCH THAT BABY." The Sandaime yelled from the wall of Konoha. "We need to discuss what we are to do with this baby, when can we meet with your council?" Nagato asked looking nervously at the baby on the altar and the old man standing on the wall. "You think I will trust you people I know who you are you are the Akatsuki and you all hunt the Bijuu's" The God of Shinobi proclaimed. "That is Madara's group who broke off, we are the ones who swore to protect the Bijjus so please help us help my nephew." Nagato said with tears in his eyes this was the first time he lifted his head once he was eye to eye with the Sandaime he was about ready to have a heart attack from what he saw in the young man and in Naruto's eyes…The Rinnegan.