"Hey watch it asshole!" Dean got yelled at as he ran towards his first period class. He was partying it up last night so naturally he woke up late. College was already hectic as it was for the 2nd year, but he had new professor's this year and all of them were up his ass all the time. None of them took any of his crap and Dean especially hated that he didn't have any breathing room thanks to the scholarship he was on.

"Welcome to Shakespeare 2.02. This is not a class where you'll be looking into his works and then looking up the sparks notes online to try and pass. This is the most interactive, hands on class you guys will have. You'll be putting on plays, you'll write ten page essays about these plays and then complain to the board that i might be the worst professor you ever had. In the end though, I know you'll all be thanking me. I am-" The professor got cut off by Dean as he flew into the room.

Everyone looked at him at that moment. It was like their heads all systematically turned at once. Dean's bag dropped and he cursed, picking his stuff up off the floor. "Sorry I'm late." Dean says, sitting down in an empty seat.

The professor looks at him, and immediately he smiles. "It's okay Mr... ahh...Ambrose." He said looking down at the synopsis of his students names. "We were just talking about Romeo and Juliet act 2. Sc. 2. since you are brave enough to interrupt my class how about you come down here, and recite Romeo's monologue for us."

"Are you serious?" Dean responded in a very nasty tone.

"I'm as serious as cancer. Come on down Mr. Ambrose. Read us some words." Dean knew this was just to embarrass him for showing up late, he knew nothing about Shakespeare and this teacher was a jackass.

Nevertheless, he grabbed his book and walked down the long aisle. All those people were watching him, some giggling, others whispering about him. Dean hated them all already and it was only his first day.

He made it down to where the professor was and then cleared his throat. "Who's going to read Juliet's parts?" Dean asked, looking at the taller man. Not only was he tall, he was big, muscular. He wasn't like any of the other teachers. His sleeves were rolled up and Dean could see his tattoo. It looked like it went all the way up his arm.

"It is a monologue Mr. Ambrose, meaning that you'll be reciting it by yourself. But if you nee a Juliet to focus upon you can glady look to me. I will be your Juliet." The teacher says. Dean laughed and nodded. "Of course you will." He mocked him, rolling his blue eyes before he turned towards the group of students but the teacher stepped right in his face. "No no, you're talking to me, not them. Look at me."

"But that's..." Dean started to say.

"That's what?" The professor answered, raising a curious eyebrow at Dean.

"Nevermind." Dean looks at the guy again, his gray eyes staring daggers into him. With a little hesitation, Dean starts off his monologue.

"He jests at scars that never felt a wound! But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.

Be not her maid since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and none but fools do wear it. Cast it off! It is my lady. Oh, it is my love. Oh, that she knew she were! She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that? Her eye discourses. I will answer it.—"

The way he reads it, causes the entire class to take note. Dean words were eloquently spoken that the whole class started clapping once he was done.

"Well done Mr. Ambrose, well done. Officially we welcome you to Shakespeare 2.02 and like i was saying before, i am Mr. Reigns. But call me Roman. Also, please see me after class. In my office.

The class was over and soon Dean made his way down to Mr. Reigns' office. He cursed to himself, knowing that he was probably in trouble, before knocking on his door. "Come in."

Dean heard him say come in so he did. The much older man was now in a hoodie and jeans, nothing like his teaching outfits. He looked good. Heavenly even. But it's not like Dean was looking at him or anything right? "Hey, Mr. Reigns- Roman i'm sorry that i was late for class today. It won't happen again sir."

Roman smiled as he closed the door behind Dean, "Calm down Mr. Ambrose, this isn't about the lateness. It's more so about how you read today in class. Never have i met a first time student read Shakespeare so beautifully before. Do you want to be an actor?"

Roman sat on his desk and crossed his legs, looking up at the blue eyed boy. "No i actually want to be a football player." Dean shrugged. Roman stood up, and put his hands on Dean's shoulder.

Dean looked down at his big hand and he felt it. A jolt of electricity between them. Never before has he felt something by someone just touching him. "You should consider it, i know talent when i see it and you have tons of talent young man."

Roman grabbed his gym bag and his sunglasses and held the door open for Dean. "I'm not that young, I'm almost 20." Dean says with a smile.

Roman was about to smile back at him but his phone rang. "I'll be there soon, just talking to a student, okay yeah... bye." Roman hung up and popped his sunglasses on.

"Was that your wife?" Dean asked curiously. He didn't know why but he wanted to know more about his professor. He was intrigued by him, and his god like qualities. "I'm not married." Roman admits, locking up his office once they both come out.

"Was that your girlfriend then?" Dean says, walking with Roman for some reason.

"It was my ex." Roman said as they made it to the parking lot. He didn't know why he was being so open with the young boy, he didn't even know Dean. A part of him wanted too though. He was a curious kid who was missing out on his true calling and that intrigued Roman.

They made it to Roman's car and he told Dean he had to go. "I'll see you in class, next week. Try to be early?" Dean nodded and smiled happily.

"This ex has you rushing huh? She must be someone you are still not over right?" Dean asked as Roman got in the car and buckled up.

"Let's just say he's very, very particular about time." Roman winked at Dean before he drove off.

"Wait did he say... he?" Dean asked himself as Roman's car disappeared.