Well… this is it. The final chapter to "Meeting a Legend"… *Sniff* Ohhh I promised myself I wouldn't cry! Anyway thanks everyone for being here the whole way through. By the way, remember a few months back when I asked someone to be make a descendent for Roy? Well once again Kylink came through for me! I feel bad that I couldn't give every Smasher enough screen time, but maybe my in next story they'll have a shot. Speaking of which I'm thinking about making a Smash Headcannons section on my profile so look out for it when you get the chance. Now let's begin!

"Hey… Lucina… Wakey-Wakey…" Erin whispered as she shook her roommate who was still asleep in her bed but wasn't budging an inch. All she got for response was a sleepy moan.

"Come on Lucina! Get up! The Newcomers Ceremony is today! We got to get the place ready for this afternoon! Remember?!" She tried again with a raised voice. Luckily that woke her right up.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot! Thank you Erin!" Lucina said as she jumped out of bed to look for her clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

There was no way she was going to late today; she's been looking forward to this day for weeks. Now that all the newcomers have finally arrived, completed their training and the Hands have returned as well, it was finally time for the Newcomers Ceremony. It's not only the event where they give the newcomers their badges; it's also the opening ceremony for the start of the tourney. But the best part is that the Smasher's friends and/or family, veterans and newcomers alike, get to visit Smash World not only for the ceremony but to check out the first two days of official matches!

The latter part of it is why Lucina was so excited about today. Her family and the other Shepherds were coming over for the ceremony! Although most of them would have to go back to Ylisse afterwards, they weren't going to miss it after they got word from Marley a few days earlier. What surprised her is that they wrote back that they will be bringing a new recruit that has they met while she and Robin were here, but they didn't leave any details on who this person was. Lucina assumed it was because they wanted to surprise them.

I know Father and Marth would get along just fine and I can't wait to see the look on Priam's face for when he meets Ike! Lucina thought as an excited smile appeared on her face while she changed clothes. …Gods, I feel like a kid again.


After breakfast, everyone was helping set up some decorations and long tables outside for the party until the rest of the guests to show up. Some of them have already arrived and even helping out with preparations.

"You really don't have to help with preparations Lilina. You're a guest…" Lucina said to the young women next to her as they were bringing out some chairs from the mansion.

"Oh don't worry about it Lucina! I like to help with the ceremony. Besides, any friend of Roy's is a friend of mine." Lilina assured with a sweet smile. The two of them arrived at a table that Roy and Mewtwo were setting up, along with a young girl in a wheelchair with pink hair in a slightly bobbed hairstyle that reached her shoulders, wearing a white sleeveless sundress with a matching sunhat. The most noticeable thing about her (aside from the wheelchair) was that on her lap was a worm-like creature that oddly looked like a peanut, except it had four eyes (two big ones and two small ones), six stumpy legs, a tiny mouth and antennae. The girl also had some scars on her face, arms and legs but in spite of that she had a calm, happy aura around her. Apparently they were wrapped up in a conversation.

"Actually you get used to the taste pretty quickly; it's the smell that drives you crazy." Roy said, talking about who-knows-what.

"Here's some more chairs Roy!" Lilina said to the red head and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"T-Thanks Lilina." He answered, blushing slightly.

"Mew." Squeaked an unknown voice. Everyone looked up to see a small, pink cat-like creature floating above them.

"Hello again Mew." Lucina acknowledged the small Legendary.

"Mew!" Mew cried out as she snuggled against Lucina's cheek, making her giggle. Mewtwo rolled his eyes but still managed a small smile.

"We'll play with you later Mew. We have to finish this." Mewtwo told his "sister", who started to pout.

"It's ok Mew, how about you go play with Cashew while we work here." The girl in the wheelchair suggested as she looked towards her pet peanut worm who squeaked happily as he hopped off her lap.

Mew cried happily as she and Cashew were off. But not before snuggling against Lucina again. When Mew arrived the day before she saw how stoic the swordswoman was and seemed to do anything she can to make her smile a little. And Lucina couldn't help but be surprised that the serious and admittedly frightening Mewtwo was the clone of something so… cute.

