Hello everyone! So Happy Early Halloween! This is another story I'm going to be working on although it's going to be short! I hope you guys like it! Please review! Constructive criticism is much appreciated!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and The Olympians nor Corpse Bride

Nico as Emily

Percy as Victor Van Dort

Annabeth as Victoria Everglot

Jason as Bonejangles

Kronos as Lord Barkis Bitter

Frank as the Town Crier

Sally and Poseidon Jackson as Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort

Athena and Frederick Chase as Mr. and Mrs. Everglot

Gaea as Elder Gutknecht

Leo as Maggot

Hazel as Black Widow

Reyna as General Bonesapart

Zeus as Pastor Gallswells

A sea green eyed young man by the name of Perseus Jackson, or rather Percy Jackson stood by his windowsill and looked out at the graying sky. It was the beginning of fall and the weather was slowly starting to turn cold and bitter. Leaves changing color and falling to the ground, dying one by one. Percy Jackson let out a shaky breath, and heard his parents getting ready for them to leave.

He looked down at his black suit and fixed his tie, which was slanted and patted himself down, making sure everything was perfect. Percy couldn't sit still at the moment, his whole body itched to do something. He saw a blue butterfly fly across his window and that caught his attention, he moved closer to the window and followed the butterfly as it continued on its way.

The town clock ticked as a new hour chimed, being heard throughout the town. A middle aged man was standing outside his shop, sweeping the front steps before he opened up. A sickly man coughed to the side before grabbing a fish from the big fish barrel near him and putting it on the chopping board where another man chopped the fish's head off. The head and body going two different ways, the body landing on a pile of other fish bodies near the table and a cat's meow was heard.

The town was just waking up, slowly coming a bit more alive. Two gentlemen passed each other, going different directions, muttering "good mornings" before going off. A man with cold light brown eyes that looked almost golden and wore a proud expression walked past the fish market and looked around.

The town crier rang his bell all throughout town shouting at the top of his lungs, "Ten minutes to go till the Jackson's wedding rehearsal!"

The same man with the cold eyes stopped walking, his interest piqued for the moment before being annoyed by the same butterfly Percy had been watching earlier.

Not a moment too soon, the sickly man at the fish market which belonged to the Jackson's got up on a carriage belonging to the family and made his way to the household. On the way, almost running over a poor old women. He stopped right out front and Percy looked down from his window, feeling a bit of anxiety crawling up his throat as his parents came out of the house.

Mrs. Jackson

It's a beautiful day

Mr. Jackson

It's a rather nice day

Mrs. Jackson

A day for a glorious wedding

Mr. Jackson

A rehearsal, my dear, to be perfectly clear

Mrs. Jackson

A rehearsal for a glorious wedding

They made their way down the steps and around the carriage, pulling up their posters advertising their fish market. All the while announcing their new status loudly and proudly.

Mr. Jackson

Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know

Mrs. Jackson

That nothing unexpected interferes with the show

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson

And that's why everything, every last little thing, every single tiny microscopic little thing must go...

Mrs. Jackson

According to plan

Mr. Jackson

Our son will be married

Mrs. Jackson

According to plan

Mr. Jackson

Our family carried

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson

We'll go into the heights of society

Mrs. Jackson

To the costume balls,

Mr. Jackson

In the hallowed halls

Mrs. Jackson

Rubbing elbows with the finest

Mr. Jackson

Having crumpets with her highness

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson

We'll be there, we'll be seen, having tea with the queen. We'll forget everything... that we've ever ever been.

As Mrs. Jackson made her way onto the carriage the bottom of her dress got caught, making her stuck between the inside and outside of the carriage.

"Oh no, it's my dress," Sally said, "it got caught!"

"Here, let me help you my dear," Poseidon offered his wife a hand, as he tried to untangle her dress.

"Oh dear, where is Percy? We're going to be late if he doesn't come down soon," Sally worried herself as her husband worked on freeing her.

They struggled a bit more, trying to make it to the rehearsal on time. All the while from a few houses over, a couple looked through their binoculars at the struggling Jackson's from their window.

