Hello everyone, ClassicalChaos here! I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you, but this isn't another chapter to Son of Death. I'm still planning on returning to this story at some point, though. What I wanted to do was announce that when I post this, I will have just uploaded a new story, tentatively called Cataclysm. It is an AU of Percy's life after the Battle of Manhattan and the death of Kronos. A lot of things are different right off the bat, and that's probably not going to change.

Again, I apologize for the lack of updates on this story, but I didn't think this story through well enough before I started it. In that regard, please please please keep leaving reviews, especially if you have any ideas of what you want to happen, or what you think should happen later on. A bunch of people will always think of better stuff than just one person, so I'm counting on all of you to give me more ideas and inspirations! In the meantime, though, check out my new story and don't forget to leave a review!