
About a year later …

"Why am I looking at this again?"

The bridal dress catalog landed on the table with a dull thud. Jinx was seated at the end of the rectangular table in the conference room. She let a tiny sigh escape her lips as she locked eyes with Cassie Sandsmark, the blond version of Wonder Girl. Cassie shrugged her shoulders without looking at Raven.

Bumblebee picked up the brochure from the baker and handed it the sorceress.

"How about you pick the cake?" The winged Titan asked.

Raven took the brochure and glanced at it before tossing it on the table.

"What is there to pick? Aren't all wedding cakes the same?"

Bumblebee picked up the cake pamphlet and handed it to Starfire, who took it. "I will be pleased to do the selecting of the cake."

"Thanks, Starfire. Now, we need to select a wedding processional."

"Gar said that you were going to take care of everything."

"We are!" Jinx snapped. "But would it kill you to give us some input as to what you like?"

Raven sighed softly. "I'm sorry … I just thought that we were going to keep it simple … a courthouse wedding with a simple reception at home. It's turned into some kind of … production … this isn't what I wanted."

"This is the biggest day of your life, girl!"

Raven gave BumbleBee one of her glares. "The biggest day in my life was when I learned that Gar and I were destined to be together."

"So you're saying that getting married is just a formality? Do you have any idea of how I would react if Wally proposed?" Jinx hissed.

"Jinx has a point." Argent interjected. "Guys don't want to get married anymore, but you're getting hitched at the tender age of 19. Do you have any idea of how bloody lucky you are?"

"I am perfectly aware of my good fortune."

"Then why are you being so difficult?" Karen interjected.

"Because … because I want this day to be about us. Just two people exchanging vows and promising to love each other forever. Why do I have to wear a ridiculous and uncomfortable dress to commemorate the occasion?"

Karen gathered all of the catalogs, brochures and pamphlets and tossed them into dustbin.

"Fine … have it your way. But don't forget that Sparky is organizing the reception, and he ain't gonna back down."

"I'm fine with a party after the ceremony, as long as Cyborg makes the choices."

"I hope you like pizza, burgers and bratwurst for the reception." Jinx snorted.

"Why not? It's what most of the guests actually like to eat."

"Fine, we'll let Sparky pick the menu. Maybe he'll surprise us. But there can't be a courthouse wedding."

"Why not?" Raven snapped. "You don't really expect me to get married in a church?"

"Relax, we're planning on doing it here at the Tower, right here in Seattle. And before you ask why, the judge said that none of the courtrooms were big enough for all the guests, so we're going to hold in the vestibule downstairs."

"All the guests? Just exactly who is invited?"

"Pretty much the entire superhero community. Even Batman and Wonder Woman are coming."

"I see … well, I guess I can't really object."

"You'd better believe you can't." Karen snapped at her.

"I'm OK with all this." Raven replied.

"It's your party, girl, you can cry if you want to. But there is one last thing … what are we gonna do with your hair?"

-( - )-

"So, we can have St. Louis style ribs, Kansas City style ribs, Texas style BBQ, North Carolina style, and burgers of course."

"Dude! That's all meat! What about for those of us who aren't carnivores?"

"Don't worry, grass stain, I got you covered: there'll be 4 cheese lasagna and eggplant parmesan. Is that OK with you?"

The changeling nodded. "Sure, that'll work."

"I'll also make Grandma Stone's secret recipe BBQ beans and potato salad. But there's something I've been wanting to ask you."

The changeling was taking notes and he stopped, and looked at his friend.

"Fire away."

Cyborg suddenly looked a bit uneasy. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but … aren't you guys kind of young to tie the knot?"

"We're both 19."

"That's pretty young if you ask me."

"Hey, if we're old enough to save the world, we're old enough to get married."

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

Cyborg nervously drummed his fingers on the table.

"B … how many girls have you slept with?"

The green Titan glared at his buddy. "You already know the answer to that. Just one: Raven! What are you trying to get at?"

"Aren't you afraid that you might regret … you know … not getting around a bit more before you get married?"

The changeling became livid. "Cy, are you saying that I should date other girls? Red Thread of Fate, dude! Or did you forget?"

"I know, I know … look …just forget that I asked. I was out of line … I'm sorry."

"I can't believe you even said that."

"I said I'm sorry … I mean it."


"Sure … how about I make one of my cakes for the reception … they're better than any bakery cake."

The changeling gave him an intrigued look. "Nine layers?"