"Fish merchants," a woman with electrifying gray eyes muttered to her husband, who hummed in agreement.

Mrs. Chase

It's a terrible day

Mr. Chase

Now don't be that way

Mrs. Chase

It's a terrible day for a wedding

Mr. Chase

It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in

They moved away from the window, disgust evident on their faces.

Mrs. Chase

That has led to this ominous wedding

Mr. Chase

How could our family have come to this?

Mr. and Mrs. Chase

To marry off our daughter to the nouveaux-rich

Mrs. Chase

They're so common

Mr. Chase

So coarse

Mrs. Chase

Oh, it couldn't be worse!

Mr. Chase

It couldn't be worse? I'm afraid I disagree. It could be land-rich bankrupt aristocracy, without a penny to their name... just like you... and me.

Mr. Chase opened up their empty vault filled with cobwebs, disdain on both of their faces before their maid came and cleaned up the vault, which was soon promptly shut. They made their way through their gray, somewhat dull house, passing by a picture of a baby girl with light gray eyes, and other paintings of deceased family members.

Mrs. Chase

Oh, dear

Mr. and Mrs. Chase

And that's why everything, every last little thing, every single tiny microscopic little thing must go...

Mrs. Chase

According to plan

Mr. Chase

Our daughter will wed

Mrs. Chase

According to plan

Mr. Chase

Our family lead

Mr. and Mrs. Chase

From the depths of the deepest poverty

Mrs. Chase

To the noble realm

Mr. Chase

Of our ancestors

Mr. and Mrs. Chase

And who'd have guessed in a million years that our daughter, with the face

Mr. Chase

Of an otter in disgrace

Mr. and Mrs. Chase

Would provide our ticket to our rightful place?

The maid was in their daughter's, Annabeth Chase, room helping her in her bodice, tightening the strings from the back so tight, she let out a little gasp. Her beautiful blonde hair was done up in a high bun and those intelligent gray eyes of hers looked a bit sad. Worry gnawed at her as the maid, Hildegarde tightened the bodice again.

"Oh Hildegarde," Annabeth began, letting her worries come out, "what if Percy and I don't..." she gasped again, as Hildegarde tightened it once more before beginning to tie it up, "like each other?" Annabeth finished, looking at herself in the mirror.

Her mother Athena, who was standing near the entrance of her door with her father, scoffed at her daughter, "as if that has anything to do with marriage. Do you suppose your father and I like each other?" She asked pointing to herself and Frederick.

Annabeth looked over at her parents, a little shocked before asking, "surely you must...a little?"

Frederick and Athena looked at each other before both saying, "of course not!"

Athena looked at Hildegarde, "get those corsets laced properly. I can hear you speak without gasping," she said before walking away.

Soon enough, back at the Jackson's, Poseidon was able to untangle his wife's dress and they called down to Percy who came running out of the door as quickly as he could and entered the carriage before it took off. The horses whinnied and moved along as Percy looked out the window, his body itching to move once again, he felt restless.

"You've certainly hooked a winner this time Percy," his father tried for small talk, he could see his son getting nervous.

"All you have to do is reel her in dear," his mother spoke, " which shouldn't be hard, honey you've got a great personality."

"I'm already reeling mother..." Percy blew out a breath, "shouldn't Annabeth Chase be marrying a lord or something...or Luke Castellan?"

"Oh nonsense Percy," his mother began, "you're going to make a great husband! And we are every bit as good as the Chase. Never sell yourself short."

"But...I've never even spoken to her..." Percy shook his head.

Just then, they're coachman, Mayhew coughed loud enough to be heard inside the carriage, it was a nasty cough which sounded like it was filled with phlegm.

"Mayhew!" Poseidon shouted, "silence that blasted coughing!"

Back at the Chase's household, the staff got the place ready for their guests, dusting off the rails of the stairs and shining the paintings on the walls. At the top of the stairs, Athena and Frederick got themselves ready to welcome their guests. Athena was still thinking about what her daughter had said to them.

"Marriage is a partnership. A little tit for tat you'd think a lifetime watching us," she said to her husband.

Might've taught her that

Might've taught her that.

