Dean and Cas Halloween Fluff.

Author's Note: After 10X03. Dean and Cas are both human now and everyone is alive.

"I still don't understand. Why would someone willingly dress as Lucifer?" The blue eyed angel questioned as he inspected the red costume.

"It's Halloween Cas, one day a year that people can get away with this crap. " Dean responded as he walked up and down the aisle. "They never have the good kind of candy."

"It's for the kids Dean. Not you."

"Shut it Sam. I bought the candy, I'll be damned if I'm not gonna eat any." Dean grabbed a bag filled with assorted chocolates and threw it in the cart. The two hunters started to walk away before stopping, realizing a certain angel wasn't following.


Cas looked up at the taller Winchester. "My apologies." He glanced at something one more time before walking over to the brothers.

"Uh you guys go ahead. I forgot something." Dean waited until his brother and Cas were out of sight. He made his way to the thing Cas had been looking at. Sitting neatly on one of the hooks, was a pair of black angel wings. Dean sighed. Castiel had been taking the change into a human well, or so he thought.

The trio was back at Bobby's house. Bobby was pouring drinks and Ellen was cooking burgers on the grill. Jo and Kevin were getting their costumes together while the boys decorated the house. Castiel and Charlie were sat at the table with a pumpkin in front of them.

"Hey Cas, I have something for you." Blue eyes turned to the speaker. Dean stood at the kitchen doorway with the same wings from before. Cas looked from Dean to the wings and then back at Dean. "Well come on dude. Put them on."
Castiel nodded and followed Dean upstairs. The door of the bedroom closed behind them. "Dean…"

"No chick flick moments. Now here, I cut holes in this shirt to hide the straps. " Cas smiled and let Dean help him change. When he was finished, Dean stuck something on his head. "There." Cas turned to look himself in the dresser mirror. On his head was a gold halo. "I got myself something too." Dean came up behind Cas, wearing two red horns on his head, a pitch fork in hand. Cas couldn't help the laugh that slipped from his lips.

"The angel and the demon. I do prefer this demon version though."

Dean smiled. "So do I Cas. So do I."