A/N: When the characters peak in any other languages it will be in , Just because in K'un-Lun they more than likely don't speak English 24-7 because if you do your research correctly the inhabitants are mostly Chinese, even though a few names in the story are Japanese, just roll with it. Thanks!

I sit quietly on the plane next to my father. This was exciting, I was meeting my Dad's old team. Dad had his legs folded up underneath him and was meditating while my brother slept in the seat across for us, leaned up against mom, who was also asleep.

The plane was empty there was a young pilot about 5-6 years older than me flying in the front but she was busy. I looked over at my dad. His blond hair had been cut and was now shorter. His right arm, which was closest to me, was heavily bandaged. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and long matching pants, but I could still tell it was banged.

"Hey dad," I asked quietly careful not to wake my little brother and mom.

"Is everything ok Hope?" He asked unfolding his leg he relaxed his muscles and opened his eyes.

Those bright green eyes, you could melt under his gaze. They were so soft and loving and when he was being stern they changed into something else, like he could see right through you.

"Yah, I'm just nervous." I smile leaning into his chest.

He gently moved to put his arm around me but flinched in terrible pain.

"Do you want more medicine to but on your arm?" I ask as he grips his shoulder tightly.

He doesn't say anything but nods, gridding his lip in pain.

I shift my weight and sit on my legs I grab my back pack and pull out a small bottle of cream and bandages.

I gently unbutton my dad's shirt and help him slide it off his shoulder. Then I gently remove the old bandages to reveal his injured shoulder.

The skin was burned, well the skin that was left. And the sight was sickening. I rotated his should around in its socked until I hear a solid pop! And then I watch my dad flinch again.

"Here, hold your arm so I can wrap it." I say quietly, it hurts me to watch him in such pain.

My dad holds his arms as I rub a green creamy paste over the injury gently. Then I slowly wrapped the shoulder.

"You've always been quiet talented in caring for others," dad says quietly as I search through the bag once again, this time looking for pain killers. Once I found it I mixed the drink for my dad and held it up so he could take it.

He smiled and took the glass downing it quickly as he massaged his shoulder. "You took very good care of your mother after Kaito was born." He smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You did everything Yu-Ti told you to and you always wanted to know more. You were his little helper, Hope." Dad smiled at me warmly and wrapped his arm around me. My dad started telling me the story but I dozed off quickly leaning up against him.

"Hope, honey, wake up." A soft voice said. I opened my eyes and saw my mom was standing over me. Kaito and Dad had disappeared and she was shaking me gently. "We're here."

I sit up and look out the window to see we are in a busy city completely different form K'un-Lun, there were buildings standing taller than the pillars that sounded the arena. And they were all jammed together as if in fear that they were going to run out of room. My stomach suddenly did a backflip.

"Come on Hope, your father and brother are waiting on us." Mom says handing me my bag. I nod and follow her quietly.

Once we're off the plane I feel instantly trapped and sickened, it's difficult to tell which is worse as Dad leads us around. The large hallways are completely empty, and very large. Mom slips her hand into his and he squeezes it tightly as I walk behind my brother who nearly stumbles with every step maneuvering his crutches. Shifting his weight clumsily form his right leg to the crutches.

Watching him struggle a little bit makes me feel terrible. His left leg had to be amputated due to a fight he was in with the super villain known as The Goblin. Somehow Goblin got into the city and was after my father. But, dad played his cards smart and was able to escape being captured and drained of his powers to feed Goblin's plan. But instead he found me and Kaito. And we got in harm's way. I blacked out almost as soon as he found us, I still can't remember what happened.

I was lucky, only unresponsive for a few hours. And was confined to bed rest for a few hours afterward.

Kaito was unconscious for almost three days and then when he woke up he was in a daze. It took a while but his telepathy powers worked out all the memory problems almost instantly. Allowing him to remember all the pain he was in before John Aman found him. But by the time he was in the infirmary, his leg was destroyed and infected.

He had locked himself up for weeks afterwards, only leaving the infirmary during meal times when the hallways would be empty.

I was so lost in thought I forget where I was for a moment.

"Hey, Hope? You ok? You were spacing out there for a moment." Kaito's voice snapped me back to reality.

"What? Yah, I'm fine." I reply quietly.

I look around to see dad talking to someone, he is a little taller than dad and had short brown hair and was wearing a suit witch compared to dad's normal K'un-Lunan attire looks really odd.

Mom was standing right next to dad quietly here dress also looked off in this place where everyone wore uniforms.

"Hope, Kaito?" Dad say and we bother walk over a little closer.

"This is Agent Coulson." Dad says motioning to the man.

"It's nice to meet you both." Coulson says looking us over. I watch as his gaze locks on my brother's stub of a leg. Kaito also looks down rather ashamed.

I watch as mom hugs dad's arm a little tighter.

"Your teammates all already arrived this morning, there waiting in the team living area." Coulson said snapping out of his trance. "I believe you remember how to get there?" He asked looking at my dad.

My dad nods and leads us down another of the many corridors.

"Are you excited?" My mom asked looking at my dad.

"Yes," my dad breaths quietly. "I am excited. It's been over 20 years."

