DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson and this chapter may not be very long.

Trivia answer: Kelli or Tammi!

Correct trivia people with actual reviews as well: Swimapercabeth, SevenPlaysSoftball, BalletBookworm, TwilightLover62000, Ina, Drakon2497, and MayanMoustache! Thanks for reviewing and please keep it up! Reviews make my day/week/life!


The gods were holding a meeting on Mount Olympus. They had to discuss everything that had happened.

"Quiet down!" Zeus bellowed. Luckily, all of the present gods were sitting on their thrones, or they would be knocked out of the sky because of Zeus's thunderous roar.

Athena led the meeting, as usual. "All right, everyone. We have some matters to explore. First, as you already know, we have taken the memories of our seven most precious demigods." A few gods, such as Poseidon, grumbled. Of course, Poseidon had reason to, because Percy was his only living demigod child, and he certainly wasn't nonessential. Athena continued, "We have positioned Nico di Angelo, Hades's son, to watch over them and make sure they don't get into too much trouble. I have to admit, Nico is failing quite miserably at this task, but he does blend in well with all of the teenagers. Nevertheless, our plan is working."

"Um, I missed the first meeting," Hermes interrupted. "What exactly is the plan?"

Athena rolled her eyes. She then glared at Poseidon, who was humming "Under the Sea." "The plan," stated Athena expressively, "is to allow our demigod children the high school experience, without having to endure the stress of being demigods. We have wiped their memories for this reason. We also have placed them in this scenario to relieve them of some of the pain and suffering that they have been through. We are hoping, that by wiping their memories, that their old memories will not linger with them so strongly."

Hermes nodded. "Okay, so what if their memories do linger strongly," he used air-quotes around 'linger strongly,' "after this experiment?"

"Then," Athena announced, "We will know for next time. Regardless, our children cannot be negatively affected by this."

"I object," said Poseidon. "My son had a hyperactive seizure and just about died!"

"Now, you wouldn't let him die, would you? And also, it's hypoglycemic induced, not hyperactive. Hypoglycemic is caused by low blood sugar, but a seizure caused by hyperactivity is usually only found in children with epilepsy.


"Remember, we did get each demigod's consent before taking their memories. They were all elated to attempt to forget the bad part of their past."

"I could've just written each of them a poem to forget," said Apollo. "Or maybe a song. And speaking of songs, Percy's a pretty good singer. Not as good as me, of course, but-"

"Apollo, SHUT UP!" said Artemis as she glared daggers at him.

"Please continue," Aphrodite said, who hadn't uttered a word since the meeting began. She was clearly exasperated at this point.

"So far, only Annabeth has learned who she really is. We have allowed her old memories to come back, but the ones that she chose not to keep are unclear to her. She is not allowed to tell the others anything about it."

"Why not?" Ares wondered.

Athena groaned. "There are too many questions, not enough time. I have places to be. Remember, the trial ends when everyone learns their true identity!" With those words, Athena vanished and the gods exploded into unintelligible questions being asked to no one in particular.

Ok! There it is! Told you it would be short... Anyway, a lot of you were wondering, so I decided to tell you! I don't really think there will be many, if any, more chapters with all of the gods in it, so enjoy!

Trivia: Who was Silena Beauregard's boyfriend?