She then turned to the young girl. "Hello there Adeline. When did you get here?"

"Oh about ten minutes ago. Uncle Collin had to attend to some patients but allowed me to come over to help. He'll be here for the party tonight though." The newly named Adeline answered. Lucina got to know her and her uncle when she visited her house the other day. Collin West was actually the psychologist that Marth told her about. Sakurai thought I'd be good for Lucina to have a couple of sessions with him after the little incident that happened with Arkaneia. It turns out Adeline is just as insightful as Collin since she had to deal with trauma herself, since an accident caused her to lose both her parents and became paralyzed from the waist down. The two of them became pretty good friends afterwards.

"Speaking of which, is Marth back yet from his home Roy?" Lucina questioned the Melee vet.

"No, not yet. But there's no way he would miss the Newcomers Ceremony." Roy answered her. Marth actually went back to his home world earlier in the week to check on it but he promised he'd be there for the ceremony along with his loved ones.

Smash has a pretty flexible schedule, so everyone is allowed to come and go from Smash World whenever they please (As soon as they get their badge, because it activates a gateway to do so), even when the tourney is over. It works because everyone fights 120 matches*1 (counting Smash Runs and Multi-Man Smashes) and whoever has the most wins out of the number is the winner of the whole tourney and a chance to double their winnings by fighting the Hands. The only one who managed to do it (not counting the first tourney) was Mewtwo when he and Zelda tied back in Melee. She lost to the Hands but Mewtwo won, even though he really had no use for the money, so he leaves it in Smash World.

Right at that moment they heard a really high-pitched squeal from behind them. As they turned Lucina suddenly got the wind knocked out of her when she was hugged by woman who looked slightly older than her with long blue hair.

"Oh wow! Are you Lucina?! Marth told me all about you! But he never said you were this pretty!" The woman rambled as she still hugged her.

"Uh… I'm sorry… but… who are you?" Lucina tried to ask in a strained voice.

"Let her go Caeda before you accidently choke her." Said a familiar voice from behind them.

The two of them turned their heads to see Marth right by the doorway.

Lucina then got a smile on her face. "Marth! You're back!"

Caeda on the other hand puffed her cheeks in annoyance "You're no fun Marth. I was just excited to meet our granddaughter!" They both blushed with embarrassment with what she said, though it made Lucina realize that this person was Marth's wife.

"He's not my grandfather Lady Caeda. There are probably ten to fifteen 'greats' in between."

"Potato, po-tah-to. What matters is that your family! I've been dying to meet you since Marth wrote about you in his letters!" She defended but let Lucina go from her bear hug.

Lucina gave her a soft smile "Really? Oh… what the heck. You can hug me if you really want to!"

At that instant Caeda gave her a big grin and gave her another hug. When suddenly…

"Mar-Mar! Where are you?!"

Lucina broke the hug to look at the doorway to see someone she didn't expect: Tiki. But a much younger Tiki!

"Where have you been?" Marth gave a teasing grin.

"Sorry, I got lost looking for Marley! Not easy when this place keep changing with every tournament!" Little Tiki giggled. Then she got a look at Lucina. "Oh hi!"

"Um, hello. You're name wouldn't happen to be Tiki, would it?" Lucina asked with uncertainty.

"Uh huh! You must be Lucina! Wow you really look like Mar-Mar! But more girly!" She said innocently.

Marth face palmed at what she said. "Not you too Tiki…"

His wife couldn't help but giggle a bit while his descendent stared at the young manakete. Wow… I never would've guessed that Tiki in her youth acted like Nowi…

"Oh Marth, I just remembered! I've been learning a little bit of Japanese while you were away." Lucina tried to change the subject.

"Really? Ok then, show me." Marth replied.

Lucina then cleared her throat. "Basurumu ni wa dokodesu ka?"

Marth raised a brow, while Caeda, Roy, Lilina and Adeline giggled behind her and Tiki was laughing out loud. Even Mewtwo was smirking at her.

"What's so funny?" Lucina asked around.

"Um, Lucina… What did you think you say?" Marth asked while trying hard not to laugh.

"I said 'How are you?' Why?"

