Chapter 1

When minds alike meet...

He heard a slow, humming voice as he woke up. Mind still foggy, he only had one thought; all of his joints were aching like hell. He chose to stay where he was for a while, to clear his mind. And also because it was comfortable, wherever he was. After a moment, his mind wasn't so blurry anymore and he opened his eyes. Immediately he remembered everything: he was Marc Highcliff, a biologist, scientist and now worker of Weyland-Yutani. As he started to clear his mind, he also began to hear familiar voices coming around himself. Others were waking up too. His thoughts were stopped by a growl from his stomach. He was hungry like ha hadn't eaten in months, which, was actually pretty much how it was. He had been Cryo-sleeping for... 7 months? Well, he wasn't sleepy at all, so he stood up and walked to cafeteria.

"Hey people! Look! Our lil' princess has awoken! The cafeteria was already full of people. There was so much noise that he barely heard his name spoken: "Marc! Hey, take it easy, the first time's always the hardest." Marc looked towards the voice. She was European woman, about 25-30 years old. She had coffee bean colored hair and very strict face. And a pointy nose. Marc felt like he should know her. "Who are you?" He asked, but it came out more like "Hhoa aaar jjuu" Immediately woman burst into laughter. He sounded like a drunk homeless, who had had his teeth punched out. "Don't worry, you'll be able to speak soon. Your muuth is still asleep I think. Oh well. It's Hami. My name I mean." Hami... Marc thought. The name did sound so familiar, but still... Then it hit him! She was Hami, his best and maby only friend! She was an engineer, and a good one. Hami seemed to notice the realization on his face but before neither of them could say anything, a big man with a labcoat rose on top of a table an talked at a mike: "Hello dear passengers of Icarus! I'm your captain, Dexter but you may call me Dex. You are the best scientists what Earth has to offer, and so you have been asked to join Weyland-Yutani, human-kinds biggest research company what you can find. Some of you may want to know, where exactly we are, and i'm sorry to say, but I, like my crew, are prohibited to tell you that. This particular facility is a secret one, and they want to keep it like that. We will land in approximately in 3 hours, and until that, you are free to move, eat and train your muscles after that 7-month sleep. Just remember, that this place is a secret, and you are not allowed to send any media anymore. You are, anyways allowed to use our ships own network, if you really need to use internet." With this, captain jumped down from the table and walked away.

During the next few hours, Marc started to finally get over the fogginess of his brains. Then his stomach reminded him of his hunger. Food was something between soup and porridge. However it tasted good, and he ate his portion and felt like he wouldn't have to eat in the next week. After that he spend some time with Hami; She had awakened some minutes before Marc, and had almost fell over when she had tried to stand up from his cryo-chamber. Marc had met Hami in instruction for Weyland-Yutani. They befriended each other immediately. They both also knew than this was just friendship: they weren't in love. Hami had talked so much about his past, but when Marcs turn came, he didn't talk at all. She had understood and didn't pressure him to tell. But in the end, the were friends. They understood each other. They had same hobbies, same liking of food and etc. Their talk was stopped when they heard an announcement: "Icarus will land in 10 minutes." They separated and went to collect their stuff and after that met in the Docking Station E. When they landed, they just heard a distant "Thump" when landing pads fell in their positions. After about 2 minutes, doors opened and soldiers started to lead them inside the facility.

Marc was lead to his own apartment, a two-room apartment with its own toilet and kitchen. It was still kind of cramped, but it was good enough. He started to unpack his stuff: Books, scientific instruments, toothbrush... His only picture of his whole family what his brother had given to him before his brother went missing in a distant planet. His body was never found. Marc looked at the picture. His parents looked right towards him. He didn't remember his parents, but he had a picture of them. After a while he was awaken from his thoughts: there was announcement: "Marc Highcliff, report to John Copperfield immediately." Marc stood up and left his apartment.

After a little of looking, he found what he was looking for: a door, with a name on it: "John Copperfield, Leading" scientist Marc went in. John Copperfield was a tall, skinny man, with glasses. He was exactly like a stereotypical scientist. "Aah, Marc, have a seat, John said and pointed on a seat opposite of him. Marc sat. " So, Marc, you're a biologist, huh?" John asked. "Yes." "Good. We need one. There hasn't been many as long as I can remember. Because of that, we have a special job for you. But before I can tell you more, I need you to sign this" John said and handed a contrast. "Why?" Marc asked. "This project i'm offering to you is highly dangerous and needs to be kept secret. By signing this paper you are not allowed to tell anybody about what is happening there. Not even your co-workers. Only one you are allowed to talk about your work is the manager. Before you start to think if there's anything else I could offer for you I need to tell you: No, there isn't and this job pays well. Now, what is your answer?" Marc thought for a moment, but finally agreed to take the job. "Good! Now sign here, and I will take you to introduction." Marc signed in the line and after John had checked the signature he stood up and gestured Marc to follow. " Now that you have signed, I may tell you your job. Remember, it's very dangerous but also important. Have you ever heard about a thing called xenomorph?

Author's notes: Yes, I know than there's very little action here but I wanted to make a prologue so you understand this story better. Also keep in mind this is my first story. If anything came in mind, PM me. Anyways, Chapter two is incoming.