Love is in the air.

Just a fluffy little story set when Mac is six months pregnant with Clara.

Both couples included.

Callen looked over at his wife. She was sitting at her desk rubbing her belly.

"You ok MacKenna?"

"Yeah fine."

She cringed for a moment then went back to rubbing her belly.

Callen didn't believe her for a moment. He got up and knelt down next to her. "Ok Angel what is going on?"

"The baby is just kicking me a lot today is all."

"Yeah not buying it."

"Callen really I'm fine. The baby is just hitting a rib nonstop."

Callen rubbed her belly getting a bit worried. MacKenna was only six months along but it had been six hard months. She had been sick almost the entire time.

"If it gets too bad you should go home."

"Callen I'm fine really."

Deeks walked in just then with a giant teddy bear in his hands. "For my lovely wife."

"Deeks seriously where did you get that thing?" said Sam.

"Oh well on my way back with lunch I spotted it in the window of a shop so I stopped and got it."

Sam shook his head and grabbed the food bag. "My burger better not be cold."

Kensi just sat there and looked at the bear like it was about to come to life.

"I'll put him on the couch for now ok Kens?"

"Yeah that's fine." She looked at Callen. "That thing is bigger than Donny."

"I think he does this each year just to bug me."

"Callen he is not trying to outdo you. He just can't stop himself."

Sam handed out lunch since Deeks was still trying to get the bear to sit on the couch without falling over.

Callen was even more worried when he noticed Mac hardly ate her lunch. He went over to Hetty.

"I think I need to take MacKenna home."

"Is there something wrong Mr. Callen?" Hetty said as she looked past Callen to her Granddaughter.

"She says the baby is kicking her ribs hard and she didn't eat."

"Perhaps you should call her doctor first. She may wish to see her today."

Callen's worst nightmare was losing his child or his wife during labor. He knew it was a possibility and it scared him to death. So he went into the hallway and called the office.

"We have an opening in an hour if you can be here then."

"We will be there no problem."

Callen went out and started packing up his stuff. "MacKenna grab your stuff we have an apt in an hour."


"You're going in to see the doctor." Callen put his hand up. "Do not start."

Mac sighed and stood up slowly. "Fine."

Everyone knew Mac was hurting or she wouldn't be going so quietly.

An hour later Mac and Callen were in the doctor's office.

"Now Mac what is going on today?" the doctor asked.

"Baby is just kicking a lot and I have no appetite."

"Well let's take a look."

Callen sat there in awe as he watched his daughter on the screen. "Wow look at that."

"Everything looks just fine. The baby is a good size, her heart looks good."

"Told you I'm ok."

"Have you been under a lot of stress lately?"

"Yes." Both Callen and Mac said.

"Ok want to tell me about it?"

"I was given up at birth and my parents have found me. They want to meet me but I'm not really sure."

"I see. That can be very stressful. All I can say is to try and relax as much as you can."

Callen helped Mac sit up. "Ok first we need to get you to eat. Then you are going home to rest."

"Yes my love."

They stopped and got soup for Mac and a sandwich for Callen then headed home. Callen refused to let Mac leave the table until she had eaten all of the soup.

"Ok I ate now can I go lay down?"


Callen had already ordered flowers and candy for Valentine's day but that was still a few days away.

He waited tell Mac was asleep before running out to the store. He picked up a stuffed bear that was holding a heart and several little outfits for the baby. He hurried home and had the bag on the bed waiting for Mac to wake up.

"Callen what is this?"

"An early Valentine's day gift."

Mac looked thru the bag and then up at Callen.

"Ok it looks like stuff for the baby?"

Callen leaned over and kissed her belly. "It is. It's a Valentine's day gift for my baby girl."

Mac burst out laughing. "You are crazy."

"Feeling better?"

"Yes. I think I just needed a nap."

"Well I talked to Hetty and you're staying home tomorrow."

"You're going to leave me here by myself all day?"

"Of course not." Said Callen. "There will be an agent here to babysit you."

"Oh great just what I wanted."

"It's that or a safe house your choice."

Mac huffed and slowly sat up. She stood and walked to the bathroom. "Fine I'll stay home tomorrow only."