Mr. Chase

Everything must be perfect

Mrs. Chase

Everything must be perfect

They walked down the stairs, somewhat dreading the company they were to have but it was their only choice.

Mr. Chase

Everything must be perfect

Mr. and Mrs. Chase

Everything must be perfect

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson & Mr. and Mrs. Chase

That's why everything, every last little thing, every single tiny microscopic little thing must go...

The Jackson's made their way to the front door, excited about their son marrying into the Chase's. At the last minute before the door opened, Poseidon fixed his son's hair quickly before turning to the front door. They rang the doorbell and the door opened up in front of them.

According to plan!

"Oh, honey," Sally looked at her son, her back somewhat turned from the front door, "please stand straight."

Poseidon cleared his throat and his wife turned around to see Athena and Frederick looking at them. She let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh goodness! You have such a lovely and grand home," Sally complimented their house and she made her way to the center of the Chase's household.

Emil, the Chase's butler stood in between the two of them, turning his nose up at them a bit "Lord and Lady Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson," Emil presented them.

"Well, you must be Annabeth, I must say you don't look a day over 20," Poseidon joked, trying to break the ice and Sally smiled gratefully at him.

"Smile darling, smile," Athena whispered to her husband.

Frederick pulled a smile with difficulty, "well hello! What a pleasure, welcome to our home."

"Oh, no the pleasure is all ours," Sally smiled at them.

"Right," Athena began, "we'll be taking tea in the west drawing room," she pointed with her hand before walking off with her husband, "oh do come this way," she said as she led them through the house, "it's just this way."

"I love what you've done with the place," Sally tried for another compliment as they were led through.

Percy looked on at his parents and his soon to be in-laws. He walked forward slowly coming to rest his hand near the piano that was in the central room.

Percy Jackson was a young man with black, windswept hair, sun-kissed skin, and piercing sea-green eyes, like his father Poseidon. He was tall, reaching up to six feet one, and he was lean yet toned. Many girls had wanted to be married off to Percy Jackson because of his looks, but only one girl had been lucky enough to snatch him, and that was Annabeth Chase.

Not that Annabeth Chase had asked her parents to marry her off. She had in fact wanted to marry Luke Castellan; a young man with blonde hair, blue eyes like the sky, fair skin and even though he had a scar marring his features that ran from below his left eye to his chin, he was still handsome. And he was sweet, gentle, kind, and completely made Annabeth's knees weak.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase had only met in passing, whether it was by name or by the streets but they never once dreamed that they would have to marry. Percy had wanted to fall in love, he believed that marriage was supposed to be based on love and not be forced. But alas, Annabeth's parents went bankrupt and so called in a favor to the Jackson's. Now here they were, rehearsing to get married the next day. It was all so sudden and scary, Percy had to steady his breathing as he sat down on the piano's bench, he was nervous and a bit sad at the thought of maybe never knowing love.

His hand wandered off and touched the piano keys softly before he played a note. The hinges of the door where his parents had gone through creaked and then the door fully closed. He went back to the piano and started to play a few notes, seemingly calming down. He stopped and heard a small clatter somewhere near. Percy looked around but didn't see anything and went back to playing a more somber tune.

The sad sounding melody floated through the house and was heard by Annabeth who was still in her room, having finished putting on her dress and was now fixing her hair a bit. She had just finished when she started to hear the melody and curiosity got the best of her. She walked out of her room and onto the edge of the top of the staircase. She looked at Percy playing the piano briefly and smiled to herself before making her way down the stairs.

Annabeth sneaked up on Percy and listened to him play before he finally looked to his right and noticed her standing behind him.

"Oh!" Percy said, startled, he got up in a rush and knocked over the small bench to the ground. He was also about to knock the small vase with a flower that sat atop the piano as well but caught it in the nick of time, he looked over at Annabeth, embarrassed, "do forgive me."

Percy would not deny that Annabeth was beautiful, she was not someone he loved but still, she was at least better than most girls who his parents tried to set him up with, at least he knew Annabeth would never chase after a guy like him. No matter who it was, Percy never really ended up liking or connecting with the girls his parents would try to set him up with.

