Nana had mixed feelings about Italy.

On one hand, it was a beautiful country, her family could be together here, and Tsuna was protected from the dangers of her husband's work.

On the other hand, it wasn't home.

Before relocating to the European peninsula, Nana had never gone any further than Tokyo from Namimori. Now, she was on a completely different continent where she didn't speak the language or know the culture, and Nana wasn't so daft as to not realize that what she was experiencing was probably more than just culture shock.

It was probably a good thing that the house had come with a staff to care for it, she thought sardonically as she stared out the window of her bedroom, considering she didn't do much of anything these days but sleep and force a smile for Iemitsu when he came home, always smelling slightly of smoke and alcohol over his cologne.

She didn't think Iemitsu had noticed yet, so busy with work as he was, but her poor son surely had. It made Nana hate herself just a little bit more that some days she couldn't even gather the strength or will to roll out of bed to spend at least half an hour with her baby boy.

There was so much they should have been doing together - they were in a new country for free for god's sake – but even if Nana had taken the initiative to take them sightseeing, they wouldn't have been able to. Maybe that was another factor to her current state – they were safer in Italy, but only if they stayed inside. And Iemitsu made sure that they stayed safe at all times.

At least the view from the window was nice.