"Actually… You just asked 'Where's the bathroom?'" Adeline answered, giggling all the while.



After Lucina got to know the rest of Marth's friends, Roy's friends and got introduced to the Greil Mercenaries thanks to Ike she was participating with some Smashers and some of the other guests to a Home-Run Contest on one of the floating islands above Fighter's Canyon.

Sandy was flying across the stadium and finally landed on a spot.

"1,234.5 ft.! New record!" Snow cheered when she saw the scoreboard.*2

"Oh that's nothing, sis! Hand me that bat!" Said a man about Snow's age who looked a lot like her. White skin and everything. She handed him the Home-Run Bat as Sandy teleported back to the starting point.

He started giving the sandbag a couple of hits then wound up the bat to send it flying. It kept going and going until it finally landed with the scoreboard saying 962.9 ft.

"You were saying Frost?" Snow teased her twin, who turned to her with an irritated look.

"Best two out of three!"

"Hey! Hate to spoil with your competition but how about letting the rest of us play?" Dark Pit called out from the sidelines. The two yoga trainers blushed with embarrassment (which was pretty obvious with their skin tone), they always had a tendency to get carried away when it come to playing sports. Especially against each other. Lucina on the other hand was surprised to see how different Dark Pit was to the happy-go-lucky Pit that she knew since they got here.

They both stepped down as they handed Dark Pit the bat, Snow then sat next to Lucina.

"Snow and Frost?" The Ylissean repeated their names.

"Again, our parents aren't creative." Snow explained.

Then suddenly Reggie came to the bleachers looking a little winded. "Hey Lucina! Robin!"

The two Shepherds turned to the Mii Swordfighter who just arrived. "Something wrong Reggie?" Robin asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm here to tell you that the bus that was sent to go to your world will be here in ten minutes." He answered.

"Really?! Then we have to be there!" Lucina exclaimed as she got up from her seat.

"Sorry we have to leave so soon." Robin apologized to the others.

"No worries. Go on!" Frost assured.

Tiki then tugged on Marth's cape. "Can we go too Mar-Mar? I'd like to meet older me!"

The Melee vet chuckled at her enthusiasm "Of course we can. Shall we?"

At the mansion's entrance…

Lucina, Robin, Marth, Caeda and Tiki, were waiting by the mansion's front gate to wait for the bus to arrive from Ylisse. And low and behold, the Smash Bus came flying in their direction; landing by the gate, the doors opened up and out came a passenger.

"LAND! NICE SOLID LAND!" Exclaimed Lissa as she was on her knees. Then suddenly Yarne jumped out and started kissing the dirt. R.O.B. 83, who was driving the bus, tilted his head in confusion on why they were so spooked.

"Aunt Lissa!" Lucina called out to the girl on the ground with a smile. Lissa then looked up as a huge grin came to her face with what she saw.

"Lucina! It's so good to see you! You two Robin!" Lissa cheered as she got back up as she hugged her niece and friend. The rest of the Shepherds where getting off the bus with somewhat scared looks their faces (Well Tharja had to pry Noire off of a chair because she wouldn't let go).

"Father!" Morgan called out as she got off the bus and hugged Robin.


"That bus thing is amazing! We should ride it more often!"

"NO!" Pretty much every other Shepherd barked back at her. Lucina scanned through the crowd after she hugged Lissa and got a big grin as she saw who she was looking for.

"Father!" She called out with some tears in her eyes

Chrom came out of the bus and gave her a strong hug. "Lucina!"

"Don't forget about me!" Sumia also came out, with a small child, barely a year old, in her arms.

"Mother! Lucy!" Lucina hugged her mother and her younger self as well when she came over. Then a certain pigtailed pegasus knight came out too.

"And Cynthia!" She cheered as she joined in on the love. As Lucina and Robin went around saying hello to almost everyone, Marth, Caeda and Tiki took an awkward step forward towards Lucina's family circle

"Um hello? You must be Chrom." Marth spoke up to the Shepherd's leader.

Chrom was the first to look up in surprise at who was talking to them. "Y-Yes. You must be King Marth. It's an honor to finally meet you in person, sir." He said as he gave his ancestor a firm handshake.