Annabeth was a rather tall girl, reaching up to five feet ten and she was slim, with a small waist. She was fair-skinned, with beautiful storm gray eyes, a small pink mouth and plump cheeks, she had blonde curly hair that was tied up into a bun. Some strands fell out though, and framed her face nicely. She was wearing a simple black, long-sleeved dress and she smiled at Percy warmly.

"You play beautifully," she complimented him.

"I-I do apologize Ms. Chase," Percy stumbled, "how rude of me to- well..." he looked down at the fallen bench and bent over to pick it up, "excuse me."

"My mother won't let me near the piano, she says music is improper for a young lady. Too passionate she says."

"If I may ask, Ms. Chase," Percy began, patting himself in the chest to make sure his suit wasn't crooked, "where is your chaperon?"

"Perhaps in-in view of the circumstances," Annabeth began, moving a bit closer to Percy, "you could call me Annabeth."

"Oh! Y-yes of course," Percy said, nervously. "Well A-Annabeth..."


"T-tomorrow we are to be m-m-mmm..."

"Married," Annabeth finished for him.

"Yes, m-married."

"Since I was a child," Annabeth began, sitting down on the bench, facing the piano, "I've always dreamt of my wedding day. And what kind of man I'd be marrying. I had always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. Silly isn't it?" She looked over at Percy, sadness clear in her eyes.

"No...not at all," Percy said, he knew why she was sad, it was a small town after all and everyone knew of Annabeth and Luke's relationship. Annabeth looked down, a frown making itself prominent on her face as she thought of how Luke took the news. They were both left heart broken and in despair.

"I am so sorry Annabeth, I knew how smitten you were with Luke..." Percy apologized.

"No don't be sorry, it's not your fault Percy. And besides, I'm rather glad it's you I'm marrying and not someone else. You are a very kind man Perseus," Annabeth smiled at Percy as she told him that.

Perhaps with time, they could both learn to love each other, although to Annabeth, it would never be the same love she felt for Luke. She was thankful for the fact that Percy was very easy to get along with.

Athena walked out of the room to find Annabeth alone with Percy, "what impropriety is this?! You shouldn't be alone together!" She lectured them, "here it is one minute before five and you're not at the rehearsal. Pastor Zeus is waiting," she turned around and walked back into the room, "come at once."

Percy and Annabeth follow Athena into the room where the pastor and his parents are waiting.

Unbeknownst to either family, the stranger from earlier appeared once more, having traveled a long way to get here. His name was Lord Kronos Bitter, he had black hair like a raven's feather, unnaturally pale skin, and cold light brown eyes that almost looked golden. He was handsome in a way that was scary. He knew what he wanted and knew he would get it. He had his eyes set on a single person in this pathetic excuse of a town. A person of whom was wealthy and had value to their name, and he intended to get his hands on that fortune.

"Hear ye, hear ye, wedding rehearsal today! The Jackson's and Chase's soon to be united!" Frank Zhang called out throughout the town, announcing the news and ringing his bell as he repeated the news again.


"Master Jackson, from the beginning. Again." Pastor Zeus looked pointedly at Percy. "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine," Pastor Zeus said lines of the vows once more. "Let's try it again."

"Yes!" Percy said nervously, "yes sir." He cleared his throat and held up the candle in his right hand, "with this candle," he moved to light the candle with another but it wouldn't catch on fire, "this candle..." he tried once more to light it. He looked at the candle before trying once more, "this candle."

Sally fanned herself, "Poseidon," she whispered to her husband, "help him," but it wasn't low enough because Percy heard and looked back at his parents, knowing he was embarrassing them and the Chase's, who were not looking too impressed.

Pastor Zeus cleared his throat, clearly irritated by Percy's incompetence before finally, the candle catches on fire. Percy looked at the candle mercifully and let out a nervous chuckle.

"With this candle," Percy began with the newly lit candle, and let out a breathy laugh which accidentally blew out the candle. Percy grimaced as if in pain, knowing he had messed up again.

Pastor Zeus let out an audible groan, "continue!"

Soon enough a doorbell rang throughout the house and the pastor threw a glare at the interruption.