"MacKenna you have to cut down on the stress you heard the doctor." Said Callen thru the closed bathroom door.

"I get that but I'm still going to be stressed if I'm home alone or at work."

Mac walked out of the bathroom with her hands on her hips.

"Ok I get it but you need to try and not worry about it."

Mac let out a deep breath. "Fine, your child is hungry."

"There's soup left." Callen shook his head and went to get her the soup.


"Deeks there is nowhere to put this thing." Said Kensi. She put the bear on the couch and it just fell over.

"I'll put it in Donny's room he can play with it."

"You do realize that Callen thinks you're trying to outdo him."

"Hey I can't help it if I'm an idea man."

Kensi shook her head and sat down on the couch. Yeah her husband was an idea man, too bad he didn't have better ideas.

"Maybe you should just give me stuff at home instead of at work for now on."

"Ok." Deeks dropped down next to Kensi. "He's really worried about Mac isn't he?"

"Yes and you're not helping things."

"Fine I get it. No more gifts at work." Deeks grabbed his phone. "I better change the delivery on those flowers and candy gram."

Kensi laughed at him.

"You and your ideas."


"Ok Agent Simmons is sitting across the street watching the house. Let her in if she comes to the door."

"Yes dear."

"Nell is brining you both lunch later eat it."

"Yes dear."

"Do not shoot anyone if you can help it."

Mac looked at him like he was crazy.

"Hey you never know what can happen."

Mac had to agree her life had been one crazy ride the last few years.

"Ok go to work and I promise I'll behave."

Callen waved to Simmons as he left. That poor woman was in for it today. He wouldn't put it past MacKenna to bully her into driving her to the beach or shopping.

Callen got to work and found everyone waiting on him.

"We got a case already been briefed." Said Sam.

"Yeah sorry I'm late. MacKenna didn't want to eat this morning."

"Don't worry I'll check in on her whenever I can." Said Nell. "I already have her lunch order in. I got her favorite soup and sandwich."

"Thanks Nell."

Lucky for Callen the case was open and shut. The last thing he wanted was to work late or even worse have to go undercover. Nell reported in that Mac had eaten and was watching a movie. Simmons was doing paperwork in the dining room trying to stay out of the way.

"So G what are you planning for the big day?" asked Sam.

"I was going to take MacKenna out to dinner I just hope she feels up to it."

"I'm sure she will." Said Nell. "She tore into her lunch today."

"See she just needed a rest."

"I hope so."

Callen drove home and stopped at the mall first. He went to the card shop and picked a few items for MacKenna.

He got her a box of her favorite candy, a small stuffed tiger, a little crystal heart to hang from her rearview mirror and a cheesy card. If Sam had seen him spending so much on junk for his wife he'd never hear the end of it.

Callen added a second box of candy for Simmons before paying. He texted home and found out Mac wanted pizza for dinner. He ordered from his phone app then headed to pick up dinner. He got there just as his order was ready.

He found Simmons waiting on him. "Hard day?"

"Your wife is intense."

"Yes she is." He handed her the candy and Simmons smiled.

"She's going to work tomorrow right?"


"Oh thank god."

Callen laughed and went into the house. Mac was pacing the living room.

"Did you get breadsticks too?"

"Yes and the dipping stuff you like."

"Great. The baby is starving."

Mac grabbed the pizza and went to the table.

"Looks like you got your appetite back?"

"I slept most of the day. Didn't realize how tired I was."

"I got you a few treats."

"There better be candy."

Callen laughed. "Yes there is candy."


Callen watched his wife eat half a large pizza and half an order of garlic breadsticks before pushing away from the table. He had to laugh when she let out a loud belch.

"Good dinner?"

"Smart ass."

"Yes but you love me."

"Ok where are my gifts."

"On the couch."

Mac started to dig thru the bag. "Thank you for buying a stuffed animal that is a normal size."

"I don't know that giant bear was pretty cool."

Mac glared at him and Callen had to laugh. "Ok no giant stuffed animals ever."

"Thank you."

Mac dug into the candy. Callen really didn't know where she was putting it all. Once Mac put the candy down Callen pulled her into his side and rested his hand on her belly.

"How's my little girl doing today?"

