The master of Death and the girl who fell in love with the undead: A Harry Potter and Twilight Fanficion.

Chapter 1: Walking through the veil.

Legalities: This is a mature story; as such there will be things some people may not find suitable for younger viewers including lemons, limes, fluff, character deaths, and other things. This story takes place after the war with a slightly disillusioned Harry who wishes to become the master of death so he does something that only death knows he'll survive. Meanwhile in another world Bella Swan is being abandoned by the one she thought loved her. Can Harry help fix a broken girl, and what about when the Cullens return. With the summary said now I should warn you that I don't own the Harry Potter Universe or the Twilight Universe they belong to J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyers respectively.

Harry's POV:

I walked into the department of mysteries slowly. Voldemort was dead, I was now eighteen and the wizarding world had started to set itself right after the reign of tyranny which the bastard had released upon it. I thought of the friends I was leaving and sighed softly. I knew they wouldn't understand what I was doing, but the only way to become the master of death was to take the hollows and face death herself. I currently had the hollows on me and was preparing to take the final step to assimilate them. When I did so I would become the master of death and the hollows would take me where I was meant to do my duties. I knew it wasn't in this world as this world already had an incarnation of death that didn't need my help anymore with the death of tommy boy.

I walked through the department pulling the invisibility cloak around my shoulders, checking that the resurrection stone was on my hand, and the elder wand was in the holster on my wrist. I flicked it into my hand as I stepped into the room where the veil presided. I slowly walked down the steps toward the veil listening to the voices within. As I approached the veil I heard someone yell out from behind me "HARRY WAIT!" I slowly turned my head and saw Hermione staring at me with her hand held out. I watched her and said "Yes Hermione?" The war had changed the relationship between us; we weren't as close as we had been. She'd chosen Ron, which I wasn't unhappy with her for that, but that didn't mean I would just stop because she asked.

I sighed and stepped back from the veil then said "What do you need Hermione?" She stared at me and said "Is there any way to stop you? Isn't there someone you would stay for?" I slowly shook my head and said "No Hermione sorry. Everyone I would have chosen has their own things to worry about. Most of our friends have moved on and eventually I'll just be a legend in the eyes of the wizarding world which is somewhat of a good thing I think. Maybe it will remind them that Voldemort was meant to be stopped, and the next time they have a hero they won't constantly turn their backs on him or her."

Hermione winced at my words and said "Harry, you know it's not like that." I raised an eyebrow and said "Oh, so no one is trying to say that the war ended pureblood families, or that if I'd been quicker to kill Voldemort we would have lost Scrimgeour or Amelia Bones. They awarded me an order of merlin first class Hermione, but they want me to vanish now that they don't need me anymore. Most of our friends have forgotten about me and moved on with their lives, some don't ever want to see me again; others wanted one last goodbye which I was happy to give them. If you'd talked to Mcgonagle you'd know I've planned this for a while."

Hermione winced and said "I did talk to the professor, and she seemed distraught that you'd choose to end things like this." Harry smiled and said "I'm just ready to start the next great Adventure Mione. Also I have a job to do but I can't do it here." She stared at Harry and said "Is this why you left as soon as Riddle was defeated and came back only a few days ago?" I nodded and said "Of course, I had to learn all that I could. I travelled the world. Don't worry about my vaults, I took enough gold to get by if somehow I don't pass away and I left everything else to a few select people. I created a fund for orphans of the magical world, to go to school. I think you'd be proud of that at least."

Hermione nodded with tears in her eyes then rushed over and hugged me. I stroked her back and said "It's ok Mione; I'm not worried about what I'm going to do. I figure that I have a purpose and it's not protecting the wizarding world. They don't need me anymore so I'm ready to move on." Mione stared at me as she released the hug and said "I'll miss you." I smiled and said "I'll miss you to Mione, but maybe I'll find what I've always been looking for on the other side of the veil." She nodded and slowly stepped back then watched as I climbed up on the dais and stared into the veil.

