Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Warning: Male/Male Slash. Severus/Remus. Very strong language and moderate sex. Don't waste your time with this story if you don't like the idea of Lupin and Snape together.

Edited for rather embarrassing typos.


By Reeve M


I didn't mean to sleep with him. God, I feel awful. Fuck his pretty mouth and pretty eyes. He shouldn't have tempted me in the first place - that drunken whore. I was waiting for Lucius before that fucked up boy moped in with his head cast down, timid and miserable. I hate him or at least I thought I hated him. What am I saying? It was his fault. He shouldn't have been so soft and lovely with that pleasant voice and kissable smile.

He's waking. Oh god, he looks so smooth and sensual beneath those sheets. I cannot face my guilt when I know I have desecrated a work of perfection. He was a virgin, he told me. He couldn't have been with those seductive stares and petal lips. That harlot! That monstrous temptation, how dare he! I wasn't one of those when I met him. If ever there were devil, it would be hidden in those, oh, so painfully heartbreaking eyes, which enmeshed me with passion. Oh, but he was so innocent. He pushed me back frightened when I took him into my mouth and trembled when I locked him in my arms. I wish he hadn't cried.

He was upset anyway, complaining about some stupid prank that Black played on him at dinner. He shouldn't be such a sensitive git. I bet he doesn't even care about what he did to me. He shouldn't have blamed me for being 'the only boy who ever listened to him' or 'the only person who showed him respect'. I didn't ask him to speak to me, he just burst out crying like a poor shivering thing that had been caught out in the rain. What else could I do but listen to him? I was like that once, I think.

I can't bear the thought of him behind me, stirring so blissfully in the lemon-gold light. I wish he wasn't so willing. Oh god, why did he have to say 'hello' in that voice or sigh that softly..? He touched me first; tenderly pressing his fingers across my wrist...I can still feel it lingering beneath my skin. So I touched him back and he smiled. I didn't know he'd want more. I-I didn't know that I wanted more. But god, did that touch feel great.

He said that the boys talked about me behind my back. I was naturally curious of course... I mean who wouldn't be? I hated Black and Potter and was amused at what lies they told. I probably shouldn't have got angry thinking back... but why did he have to state it..?

'You're a queer, aren't you?'

What a stupid question. He said it so quietly and the phrasing was so quaint that I was too stunned to answer him back. So I shouted at him and told him to leave.

He began to tremble again and I apologized repeatedly. Stupid child. So I asked him to stay and he wrapped his arms around me gratefully. His breath was so cool and sweet that I moved closer to taste it. When I kissed him an electric shudder ran through the both of us and Remus's eyes lit up gloriously as if I had touched him with something that he had yearned after for years.

'Severus... I...' Why did he have to look so uneasy? I wish he didn't have to keep looking away at the ceiling, the floor, the fire, at anything but me. I could feel the intensity of his breath heighten. I hate it when boys get so fucking nervous! It's contagious and antsy. So I got a little assertive... What's wrong with that? It's not like he didn't want me to. So I took it a step further and touched him...down there I mean. My god, I swear he almost howled, so I grew a little fiercer. It didn't cross my mind to ask how he was, but he was willing. I could tell. He practically moved my hands for me.

'Severus... oh shit... please...'

Please what? I wanted to shriek. What did he want? So I drowned his words with a biting kiss. It must have dented his lips hard because he gave out a little sharp cry of pain. But he tried. He tried to kiss back and so who was I to discourage him?

He looks happy enough, lying there now in all his marble glory. I don't think he has lost his innocence... No... Not with the sweet way he smiles and the lovely noises he makes when he's sleeping. I swear, I couldn't go to sleep with such a marvellous creature twining beside me. When he locked his elegant hands upon my limbs and whimpered with what I could only describe as contentment, I felt safe like a glowing light encapsulated in eternal ecstasy. I never felt this warm before.

'Remus... I...' I couldn't find words which could form any meaning.

'Severus...' Lupin breathed, too polite and startled to speak. At last he gracefully sat upright, yawning like a lion. Dazed and satisfied, he smiled and at once a dire expression of surprise transfigured his face. 'My god... Oh Severus...I-'

He looked ashamed and I lurched inside. 'Shhh... Just sleep, Remus...It's all right...Just sleep. Please.'

Remus shut his eyes with exhaustion or was it... regret?

'I-I, my god, w-w-we...' his face was alight with dread, 'I should leave.'

I couldn't speak. I had nothing to say. In all his supple nakedness, he carefully fetched his robes with his wand, making sure he was covered up and began to dress.

Why does it matter anyway? I thought to myself. I have seen him. Tasted him. Entered him. It was ridiculous to remain so coy. I had a sudden urge to make love him again to destroy the awkwardness, but I kept silent. I was too numbed to speak. He didn't even wish me a good morning before he picked up cloak and left.