"She's doing a lot better. Not so fussy today and she hasn't kicked my ribs once."

"That's good." Callen couldn't help but kiss his wife. Which ended up leading to a lot more and not much sleep for either of them that night.


"Oh come on Deeks it's not that bad."

"Yes it is." Deeks looked at himself in the mirror. "It's all swollen and purple." Deeks poked at himself.

"Well stop playing with it and put an ice pack on it." Kensi said laughing.

"Kensi it's not funny. This could stop any chance of us having another kid." Deeks made a face at his swollen junk while Kensi almost rolled off the bed laughing at him.

Deeks pulled up his boxers and picked up the ice pack. "I still can't believe this happened."

"Hey you're the one who bought him the football helmet."

"And it's going in the trash tomorrow."


Donny had run head first into Deeks private's full speed wearing his football helmet. Deeks had crumpled and let out a sound Kensi had never heard him make before. Poor Donny didn't know what had happened and had sat down next to his dad and cried. Then Monty joined in howling his head off.

Kensi simply walked into the kitchen opened a beer downed it then got Deeks an ice pack and Donny a Jello cup and Monty a dog treat. Donny took his treat to the couch to eat, Monty grabbed his treat and ran to his bed and Deeks lay there whimpering for almost ten minutes before he could stand up. Kensi drank another beer.

Deeks lay back on the bed and put the ice pack on top of his boxers. He whimpered a bit then closed his eyes.

"Oh my poor baby. Want me to kiss it and make it better."

"Not funny Fern. We may never have sex again."

"Oh well, good thing I bought batteries yesterday."

Deeks groaned. "Fern don't give me images like that right now."

This made Kensi laugh even harder.

"Ok I'm going to go watch tv in the living room. Yell if you need something. "

"What I need is a new package."


By now Deeks had gotten over his little injury and was back to himself. He made sure Kensi had a special cupcake on her desk that morning and had made her heart shaped pancakes that morning.

"Hey Deeks how's business?" asked Sam trying not to laugh.

"Business is good. Donny no longer has a football helmet and never will own one again."

Sam shook his head and went back to his paperwork. Callen walked in just then and put a vase of roses on his wife's desk.

"Where is Mrs. Callen today?" asked Sam.

"She's in the armory with Hetty."

"Ok this is ridiculous." Said Mac walking over to her desk.

"What's wrong now?" asked Callen.

"Hetty had a bulletproof vest made for me. She wants me to wear it whenever I leave the building."

Mac stopped and looked at the flowers. "Thank you Callen."

"Your welcome and Hetty is right. We need to keep you and the baby safe."

Mac glared at him. "You try strapping that thing on over this." She pointed to her belly. "It's hot and makes me sweat. Not that I'm not sweating buckets as it is. It's February I shouldn't be this damn hot."

Sam and Deeks both slowly pushed back their chairs and backed up into the kitchen before making a run for it. Kensi simply dug into her cupcake and let Callen deal with his wife's breakdown.

"How about if I go get you a popsicle?"

"I want a slushy, cherry and make it a double."

"Yes angel. I'll be right back."

"Callen bring me back one too, I want grape." Yelled Kensi.

A half hour later the girls had their slushy's and the guys were hiding out in the gym.

"Ok I don't remember Kensi freaking out like that."

"Every woman is different. Michelle yelled at me every day for six months then she'd cry then she'd want sex." Said Sam.

"I'm used to MacKenna being moody but today was a total melt down." Callen said as he hit the heavy bag a few times.

"At least she's happy for now." Said Deeks. "Man your wife scares me when she gets like that."

"Agent Callen take your wife home she's scaring everyone." Said Granger.

"What did she do now?"

"Eric asked where she got the slushy and she thru it at him then started to cry. Right now she's hugging him and will not let him go."

"Hormones." Said Callen. He wondered off to find his wife and hopefully pry her off Eric without too much fuss.

He ran into Eric in the hallway. "Sorry about MacKenna."

"Hey no problem." Eric said. "Remember Kensi did the same thing to me only it was a half-eaten donut. At least the cup was empty when she tossed it."

Callen found Mac sitting at her desk doing paperwork.

"Hey Angel how about we get out of here early. That way we will have time to get changed into something nice for dinner tonight."

