Its been two months since Haru's encounter with the Cat Kingdom. Everything is alright, her going to visit the cat bureau and all that. But one evening as she was walking home, she encounters a wounded wolf and decided to give it some food. Big Mistake. Follow Haru as she is taken to a Clan of Wolves within the Dog Kingdom, where strife and rivalry's happen within its border as the king-crazed chief wants to rule and wants the cats out of his way. Would the Cat bureau and the Cat Kingdom help Haru in time or would a pair of forbidden lovers and a secret rebellion within the clan help her out?

A/N: My first Cat Returns Fanfic. Hope everyone likes. I'm still working on my other story as well, I just wanted to do this one too. I know its kinda cliches, considering there are a few other stories with wolves...but I wanted to do it ^^ Also, I do Plan this to be Baron x Haru...But sometimes my stories don't come out as romance TT^TT but lets hope I get it across

UPDATE 11/27/14: thanks to a guest, I was able to undo the weird thing that was going on with this chapter, thank you. (to any people re-reading this, it might seem a bit different, because I had to delete a whole bunch of words that were somehow placed in EX. style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;...which I really don't know how that happened)

The sun was setting, casting the sky into its orange and purple glow. The clouds were pink as if they were cotton candy. The thought made Haru smile as she walked home after visiting the Cat Bureau once again. It's been two months since the trouble of Cat Kingdom had happened. With a small smile, Haru wouldn't mind visiting again. She had just recently got a letter from the Queen of the Cat Kingdom, a snow white cat by the name of Yuki that Haru once saved, had just given birth to a litter of 4 kittens, which one of them was named Haru, in honor of Haru herself. She grinned at the thought of one of the royal kittens being named after her.

I wouldn't mind visiting them if Baron came with me….

A small blush crept across Haru's face as she thought of her most likely one-sided crush. A delicious smell wafted through Haru's nose and her stomach rumbled.

"Guess I should eat something," she said, glancing around at the Vendors that cluttered the street. She chose the nearest one and ordered a plate of teriyaki chicken. She ate the pieces of chicken as she continued home.

Soon the street lamps started to come on, one by one, as the sun slowly disappeared and the moon rose into the sky. Haru was only a block away from her neighborhood when she turned a corner to a somewhat barely lit alley and was surprised what she saw. Slowly moving towards her was what she thought was a wounded dog, but its size was a bit larger then some of the normal dogs she has seen.

'Perhaps it's like a Great Dane or a Mastiff,' she thought to herself. The dogs whining sounded so pitiful to her and she couldn't help but feel sorry for it. Still holding the plate with a couple of pieces of chicken left, Haru decided to place it on the ground and coax the dog come closer. She also noticed the dog having a bag strapped onto its side.

"Here, doggy, doggy, doggy. I got some chicken for you," she spoke softly.

The dog eyed her warily before taking a few steps forward and sniffing the food, "I'm a wolf," it said before devouring the food.

"Oh, a wolf, you say?" She spoke, but soon caught herself, 'I just heard what he said! I thought I could only talk to cats!

The wolf stopped eating, leaving a few morsels left on the plate, "You can understand me, can't you?"


The wolf gulped done the last pieces of food and gave a slight bow, wincing as he did, "I am Gotzon of the Wolf Clan,"

"I'm Haru Yoshioka," she replied.

"THE Haru Yoshioka?!" Gotzon said surprised. Haru tilted her head in confusion, 'Does this wolf know of me?'

The Wolf coughed a bit awkwardly before bowing once more, "Thank you for feeding me, but I most go now," he turned to walk away, wincing with each step he took.

"Um," Haru said, walking towards him, "Are you hurt?" she reached out to pat him, but stepped back as he snapped at her.

"Yes," he growled, "Now please, stay away! I have urgent business to attend," he shuffled painfully away and started to sniff around the garbage cans that stood nearby.

"Are you looking something?" Haru inquired.

Gotzon scoffed, as he stepped into brighter light and Haru noticed that he was defiantly a wolf with Dark gray fur and white fur underneath. He had startlingly bright green eyes,"If you must know," he said, "I am looking for a portal stone, a red one to be exact,"

"Portal stone?"

"Yes, the cats were using one when they first took you…AH! Found it!" His nose rummaged behind a drain and in his mouth was a smooth, shining, red stone with some sort of symbol inscribed within the stone.

"So the cats use them too….WAIT! How did you know about the Cat's?" Haru exclaimed in surprise.

