Mystanthos' thoughts and mind speak are in italics. Sorry it took so long! :)

I've been on my own for too long. No one is here, my family gone, for good. Mysteria and Mars are both gone, never to return. I should correct myself, Mars is dead; far as I know, no one survived. The Dark Siders had tortured me for a long time after they destroyed Mysteria. I think about the equivalent to maybe 2 earth years. The Martians saved me and I lived with my aunt, Kirana, and my uncle, Kaldor; who was called "The Alchemist" by many. I had two cousins as well; Martius and Kimia. Kimia was the oldest of us three while Martius and I were the same age. We were almost twins, often called "The Twins" by the other Martians. Alas, my happy life would be taken away, for another invasion happened. The "Invaders" came and ravished everything. They enslaved the Martians, if they didn't just kill them. I fought besides them, but I was soon driven away. I managed to come back, but it was too late, everyone was dead. I was, once again, alone. Will I find another to be my pack? I think not, I have had too much ripped from me. It's time to stand on my own; I am the last of the Mysterians, of the Silvestrial Dragons. I am the one that flies over in the night, the one that trusts few, if any. I am Mystanthos, the Wanderer of the Shadows.

I was surprised when I felt J'onn when he called for help with his mind. I went and found him and the Flash shivering in the cold like hatchlings. I protected them until their friends came. It must be nice to have someone who cares. I have been alone for far too long if this small thing surprises me. My people were clan driven, we could be alone, but for long periods, it was torture. I have been alone for so long, I want to be with a clan again. Alas, this world has too many doing things for their own gain, there are no clans here I can try to join. I dare not intervene on families, they are already so tightknit.

The Justice League, ah, there is a sense of comradeship with them, a sense of openness. While they are wary, as they should be, they are very open to me joining them. Do they want me in their clan? It would seem so, but would my presence upset the natural balance they have? I sense, however, they are troubled, but by what? They are worried, caring for J'onn and the Flash. They call me Mystic, a name I chosen to make life easier for others, now fill me with a sense of belonging.

Mystanthos watched J'onn as he typed. She didn't want to admit it, but she wanted to stay with them.

Have I found my clan again at last? Will they get taken away? She growled to herself, she would make sure they don't even if it kills her, the bond the League had with each other would not be broken. This was her vow, written deep in her blood.

Anything I should add? Let me know through PM! Thank you for your patience. :)