Chapter 7 - Shifting
The next morning had arrived sooner than Beth thought. She opened her eyes and stretched her hands up, getting used to her surroundings. She was currently lead out on the couch in the funeral home; her legs dangling off of the edge. Beth moved her arm out to the side of her, feeling around on the floor for her companion until she felt the familiar hardness of his back. Beth released a sigh that she didn't know she was holding and sat up slowly. She felt a pain in the back of her head and reached up to press against it, wincing as she did so. She felt strangely confused; like she was hungover.
Beth crouched down onto the floor in front of Daryl who was breathing softly. Beth felt a pang of relieve wash over her at the thought of him finally resting and having a decent night sleep after last night's events. She tentatively brushed the hair off of his forehead and dragged the palms of her hands over his cheek. Daryl stirred, mumbling something unintelligible before he opened his eyes slowly; the natural morning light hit them making the blue even more radiant than they already were.
"How're you feeling?" Beth asked, smiling down at him softly.
"Like I got hit by a truck." He stated simply, his voice gravelly with sleep. Beth smirked and continued to stroke her hands down to the column of his neck, then down to his arm.
"W-what happened to you?" She asked, her eyebrows knitted with concern.
Daryl sighed, "S'Jus' catchin' up t'me s'all..." He shrugged.
"Oh come on Daryl. It looked like you were having a seizure! You were in excruciating pain! M'not blind." She replied, rolling her eyes.
"S'what happens."
Beth shook her head. "Just because you don't turn enough?" She asked, dumbfounded. "Well I'm hungry. We got any squirrels left? I really feel like some. Ya want anything?" She asked, smiling brightly at him.
Daryl looked confused. Beth had always complained about the sauirrels and how they tasted 'disgusting.' "Nah" he muttered, almost looking looking like he was in deep thought. "S' like I said, It happens.." He shrugged, trying to make it less of a deal. "Ya hate damn squirrels. Wha's changed now?" He asked, with a slight smirk and a quizzical expression on his face.
"I don't know, I feel different today. It's weird." She shrugged. Beth passed Daryl the bottle of water from by the couch and watched him intently. Daryl couldn't quite put his finger on it but something had changed with Beth. He shook his head and carried on drinking as he watched her sort through her bag. He felt exhausted. Better than last night because that was just unbearable, but he was still completely worn out. Daryl felt kind of embarrassed to have Beth calm him down when he was crying like a bitch.
"So what's the plan for today?" Beth asked, tearing him from his thoughts.
"Need ta hunt an' make sure we got everythin' s'we can leave at first light." He explained. Beth nodded and placed her hand on her head once again.
Daryl immediately looked concerned. "Ya alrigh'?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired." She smiled sleepily, trying desperately to stifle a yawn. He chuckled.
"You n' me both. Ya can stay here an' sleep s'more 'fore we go again, I can go huntin'." Daryl suggested.
"That's not fair Daryl." Beth mock scolded. "You're tired too, I'm gonna come help you. Besides, you went through so much last night; It's the least I can do." She grinned at him. Daryl smirked. Pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, Beth got up and Daryl had to avert his eyes when he saw the sliver of creamy skin exposed from her sweater that she had lazily slept in and her long legs from sleeping in just her panties. He felt his neck heat up as he ran his hands over his face.
"I'll go get our things." She smiled before stalking off into the kitchen. That girl will be the death of him, he thought.
About twenty minutes had passed since Beth left the room and Daryl knew that it didn't take this long to pack up a few things. He stood up from the bed and strolled down into the kitchen of the house. When he got to the door frame, he saw Beth leaning over the sink looking downwards. He immediately felt a surge of concern and panic shoot through him.
"Beth?" He all but rushed over to her and tentatively touched her arm.
She turned around and gave him a sad smile. I just have a headache and feel a bit sick s'all. I'm just dehydrated." She tried to reassure him, but he could see through her fake smile; It was not genuine at all.
He just gave her a look and a grunt which Beth, knowing Daryl so well, was able to read as him effectively saying 'Don't lie to me.' She nodded her head as she spoke "Really, Daryl. I'm fine." She paused. "I just need some water." She said as she stepped around him and reached up into the cabinet, taking a mug and brushing some of the dust off before she filled it with some of the water they had collected. Beth turned to face Daryl, and gestured towards the door of the kitchen and she walked into the living room with Daryl following behind.
Beth sat down on the couch and rested her head on the arm of it and Daryl knew something was wrong with Beth. "You ain't goin' huntin' now." He said softly. Beth glanced over at him, a worried look on her face.
"Don't leave me Daryl, please." She replied, not having enough energy to argue with him that she was fine. Daryl only nodded.