I had a flashback of Sirius falling through the first time we were here and shivered then slowly stepped into the veil feeling everything slip away. As soon as I was through the veil I found myself on a platform in darkness. I remembered the platform I'd seen when Voldemort had hit me with the killing curse and realized this was different. I took a step forward only for someone to walk out of the darkness in a cloak and stare at me.

I started to ask who they were when they held up their hand and said "No questions yet Harry, I'm going to let you see your loved ones for a little then we'll talk." I slowly nodded and watched as everything changed around me finding myself in a cozy house with Remus, Tonks, and Sirius sitting at a table looking younger for Remus and Sirius, but the same age she died at for Tonks. Suddenly a door opened and my parents walked in. They all glanced at me when I let out a soft cough. They blinked and Tonks said "Wotcher Harry, we're just waiting for Dumbledore." I raised an eyebrow and asked "None of you are surprised to see me?"

Sirius let out a bark like laugh and said "We know your just stopping by pup. If you were staying the beautiful lady death would have let us know. We'll continue watching over you even though you'll no longer be in the world you were born and grew up in." I blinked then just burst out laughing. I coughed a bit and said "Sorry that thought was funny to me." Sirius smirked and said "I was serious pup. We'll be watching you and we're all proud of you, right James, Lilly?" My dad nodded and said "Yes we're very proud of you Harry. The fact you stood up to the dark tosser even when you had the chance to run surprised us all. You're mother and I were never more proud than when you stood up for your school and protected everyone."

My mother nodded and smiled then walked over and hugged me. I melted into her embrace and mumbled "I couldn't save everyone though." She smiled sadly and said "No, you couldn't, but that's how life works sweetie, sometimes you can't save everyone." The door opened and in strolled Dumbledore smiling at me proudly. I smiled slightly and said "How are you professor?" He smiled back and said "I'm doing fine my boy, though we don't have much time. The lady is waiting on you." I nodded and asked "Is she…?" He nodded and said "She is indeed lady death. She's your new companion for the rest of your life until you finally move on and release the hallows."

I slowly nodded and said "Anything you guys can tell me about where I'm headed next?" They shook their heads and I sighed then said "Alright, well I better talk with Death. It was wonderful seeing you all again." My mother smiled and let me go then said "Trust your instincts Harry that's all any of us can tell you, and don't assume anything about the world you're going to." I nodded in acceptance then the room faded and I was back in the darkness facing the cowled figure. She smiled and said "Hello again Harry." I smiled back and ran a hand through my hair watching her.

She lowered the cowl revealing a woman with beautiful tanned skin, silver eyes, and dark hair that goes all the way down her back. She saw me admiring her and snapped a few times. I looked at her questioningly and she said "I'm here to give you your job, not for you to admire my beauty." I chuckled at that and said "Then please tell me where I'm going and what I'll be doing there milady." She smiled and said "I need you to go to a world where vampires are causing trouble and help get rid of a few problem children so to speak, as well as help a girl who is going to be faced with meeting me unless someone helps her."

I growled softly at that not knowing why it affected me and she smiled then said "Easy hero, I'll send you to her world and you can explore for a few months then return to her home town." I nodded and she moved her hand as if opening a door to a large forest in the middle of nowhere. I blinked and said "What do I do about credentials, money, etc.?" She smiled slightly and said "It'll all be set up under your name, just go to the nearest bank and get enough to travel then in June return to Forks." I nodded and stepped through the strange door which closed behind me. I walked out of the forest and into a small town then used my magic to throw up a glamor to hide myself realizing that the cloak, ring, and wand were gone.

I bought a car and drove out of town, somehow having the necessary skill to use the vehicle and finding myself with a wallet and driver's license saying I was seventeen. I was listed as an emancipated minor and I realized that meant I wasn't forced to go to school, though I figured I should enroll at the high school. I sighed and parked my car outside a house that was for sale then called the number on the sign and started talking with the real estate agent. I realized my accent was gone the longer we talked then she said she'd meet me out there. I smiled and leaned back in my car and waited for the real estate agent to show up. I slipped into a light doze, not realizing that things were going to get interesting next June.