"Ok. I'm almost done with this report. Give me five minutes."

"I'll go get changed."

Callen smiled and walked away. Hopefully her mood swing would stay in the good zone the rest of the night.

An hour later Callen was pulling on a dress shirt and smiling. Mac stood there in a light blue dress that really showed off her belly bump. Hetty had the dress made just for her and it was amazing.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Just enjoying looking at my beautiful wife."

"Your nuts."

Callen pulled her into his arms. "Can't help it." He leaned down and kissed her. "I'm a very happy man tonight."

"I love you."

"I love you both." Said Callen rubbing her belly.

"Ok Romeo lets go I'm hungry."

Callen had made early dinner reservations knowing that Mac got tired early. He wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself tonight. Sitting in the middle of the dining room table sat two dozen roses. One dozen red for Mac and one dozen pink for the baby. Mac was also wearing a pair of vintage earrings that Hetty had gotten for him. His wife had a way of finding thigs he tried to hide in the house.

"Callen stop daydreaming lets go."


Deeks had arranged for Donny to stay with Julia for the night so he could have his wife all to himself.

"So my love, are you ready for our night of love?"

"You know we could just stay home and in bed." Said Kensi snuggling up to Deeks.

"We could but I figure you'd rather go out. I made our reservations and all a month ago."

"Ok fine we can go out."

Deeks drove to one of their favorite restaurants. He had planned on a nice dinner then to take Kensi for a walk on the beach. They got seated right away, thanks to Hetty pulling some strings, and had a great table with a view of the water.

Kensi wanted wine so Deeks ordered a bottle while they looked over the menu. Kensi of course went with the special tasting menu. Deeks got a nice steak.

They sat there and enjoyed some time that was just the two of them.

"So Mac really thru her slushy at Eric?"

"The cup was empty." Kensi said. "It was so funny she hit him right in the forehead. The cup went bonk when it hit him." Kensi was laughing now. This made Deeks laugh.

"Ok I would have loved to see that."

"Eric just stood there in shock for a second. When he didn't say anything Mac lost it and started crying. Then she hugged him and cried louder. Poor Granger couldn't get away fast enough. I think he was next in line for a hug."

"Yeah he was pretty freaked out when he came to get Callen."

"I don't remember my mood swings being that bad." Said Kensi.

"They weren't till the last month when you couldn't see your feet anymore."

"Poor Callen has three more months to go."

They both shook their heads. Nothing was more scary then a red head with a mood swing.


Callen pulled out the chair for Mac and she slid in. The waiter brought over a bottle of sparkling cider for them instead of wine.

"So what are you hungry for?" asked Callen.

"Well fish is out. I'm thinking maybe steak."

"Steak sounds good. I think I'll get the New York strip and a baked potato."

"I'm sorry for being a pain lately." Said Mac after they ordered.

"Your pregnant you're aloud to be a pain."

Mac smiled at him. "I owe everyone at work for putting up with me."

"Bring in donuts and they will all love you again."

"I hope so."

Callen reached over and took her hand. "Just think three more months and we'll have our little girl."

"I can't wait."

"And to think you really didn't want kids did you?"

"I wanted them just not five minutes after we met."

"Ok I may have pushed a bit."

"You think."

"I promise I will not push for the next one. It will happen when it happens."

"Ok. Maybe when this one is a year old." Mac took a sip of her drink. "Callen I want you to know I will forever be grateful for what we have. You and this baby are the best things to ever happen to me."

"I feel the same way."

"I just hope my parents don't do something to destroy what we have." Mac sighed. "I would however like some answers."

"So would I."


After dinner Deeks led Kensi down to the beach for their walk. They left their shoes by the stairs and headed down to the water.

"Remember I brought you hear right after you told me we were pregnant." Said Deeks.

"I remember. You were so excited."

"Falling in love with you was the best thing I ever did."

Deeks pulled Kensi into his arms. "I love you Fern."

Kensi shook her head at him and smiled. "I love you too Marty."

"Ohhhh first name, guess I've been a very good boy today." Deeks said giving Kensi a look.

"Let's go home and I'll show you how good."


Hope you all enjoyed. More to come soon.