There was a comfortable silence between them. Beth had been thinking about last night. She didn't want to push him but she wanted to know more about him and when he wasn't a human. Finding her voice, she spoke softly. "Daryl... Why did that happen to you last night?"
Daryl just looked at her sharply and shrugged. "I ain't been turnin' all tha time like I used ta.. When this shit first started.. started turnin' more now an' s'catchin' up ta me s'all." He said, scratching his head.
"Oh.." She paused, Daryl could see her thinking what he said over to herself. "Oh yeah, Why-why is your blood so dark? I mean... you're part human aren't you?" She asked, yawning. Daryl knew she wasn't well, she looked exhausted and it seemed to be getting worse each minute.
He shrugged again. "I'unno.." He replied, shrugging one shoulder again.
Beth smiled weakly and rolled her eyes. "You're doing it again." She said, beaming at him.
"What?" Daryl asked, his eyebrows knitting together.
"You know. The whole i'unno" she smiled; mimicking his previous words the best she could. Daryl's lips twitched up at the corners. Before Daryl could ask her what was wrong, Beth continued talking again.
"It sounds stupid, but you're blood tastes different to-" Daryl cut her off. He instantly tensed and his eyes narrowed in what Beth assumed was fear.
"Hold up. Beth..." He started, putting his hands to his face. "Tell me ya didn't...taste it." Daryl was pacing now as he ran his hands over his face. Everything started to click in now. Why she's getting dizzy, getting headaches. Last night was a full moon. He felt his stomach clench and he felt sick. She was going to turn into what he was and these symptoms were just the start of it. Daryl could feel his heart quickening in pace. The last thing he wanted was for her to be what he was. Beth is too good, too pure. She didn't deserve this. He whirled around to face her and Beth could see the panic bubbling up inside him, threatening to spill over like a pot that was about to boil over.
"Yeah.. It looked different that mine, or anyone's I've ever seen... I just wondered if it-"
"Shit!" He cursed, pacing more frantically now. "Beth! Why would you- I should've- fuck!" Daryl was frantically cursing. "I'm a fuckin' asshole!"
"Daryl, Daryl! Calm down! What's wrong?" Beth asked, slowly standing up to go over to him and calm him.
"Beth! Ya don' get it!" He said; voice raised and panting.
"Get what, Daryl?" Her eyes had become more wide if that was even possible. She also looked like she had paled.
"Ya drank ma blood... On a full moon." He said more harshly than he intended. Don't ya get it, girl?" There was a pause before he added more softly, "Beth, Yer turning Inta wha' I am!" He said, his voice rough and laced with concern.
"W-what?" Beth stuttered, her eyes wide. She felt like a ton of bricks had just fallen on her. Shocked, she raised her hands,"You coulda told me!" Beth hissed. "Oh god... I'm gonna be a w-wolf!?" She asked out loud. She couldn't seem to process what he had just told her. It was her own fault, she knew, but she didn't think anything like this was even possible. Her, a wolf? The idea seems ridiculous.
"Well I didn' know ya was gonna taste it! Why would ya do that?" Daryl sneered back.
"Okay, okay. W-we ain't gonna go nowhere if we k-keep arguing." Beth stuttered. She looked like she was going to have a silent break down. Sitting back down and resting her head in her knees; Beth started what looked like more crying but Daryl was unsure. He felt uncomfortable: crying women had never been his strong point. Hell, women in general had never been his strong point. It was until he heard the faint sniff come from her that he knew she was definitely crying.
Daryl walked over to the couch and plopped down next to Beth. He awkwardly put his hand on her back and pulled her to him. He could feel the sting of tears in his eyes and fought to hold them in. He didn't want this for her. He felt like he had let her down and that he really was just as much of an asshole as his brother was. He rubbed her back softly as she cried and just held her. "M'sorry Beth. M'so damn sorry.." He spoke softly into her hair as he rest his chin on her head, trying to stop the few tears threatening to fall from his anger at himself. He had failed her.
Beth sniffled and looked up at him. She looked broken, her eyes were distant and Daryl felt helpless. She reached out and cupped his jaw in her hand. "Daryl... This is just as much your fault as it is mine. Probably more my fault-"
Daryl Stopped her by placing a finger on her chin, tilting it up so that he could look at her. "Naw Beth. All this s'my damn fault. Ain't nothing-"
"Shh. Daryl you have to listen to me. This is not your fault. I only lashed out just now because I was scared. I'm sorry. Just please... Don't blame yourself." She said, stroking the few wispy strands of his dark hair away from his face. "So is this why I've been feeling bad today?"
