Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler or any of its characters.
Happy Holidays everyone, wow I am horrible, I want to apologize for taking a very long time to write this chapter, I've been busy with so much crap and drama not to mention computer problems but I'm back. Anyways let's get to this story.
Chapter 17, Sebastian POV:
Never in my life have I ever been so angry; after the incident I wondered into an ally and have been here ever since. At the moment all I wanted to do was kill something; my anger rose again and I punched the wall. I smelled a disgustingly familiar scent and turned around to see Grell and William.
"You filthy demon, is destruction all your kind can do?" William asked as he looked down on me with those dirty puke green eyes.
"Shut up!" I yelled "I am not in the mood for your damn lectures"
"Oh, my poor Sebas-chan. What has happened that caused your aura to run out of control?" Grell asked sadly
"It's none of your business"
"When your demonic aura become so strong that it suffocates the life around it, it becomes our business" William said as he pushed up his glasses.
I took a deep breath and my aura went back to normal, "Better?"
"Just keep it that way, understand demon?"
I grinded my teeth, "Fine"
William jumped up to the roof of one of the buildings while Grell stared at me; William came back and used his tool to pick Grell up, "No let me stay with my Sebas-chan!" Grell yelled as he left.
I growled lowly, damn them all, the Shimigami, Undertaker, Hannah that witch, Claude, Alois and especially Ciel Phantomhive! I decided to walk as a way to try and soothe my anger. However at the thought of thinking of Ciel my heart ached but this time the pain was more than I ever felt before. I know that I don't love him but yet could that truly be it? I mean it's not hate even though I stupidly convinced myself that it was. But could it possibly be love?
Is it even possible for a demon like me to even be in love? We were created for the sole purpose of chaos and guiding God's creations to path of darkness so their soul can rot for all of eternity and now I'm falling in love with person I once had a contract with? It can't be possible but yet my heart ache at the sound of his voice, my body reacts in ways that it shouldn't. I can't believe it; I really am in love with Ciel Phantomhive. Damn it of all the people I could've fallen in love with it had to be him, stupid heart. I sighed, it could be worse I suppose, I could have fallen in love with Grell. A shiver ran through my spine as I thought of that; that would be a thousand times worse, I'd rather die than be in love with that man.
I sighed once more possibly accepting the fact that I am in love with my former Master but now what should I do? Go to him and confess? Although the thought kinda annoys me that I would do something so…..sappy, I don't think I can leave that man alone. Somehow I'm going to find my way back to him; I've been spending over 125 years trying to forget him and yet I couldn't. After years of adventures with him these past 125 have been the most boring years I have been ever spent.
I can't go back to him now, not after the stunt I just pulled. Plus he has that girl with him; if only I knew who she was I can get them to break up and then he would able to be with me. Wait a minute; does he even want to be with me? I mean he made me think that he was dead, he mislead me into thinking he was just a reincarnation of himself. Is it possible that he only did those things just so he can get away from me?
You didn't give him any good reason to stay. Of course I have I gave him everything he has ever asked and even things at were at times beyond my capabilities and yet still I accomplished them. I have never given him any reason to- oh wait. Damn how did I forgot about that moment? I literally called him a brat and the way I must have sounded made it sound like I hated him. You did hate him.
I didn't mean to. I got cheated because of them. Did you have to blame him? I sighed to myself, I shouldn't have been so horrible to him. I was just so angry and upset and and and I had absolutely no reason to blame him for the deeds of two selfish demons. There's only one thing left to do.
Jumping up onto the roof I quickly ran over to the gates of his home. I stood there for a little bit hesitantly on if this will actually go well. Of course not you literally went on rampage in his house a few hours ago. Wow I really hate my brain right now. I slowly walked over to the front door, then pressed the door bell. Maybe I should come back tomorrow it would be rude to bother him now. You are a friggin' demon, rudeness pours out of your blood. Is this how I am to everyone else because if so I'm surprised someone hasn't tried to kill me yet.
It was only moments later that Ciel opened the door and he did not look happy at all.
"Sebastian what the hell are you doing?" Ciel asked "If you here to-"
"No I came to apologize" I interrupted
His eyes widened as his mouth opened slightly, "Y-you came to apologize? You?"
Is that so unbelievable? A demon can apologize for his- oh I see why he's shocked. "Yes I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier today it was completely uncalled for and I have no reason to butt into your personally life."
Still he said nothing but that's kinda to be expected I mean how often does a demon apologize to you.
"I'm also sorry for the way I treated you 125 years ago, I shouldn't have been so cruel to you; after all it wasn't you fault it was Hannah and Claude. I shouldn't have turned my anger from them to you. It wasn't like you could do something about it."
Still he said nothing, he stood there looking at me with a shocked expression. I know this is shocking but it isn't that surprising, is it?
"What bought this is on?" He asked
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, why are you apologizing? Is someone making you apologize? Is this some trick or-or-"
"No one is making me apologize I'm doing it out of my own free will!" I yelled a bit annoyed that he would think that way about me. "I realize that I have been horrible to you and I'm taking responsibility for my actions."
"Why did you act that way? He asked
"Because I'm a demon and thats how I was trained to act and because I didn't realize the truth sooner" I replied. As soon as the words tumbled out my mouth I silently gasped. What did I mention that?
Ciel looked me confused and I honestly hoped he didn't ask what I meant because I can't tell him now since I discovered my feelings for him literally a few minutes ago. "What do you mean Sebastian?"
Damn I should've expected that. "Um what I mean was- um you see I-I um…I like you!" Wow super smooth.
AN: Sorry guys but I gotta stop here but don't worry we're catching up to the best part very quickly. Till next time ja ne