Just a little something that was in my thoughts.

"Hey, Bo" Lauren greeted the brunette as she sat next to her, "I'm surprised to see you here, not that I'm complaining. Nice outfit by the way." The blonde was used to seeing her in different forms of leather, but had to admit that this new outfit worked for her too.

Looking down to take in her attire, Bo laughed, "Thanks, it's for a case at the University. It even comes with cuffs if you don't have any plans later? Judging by your aura..."

"That's really unfair, it's like superman's xray vision or something. Although fascinating considering the science-"

"Keep that up, Dr. Lewis, and I'll be forced to take action in front of these fine folks. Besides you know that superman has nothing on me." She smirked inwardly as the blush crept up Lauren's neck and her aura brightened even more. Bo absolutely adored the doctor and the two occasionally slept together, but the succubus was reluctant to start a relationship with anyone until she found her place in the Fae world. Lauren was okay with their arrangement as she was still healing from the loss of Nadia, and her role in deciding to end her late girlfriend's incubation. Plus she wasn't willing to lose anytime with her research, the world of science fascinated her and she wasn't willing to work around it. They both deeply cared for one another, but in no way were exclusive.

Before Lauren had a chance to respond, someone clearing their throat interrupted them.

"Am I late or am I early?" Tamsin asked as she plopped down next to Lauren, a smug grin on her face as Bo's eyes narrowed in her direction.

"Right on time actually," Lauren laughed at Tamsin's less than delicate nature. "Bo, why don't you scooch over a bit to make room for all of us unless you have somewhere to be?"

"And miss this? No way, besides I'm a succubus, I don't scooch," Bo replied as she maintained her eye contact with the taller blonde.

"Not what I heard," Tamsin muttered under her breath.

"Want to speak up, Valkyrie?"

Pulling a face of faux concern, "You should really have a doctor check your hearing," placing a hand on Lauren's leg, she leaned forward," but not this one. She's kinda busy at the moment."

Looking between the two, Lauren let out an exasperated sigh. It had always been this way with the two women. Tamsin had been gruff at first with the doctor, but she had simply blown off the Valkyrie's attitude. That action had only served to impress the Dark Fae. One night at the Dal over many drinks, the sharing of war stories, there seemed to have been a shift in their burgeoning friendship. A deepening respect as well as the start of Tamsin's flirtation. Lauren would never say it out loud, but she enjoyed the attention especially since she never made Lauren being a human an issue.

The succubus let out a small growl, her eyes flashing blue over Tamsin's behavior. They may not be a couple, but she couldn't help but to feel possessive over the doctor.

"Are you growling at me, baby fae?" Scrunching her nose, "that's adorable."

Lauren had to bite her lip to keep her laugh inside. The Valkyrie was one of the few who didn't think that "the sun shines out of the sucubus' ass" as she so eloquently put it.

"Tamsin," she warned meeting her eyes in attempt to get her to stop aggravating Bo.

Normally Tamsin would've continued to egg her on further, but she was always helpless to give into Lauren. Pretending to mull it over, she placed her hands up, "Okay, Doc, anything for you," she finished with a flirtatious wink.

"Oh, how noble of you," Lauren laughed, her eyes twinkling much to the Dark Fae's delight.

Bo wasn't a fan of the mutual attraction being shared between the women. Even though she knew that Lauren wasn't seeking a relationship, it didn't mean that she wouldn't stumble into one. While the succubus acknowledged that she was unable to commit, it didn't mean that she wanted the doctor to be happy with someone else either. "What are you doing here? I thought the case you two were working was solved."

"Who said anything about a case? This is purely social. Besides, what are you doing here? Given your outfit I'm sure there's a pole calling your name or are you supposed to jump out of a cake?" She couldn't help but to sneer in her direction, Tamsin just wanted her to leave already. She was fully aware that the two were sometimes intimate, but felt that she was a better match for level. They both knew what it felt like to be outsiders, understood war better than most, and on a superficial level they were both incredibly hot blondes.

"What the hell are you implying?"

"Would it be better if I drew you a picture?"

Trying to stop the brunette from riling up so easily, "Bo, just ignore her she's not trying to say anything."

"I can speak for myself."

"Yeah, when the Morrigan allows it," Bo shot back with a smug grin delighted to one up the Valkyrie, ignoring the look that Lauren shot her way. She enjoyed anytime that she got to throw her unaligned status around.

Reaching forward, Lauren grabbed the shot glasses and handed them to both Fae. "I think we all should calm down and do these shots. Look at all three of us here, almost like a threesome. Not that I've..uh..thought of that or anything." I really need to stop talking she thought she she slammed her shot back before reaching for another.

Chuckling lightly, "I don't mind you seeing me that way, Doc. In fact," Tamsin said as she leaned forward to whisper in Lauren's ear, "feel free to show me sometime."

Unfortunately for Lauren, she inhaled her next shot, choking on the liquid as she absorbed Tamsin's words. She would be lying if she said her thoughts hadn't already thought of her that way, but she also was unsure if it was Tamsin flirting or if the Dark Fae was serious about taking it further.

Dyson and Kenzi watched the scene unfold from their places at the bar, shaking their head at the three women. He wasn't immune to the succubus' charm but he had lived long enough to not try to pin his affections on a young Fae.

"The doc's going to have to choose at some point," Dyson said as he flagged Trick down for another beer.

Kenzi scoffed, "Yeah I won't hold my breath. I mean to have two Fae who want to bang her into oblivion? Go team human, I say." Pondering for a moment, "Care to make a wager?"

"You would actually bet against your own best friend? Why, Kenzi, I'm shocked." He laughed as studied them wondering who he should bet against. Dyson admired the doctor in how she could hold her own against any Fae, and appreciated what an asset she was to them. He knew his partner's interest in Lauren went deeper than the occasional one night stand.

"Who said anything about betting against her? Have you not seen her in that outfit? Plus, there's plaster missing in our ceiling so my money is on my bestie."

"In that case, I have to go with my partner, Kenz. Bo may be wearing the cuffs, but I have no doubt that Tamsin knows how to use them." He gave a smug grin as he placed money on the counter, "It helps that she's been around longer too, even the doctor might be able to learn something." The shifter laughed as the goth rolled her eyes at him.

A half hour later, a very happy individual left the bar with more money in their pocket than they had at the start of the day.

I just thought this would a bit of fun without any angst aside from them fighting over Lauren. Feel free to let me know your thoughts, and thanks again for reading!