Hey guys! So sorry for the delay, it's like every time I try do something, something else pops up and ruins it! Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 4.

Weeks passed in Kadic, with the new students settling into their new life well.

Tryan and Crescent had been spending a lot of time with the gang and had become part of their group.

As for Rose and Deane, Rose made her own group of friends that she'd sit, eat and talk with at breaks and during class, and Deane, well he rarely left his room. He'd eat in there and go straight back after class, skipping out on dinner.

-In Odd and Ulrich's room-

It was currently 9:40 on Friday, meaning there was no classes tomorrow. The sky outside was dark and cold.

Aelita, Odd, Jeremie, Yumi, Ulrich, Crescent and Tryan were all sat on the floor around a board game, which Jeremie was currently winning at, much to the hatred of Ulrich and Aelita.

"And that's another point for me!" Jeremie said, moving his piece another few spaces.

"It's because you cheated!," Aelita complained, "There's no way you started off with the boost card!" she cried. Jeremie laughed and folded his arms.

"I was lucky." He replied, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Cheater." Ulrich cough, causing him and Aelita to start laughing.

The game continued like this for another 10 minutes or so until a knock came to the door.

Standing up, Yumi made her way over to the door and opened it to reveal Deane.

"Hiya! What's up?" Yumi asked, smiling sideways.

Deane simply walked past her and glanced at Tryan and Crescent.

"Silent as ever I see." Yumi mumbled as he walked past.

"Come on, we have stuff to do." He stated quietly.

Tryan and Crescent stared at each other and shook their heads.

"You can do it by yourself, can't you?" Crescent asked, looking at the floor.

"You're leaving me to do it by myself?" Deane questioned, taken aback.

"We're in the middle of something." Tryan said, looking his brother straight in the eyes.

"Fine," he said, walking to the door, "But by doing this I get your shares and I'll be informing you know who of the fact you refused to help." Deane said, gesturing towards them. He turned to walk out before he was stopped.

"Fine, we'll help, just don't tell her." Tryan said, rising to his feet next to Crescent.

"I'm sorry but we have to go, we'll be back soon!" Crescent smiled to the group.

"Why, where do you have to go?" Odd asked, tilting his head.

"We just have a job to do, nothing too big." Tryan said, waving as the three of them left.

The gang sat in silence for a couple of seconds before looking at each other.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Ulrich asked, looking at his friends.

They all nodded.

"We follow them."

-In Tryan and Deane's room-

Tryan, Rose, Deane and Crescent stood in a circle, each of them holding an object in their hands.

"This time, we need the memory unit. It's integrated into the monitor on this one. So we'll need Tryan to remove it." Rose said, gesturing to Tryan who nodded.

"Got it." Tryan confirmed.

"Deane, Crescent, you two are on guard, I'll go down with Tryan." Rose commanded, they both nodded.

"Friends or not, if they show up, we can't let them stop us." Rose simply said.

Nodding, the four of them moved to the window and opened it, they were on the second floor but thankfully, Tryan and Deane's room was beside the lower roof.

Climbing out into the darkness, they stood and looked at each other nodded as they moved the object in their hands closer to their faces.

The silence hung over them as they looked at each other again, this time, masked.

-In the courtyard-

"How did we lose them?" Odd asked, "They only left like 40 seconds ago! They couldn't have gotten too far!" Odd complained, his eyes scanning the dark school grounds.

"Maybe we should just go back inside and leave them be?" Aelita proposed, turning to go back inside, but was stopped by a strange sight, "Guys, what is that?" she asked, pointing up the roof of the school.

Turning to look, they all were confused at the sight of four figures, running at high speeds across the roof. Instantly, Odd recognised them.

"THAT'S THEM! THE MASKED ONES!" Odd called, instantly sprinting after them.

"Odd! Wait!" Yumi called after the blonde. When Odd showed no signs of stopping, the group shared a nod and took off after them.

-In the factory-

The Masked Ones had reached their destination and Rose and Tryan were searching for the memory unit while Crescent and Deane stood guard up top.

Everything was going smoothly until 5 figures swung down from the ropes in the middle of the factory.