"You bet! And five different frostings!"

The green Titan grinned. "Ok, you're forgiven."

-( - )-

Later that night …

Beast Boy was slumbering peacefully, lulled into a deep and peaceful sleep by the pitter patter of the raindrops on the window in the bedroom. His bedmate wasn't so peaceful and she tossed and turned, seeking in vain the solace that slumber would bring her. After tossing for almost an hour she rose from the bed. Beast Boy mumbled, half asleep "where ya goin'?"

"I'll be right back." She whispered as she pecked him on the cheek. He rolled over and to her relief he fell back asleep.

Raven, who was wearing a skimpy nightgown, grabbed her cape and slipped it on before heading out the door. She walked down the long hallway in her bare feet until she stopped in front of a door with "Guest Room #3" stenciled on it. She hesitated and began to walk back to her room before stopping and walking back to the guest room. She knocked on the door, more than once. After the third try it opened, revealing a sleepy looking Dick Grayson.


"I'm sorry I woke you up."

He shook his head in an attempt to dislodge the cobwebs.

"Something's wrong?"

"I need to talk to someone. Actually, I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, sure … uh, maybe I should get dressed." He replied as he was only wearing boxers and a tank top.

"It's OK, you're my surrogate brother … I asked you to give me away, right?"

"Yeah, you did." He replied as he pulled a chair for her and gestured her to sit, after which he sat on the edge of his bed. "What's going on, Raven? It's 2 AM."

"Am I making a mistake?"

"A mistake? I don't understand?"

"Should I be getting married?"

He jerked his head upon hearing the question.

"Whoa! That's a big question to ask a week before the wedding. Don't tell me you're getting cold feet?"

She looked him in the eyes.

"Do you think I'm right for him?"

Grayson smiled softly. "Of course I do … but you're having doubts … why?"

She dropped her head and stared at the floor.

"Because I'm me."

"There's nothing wrong with you. What about the Red Thread of Fate? I saw it myself."

She raised her head. "Do you really believe in fate, Dick? Do you think it was fate that caused your parents to die and it made you become Robin?"

He shook his head.

"No, Tony Zucco killed my parents, and he did it of his own free will. He can't blame what he did on fate."

Raven nodded. "So … do you see my problem?"

"OK, for argument's sake, let's assume that the whole red thread thing is baloney. Tell me … do you love him?"

She nodded. "I do."

"OK, that's a good start … next question … how would you feel if he called off the wedding and broke up with you?"

"I'd be devastated."

"Can you envision life without him?"

She bit her lower lip before answering. "No … I can't … but don't you see Dick, I am going to live without him. Once I turn 21 I'll stop aging. He won't and I'll have to watch him grow old and die. And then … I'll be alone without him."

"You don't know that. You might not age Raven, but you aren't immortal. For all you know you'll be the one to snuff it first."

"But what if I don't?"

"That's a risk you'll have to take."

"I will?"

"Yes, you will. Now go back to bed and stop worrying about it." He smiled.

Raven rose from her chair and headed to the door. Before leaving the room she turned to face him.

"Dick, I … I noticed that you and Starfire have been kind of aloof around each other. You're also sleeping in separate rooms."

Nightwing sighed. "We wanted to keep that under wraps until after the wedding."

"Keep what under wraps?"

He pursed his lips before replying.

"Star and I … we broke up last week, just before coming to Seattle."

Raven's mouth fell. "What!? Why? How?"

He dropped his head. "It was a long time in the making. Let's just say that I realized that I didn't really love her as much as I thought I did. She was so hurt when I finally had the courage to tell her the truth."

"But how? You and Star, you've always loved each other so much. You were the perfect couple."

He sat back down. "When you and Gar announced your engagement it really got me thinking. I wondered if I really wanted to be with Star forever. I do love her, Raven, I do; but …"

"but not that much." Raven completed the sentence for him.

"Yeah … not that much." He replied in a sad tone.

"Dick, are you sure about this? I … I can't think of a more perfect couple than you and Starfire."

"At first I fought it; I thought it couldn't be true, that I was just in an emotional slump. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was true."

"I think you're making a terrible mistake, one you're going to regret the rest of your life."

"Maybe I am." He replied breathlessly. "So don't make the same mistake."

Raven approached him and levitating up to his face she kissed him on the cheek.

"After we get back from our honeymoon we're gonna straighten this business out between the two of you. That's a promise."