"Emil, get the door please, do hurry," Frederick told his butler.

"Let's just pick it up at the candle bit," Pastor Zeus says, exasperated.

Emil came back with a card in his hand, "a Lord Kronos, sir," he says before leaving Frederick grumbling with the card reading Lord Kronos Bitter in his hand. Lord Kronos is lead into the room of the rehearsal by Emil and looks at everyone there.

"I haven't a head for dates," he begins, "apparently I'm a day early for the ceremony."

Frederick leaned in to whisper to his wife, "is he from your side of the family?"

Athena takes the card into her own hands and looks at the name, "I can't recall. Emil, a seat for Lord Kronos."

Lord Kronos sat on the newly brought seat for him and looks at the couple rehearsing their vows, "do carry on," he waves his hand at them.

"Let's try it again," Pastor Zeus says once more, "shall we Master Jackson?"

"Yes, yes sir," Percy says as Annabeth lights his candle with hers, trying to help him out, "certainly."

"Right," Zeus says sharply.

"Right," Percy agrees, before realizing, "oh! Right!" And switches the candle from his right hand to his left hand.

"With this...this-" Percy started before trailing off.

"Hand!" Zeus exclaimed.

"With this hand," Percy lifted his right hand, taking Annabeth's left in his as they walked forward to the table in front of them, "I-with-oof!" Percy felt his knee hit the table, where it rattled the candle that was lit on it and the glass with wine, spilling some on the table cloth.

"Three steps! Three!" Zeus yelled, "can you not count?"

Annabeth gasped in shock, feeling terrible for Percy, knowing he was nervous and looked from the pastor to him wondering if Percy would be okay.

"Do you not wish to be married, Master Jackson?!" Zeus questioned Percy.

"No! No," Percy exclaimed.

"You do not?" Annabeth asked him.

"No! I meant I do not not wish to be married," Percy tried desperately to clear the confusion, "that is I want very much to- ow!" Percy felt a sharp pain at the top of his head where Zeus had struck him with his staff.

"Pay attention!" Zeus exclaimed, "have you even remembered to bring the ring?"

"Oh, the ring! Right! Yes of course," Percy assured him, going into his inside suit pocket to look for the ring. He held the ring in between his thumb and index finger, holding it a bit too tightly until it slipped out of his fingers and bounced to the ground.

"Dropping the ring!" Zeus yelled.

"This boy does not want to be married!" Zeus claimed, yelling some more.

Percy ran after the ring where it went under Athena's dress, he reached under the dress; Athena looked at Percy scandalously, shrieking at a bit at the intrusion, the lit candle still in his left hand, "excuse me, got it," he proclaimed proudly, holding the ring up for everyone to see it was all fixed now. What he failed to realize was that he dropped his let candle on Athena's dress, which was promptly set on fire.

"Oh! Nooooo! Somebody help me!" Lady Athena shrieked as her husband and Poseidon tried to put out the fire.

"Get out of the way boy!" Frederick shouts, stepping on the growing flames engulfing his wife.

"Let me fan it!" Lady Sally exclaimed, fanning away at the dress, but that only seemed to make it worse.

"Stop fanning it you fool!" Athena yelled.

Zeus looked on at the scene unfolding before him before slamming his bible shut, clearly irritated by what was happening.

"Don't fan it!" A new voice shouted. It belonged to Luke Castellan and he made his way over to Lady Athena, and started to stomp away at her dress. Meanwhile Percy stood there in shock, locking gazes with Annabeth who had somewhat of a smile on her face.

Soon the flames subsided, thanks to someone pouring wine on to the dress. Everyone looked at the person who had thought to take the cup of wine from the table, who was none other than Lord Kronos.

Frederick and Athena glared at Percy, who at the moment was getting more embarrassed and prayed to whatever deity was out there to please put him out of his misery.

"Enough!" Zeus shouted, standing in the center of the small crowd that had gathered around Athena, "this wedding cannot take place until he is properly prepared."

"Percy, oh dear," Sally called to her son, who was slowly backing away towards the door.

