Hello again. Thank you fastreader12 and Gayle-Feyn for the kind reviews! Love your idea Gayle about Luna, but you'll see in this chapter which way I've gone with it!

Anywho this chapter was fun to write, hope you enjoy!

The Return to Treasure Island ~ Chapter 2

"Right, all set Sherlock?" John announced as he had put on his light coat over his jumper ready to leave whenever Mycroft's car arrived. Sherlock set down his violin while looking out the window to the street below. At that moment the familiar unmarked black sedan pulled in front of their flat. Sherlock put on his scarf and coat that were lying on the sofa where he left them earlier, and strode towards the door. If he hadn't passed close by John, the doctor might have missed Sherlock mumble under his breath "into battle" before heading down the stairs in front of John. The shorter man paused thinking about that statement before following after his friend. This would be an interesting dinner indeed.

The two men got into the black car, unlike most of John's rides, there was no rapid texting assistant there to greet him. Instead it was just Sherlock and John and the driver who immediately pulled out onto the street. After a few minutes in the back seat John broke the silence at last, deciding it was time to ask a few of his questions before they arrived at the dinner.

"Okay Sherlock, seeing as I'm finally actually meeting your parents, can you shed some light on what I might expect?" John asking not quite sure what he wanted to hear, but all he knew was that he was about to meet the very people who managed to create and raise Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. No matter what, they had to be anything but boring. Sherlock turned his gaze out the window of the car before he answered his friend.

"Oh, they're quite dull actually John no matter what people say, rather ordinary indeed." Sherlock's nonchalant answer surprised John, but then again what was he really expecting, celebrities? John decided to go another route with his questions, obviously he would have to form his own opinions about the Holmes parents once he met them.

"Right, so what about Moriarty then, and what does Treasure Island mean, you never explained that to me." John questioned the detective knowing his friend was more likely to answer a question about a possible case than anything else.

"Treasure Island is Mycroft and I's codeword for the magic world, much like Vatican Cameos. We came up with it when we were children so we could talk out loud about it in certain areas without drawing suspicion." Sherlock answered succinctly before pausing and furrowing his brown. "And I don't know anything more than you do about Moriarty…and I hate not knowing. Mycroft will have some explaining to do, especially if he wants to get the pass code for his mobile." Sherlock smirked at the final statement and looked over to John.

"What did you change it to Sherlock?" John asked because clearly Sherlock found it funny.

"Oh, nothing complicated, but he'll hate it." Sherlock's smirk turned into a devilish grin that John didn't really care to know the source of.

"Is it smart to piss off your brother so many times in the same day Sherlock?" John asked seriously, knowing the power the older Holmes had.

"He will owe me much more than his embarrassment by dragging me into this mess again John, much more." Sherlock replied and returned his gaze to the passing scenery outside.

"By the way, how is Mycroft getting there, can you two really not share the same car?" John asked.

"Mycroft has other means of travel, he never arrives by car. Always the flair for dramatics Mycroft." John stifled a laugh at his friend's last statement, Sherlock clearly not hearing the irony in his words, both Holmes' might be the most dramatic men John had ever met. John himself turned his gaze out the other window as he thought about the ridiculous life he now lived.

He didn't have long to ponder as the car turned onto an unfamiliar street. John thought they were still in London but nothing looked familiar. Moments later the car pulled to a stop in front of a long row of large townhouses John had never before laid his eyes on, and he had seen a lot of London. Surprising to John, there were no other cars on the street, parked nor driving, odd neighborhood thought John.

Sherlock got out of the car first and John quickly followed. The tall detective strode up a small set of stairs toward the door marked 12. John followed him up the stairs and waited for his friend to ring the bell, but Sherlock's finger stayed hovering over the bell with his gaze directed over John's head. The doctor turned around to see what Sherlock was looking at and promptly saw Mycroft Holmes at the bottom of the stairs. John shifted his eyes around the street to find the car or cab Mycroft could have taken, but the street was still empty, their own lift now turning onto the next road. Before John could contemplate the ever-mysterious man's sudden appearance, said man spoke.

"Good to see you decided to show brother mine, I trust you will behave yourself. By the way changing my pass code to diet was rather juvenile Sherlock. Really I expect more from you. Hello Doctor Watson." Mycroft greeted the pair as he himself ascended the stair nonchalantly while Sherlock was silently fuming at his brother's quick dismissal of his stunt. "Oh do press the bell Sherlock, no more delaying the inevitable!" The older man ordered, but before the younger Holmes was do anything, the large wooden door swung open and a mane of long auburn hair flung itself at the detective next to him. John stepped back in surprise as the being engulfed the other man into a hug. Once the shock factor of being ambushed wore off John saw Sherlock surprisingly relax into the embrace before they let go.