"Thanks, Raven. Good night. Sleep well."

Raven quietly walked back to their room and as she slipped back into bed Garfield rolled over and looked at her.

"You OK?"

"I am now." She replied as she snuggled up to him. "Turn around."

He rolled over and she wrapped an arm around him as she spooned him.

"I love you." She whispered to him.

-( - )-

The next morning …

It was another stormy day as Raven entered the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. She found Starfire there.

"Go morning, you're up early."

"I am. I see that Beast Boy is still the morning sleepyhead."

"Some things never change, he's still in bed, sound asleep … Starfire … I heard the news."

The princess suddenly became crestfallen, but remained silent.

"He's confused." Raven whispered to her.

"No, I am the one who is confused. Our relationship was so perfect and then with no warning he broke up with me."

She fought back the tears.

"I do not understand, Raven. He said that he loves me, but not enough. How is that possible?"

"Like I said, he's confused … Starfire … why didn't you tell me?"

The Tamaranian sniffled. "I did not wish to burden you before your wedding."

"But we're friends, how could you not tell me?"

Starfire wrapped her arms around Raven and burying her face into Raven's shoulder she began to bawl. Raven wrapped her arms around her and held her tight. After a few minutes Starfire regained her composure.

"Forgive me, my dear friend, for not confiding in you."

"It's OK … I understand, there's no need to apologize."

Starfire continued sniffling. "There is other news."

"There is?"

Having regained her composure, Starfire pulled away from Raven.

"It will be of interest to you. Courtney, the Stargirl, she is engaged."

"She is? Who's the lucky guy?"

Starfire smiled. "She is engaged to the Atom Smasher."

Raven became wide eyed. "You're joking, right?"

"I am not doing the joking."

Raven shook her head. "Atom Smasher? Forgive me, but what does she see in him?"

Starfire shrugged. "He is very strong."

Raven burst out laughing. "I hope they're happy together."

Starfire grinned at her friend. "Not as happy as you and Beast Boy will be."

-( - )-

The big day arrives …

The sound of thunder echoed in the Tower's vestibule as the week long winter storm continued to rage outdoors, pounding the Tower with ice cold water and howling winds. The Tower's vestibule, transformed into an impromptu wedding chapel, was packed with superheroes of every persuasion. Nightwing, dressed in a tux, peered into the room. He immediately saw the Justice League top brass at the front. Beast Boy and Cyborg were standing next to the judge, who saw Nightwing at the far end of the room and subtly gestured at him. Grayson shrugged his shoulders as he had no idea why Raven was running ten minutes late.

Nightwing heaved an impatient sigh as he decided to take matters into his own hands and headed for the elevators. Before he could press the summoning button the doors opened. Bumblebee and Starfire emerged and Raven, who was dressed in her white winter costume followed them.

"Sorry, we're late, but Raven was getting cold feet." Karen grumbled.

"It's OK, ladies. I'll take it from here."

The women went and took their seats. Grayson approached his honorary sister.

"What's going on? You're late … really late. Cold feet? I thought we resolved this."

"I know … I'm scared."

"It's OK to be scared."

"Dick … it is OK for a half demon to marry a human?"

Grayson did his best to not groan in exasperation.

"What kind of question is that to ask? What's wrong now? Raven, there are hundreds of people waiting for you to walk down that aisle, including your groom."

"I know, and as for the question, it's a valid one … what if this is an abomination?"

"Raven, get a grip. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say."

"I'm serious … I'm confused again."

"Don't be. He's waiting for you. This isn't a mistake."

"I wish … I wish that there was a sign, something to tell me that this is OK, that it isn't an affront to God."

Suddenly the room brightened. It was lined with giant windows and it was then that Grayson and Raven noticed that the storm had stopped and the clouds parted allowing the sun's brightness to shine through. The change was so sudden that Raven lost her breath.

Grayson also looked out the windows and saw it first, the most intense rainbow he had ever seen. As they stared the wedding processional began to play.

"Is that good enough of a sign for you ?" He asked. "Or do you want God Himself to walk you down the aisle.

"Works for me. And I already have you delivering me, so no, He doesn't have to show up in person." She replied as he led her down the aisle. A smile appeared on her face. "Dick, you know this sign is for you too, right?"

He nodded as walked her down the aisle. "Yes, I do. I'll reconcile with Star, I promise."

"Good boy." She replied as he delivered her to her groom and took his seat. The judge cleared his throat.

"We are gathered here today …"