"Young man," Zeus looked at Percy straight in the eyes, "learn. Your. Vows," he said, jabbing a finger at Percy's direction who continued to back away, "unless of course you do not want to be married."

"No! I-I do want to-" Percy started to argue back, but Athena, Frederick and Lord Kronos were scrutinizing him.

Percy looked at his parents whose eyes were filled with sadness, the pointed glares he received from the Mr. and Mrs. Chase, the look of disgust from the pastor, and Annabeth and Luke looking at him with pity. Lord Kronos watched Percy with an inexplicable look. Percy searched frantically for the doorknob, and once he found it, he flung open the door and ran out of the Chase's household.

"Well," Lord Kronos started, "he's quite the catch, isn't he?"

He ran all through town and it wasn't until he crossed a brick bridge, between the town and the forest did Percy stop running. He stood in the middle of the bridge and looked down at the rushing water, disappointed in himself.

"Oh man," Percy said to himself, "everyone must think I'm such a fool, especially Annabeth...this day couldn't get worse," he muttered to himself.

"Hear ye, hear ye!" The town crier rang his bell, his voice booming throughout town, "rehearsal in ruins as Jackson boy causes chaos!" Frank stopped and looked straight ahead where Percy was on the bridge, he winced when he realized Percy most definitely heard his announcement, but he had a duty to report the news. "Fishy fiance could be canned! Chase's all fired up as Jackson's disaster ruins rehearsal!"

Percy hung his head in shame as he walked off towards the forest across the bridge. He slowed down his steps and entered the woods. All the while muttering to himself.

"God, how pathetic can I get?" Percy rambled, "it really shouldn't be all that difficult. It's just a few simple vows." Percy walked with ease considering how clumsy he could be sometimes. He cleared his throat and prepared to recite the vows he had messed up.

"With this hand," Percy lifted his right hand, "I will take your wine."

"Oh! no," he proceeded to start over, "with this hand, I will cup your..." Percy had cupped his hands and brought them towards his chest. "Oh goodness no. No, okay with this...with this...with this candle, I will-I will...I will set your mother on fire..." Percy huffed out loud.

"Oh it's no use," Percy sat down, feeling defeated.

Percy thought back to how disappointed his parents looked and how Annabeth and Luke looked at him with pity, but most of all he thought back to how Annabeth's parents and pastor Zeus had looked at him. Like as if he wasn't good enough, and he hated feeling like that, but what he hated most was knowing that he would marry without falling in love. Maybe over time he could learn to love Annabeth but he knew what it would mean to him. Not that Annabeth wasn't a special girl, she was and she deserved to have a husband who wouldn't mess up his vows, she deserved to be married with Luke, but it wasn't going to happen. So Percy could at least make it up to her by nailing his vows perfectly.

With a renewed sense of confidence, Percy walked deeper into the forest, his mind on one thing, his vows. He would get them right this time, he knew he would.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle," Percy snapped a branch from a tree and pretended to light it, "I will light your way in darkness. With this ring," Percy took out the ring from his coat pocket, "I ask you to be mine." Percy slid the ring on a branch as he finished his vows perfectly.

Percy felt a sense of accomplishment and smiled to himself, basking in his small moment, but soon he realized the wind picked up and started to howl, whipping away at his hair and coat. Crows cawed as they fell off of branches, something near him snapped several times, and Percy thought it was a branch. He looked at his surroundings and suddenly felt the forest was a bit too dangerous to be in at that time.

Percy looked up at the trees and there he saw dozens upon dozens of crows, all watching him, as if waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, his right wrist was grabbed by something and Percy gasped with shock and terror. The thing that had grabbed him, pulled Percy's arm down until it went inside the ground, reaching his right shoulder. Right then, the crows all took off flying, in different directions causing shadows to be cast all over, making his terror rise. Percy pulled his arm up from the hole in the ground and tried desperately to free himself from whatever grabbed at him but the grip was too tight.

The crows cawed, swarming around him, casting dark shadows all over the ground, the trees, his face as Percy tried with all of his might to free himself. The more Percy pulled to set himself free, the more the thing tightened its grip to pull him down, as if to make the ground swallow Percy whole. Percy grunted, trying to keep himself from panicking as he continued to struggle, finally with one mighty pull, something snapped and Percy fell backwards, his arm freed.