"Chrom, no titles please. We don't follow hierarchy here and besides we're family aren't we? So there's no need for that." Marth assured with a smile, which Chrom returned.

"Wow… we're actually meeting the Hero King!" Cynthia exclaimed as she suddenly hugged Marth.

Sumia chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that. She's a hugger."

Caeda came over to her with a smile of her own. "Well small world, so am I!" She then hugged Sumia, with little Lucina playing with Caeda's hair while it happened. Then they heard a soft gasp, when Marth turned around he gasped as well with who he saw. It was Tiki, but not the child like Tiki he knew, this one looked to be somewhere in her twenties. They both were silent for a while until Marth decided to speak up.


"Mmm-Hmm" She nodded slightly but tears started to stream down her face. She then gasped again when Marth had a hand on her head and started looking her in the eyes, smiling. Then she couldn't hold it hold it anymore.

"Oh Mar-Mar! I missed you so much!" She sobbed the name she never thought she would say again as she hugged him. He did the same, even started to tear up a little.

The other Shepherds smiled warmly at the tender scene.

"That's so beautiful!" Maribelle said as she wiped a tear.

Virion nodded "Truly a sight for the bards."

"Two friends separated by the hands of time reunited once again despite odds! It really is incredible!" Owain proclaimed. Lissa rolled her eyes a bit at her son's announcement but she couldn't help but agree with him.

As they hugged Tiki felt a tug on her cape. She looked down to see… her younger self looking back at her.

"So… you're future me?" Young Tiki asked.

"Yes. I am." She responded back as she wiped away her remaining tears.

It was silent for a bit as the two stared at one another. That is until the younger manakete smiled. "You're pretty! Or is it 'we're pretty'? Ohh, this is confusing…"

The older Tiki giggled. "Quite. Maybe it's best not to think about it too hard."

"Looks like you're having quite the reunion here…" Ike said as he and Roy came towards them.

Lucina nodded and turned back to her family. "Everyone this is Ike and Roy. They're veterans here in the tournament."

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Chrom greeted by shaking hands with everyone.

"So… this is the Radiant Hero."

Everyone turned to see Priam walking up to them with Ike looking… interested.

"Yeah… I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're Priam." Ike stated eyeing the sword Priam was carrying.


They both stared at each other for a while; everyone else unsure with what'll happen. But the two of them grinned and shook each other's hands.

"Well, nice to finally meet ya! I've been told a lot about you from Robin and Lucina!" Ike started with his descendent.

"Likewise! We got to have a battle while we're here! I mean Lucina got to duel against her ancestor so why can't I?"

"Ha! I look forward to it!"

Lucina exhaled a bit with how well Ike and Priam were getting along and chatting away, at the first minute of meeting no less. She was almost jealous.

"Oh that reminds me! There's someone I'd like you to meet and I think Roy here would be interested as well." Chrom spoke up.

Roy raised a brow. "Me? Why?"

"You'll see. Zyan!"

Out of the crowd came a red-headed girl who, to the Melee vet's surprise, looked a lot like him. Except her hair was less messy, had freckles across her face and her attire, while similar to Roy's, was more for a feminine body. But what shocked him the most was the sword by her waist. It was the Sword of Seals, with a different hilt but there was no mistaking it. It gave him a pretty good idea on who she was.

Roy looked up and down at her, with Zyan doing the same.

"Roy, this is Zyan. You're descendent." Chrom introduced them to one another. Their mouths slightly agape with what they heard.

"W-Where did you find her?" Robin asked in disbelief.

"We've been sent on a mission in the Outrealms courtesy of another one of Anna's sisters. Zyan was such a big help in it Chrom was willing to make her a Shepherd but she had issues in her own country to deal with so she couldn't be with us physically." Lissa explained to them.

"Things have been getting better. And when Chrom contacted me that the Shepherds were coming to this place and he told me you were alive here… well… I wanted to see for myself." Zyan continued for her giving her ancestor a timid smile.

