J'onn J'onzz eyes the ice covered lake and shivered. He was trying to find a wanted criminal, but the cold was making it hard. He was from Mars, a hot planet, he was not built for the cold at all! With an annoyed growl, J'onn wrapped his coat around him further, trying to keep the warmth in him where it belonged.

"Are you ok?" Flash asked from behind him, making the Martian jump.

"C-C-C-Cold." Was all J'onn could say. Flash nodded.

"Almost done here, then we can go back to the lodge. I wonder, how you will warm up, fire is your weakness." He said the last part in a low voice. The Martian simply shook his head in answer. They heard a frightened bleat and turned to the ice. A female fawn was stuck on the ice. She tried to stand up, but kept falling down. Flash started to go out, but J'onn stopped him.

"Speed will break the i-i-ce. I will go." Flash's eyes widened as the Martin walked out onto the ice."

"Are you crazy?! You'll get sick! Let me go!" The martin shook his head.

"If I suffer for this, so be it, better me than her." He slowly edged to the fawn and wrapped his arms around the creature. "Easy, little one, your safe." He said to the fawn mentally. He then proceeded to push the fawn to it's mother on the opposite shore. The Doe stopped her frantic pacing and nudged her baby. With a snort, she encouraged her to stand up. The fawn then huddled close to her mother, against her flank. The Doe looked at the Martian with wide, black eyes before bounding off, her fawn following her like a shadow.

J'onn then edged back to the shore where Flash was waiting. Flash edged closer to the lake's surface, ready to help the Martian back up. The ice cracked and both of them froze. After a still minute, J'onn started again. Going slightly faster, but still careful. Suddenly, there was a loud crack and J'onn fell. He went through the ice with a cry. The numbing cold took him as he went underwater, he couldn't use his powers, think or even breathe! Her felt someone haul him up and down on a surface. His senses knew nothing, but the mind numbing cold. There was a voice, but J'onn was too far gone, he felt shock overcome him and everything went black.