We walk a little longer until we reach an open room that had about 10 people. There was food and everyone was relaxed. Before we stepped out into the room dad held his hands over his head and snapped his fingers as he focused his powers.

His clothing changed to a t-shirt and jeans. He looked over at mom who shook her head no as I held my hands up and I transformed my own clothing to a green and yellow sweatshirt when jeans, and Kiato's clothing changed to a nice lose shirt that was white and had a pale blue shirt over the other one and shorts that when slightly pasted his cut off leg.

We walked in and at first no one seemed to notice us. But then one girl watched me carefully and I felt odd, it wasn't like I wasn't used to being stared at, my red hair does standout.

Then a man noticed us and smile. "Hey Danny!" he called, he was obviously Hispanic. His skin was tanned and he had short black hair.

"Hey, Sam." Dad replied smiling softly. The man put his arm around dad's neck.

Sam looked form dad, to mom, and then to me and my brother.

"Wow." He smiled looking at me. "Aren't you pretty."

I can feel my face getting hot. "Thank you Mr. Alexander." I say politely.

"Aw, and your manners. Look how cute." He hand came out to ruffle my hair but my hand shot up and grabbed it.

"Look, man, don't start with me. I am 16 years-old. Not 5. And just be happy I am not going to use my powers on you." I snarl between my teeth. My eyes narrow.

"What powers? Danny's powers aren't genetic." He says puzzled.

"Actually there from my mom." I smile. "I'm what you call a Half-Blood. Half immortal and half mortal."

I let go and he stumbled to stand up straight because I had pulled his arm downward so we were at eye level.

Dad shoot me a look of disapproval and mom also didn't look all too happy, but Kaito was watching me with more concern.

"So," a pale brown haired man said. "Who is the strongest now?"

"Come one Peter!" Ava, as I learned her name, yelled at her husband as he dodged another kick from my dad. Everyone was watching in anticipation. This was the final of the competition to see who the best fighter was. And dad wasn't playing his normal cards. He was fighting like his student Jun, who has really become part of the family. Anyway Jun is reckless, and unpredictable. So against Peter, someone who knows to core of his style, it is actually is a smart move.

Suddenly I felt lightheaded and Peter flew right at me. I gripped my necklace piece and heard Kiato shout my name as I waited for impact.

When I heard Peter slam into the wall behind me. I open my eyes and look behind me to see Peter on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Density control. You made yourself transparent." Dad explained watching me with sad eyes.

"That explains while I couldn't lift you with Telekinesis." Kaito mutter.

"Doctor Strange was right." Mom mutters to my dad.

Later that night after dinner Kaito and I chatted with the other kids and then dad sent us to his old room for us to go to sleep because of the time change.

I lay awake for about an hour listening to the sounds outside. And after everyone else went to bed I could hear mom and dad talking outside the door.

"Danny, Hope's powers are getting out of control." Mom whispered in Chinese.

"I know." Dad whispered back. "Doctor Strange warned us, her powers are truly strong."

"What now? Do we wait for something to happen or?€" Mom's voice was worried.

"Her necklace she always wears," Dad said he let out a deep breath. "It's like mine. It will protect her like it did when she became transparent."

I could mom crying. "What's going to happen to our baby girl?" She cried.

"Hope is 16 years old now, it's her future to decide. It's her life, and she is destined for greatness." Dad is reassuring and it doesn't hurt that I can hear the smile in his weak and tired voice. I yawn forcing myself to stay awake.

"How do you know?" Mom asks.

"The Dragon Stone, it's in her necklace. She can touch it without it burning a hole thought her skin. Like my necklace, it will protect her. The dragon inside will guide her."

I dozed off after dad's last comment, the sleep had caught up with me.

I open my eyes slowly. Something was off. I blinked a few times. I was laying in the infirmary. Dad was sitting in a chair next to my bed reading. I coughed weakly and sat up, everything ached.

"Dad, what happened? Where's mom and Kaito?" I asked sitting up and finding my body aching.

"It's ok Hope." Dad replies quietly. He places the book down and moves so he is sitting on the foot of my bed. "Everyone is alright." He pauses allowing me to catch my breath. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I, I don't know…" I stutter. "First there was this monster and he found me and Kaito. And he attacked us, then the world just went black." I look up at him to see his face is taking in what I am saying.

"You honestly don't remember anything?" He questions me again.

"Nothing else." I agree nodding my head.

Dad lets out a breath. "Hopefully Kaito will remember more when he wakes up."

"When he wakes up?" I question startled. "What happened to him?" I demand bitterly, my brother was my responsibility to keep an eye on when The Goblin first showed up.

Dad looks at me and sighs hanging his head. "Kaito was injured rather, severely. I haven't heard anything in a while, his left leg was extremely damaged and infected. That is all I know. Your mother is in there now with him." I watch dad closely.

"Can I see him?" I ask slowly.

"If you can stand without help." Is his simple reply.

A moment later I am standing with my dad a few doors down from the room where I was. Dad knocked and mom answered it after a moment. She looked surprised to see me but let us bother in.

It took me a second to processes, I looked at the thin sheets and saw his leg missing. It wasn't there at all. Only a stub form right above the knee.