It took him a while to find the right words but Roy managed to smile at his descendent. "Well then, nice to meet you Zyan. Hope we can get to know each other better." He said gesturing for a handshake but Zyan suddenly had a huge grin on her face, then she grabbed his arm and gave him a REALLY strong hug. "Whoa! You're stronger that you look!" Roy said in a strained voice. Everyone couldn't help but laugh a little at the scene before them.

"World…getting… darker…"

Zyan realized she was choking him and let go. "Sorry. Sometimes I forget my own strength…"

Roy took deep cleansing breaths but managed to pat her on the head. "No problem. It takes more than that to hurt me!" He tried to comfort but still coughed a bit.


Lucina and Robin spent the afternoon before the party showing everyone around the mansion. They were amazed at how advanced and yet how simple the place was. Miriel and Laurent were, of course, taking notes on everything that was new to them. Nowi and Young Tiki hit it off, Mr. Peepers and Scott instantly took to Donnel since "he spoke their language" (though Lucina had to explain why they would invite a seemingly normal dog and duck), even Panne was impressed on how well the humans and non-humans got along with each other, it was certainly different than what she went through. Then they introduced the Shepherd's to their roommates.

"Well you must be Chrom and Sumia! It's nice to finally meet Lucina's folks!" Erin said as she shook Chrom's hand, who looked somewhat puzzled.

"Nice to meet you too Erin. But I must admit, I'm surprised you didn't ask how we were her parents despite looking no older than she is." Chrom admitted.

"Lucina told me about what she went through in her world and besides after knowing this bunch for 3 1/2 years I've learned its best not to question the logic anything."

"Amen to that." Said Greninja popping out of nowhere making scaring everyone, especially the more jumpy Shepherds (Olivia, Yarne and Noire).

"What the-?! Where did you come from?" Nah asked slightly freaked out.

"Around." He said simply making Robin shake his head.

Whatever goes on in that head of his, keep me out of it. He thought to himself but decided to introduce his odd friend to his comrades. "Everyone this is Greninja, my roommate."

"Herro." The Pokémon greeted.

"Um… nice to meet you?" Chrom replied. Suddenly a Froakie appeared and jumped on Greninja's head.

"Froakie!" It croaked happily, Morgan thought it was really adorable (it took all her willpower not to pick it up and hug it) but it made her think of something.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to be frogs would you?" She asked Greninja.



Morgan got a cocky grin as she turned to the others. "Ha! And you guys thought I was joking about Father's roommate!"

"Um… if it's any c-consolation, I b-believed you Morgan…" Noire stuttered out.

"Don't mind her Greninja, Morgan's just eccentric. Oh that's a nice scarf you have!" Lissa tried to change the subject.

"Thanks. It's my tongue." He replied giving her and the others gaping/slightly creeped out looks.

Greninja chuckled a little. "Okay rittre one. Time to take you back to the group." He said as he walked back to his masters with the Froakie still on his head.

"ATTENTION NEWCOMERS!" Boomed a voice.

"Ah! Don't eat me!" Yarne panicked as he jumped behind Kjelle to protect himself. Everyone looked up to see to see a giant floating gloved hand. Like Master Hand, but this one was a left hand while Master Hand was the right and this one's fingers twitched violently.

"It's ok! It's just Crazy Hand! He's runs the place along with Master Hand." Erin explained.

They calmed down slightly, remembering Master Hand from when the bus took Robin and Lucina to Smash World.

"The Newcomers Ceremony will begin shortly! If you don't get to the backyard, I'll make you drop and give me twenty! THOUSAND!" Crazy Hand announced while flying in circles and laughing like a mad man.

"And he's one of the bosses here?" Sully asked Erin with a raised brow.

"Yeah… Master Hand has him on a REALLY short leash."

"Well since we're already here, we might as well wait for everyone else to get here." Robin spoke up. Everyone agreed but Chrom was looking around to see someone was missing.

"Um… Where's Gaius?"


Peach went into the kitchen to get the food out to the yard when she saw none other than Gaius helping himself to the cupcakes.

"Ahem!" She cleared her throat. He turned around to look at her, with his mouth full and another cupcake in his hands.

"Excuse me! Those cupcakes are for the ceremony, have you been eating them?" Peach asked Gaius like he was a kid who had his hand caught in the cookie jar.