Locking his eyes onto the two, Odd walked towards the two Masked people.

The Crescent Moon and the Diamond.

"You two again, who are you?" Odd asked, taking a step forward but was pulled back by Ulrich. As the other 3 caught up, the 5 of them stood facing the two Masked people.

Silence hung in the air as no one spoke a word until Odd stepped forward.

"Fine, don't answer, I'll find out myself." Odd cried, lunging at the Diamond Masked figure.

Diamond effortlessly stepped to the left of Odd and slammed his palm into his back as he stumbled past, sending him to the ground.


Brimming with anger and embarrassment, Odd quickly got back to his feet and approached again.

"Ulrich, a little help here?" Odd asked, joining his best friend's side. Ulrich nodded and stepped forward.

"Alright, let's find out who they are." Ulrich grinned, removing his jacket and tossing it to the ground.

"I'll get the moon, you have the Diamond." Odd said, swapping sides with Ulrich.

"Good luck good buddy!" Ulrich smirked, taking a fighting stance.

Ulrich moved in towards Diamond and swept his leg around but was caught off guard when he felt a hand grabbing it. Diamond quickly grasped Ulrich's ankle and pushed him to the side, sending him sprawling on the floor.

Odd tried landing a few hits on Crescent but was sent to the floor like Ulrich when Crescent caught Odd's fist and send their foot into his chest, sending him back.

The attacks from Odd and Ulrich kept coming but ended the same way when Diamond and Crescent easily countered them.

"This isn't working." Ulrich panted, out of breath.

"I can see that Ulrich." Odd said, clutching his sides.

The panel slid open on the ground behind the two Masked figures and out of the hole came the Rose and the Triangle.

"More of them?" Aelita asked, rushing to stand beside Ulrich and Odd, she was quickly joined by Yumi and Jeremie.

"Five on four, we'll win this time!" Odd grinned.

The gang watched as three of the Masked Ones took a step back, leaving Crescent by her lonesome.

Crescent took a step forward and beckoned at Odd.

"5 on 1?" Yumi grinned, "hardly fa-" Yumi was silenced by the palm of Crescent slamming into her chest and sent her sliding along the floor. Quick as she had attacked, Crescent was standing back where she had started.

"She's fast!" Jeremie breathed, admiring the sheer speed she attacked at.

"You two can flirt later, right now, we can't let them leave. They have something from the super computer!" Aelita said, pointing at the item in Triangle's hand.

Crescent moved swiftly as she landed a few quick jabs on Odd's torso and stepped back.

"Is that the best you can d-?" Odd started before looking down.

"Odd, what's wrong?" Ulrich asked, glancing over at Odd.

"I can't move my arms." Odd shakily said, trying his hardest to move his arms.

"You'll feel them again." Crescent simply said, moving in and tripping Odd up before moving to Ulrich.

Ulrich's fist jab and swung at high speeds at Crescent who tried as hard as they could to dodge and counter each one but was caught by one, which hit their mask, cracking it slightly.

Crescent jumped back quickly and re-joined the other figures.

Rose stepped forward to take their place.

"We have to leave, we're late as it is." Triangle commanded. Nodding, the other three Masked figures began to quickly move towards the exit.

Crescent stopped and looked back.

She felt bad. She had just attacked her friends. Her stomach dropped as she watched Odd and Yumi struggle to stand up but had to be helped to their feet by Ulrich, Aelita and Jeremie.

She glanced back at the other 3 who were running and didn't notice her absence. She climbed back down the ropes and walked over to the Lyoko warriors.

"What do you want?" Ulrich asked, tensing up and getting ready to fight.

"Be here at 9AM tomorrow morning. All of you." Crescent demanded before quickly leaving the factory.

The group watched the Mask wearer leave and shared a look between them.

"Are we going?" Jeremie asked, looking at the group.

"Of course." Yumi said, staring after Crescent, wanting her revenge.

As a reviewer pointed out, I failed to mention something. This is meant to take place after Evolution, hence why Anthea will be playing a big part in this story! And I also didn't mean to post the same chapter twice, my deepest apologies!