He only nodded as another tear he didn't realise he was holding rolled down his cheek. Beth sighed and smiled as brightly as she could manage; wiping the tear away. "This is not your fault, okay? Promise me you'll stop blaming yourself." She choked out as her eyes welled up again.
Daryl just nodded. "M'gonna go get ya some water n' some pain meds." He paused before leaving the room, "Ya'll need it." He winced slightly and Beth could see a mixed emotion on his face; shame and was that pain? She wasn't entirely sure.
"No Daryl. Right now.. I just need you. Please j-just stay." She asked with a shy smile. Daryl nodded as he walked back over to the couch, cautiously sitting next to her as Beth buried her face in the crook of his neck and tried to think of the positive things that she could think of. Daryl absentmindedly traced patterns on the small of her back in a soothing motion.
After a while, Beth turned to face Daryl again. "Will it hurt.. You know, when I change?"
Daryl didn't want to lie to Beth, so he nodded but the pain was more evident in his eyes now. He cared about her too much to have to see her have to go through this torture, especially since he could do nothing to prevent it. She just nodded and squeezed her eyes shut briefly. Daryl pulled her tighter to him, and just held her while she fought back more tears.
Trying to lighten the mood, Beth spoke, effectively grabbing Daryl's attention. 'Hey, I'm glad I'll be like you, Daryl. I'll be strong, fast, hopefully a beautiful creature like you are." Daryl scoffed as she continued. "-and not just that. I'll be even closer to you, I can connect with you in more ways that just human ways. We can look out for each other you know?" She smiled, weakly.
Daryl felt his heart warm up. He did like the image of him and Beth running through the woods together, in their own little pack, like him and Merle used to. She would effectively be his mate which would be harder for him in terms of controlling his feelings for the young blonde, but good for them together; as a team.
Reading his mind, Beth spoke up. "Does that mean I'll be in your pack? Because it was your blood?" She batted her eyelashes at him.
"Yeah.. Yeah it does." He smirked at her.
"I'll be your mate, right?" Beth grinned at him.
Daryl chuckled. "Ya sure will, Greene." She responded by reaching up for him and planting a soft kiss on his lips. He reciprocated it, and he felt her sigh softly into his mouth. "We'll be okay, Daryl." She whispered so quietly that he thought he imagined it. He quirked his lips up and brushed a strand of her golden hair away from her face. He thought about what she would look like, running through the woods along side him with bright blue eyes and shining blonde fur. The image made him feel dizzy all over.
After a while, Daryl decided that he should go and get the antibiotics, before it was too late. He glanced down at Beth. Her head was tucked into the join where his neck meets his shoulder. He shifted and with the movement, she moved her head so that she was able to look at him. "Don't leave me yet, Daryl. I need you here."
"I gotta get you meds, Beth. You'll thank me later." He replied, trying his best to give her a small smile as he stroked her hair tentatively. Being torn from his thoughts, Daryl spoke. "Beth?"
"Mmm?" She hummed.
"M'sorry this happened t'ya..."
"Shhh." She said, placing her finger softly to his lips. "You can't help it, Daryl. It's not your fault." She traced her thumb along his jawline. "Besides... I'm not." She tried to shrug. "I can go running out there with you, and be just as special as you, Daryl." She assured him, running her hands through the hair at the back of his neck. He gave her a lopsided smile in return
Daryl was lost in his thoughts as Beth fell asleep. He thought about how Beth would essentially be another part of him. He was also worried. Worried that she wouldn't be able to cope with the pain. He didn't want to let her down, however many times she tried to reassure him that it wasn't his fault; he knew different. He felt a strong pang of guilt overwhelm him. Daryl wanted to make this as easy as possible for her; not like his first time turning, his Pa and Merle just left him lying on the ground to suffer, laughing at him and calling him 'pussy' and how 'Dixon's don't cry.'
He scoffed at the memory, as he gently shifted Beth so that she was lying comfortably on the couch. He got up and went to get some of their shared water and some antibiotics for later. He thought about Hershel and what he would say to him. He had also let him down, a man he respected. He thought about Maggie, how she would react when a redneck asshole who is also part wolf has turned her sister into what he was. Shaking his head, he walked back into the room to where Beth lay.
"Beth, Beth." Daryl whispered, gently shaking her shoulder to wake her. "Take these, yer gonna need 'em" he spoke softly. He placed the pills into her hand and gave her the bottle of water. She smiled gratefully and swallowed the pills with the water. "Go back to sleep, Beth." He whispered and Beth had never seen Daryl so affectionate, even to her. She shifted up against the back of the couch so that he could lay down next to her. When he did, he opened his arms for her and she gladly moved into his warm embrace, placing her head onto his chest as the two of them fell asleep.