He looked down to see what had taken hold of his wrist and saw a skeleton arm which was still clinging to him, Percy whimpered with fright and shook off the undead hand until it's grip went slack and it flew away, letting Percy go completely.

Just then, the ground rumbled and looked like as if it was going to break, something was pushing against it to get out. As more cracks spread Percy turned his attention to the ground and watched in horror as with one last final push, something started to crawl out from the ground. A hand clawed at the snow, trying to pull itself out completely, a torn and dirty veil hiding the features.

Percy saw a figure slowly start to rise as moonlight shone through the branches and momentarily gave light to thing in front of Percy. He saw a ragged and torn white dress, like the kind a woman would wear on her wedding day.

The veil was moved away and revealed a young man, with dark brown eyes almost pitch black, translucent blue skin, and midnight black hair that curled at the ends. He moved closer to Percy who was frozen where he sat.

The young man blinked his eyes once before whispering softly, "I do."

Percy gasped in fright as the creature moved toward him, offering his hand to Percy, who gasped once more before turning around swiftly and started to run away. The hand that had taken hold of Percy at first, came alive once more and jumped in Percy's direction to try to get a hold of him again. The young man swiftly picked up his discarded left arm and re-attached it to his body before following after Percy.

Percy ran as fast as he could while trying to look behind him to see if the thing was still chasing after him, but the woods were uneven and soon Percy tripped while going down a little hill and fell over, hitting the back of his head behind a tree. Percy's vision swam momentarily, before he regained focus and looked over to the top of the small hill to see if that thing was still chasing after him.

He saw the dead boy walk towards the edge of the hill, looking for Percy, and Percy pressed his back against the tree and he watched with horror at the looming figure above him. The creature reached out to Percy as he got closer before Percy got up and ran away, running straight into another tree face first.

"Oof!" He let out a groan as he slowly recovered from the hit, grabbing at the left side of his face, still trying to get away. He ran straight onto a frozen lake and he stumbled around a bit, trying not to fall on his behind as panic slowly seized him. The dead creature carried on, trying to catch up to Percy, smiling a little at him, despite Percy being completely afraid. Percy finally made it across the lake and ran through the woods that seemed to be making it impossible for Percy to properly run straight. The branches caught onto his jacket, or pebbles would trip him up, slowing Percy down. Percy looked behind him and saw the corpse still running after him.

Percy finally saw the bridge come into view and ran straight for it, relief slowly flooding back into him. Percy thought he would make it home, and hoped that this was nothing but a nightmare.

As he got closer to the bridge, crows started to fly past him and around him, cawing from all directions. Percy ducked as some had flown right over where his head had been. After they flew up into the sky, Percy turned around and looked back into the woods, his breathing coming in heavily from all the running he had done.

Percy breathed a sigh in relief thinking he had gotten away or hoped in the very back of his mind that he imagined the whole thing. He slowly walked backwards across the bridge, keeping his eyes peeled for anything corpse-like. When he felt he was safe, Percy turned around and nearly ran straight into the corpse that had followed him out of the woods.

Percy could see a big gap on the left side of the corpse's face revealing the skeleton jaw and those huge round eyes gleamed in the moonlight. Percy jumped back in fright, before backing away slowly as crows surrounded them once more. Percy backed farther away from the corpse who was slowly moving forwards until Percy's back hit the other side of the bridge.

The creature reached out to him, the crows swirling closer around them, more joining them before the corpse's hands reached Percy's shoulders. The corpse smiled at Percy, who felt his heart start to beat fast, like as if it would explode out of his chest any minute now.

"You may kiss the bride!" The corpse whispered as the crows cawed louder and circled around them even more. The corpse leaned in closer as Percy watched in horror, before placing a kiss on Percy's lips.

Percy's world was consumed in darkness.

And so there's the first chapter in this short story I'm going to be doing for Halloween! I hope you enjoyed it! Please review! I would very much appreciate it! And thanks for reading!