I know that this update is coming ridiculously late but I guess I haven't had any inspiration for this story. I know that it's my only story so I can't really use any lines about being busy working on any other stories.

Well I haven't had anything to type on,and my thumbs are way to chunky to use a phone, so that's all I got. I just bought myself a new computer so I hope that it'll let me update more so that might be an upside.

I don't really know what else to say but sorry. I'm an inconsiderate wart.

Well enough attempts at a sincere apology, onto the story!


Chapter 3

We all piled onto the large wicker chairs and love seats that covered the porch. The humanoid demon humming a tune that I could only make out to be an old american jukebox tune that mephisto was so obsessed with.

I sat down on one of the chairs nearest to the stairs. I'd be able to run out of here the fastest if there was some trouble. 'All the exwires be damned, if this turns bat shit crazy I'm getting out of here!' I took a deep and unsteady breath. While I found my shoes and the uneven wooden boards on the deck really quite fascinating I felt that I might be being a tad rude.

I looked up to start talking to the humanoid demon. when i raised my head to sneak a peak at him though I meet his gaze. Those riveting blue eyes holding my gaze. I felt my blood go cold when's out opened into a cheshire cat smile. 'Those are the eyes of a predator' I thought to my self. I gulped heavily, I seemed to be doing a lot of that today.

The exwires were watching our brief battle of wills, I knew it. Call it my teacher senses or something but I always seemed to know when someone was watching me. I couldn't bear to tear my eyes away though. Me moving meant me losing, and Yukio Okumura isn't a loser God damn it! 'I will win, that demon will have to kiss my ass when I kick his. I WILL WI—' my thoughts of my supposedly impending victory was shattered when a tray full of lemonade and cookies were dropped onto the glass and wrought iron coffee table in-between the beast and I. Our eye contact was broken so I didn't feel like any less of a man when I inspected all the exwires one by one.

Bon looked like he was about to lash out at the demon king and attempt to pay back the son of satan for the blue night. I could perfectly picture Bon grovelling at this mans feet when he got his as handed to him on a silver platter that the king would probably be polishing during their 'fight' (more like one sided slaughter).

Konekomaru didn't look much better. He might be million times less intimidating than bon but he still looks rather serious when he pulls his eyes together and purses his lips like an old lady drinking her prune juice.

Shima looked pretty chill which shouldn't have been as surprising as it was. he was always chill. If anything he was probably checking out the pretty red head who'd just brought us alla whole bunch of snacks. 'I swear to God, of he hits on her I'm going to kill him. She's gonna' kill him but if there's anything left of him after she's done I'm gonna light it on fire and not look back' I thought while sending Shima a piercing glare. He turned to me and shrugged his shoulders. Almost like he knew what I was thinking and decided to risk it anyway.

Sheimi looked like she'd been struck by lightning. She had little hearts in her eyes when she looked at the demon. ' O great, Shiemi has a crush on the demon king'.

Izumo looked like she didn't give a flying fuck.

I wasn't even going to try on what Takara and that stupid puppet were thinking.

I I looked up again everyone was staring at me expectantly. My eyes probably looked the size of dinner plates. I hadn't been paying attention and now I was among a fool of myself. I just loooove it when that happens.

The demon chuckled and turned to me with a gentle smile on his face.

"I was asking what all of your names were" he said. I looked at Bon who looked at me like I was a total moron.

"Oh, my name is Yukio." I guess it was my turn.

"Okay so there's Ryuji, Shima, Shiemi" she blushed when he said her name, I rolled my eyes at that.

"Konekomaru, Izumo, takara and then Yukio" he paused looking content with himself at remembering all of our names.

"And you are…" I prompted waiting for him to fill us in. I felt vulnerable having such a powerful demon knowing all of our names yet we didn't know his. Names were power and an imbalance I didn't like.

"Oh" he looked a tad surprised.

"I guess I forgot to introduce myself after all that hub ub. My name's Rin and my friend to my left is named is Aly" he paused and smiled while gesturing his left hand in a polite motion to the beautiful creature.

She rolled her eyes and didn't look very impressed with all the attention that she was getting.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance" I said trying my best to be strong and solid yet polite enough not to incur the wrath of Rin. Rin just didn't really seem like a name that would make people quake in fear let alone rule gehenna.

There was a fairly awkward silence as we waited for someone to say


"So" Aly started, "why are you here again?" 'I guess someone wanted to ask' I thought to myself feeling down cast. I cleared my throat.

"Well we wanted to get some of our exwires more familiar with some extremely powerful demons so that they will be able to protect themselves better in the future." There was a pregnant pause.

Rin and Aly suddenly burst out laughing. Aly, who had been standing, fell over backwards and was rolling on the ground laughing. Rin leaned all the way back in his wicker chair smacking his knee with his hand. There looked to be tears forming in his eyes.

This went on for a few minutes. It was hella awkward for the rest of us. We just kind of sat there twirling or thumbs waiting for them to get their shit together. When I looked at Shiemi she had a dusting of light pink across her cheeks and down her neck.

Bon looked like he was going to flip the table if this demon didn't start being way more serious.

Those two morons finally started calming down. Rin was patting his stomach while Aly was leaning onto the coffee table, her wings a good 4 feet behind her criss-crossed legs.

"Sorry about that" Rin apologized while his hand rubbed the back of his head.

"I just think that it's funny that you had to come all the way out here to see a demon king when there's one at your base that you could just consult" he started chuckling again.

I blanched. There was a demon king at head quarters and I didn't even know.

"Well we're already here so what do you want from me, I know why you're here but not what you want. So shoot." Well I guess I hadn't been thinking that he would be this approachable. I was going hoping that he would start attacking us so that we could run away as well as get an idea of his power for future reference.

"He was thinking that you'd attack them. He wanted to gauge your power." Aly said. We all whipped around to look at her. She was checking out her nails.

"Ah I see." Rin said. He looked like he thinking pretty hard. His hand had found the way to his chin.

"Well I guess we could try something?" He said unsurely, "do you want us to attack you?"

"NO!" I quickly shouted. He looked up at me after my sudden outburst.

"What do you want from me then?"he asked.

"Well firstly I want to know how your friend knew what I was thinking." I was feeling upset. My mind was my private place. No one had ever been able to dig through it before. I felt exposed.

"She just digs through minds every once in awhile. Don't worry about it to much." He then turned to Aly.

"You know that people don't like when you go though their heads and then speak their thoughts." he sighed like this happened often.

She apologized insincerely while rolling her eyes. These people were crazy.


Aly just rolled her eyes.