Hey there party people! MBenz back again with another Smash story! Now if you read my other story Smasher's Guide to the Unexplained (if you haven't you totally should!) you probably know this was originally going to be a one-shot, but there was so much I wanted to do with it, it became a full story! Yaaayy! Since I've never touched a Fire Emblem game I had to use the wiki for some info, if there's anything wrong let me know, now on with the show!

Authors note: Super Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem belong to Nintendo

Dear Lucina,

You have been invited to be a new Smasher at the 4th semi-annual Super Smash Brothers Tournament! Many old and new fighters from different worlds face off to test their skill and forge new bonds. Try not to get distracted because there's a turning point to every battle. Once again we will be changing it up this year with some new additions. For the first time ever, we will have two tournaments in one, months apart from each other, giving you plenty of time to get to know your fellow competitors.

The Smash Bus will be arriving two days from now at noon sharp. If you accept stand outside your home and you will be taken to Smash World, the center of the multiverse. It is also a requirement to bring this letter along with you, for it is also an entry ticket of sorts. Start preparing for the fight, only the strongest can move on.

Good luck and see you there…

Master Hand

Lucina reread the letter at least three times to make sure she was reading it right. To be invited to such a prestigious tournament, against competitors from different worlds no less. She heard from Robin that he also received an invitation, that didn't surprise her after everything he's done for the fight against Grima, but why did she get an invitation? If someone were to get an in other than Robin it would be her father Chrom, right?

"Hello, Lucina?" Chrom said from behind the door.

Speak of the devil.

"Yes? Come in Father." Lucina replied lying on her bed. Chrom walked in her room and saw the invitation in her hands. "Are you still reading that letter?"

"Yes Father, it's so unbelievable. I understand Robin getting an invitation but why would they invite me? Wouldn't you be a more logical choice?"

Chrom chuckled at the thought "I suppose I'll get my chance another day. But you shouldn't sell yourself short Lucina. You're a powerful fighter yourself, you were a big aid to defeating Grima and changed our future and apparently someone, somewhere thinks you are strong enough to be a part of these 'Smashers'."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. This is a great opportunity Lucina. I just don't think you should let it slip by." Chrom said with an assuring smile. Lucina thought it over once more. It does sound like incredible honor; it's not often one gets to go to another world to battle against legends representing their homes. Lucina sat up from her bed and smiled at Chrom.

"Father, I've made my decision. I am going with Robin to this 'Smash World' and represent Ylisse in this tournament! I'll make you proud!" Lucina exclaimed proudly

All Chrom did was smile and gave his daughter a hug "You've already have." He said as he took his leave out of her room

"I better start packing, but I have one question though…" Lucina trailed off.


"Just what in Naga's name is a 'bus'?" Lucina asked about that part of the letter.

Two days later…

Lucina and Robin were waiting outside the castle, with their luggage and invitations on hand, along with all the other Sheppards waiting to see them off. Everyone was waiting for the Smash Bus to show up. Whatever that was.

"Argh! How long is this going to take?!" Priam shouted already getting impatient.

"Priam. It's only been five minutes." Tharja said in a deadpan tone. Priam just mumbled in response.

Lucina and Robin, though more patient than their comrade, were a little worried that the bus wasn't going to show up. Sumia walked up to the two of them. "Are you two alright? You seem nervous."

"Yes Mother, I'm that combination of nervous and excited that makes feel you sick." Those words came out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about them so Lucina blushed with embarrassment. "Aw don't worry Lucy, you and Robin are going to be great!" exclaimed Lucina's younger sister Cynthia.

"Thank you for the encouragement Cynthia. You're faith in us will do us good for this competition" Robin said with a smile (although he was as nervous as Lucina too)

"Hey look! Up there!" Anna called out pointing at the sky. The Sheppards look up to see a light in the sky getting closer to them. Once it got close enough they saw the most peculiar thing they've ever seen: a giant, floating, disembodied gloved hand! All the Sheppards brought their weapons preparing for an attack, except for Tiki the manakete who gave the hand a quizzical look.

"Don't be alarmed, my name is Master Hand and I'm here for Robin and Lucina." The hand spoke in a commanding yet somewhat whimsical voice. The fighters lowered their weapons slowly and Robin broke away from the group "Wait you're Master Hand?" he asked genuinely shocked, he saw that the letter said 'Master Hand' but he assumed it was a nickname or something.

"Yes, I get those surprised looks a lot." Master Hand spoke with a chuckle. "So have you two decided to join us?"

Robin and Lucina both glanced at each other before nodding their heads. "Ah wonderful! You two will love at Smash Mansion! Actually some of my Smashers are from this world and I'm sure you'll get along just fine with them." Master Hand elated.

That last statement caught Lucina's attention "There are other competitors from this world? Who?" she asked

"Oh, you'll find out." Master Hand answered simply just leaving everyone confused. "Well, I better get the Smash Bus here." He said again as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly this bizarre silver vehicle appeared out of thin air and headed towards them. If they were familiar with the technology they would know it looked like an odd combination between a spaceship and a double-decker bus. On both sides of it was a red circle with a cross going through the left corner. Robin recognized the symbol as the one that was on the red wax seal of their letters. Tiki got a look at the symbol too but again she looked puzzled what is this feeling? Why does that circle look so familiar? The manakete thought to herself. The doors on the bus opened to reveal a gray blocky robot where the driver should be.

"R.O.B. 83, you shall take these two newcomers to Smash World at once" Master Hand said to the robot.

"Acknowledged." The robot said in a high pitched emotionless tone.

"Wait, aren't you going with them?" Anna asked him.

"Sorry, I still need find the rest of the newcomers, but don't worry an associate of mine and the rest of the Smashers will show them around. Now you two say you're goodbyes, the others are waiting. Farewell to you all, I will see you in Smash Mansion when I return" Master Hand said before disappearing.

Lucina and Robin turned to the rest of the Sheppards. While Robin went off to say goodbye to his family Lucina turned to hers. "Well… this is it."

"Goodbye Lucy! Have fun!" Cynthia cheered hugging her sister. "Promise me you'll be careful." Sumia said almost solemnly "I will Mother" Lucina assured her as she gave her a kiss goodbye. "You'll do great. I will pray that Marth's spirit will watch over you both for this tournament." Tiki said to her and Chrom came from behind to hug his daughter "Good luck Lucina. Show them what you're made of!"

"Thank you Father" Lucina said starting to tear up a little. After everyone said their goodbyes Robin and Lucina got on the bus to take their seats. They took one more look at the others by their windows and gave them smiles as the bus started to move.

"Farewell, everyone!" Lucina called out.

"Wish us luck! And take care of yourselves!" Robin waved through the window.

The Sheppards waved to the two of them as the Smash Bus took off into the sky and into a portal. When they were already gone Tiki gasped loudly frightening the others. "Tiki, what's wrong?" Chrom asked and he got more worried as the manakete got on her knees and started crying.

"I knew those invitations and that symbol looked familiar! You're not gonna believe who's a veteran there!" Tiki answered between sobs.

Yes I used lines from the trailer, why? Because I can *squee*. But seriously, I never played Fire Emblem and even I thought Chrom was in. And I chose Sumia to be Lucina's mother because, well, Chrom and Sumia is the pairing I see most of, sorry if you chose differently in the game, that's also why I left everyone else ambiguous. Also since I find out that Tiki also knew Marth I had to do a little something with that, it's been thousands of years so her memory would probably be a little hazy.

Like what you see? Comment below and let me know! See ya!