I got the idea for this fanfiction from tumblr (fanfic user Yaushibee). So all credit to this story/AU idea goes to Yaushie. I hope you guys enjoy it! Don't forget to review to let me know what you think!

Chapter 1

It all started with a baby abandoned in the dense forest, and the dragon that stumbled upon him. Normally dragons had nothing to do with humans. They deemed them horrid creatures that had no respect for other animals. They destroyed things, encroached on dragon territory, and killed animals without regard. But Igneel had never seen a hatchling before. He had only encountered the grown ones a few times. And for some reason the child intrigued him. He lay bundled in the hollow trunk of a tree, as if it had been stowed away to be retrieved later. Had its parents met an unfortunate accident or had they abandoned it? Sniffing the air, he couldn't catch any other human scents.

The ancient forest was far from any human settlements, nestled deep in the heart of uncharted territory. The only way to reach this place was by a dangerous trek over land or by boat to the coastal edge of the forest. Either way, it was a dangerous journey for humans. Even more so to land an infant on his doorstep. How did it get here?

His great scaly head snaked down toward the infant bundled up in a thin blanket. The baby watched him carefully, eyes wide with wonder. Igneel pulled the blanket away with a thick claw to get a better look at it. Underneath, all the child wore was an old diaper which smelled rancid. The child had dark eyes and a small tuft of pink hair. All at once a big grin spread across he baby's face. He cooed and laughed, reaching up for the mighty dragon.

Igneel sneered. "You wouldn't be so eager if you knew who I was, brat. I ought to eat you right now, before you become a destructive monster like the rest of your kind." The child didn't seem afraid of him. Despite his fearsome appearance and deep rumbling voice, the boy still laughed. "Still…you are quite interesting."

Snagging his claw on the old diaper, the red dragon lifted the baby up. He held him high, only inches from his own nose. The boy's arms rested on his scaly muzzle. He made a soft cooing sound. Igneel couldn't help but smile, even just a little.

"You interest me, child. Perhaps there is some redeeming quality to you creatures after all."

He cradled the child in his might claws. Perhaps if a human child was raised differently, they would not be so terrible. Besides, there were no signs of the boy's parents anywhere. Most likely they had been killed somehow—by some other creature more fearsome and unforgiving. The child would die if left alone. And Igneel had been lonely as of late. He had never quite found the right mate and therefore never had a hatchling of his own. Perhaps it was time to adopt. Who else would be crazy enough to take in a human as their own?

"I shall call you Natsu. You seem to have a fiery attitude just as summer itself." Igneel held the boy close. "Let us see if you have what it takes to survive as a dragon. You shall prove interesting indeed."

Chapter 2 coming soon!