"It's been far too long you git!" The figure that John now identified as a pretty young woman, exclaimed to the flustered Sherlock. The doctor thought about the woman standing in front of him, surely she couldn't be the mother, she was far too young, couldn't be older than early thirties. Before he could ask her identity, said woman turned to the elder Holmes brother and gave him an equally large hug before reprimanding him. "And you! How dare you let him get away with not visiting!"

"Calm yourself Lily, as you can see everyone is here now, and might I say you are being rude by not acknowledging the final member of our party." Mycroft's eyes turned towards John as he used his authoritative voice that drove John up the wall. The woman followed his gaze towards the shorter man in the group.

"I do apologize, my name's Lily, I don't know how you managed to be associated with these two prats, hopefully not willingly." The woman now identified as Lily greeted John with a smile and her hand out for the doctor to take. Just as John was about to introduce himself, Sherlock butted in, recovered from the spontaneous hug moments ago to introduce John in his usual fashion.

"Lily, this is Doctor John Watson, my colleague and flatmate." John took the woman's hand and offered his greetings. Being finished with introductions, the foursome finally went inside of the house while Lily closed the door behind them.

"Things getting serious with the boyfriend Lily?" Sherlock suddenly questioned right after the door clicked shut. The woman startled by the abrupt inquiry fired back.

"What are you on about Al?"

John paused and looked from Lily to Sherlock, confused at how the woman had addressed Sherlock, but also preparing himself for his friend's usual onslaught of observations he knew was coming.

"Lingering at the door, suggests you are waiting for another guest to arrive this evening. New dress and shoes reveals you want to show off for someone, clearly wouldn't be for us. Makeup and hair done, but not in your previous whorish fashion, clearly already have your mark but want to keep up appearances. Flitting eye movement toward the window perch, subconscious trait picked up over frequent correspondence. Not for work though you get those at your office. Left ring finger rubbed, red and bothered suggests you have been ring shopping, could be for a friend, but we both know that is not your style Lily. Serious boyfriend. Waiting for proposal. Is he infact joining us tonight, I would love to see what you have chosen this time." Sherlock finished rattling off his deductions with a small upturn of his lips. John could tell his friend quite enjoyed this one. The woman Lily rolled her eyes at Sherlock before speaking.

"I forgot how irritating you could be, you bloody showoff. But yes I have a boyfriend, his name is James, yes we're getting serious, we've talked about getting engaged. But no, you always miss something, he is not coming for dinner, I in fact am leaving for dinner." The red head finished with a smile, obviously used to Sherlock's method of deductions.

"It's always something." Sherlock grunted before adding more. "A little odd to be dating someone with the same name as your brother and grandfather Lily? If he's as wonderful as the other James' I know you're in for a real treat!" Sherlock devilishly smirked back to the woman his eyes flicking towards Mycroft. John figured his friend must be referring to Moriarty, but John still was pondering how Sherlock obviously knew this woman so well, maybe she was a housekeeper or a caretaker for the Holmes'? Before the doctor could deduce much more the woman spoke again.

"As much as I would love for James to meet my dear brothers' I think it best that left for another time." John couldn't help himself and sputtered aloud.

"Brothers!" The other three turned to look at John but before anyone could react two more bustling figures appeared in the hallway of the home.

"Lily! You were supposed to tell us when they got here!" An older woman, quite fit for her age remarked. She had shorter red hair the same color as the younger woman except with a few streaks of grey. The woman engulfed both of the Holmes' boys in a tight hug.

"Oh dear, she's probably preoccupied thinking about 'The Dinner' to even tell us our other children had graced us with their presence." A man, perhaps a few years older than the woman exclaimed. He was wearing glasses behind which were piercing green eyes. John was reminded of Sherlock's eyes, not quite the same color but they both held the same kind of otherworldly intensity. John could easily deduce without the conversation that these were obviously the Holmes seniors. Sherlock and Mycroft were quite a bit taller than their parents, but Sherlock's lithe frame mirrored his fathers in an elongated sense, and Mycroft shared the same hair and complexion as their mother and apparently sister. After their greetings to their sons, the pair turned their gaze to John waiting for an introduction. Again Sherlock introduced him in the same fashion as he did Lily.

"Pleased to meet you John, we're quite glad Al has such a good friend in his life." The mother greeted. There was that name again John thought, in no way could Al be short for Sherlock, he was stumped, odd nickname perhaps?