"No…" He lied with his mouth full.

Peach sighed to herself. Just when I thought I had this place glutton-proof…

Later that night…

"Thank you all very much for coming. It pleases me to see my Smashers, veteran and newcomer alike, back here today to cap off the beginning of the tournament. And I would also like to thank our guests personally for attending the ceremony." Master Hand announced on a makeshift stage with Crazy Hand and Sakurai by his side.

All the Smashers and their guests were sitting in their tables. Along with Isaiah and the trading post employees, Benji, Adeline who was now joined by her uncle and Bo who was filming the ceremony for the website.

"This is…so awesome!" Mercedes breathed excitedly.

"I know right? They really went all out this year!" Bo agreed as she kept filming while Master Hand continued his speech.

"Ever since the first twelve Smashers came to this world, I've had hopes that this tournament would continue to bring many worlds together. Well here we are, three tournaments later, and that hope is still going strong." The audience applauded at the statement.

"Will all newcomers please come on stage? It's time to hand out your Smash Badges, your key to this world." Master Hand called out to the newcomers as they came on the stage as this pretty amazing song played in the background (Brawl's intro theme).

"Masahiro, if you will…"

Sakurai nodded "Yes, sir."

He handed the badges one by one to all the newcomers on stage, with their respective guests cheering as they were given their badge (when they got to Palutena, Pit cheered almost obnoxiously loud).

Lucina looked at the crystalline badge in hand with a smile. Looks like I'm really part of the group now.

As she looked at the audience and saw her family and friends, old and new, cheering for her, she couldn't help but feel happy and proud of herself.

After Sakurai gave the last badge to the last newcomer, he stood in front of the whole group.

"Welcome to Super Smash Brothers." He then bowed to the newcomers, who bowed in return as the audience cheered for them.

"Now let's have a little fun shall we! Since you have your badges why don't we show our new guests of this world how our matches work by having a good old fashioned four way Free-for-All!" Crazy Hand announced as joyful as ever. Again the audience cheered.

"And to make it interesting I'll chose one Smasher for each tourney." Master Hand started. "From the Original Twelve I choose… Fox!"

The Originals, as well as the rest of the Star Fox crew, cheered for their vulpine friend, who rubbed the back of his head.

"From the Melee vets I choose… Young Link!"

Rinku blushed slightly as his friends and surrogate brothers cheered for him.

"From the Brawl vets I choose… Lucario!"

The Aura Pokémon simply nodded as his friends applauded for him.

"And finally from our Newcomers I choose… Robin!"

The tactician looked almost embarrassed when the rest of the Shepherds applauded for him, with Morgan doing it the loudest.

"Best of luck to the four of you! Masahiro take these Smashers to the teleporter room!"

"Yes Master Hand!" Sakurai said as he snapped his fingers teleporting him and the four selected fighter to the teleporter room. As the Hands summoned a large screen so they can watch the match in the yard, the newcomers walked off the stage, with Lucina heading back to the Shepherd's table.

"Congratulations Lucy!" Cynthia exclaimed as she hugged her sister. (FYI Little Lucina was put to sleep in one of the mansion's guest rooms on the first floor)

"Thank you Cynthia." Lucina thanked until Master Hand spoke up again and Sakurai teleported back.

"The location: The Fountain of Dreams!"

Lucina then thought of something. "Oh! Maybe I should explain how these matches work."

As they watched the match on the screen Lucina explained the rules of Smash battles, with Marth stepping in if needed.

"The mansion and its surrounding area has a spell over it that makes sure no one has any serious injury. If you lose strength or get knocked off the stage we get turned to trophies." Lucina explained quickly after everyone got scared (or in Tharja's case, furious) when Robin got knocked of stage in an explosion. They saw she was right as Robin's trophy get sent back to the Fountain of Dreams.

"Heh, a battle with no blood? Where's the fun in that?!" Henry pouted at the rule.

"Sorry pal! Competition fighting is big here so we can't have fighters dying on us!"

Everyone jumped to see Shiori right beside them.

"Gah! What are you doing here?!" Marth exclaimed looking irritated.