Gotzon dropped the stone and a red portal appeared, "Goodbye Ms. Haru, We will see each other again," he walked through the red portal, the bright light and stone disappearing with him.

"Wait, what?" Haru gasped as she now stared at an alley wall. She shook her head as an uneasy feeling washed over her, "Please don't be another prince," she groaned.


Haru groaned as she reached over to stop the ringing of her cow alarm clock, only succeeding with pushing it off the desk, still ringing. Groaning more, she got out of bed to pick up her clock. Realizing she actually got out, she sighed and got ready for school. As she came downstairs, her school uniform nice and fit, she noticed her mom sitting at the dining table figuring out a new pattern for her next quilt.

"Hi mom," she said as she rummaged through the cabinets, deciding on which cereal she should eat for her breakfast.

"Morning Haru," Naoko said, glancing at her daughter before going back to her work. Her head then snapped back to fully look at her daughter, "Uh, Haru?"

"Yea?" a slice of bread was in her mouth as she spoke.

"Why are you wearing your school uniform? It's Saturday…"

Haru slowly glanced down at her outfit as it dawned on her. Her slice of bread fell unto the counter as she groaned, "Ugh!" and she quickly went upstairs to get redress. She soon came back downstairs in a green wool dress with short sleeves and dark purple leggings. She went to the landing as she tugged on a pair of boots and securing a black belt around her waist. She grabbed her fallen piece of bread before brushing her dress down, taking one more look over and saying goodbye to her mom, she headed out. Haru had almost forgotten that she had made plans for today to hang out with Hiromi.

The sun was shining, yet there was a cool breeze. 'Brr' she thought I hope I don't regret bringing a jacket'. As she walked into town, she was greeted by her friend and the two went off, laughing merrily as they went their way to go shopping.

A dark glowing red portal appeared and the weary Gotzon came through, grimacing at each step.

"Lord Gotzon!" a small voice chirped in concern. He tilted his head to see a smaller wolf come running towards him. The small wolf skidded to a stop before circling Gotzon, his white fur shone in the light and his red scarf settled down and came to a conclusion, "You fought those alley dogs again! Gotzon! You gots to be more careful! You be the messenger of the chief and theirs be none one to replace you! ….well not yet anyways," his black muzzle sniffed the air.

Gotzon sighed, "Selim….it's have, not gots, and are and not be…and for Fenrir sakes! It's no and not none! Learn to speak properly!" he almost growled.

Selim shrunked back, "Yes sir, I'ls practice with my speaking,"

Gotzon sighed again, "Thanks for your concern, anyways," Selim perked up once more, "But I have to see the chief at once, I've met someone on my travels that he has wanted to see,"

"Nonon?" Selim asked.


"Uh, Vera Bradley?"


"Oh, is it Viniq?"

"NO!" Gotzon's irritation bubbled at the surface. He wasn't sure who all those names belong to, but Selim can really sprout out nonsense at times, "You'll find out when I talk to the chief,"

"Alrighty sir, he's in his 'throne' nows, so you can go 'head and see him," Selim barked happily, "and I'll be right besides you,"

Gotzon sighed again. The two walked into a golden room, Gotzon had to squint his eyes just to see, but Selim just pranced happily into the room. Gotzon nudged the other wolf, "when did this gold appear?"

"Oh yeah, you weren'ts here fer that. Chief thought since, ya know, he gonna be king, might as well looks like one,"

'Ah, that plan,' Gotzon thought to himself, 'I'm not exactly all for that plan, but he is the chief,'

The two soon came to a large throne, which Gotzon openly gulped at the sight. At the very center, sat a grizzled gray-black wolf, dressed in deer skins, his red eyes glaring, "Gotzon," he said in a deep voice, "glad you're back,"

Gotzon bowed, "Yes I am, and I've come with news,"

The chief sighed with reluctance, "We already signed a peace treaty with the Bears, that's old news,"

"Oh no, sir, this is new….On my way back, after getting into a fight with some alley dogs for walking on their territory, I ran into Haru Yoshioka," All ears perked up.

"You mean…"

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy," Selim chanted, excitement bubbling up within him.

"Yes, Haru Yoshioka, the only human to go into the cat kingdom,"

The chief smiled and howled, "Send out the preparations! I want her here now!" The chief eyed Gotzon, "Gotzon, you are going to lead our party to find Haru,"

Gotzon bowed, "Of course, sir,"

"But go to Fran and have her look over you, I need you to be well before going out,"