"Glad to meet you Mrs. Ho-" but before John could finish his greeting, the woman interrupted. "Oh please call me Ginny dear." Sherlock's father reached out for John's hand next and gave him a firm handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you John, and please just call me Harry." The older man said with a smile.

"Alright enough standing around in the hall, lets go into the dining room, how about something to drink, how do Butterbeers all around sound? I'm sure you boys haven't had that in quite awhile, Harry insisted on getting some last time we were shopping." The older woman exclaimed ushering the group down the hall towards the dining room. John had no idea what Butterbeer was or could possibly be but he followed the group. They were lead into the dining room and settled around a large table surrounded by comfy chairs.

John watched in shock as Sherlock's father pulled a long thin stick from his pocket, do a quick wave and before he knew it six bottles came flying into the room settling themselves in front of each of the adults at the table. John realized that this must be magic, and although he had listened to what Sherlock had said to him back at 221B, he realized he really wasn't actually expecting magic to happen or be real. John's wide-eyed and shocked expression caught everyone's gaze in the room.

"Ah I did forget, I'm sorry John, you're not used to magic, how much has Albus told you about the Wizarding world?" Harry asked the surprised doctor. John stumbled on his words because he had so many questions he didn't even know where to start, so he just started with the first one on his mind.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but who is Albus? The other occupants in the room exchanged a glance between themselves before Sherlock's father replied.

"Ah yes, I think we all forgot that the boys go by different names in the muggle world, what are they again?" Harry looked towards his youngest son but Mycroft intervened.

"Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes, we still identify as brothers father, but John only knows Albus as Sherlock." Mycroft finished.

"That's right Sherlock and Mycroft, stuffy names indeed." The boys' mother said wrinkling her nose.

"Honestly what could be stuffier than Albus Severus Potter mother." Sherlock spat out along with a roll of his eyes. John's own eyes went wide at the revelation, all the other questions John had floated away even including why his friend has changed his name because now he knew that Sherlock's real name was even worse than Hamish. John suppressed his desire to laugh to focus on the conversation again.

"You know why we named you that Al." His father supplying a pointed look, as though this were a constant argument they'd had over the years.

"Yes, and I prefer Sherlock father." The detective coolly replied, the father and son stared at one another and the room fell into an awkward silence before Lily broke it with an announcement.

"Would love to stay longer family dear, but I have a dinner to attend to." The pretty woman said with a large smile getting up from her chair. "Don't be a stranger Al, I expect to have a proper evening together soon!" Lily said bidding farewell to the family.

"Cannot wait dear sister." Sherlock replied sullenly, clearly still irritated from the previous conversation, but Lily bounced out of the room, too excited about her evening plans to pay the brooding detective any mind.

With Lily's absence the matriarch turned her attention towards John clearly interested in lightening the mood of the room.

"Obviously you're a bit in the dark Doctor Watson and my husband and sons are not helping you out at all. Please tell me a bit about yourself." The woman asked warmly.

"Well thanks, but I'm quite used to this unfortunately, your son has his moments. I just found out about this secret society this afternoon, so I am very much new to all of this." John admitted to the woman, glad to reveal he didn't have a clue what was going on.

"It is a lot to take in I'm sure. There are reasons why the magic world is kept secret, not all of them make sense but it is how it is. I hear you help Al with his detective work, and write a…blob about it?" The woman clearly hesitated over the word John assumed meant his blog. John smiled to himself attributing the mistake to the older generation's lack of technological skills.

"I do, I write about our investigations, it's actually become quite popular. Your son's quite the celebrity actually." John told the older woman with a smile.

"No, not Al, he hates the papers, always has!" The woman exclaimed in surprise.

"Well it's always an adventure, the good and the bad." John laughed. "Though I have to ask, why hide if you can do magic, even though Sherl…er Albus denies he's a wizard, the brilliant things he can do just make more sense that way." John finished the question but was surprised when the older woman suddenly jumped up from her seat.

"Oh dear, I forgot about the roast! John dear could you help me in the kitchen for a sec yeah?" Ginny pulled John out of the room into the kitchen before he could give a response leaving the rest of the family to talk amongst themselves. Inside the kitchen John started looking around for where he could help but the older woman began speaking instead.

"John it's true. Albus can't perform magic. It doesn't happen very often but occasionally, a magical family has a child who cannot perform magic. Our society calls these people Squibs." Ginny explained to John in a calm but hushed manner. Obviously wanting to explain this to John out of Sherlock's hearing, hence the clearly made up burning roast excuse. John nodded slowly letting this information sink into his brain.

Sorry for the abrupt ending there, had to stop it somewhere or else this chapter would be far too long! Already working on the next one. Thanks for reading!