"What? You'd really think I would miss the party? No way Princess!" Shiori answered as she shoved a cupcake in her mouth.

"Don't call me that…" Marth grumbled as Caeda and Lucina shot death glares at the Mii Swordswoman.

"Who is this girl and why is she being so rude?" Gerome questioned, seeing his wife so stern. Neither of them hates Shiori; she just rubs them the wrong way.

"Oh she's just a party crasher and as to why she is the way she is, well I believe it's just pure stupidity." Mewtwo answered for him as he lifted Shiori with Psychic. "Now if you'll excuse it's time to kick her out. Again…"

"Now, wait a moment. As tactless as she was, you don't have to be so rough with her." Libra spoke up.

"Why thanks lady!" She said.

"I'm a man…" Libra said keeping his voice neutral.

Shiori tilted her head. "…Really? Are you sure?"

"Ok! You have officially overstayed your welcome." Mewtwo said as he teleported her away. Where? He didn't know. Did he care? Not really.

Then the clone Legendary nodded to them as he went back to his table.

Libra sighed in defeat. "Every time."

"I feel your pain." Marth said sympathetically.

"Well…this world sure is… interesting." Sumia decided to change the subject.

"Yeah I know. It makes you think how many other worlds are there. Heck maybe there's one where I'm a guy and Father's a girl!" Morgan added in




A female Robin and a male Morgan sneezed while they were reading books on tactics.

"That was odd. We sneezed at the same time." Robin questioned.

"Yeah… and my nose didn't even itch…" Morgan agreed *3

Back at Smash World…

"Gawds Morgan! Do you even hear yourself when you talk or is it like a big roaring in your ears?" Severa asked, completely weirded out by that idea.

Sakurai, who was nearby, heard Morgan's comment and was about to say something but Master Hand stopped him.

"They don't need to know everything Masahiro…" the giant hand whispered.

"Yeah…good point."

As they continued to watch the match (and everyone laughed a little when Robin was wearing the Bunny Hood) until Lucario won. Then Chrom tapped on Lucina's shoulder to get her attention.

"Yes, Father?"

"So Lucina… did you think you've made the right choice to come here after all?" Chrom asked, knowing she was doubting herself before she left.

"You know what, Father? It was a bit of a rocky start but afterwards… it was definitely worth it. I got to meet some great new friends…" She replied looking over to Marth and Caeda. "…And family."

"And remember Lucina. You ever need anything, we're just a world away." Marth said warmly as he held up his badge.

Lucina smiled at her ancestor and looked at her new badge.

My already peculiar life has gotten that much stranger since becoming a Smasher. But to be honest, this whole experience was amazing. Not just to be a better fighter, I'm more open minded, I met my ancestor who's a wonderful person and I even learned a little something about myself… maybe this is what Erin meant by "embracing the insanity".

Lucina looked around the yard to see all the Smashers and guests mingling with one another, to Ike and Roy talking to their own descendents and she got another look at her ancestor, her family and her friends in the Shepherds and the ones she made in Smash.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way…"

The End

*1 Amount of matches subject to change.

*2 That actually is my high score with Wii Fit Trainer on the Home-Run Contest.

*3 I couldn't resist

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I did. By the way I didn't say all the newcomers names just in case we get DLC that isn't a returning fighter. Here are some special thanks to some special folks:

To Twilight Joltik: For making the one-shot that inspired this story and helping with some of the facts of Fire Emblem that I didn't know about. To be honest thanks to this story I'm actually thinking about getting Awakening!

To ihateslash606 (formerly ihateyaoi606): For not only helping me with other FE facts but also giving me some Japanese phrases to use. Arigato!

To Kylink: For writing that one-shot that inspired a whole chapter, the ideas for that chapter and for letting me use Zyan for my story. Not to mention letting me rant to him about crack fics! (Still hate them in case anyone is wondering…)

To all the GOOD fics who gave me inspirations for some aspects of this story!

To everyone else who commented, critiqued, followed and faved this story!

What will be my next fanfic? No clue… but I'll think of something! In the meantime, what was your favorite part of "Meeting a Legend"? Is there anything I should improve upon next time? Comment below and let me know!

See ya next story!